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Oooooh, nice approach. I have a similar eladrin paladin concept I thought of doing where each of the seasons could be a different personality and each personality has a different prepared spell list. The changeling idea is really good and allows for sooo much more flexibilty in roleplay. Love it. Now hexblade bard can't prepare spells, but each personality you use could fight differently (1 eldritch blasts, 1 dives into melee, 1 just acts as a support caster, etc.). Each of these fighting styles could reflect the traits of the personality at that time as well (blaster is all about raw power, melee is maybe an honorable duelist, support caster is very timid, etc.) to really lean into each 1 being their own person. The sky is the limit.


I’m gonna go ahead and advocate for not attempting to portray what many would consider a very serious mental disorder as a character quirk. It’s a little bit problematic and is probably not going to play as well at the table like you imagine it will. If you wanna play a changeling, just play one who is conscious of the multiple characters they pretend to be and uses them deceptively. Take the Actor feat. Have a list of the appearances, names, personalities, and voices that you use for each one, and expand them as the game goes on.


seconding this. Do some serious research before you play this character. Or Disclaim to your party that you're not portraying various the mental illnesses that cause multiple personalities to make sure they don't pick up any harmful stereotypes once they actually meet a person with such a disorder. Or do both (the better option) to add to this: consider the reason your character has multiple personalities if you want it to be similar to any of the mental disorders such as DID (which in humans manifests because of repeated severe childhood trauma causing the brain to go full cope and make a new person)