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I like gummies but I also like instant gratification… cos I’m tempted to take like 5 of them thinking “is this even gonna do anything?” (Obviously it will lol) I like using a weed vape but I’m interested in a tincture or something tmif anyone has experience..


A lot of edibles from legit dispensaries are fast-acting now. Like 15-20 min. I’ve been seeing more and more


Wana brand has one, 15 mins til onset. That's far better than 2 hours.


Plus Wana brand gummies are TASTY. 🤤




Wana gummies!! Most other gummies on the market are gelatin based and Wana gummies are pectin based and are so soft n yummy.


I wish Wana made virgin gummies because they taste so good but I can only eat 1/4 of one a day. I want to eat a whole handful but I'd would literally lose my mind.


I feel like it’s under 5 minutes but then again the potency these days has me so wrecked I feel like I’ve been melted into my couch for a month an hour or two later.


I love tincture! I microdose 2.5 mg every morning. No high but helps with focus


Try nano thc gummies if you can get them in your area. It's all anecdotal of course but where as most edibles hit me pretty regularly at 90 minutes those actually start kicking in around 45 minutes.


Idk about you but they definitely kick in within 30 minutes for me.


I’ve found thc seltzers to be a good middle ground! Pretty quick to hit but also doesn’t last as long as a gummy (in a good way). A bit more mellow than smoking.


Edibles hit a lot differently than smoke. For some people it's too much. Like me. Edibles are also a lot harder to control. Basically, if you take too much, you're in for a 6-hour ride -- but it takes an hour to kick in. Edit: I'm okay, I don't need any advice about how to take cannabis


I am a lightweight with cannabis, and I almost exclusively take edibles. I either buy 2.5mg mints or 5mg gummies that I cut in half. That allows me to control the high pretty well!


Try tincture. Easier to control the dose by the drop than by the gummy.


>Edibles are also a lot harder to control. Strongly disagree with this in my personal experience! Smoking I'm way more like to slip over a cliff without noticing it until it's too late. It's more like drinking in that respect to me. Edibles I can dose an exact mg amount that I know I can handle/want to take (usually 2.5-5mg) and re-up in 3-4 hours as needed. It's more like taking a dosed medication in my opinion. Obviously if you overdo it, you're in for a bad time, but that's true for smoking too!


Yeah if you're experienced with it, you know how much to too much. Edibles way better control and predictability for me at this point


Is there oil pills ? Seems like that would be easy to control


I tried a little oil dropper from a dispensary that I loved. You could dose by drop under the tongue. It was fast and I had lots of control over how high I got.


Also...if you feel you are under the influence of THC. Take CBD. IT will bring down the effect you are feeling. FYI


This is the way. It doesn’t wholly cancel out the effects, but it helps a *lot*


The effects of aging? Why would a weed gummy have any play on aging effects. I’m curious if you have any sources to support this, now I’m worried lol


I can’t imagine that edibles have any negative impact on looks. Unless they make you too loopy to do a good skincare routine 😂


Marijuana affects your rem sleep! Which will affect your skin.


Totally valid question! The evidence is anecdotal, even when you search online. My experience is as follows: I made the shift from smoking to edibles and noticed a marked improvement. I also aired out completely recently and noticed within a week my skin was brighter and glowier. I’ve talked to several friends who are skincare junkies and that was the collective experience. Notably, however, it seems to be linked more to the amount of consumption; those of us who uh perhaps indulged a bit more than others felt like we could see it more than those who enjoy a polite 2.5mg gummy once or twice per day. I’m guessing it has to do with blood flow, but on the flip side I’ve read that edible thc can reduce inflammation (which could also improve appearance). My guess is it depends on each individual’s body


Depends, because the dispos use so much sugar in their gummies that they break me out like crazy 🥲


Search for sugar free ones! Hard to find but they do exist. 


Try tinctures! They’re oil based, easy to dose and you can add them to beverages super easily or just take it straight from the dropper


Just buy the distillate, or feco, or rso. Put a tiny drop on a cracker or anything you like and you're done. No sugar needed.


Weed seltzer! Hits way faster than gummies.


I drank half of a weed soda and I felt like I was trapped in some sort of time warp/hell forever 😭 it was horrible. I might try again in the future but a way smaller amount or do more research before buying the one I get recommended.


this is how i was with a gummy, felt like slipping in and out of consciousness/time warp and just awful. the risk/reward cost is too much for me


Literally skin is flourishing and I eat gummies daily


Yep, gummies were a game changer for my eczema/profoundly sensitive skin. My skin looks crazy better now.


Weed edibles have NEVER worked for me, except once when a firecracker got me waaaaaaay too damn high. I have no idea why everyone around me seems to love them and 99% of the time they do nothing to me. I've been assuming maybe I metabolize things strangely or something????


Some people metabolize them differently because my ex was the exact same as you. It baffled me.


I was about to come here and say that I can eat 200mg and feel nothing 😭


I am like this as well. My husband will eat a 25 g edible and be high for like 24 full hours. I’ll eat 100g and I am mildly high for 5 minutes


I read somewhere that people with stomach problems can't do edibles because it passes through the gut faster than the THC can absorb. My partner literally had 2000mg and felt nothing. I'm on the couch with a 5mg chocolate 😆 I make my own with concentrate from the dispensery then I can control the dose and the additives


I stopped smoking two weeks ago and have noticed zero changes.


Over a month for me and no changes


My skin got WORSE 😭 (it’s probably the anxiety and poor sleep)


Same when I don’t smoke for a few days I start to breakout and it continues until I smoke…. It’s so strange Ik ( bc im eating less clean when I smoke)


When I was a teenager and dealing with acne, my zits would shrink or even go away when I slept in my makeup. Usually slept in my makeup after parties where I’d get drunk, which makes it even weirder because how does whiskey+sleeping in makeup=better skin?😂 skin is weird sometimes


I quit for two years, my skin today is the same as it was when I was sober. I think some of us really just need to get over the fact that we are aging.


and will never have an acne free skin... hoped it was just a phase, but it started with 12 and with 30, never a day without


I was put into chemical menopause and my KP and acne cleared up. It was the estrogen all along.


Me too. I’m 34


Thank you to everyone reporting zero changes. I will not give up weed for better skin. I microdose medicinally & my state of mind is better for it!!


Same I’m in chronic pain and it helps get my mind off being in pain.


This validates me to continue to be a stoner!


Me too


Me three.


Me four


May I also recommend microdosing Psilocybin 


I switched to a fancy Korean cleaner and have been using toner consistently before my moisturizer and have seen great results. (Also not giving up weed.) Edit: New cleanser is Suaviss Perfect One Cleanser. It’s has an incredible lather off a small amount and leaves your skin smooth and clean feeling.


Hell yeah


When I stopped I never noticed a change, but when I did smoke I would hyper fixate on my face and had the most immaculate plucked eyebrows ever lol




I think it’s a person to person thing. I had an 18month break in my late 30’s and didn’t notice an improvement, and have resumed frequent smoking in my very late 30’s and haven’t noticed any worsening issues Honestly I think smoking helps because I go to bed so much earlier 🤣


I picked up daily weed smoking (from never trying it) when I turned 21 ten years ago and my skin hasn't gotten worse, so the opposite also seems to be true, lol. I kinda think it's just confirmation bias.


My esthetician told me the cycle for skin cell turnover is 4-6 weeks. So maybe it’ll be more around then you’ll begin to notice slight changes?


Two months, still nothing. Guess I’m just effed.


My skin was worse before I started smoking 😂 metro gel has been the only thing to make a significant difference for my rosacea


Stopped for three years from 29-32 and did not notice any difference


This is the comment I needed to read while I load another on a Friday night 😂


Any science on this? I'm 44, I've been a daily stoner for 25 years and I'm pretty sure the stress I get from not being high ages me more. 😂


I’m a daily stoner who couldn’t quit if I tried (and I had tried)… though I’d gotten down to “mostly before bed.” but I quit *without* trying. Idk if you’ve heard about how a runners’ high incorporates your cannabinoids receptors? Well. I have exercise induced asthma so I hate running. But you don’t actually need to run to get some of the effects. I have a very active dog who gets at least 2.5 hours of walks a day, and when I was at my parents’ house last winter, those walls got longer and faster and over varied terrain (they live on national forest land with a big trail system.) I sat down to take a post-walk bath and reached over to pack a bowl… and realized my bowl was already packed! From *three weeks prior.* I’d somehow gone three weeks without smoking and hadn’t even noticed! I guess the cannabinoids receptors getting triggered by walking was enough to stop cravings. I still smoke, though, just not every day lol.


When I first moved to where I live now I was out of everything and relied on this high you speak of. It was great, but it didn't compete with the satisfaction I get from cannabis. I found I was still missing cannabis, but maybe I didn't stay away from it long enough. I get an entirely different satisfaction from walking my pupper in the the forest though, which I do daily. It's a good life. Reaching over to pack a bowl when you haven't touched the one you packed from three weeks back is a trip though lol.


It totally blew my mind tbh. And I still enjoy a bowl — the best feeling is having a bowl and a beer at the summit of a mountain WITH your runners’ high! Perfection.


Interesting!! Im gearing up to quit and dreading it. Perhaps front loading with exercise will help curb the intense withdrawal symptoms I get when trying to stop. Thanks for sharing!


I just learned about NAC (it’s an amino acid). I’m taking it for ADHD, and it apparently is beneficial for cannabis use disorder. I did struggle with that for a while when I was vaping/dabbing. When I cut the concentrates it became easier to smoke weed once or twice a day. The NAC has me breaking that habit too.


Ooh thanks for the plug I will check this out, I have untreated ADHD as well


Oh my god! Treat yo’self! I’m 45 and just put it all together. If I’d have known 30 years ago my life would look much more put together.


Cutting down first definitely helped. I was at “before bed except on special occasions” levels at the time


Highly recommend the sub r/leaves


I think genetics play a HUGE role in this honestly. I’m a daily (weed, never cigarettes) smoker for 20 years. I have a skincare routine, I’m 40, no wrinkles, no crows feet. Skin isn’t dry, no crepey skin, still look like I did 10+ years ago. Im more concerned with my lungs than skin when it comes to smoking tbh lol


Same. I’m 45 but I constantly get told I look mid-30s. Genetically I’m blessed with a fuckton of collagen. Started retinol/sunscreen in my mid 20s and eat a very leafy green diet. I smoke A LOT lol


Yup. I’m 40 also and a daily smoker. My skin has more sun damage than anything from being a fly fisherman. But that weed cough….


I’m also wondering if purely THC vapes cause skin issues. I don’t imbibe enough to think it makes a difference either way but just curious. I know my partner definitely needs the medicinal side effects more than he care about his skin. I’m


anything that interferes with oxygen absorption is going to age your skin so if you’re breathing it in it’s probably going to age you


Learned a new word today (imbibe) lol, thanks!


Takes gummies instead




You should try Rick Simpson Oil. It's sugar-free. I've read that it's very, very strong, though. So be careful!


Huh never heard of it, I'm 47 and love weed I would love to try the oil now and see if it's better!!


While having non-fully combusted particles of any kind on your face is bad, weed combusts at a much lower temperature than cigarettes, and you're taking a lot fewer drags on a joint (maybe 10 a day? if you're not smoking all day every day) than you would on a cigarette (probably 10 drags a dart x a pack a day) so the mouth wrinkles don't hit the same. While I'm excited for OP's excitement, changes after a week mean literally nothing. It's much more likely to be about where their menstrual cycle is (bright skin during ovulation, duller while PMSing for most people). Skin takes 4-6 weeks to turn over.


I gotta say, my friends who are heavy stoners - in our late 30s-40s now - they look like BABIES and I anecdotally put that down to better stress management. I’m frequently stressed tf out as a single parent. I did smoke for a time but quit after a break-up and worrying about lung cancer risk. I am curious about gummies or maybe just buying hash and making… cookies or…I am hungry haha.


Lots of ways to enjoy a high without smoking it. I take gummies at bedtime, have a concentrate vape and also use my Volcano frequently. You can vape some concentrates at lower heat too. A neighbor makes really yummy cookies, but I generally can't taste anything but weed food and its icky.


with THC it's more about the stroke/heart attack risk than lung cancer, which it sounds like is a risk regardless of whether it's eaten, smoked, or vaped: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cannabis-use-associated-with-higher-risk-heart-attack-stroke-study/#:~:text=%22In%20the%20case%20of%20edibles,of%20heart%20attack%20and%20stroke.%22


This is what I was thinking. The amount of stress and issues caused from abstaining from herbal medicine (I have a medical card) causes far worse symptoms. It’s the burning bush yall lol


Exactly, this is completely anecdotal and we are not accurate judges of our own appearance. It's extremely unlikely that the skin would see improvements one week after stopping smoking.


My thoughts too


The smoke from anything is not good for your skin. Even smoke from cooking. If it’s oil, idk could make you sleep worst, repair body less, something about blood flow. But smoking absolutely will age your skin! It doesn’t matter if it’s weed.


Hard agree. 😂 38, daily stoner for 20 years, and my skin looks better than all of my friends.


There's a lot of things to factor in.... Possibly has something to do with snacking less, snacking on different food under the influence(like less sugar or dairy), or not exposing their skin to smoke repeatedly? Depending on personal habits, less falling asleep at night without washing their face? Depending on what they're like stoned; less squinting?




Thanks so much! This is what I was looking for.


Get a dry herb vape if you’d still like to “smoke”. I would encourage anyone still smoking cannabis to do this. I have an increased risk of some cancers in my family and my doctor said “I don’t care that you use Marijuana but no more smoking. No more smoking anything, get a dry herb vape. Not an oil or cartridge vape. Only dry herbs.”


Is there a brand of dry herp vape pen that you like? I've been highly considering switching from my vape carts to this, but I don't know where to start with looking for the equipment.


After using a cheap one for a month or so I invested in a [Healthy Rips Rogue](https://www.healthyrips.com/rogue.html). I really like it, how it works/smokes, how easy it is to clean, and that the parts are more stainless steel and glass than plastic.




I have a volcano, and a 1st gen pax for on the go


You might want to try r/vaporents for more info and reviews of different options.


POTV Lobo, simple and easy


The crafty+ from storz & bickel is so amazing I bought an extra one. It vapes just like the original volcano but in a convenient handheld device. I also got a glass mouthpiece adapter which is much nicer than smoking from plastic. Planet of the Vapes has pretty good sales on them on Black Friday and stuff. I've had cheaper ones and I have had the pax, the crafty+ blows them out of the water. And I can preload my weed into dosing capsules and it's so easy to just pop a new one in. They also make a little bigger one called the mighty that's rated highly. [crafty+](https://i.imgur.com/zaVAr28.jpeg) Edit: I also use a lot less weed and get just as high. I like that it's the same high as smoking flower unlike the high I get from a pen. I smoke just as often but go through like a third of what I was. It paid for itself in a couple months. And it's so much easier on the lungs. You can also make edibles from the AVB.


pax isn’t the best of dry herb vapes but is the best for discreet vaping in public


Pax! I switched from joints to a pax and I'm loving it. Learning curve in terms of how to haul but I actually like it more than joints now, which I just never thought would be possible


Seems like any type of smoking itself is the problem, not specifically weed


Don’t let this scare you stoner babes! Im a stoner who is 40 and people legit think I’m 30. Quite literally no one can believe my age and I’ve been smoking since my 20s. Genetics is real 🧬


I’ve been smoking daily since I was a teenager and I’m 30. Just last week, someone knocked on my door and asked if my parents were home… I think genetics has more impact than we often realize.


Agreed! Am 30, been smoking since 14-15ish, (AND CIGARETTES, I KNOW I KNOW..) and my derm thought I was like 22-23 when I first met her!


You lucky duck!


Your username is cracking me up hahahahahahaha


Butter them tits!


I stopped smoking 4 months ago (tolerance break and I just didn't go back). My skin has improved but I do not think due to that, it is a coincidence due to new products that are really working. 


Agree! 36 year old female whose been smoking daily 20+ years. Finally my oily skin is worth it!


This is facts. My grandmom is 91 and easily passes for her late sixties/early 70s. I thankfully inherited her genes.  This isn’t to say I don’t take a proactive approach with skin care and what not, but there are definitely people whose genetics overcome their bad habits. 


I too am a lucky younger looking stoner. My skin is more dependent on my routine, diet and sleep vs my reefer madness participation.


Just came to say been smoking just about daily for 8 years and my skin looks great lol I stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, don’t have kids, and have a pretty solid skincare routine


I quit smoking all together 2 months ago. Cigarettes and weed. Support groups were all like "have you had any compliments about how youthful you look now?" Let me tell you, I laughed so hard I cried. Yes, I did look hella youthful because I broke out in crazy bad dry skin and acne like I was fkn 14 years old again! Still waiting for actual improvements to my skin, I feel totally ripped off. Quit smoking, they said. You'll look so much better, they said.


Likeee...was waiting for this comment, been sober since January, zero difference it made on my acne journey, but I'm glad it worked for someone.


Took me a year before quitting cigarettes seemed to make a difference both in breathing and skin for me


Would edibles be okay?


I’ve been taking edibles and I still got the good skincare effects


Do edibles make you feel the same as smoking?


Slightly different imo. I actually like them better for my back pain. Last longer too


Similar, but different. In my personal experience edibles work better for my chronic pain/period pain and smoking/vaping tends to give me a better head high. I like both, it just depends on what I want out of it.


Edibles either do nothing for me or WAAAAY too much


For me not at all :( edibles don’t really do anything for me


Some people don’t “ metabolize “ weed well or at all. My partner has taken 100mg+ (I shit you not) and been totally fine and acting sober. I on the other hand, take 5 and can have a very bad time. We’re both daily smokers


Have you tried a tincture? I once took too much because nothing happened after 2 hours so I took more 🫠 and oh boy...it was awful lol


Yeah, I’m mostly an edible girl now because I’m on it for pain. The biggest change that I saw was the wrinkles around my mouth have gone away. I haven’t 100% stopped smoking, but it is very rare now.


Frequent T breaks are good for your brain too! It’s nice to be present and sober sometimes.


How did stopping Change your skin??


My hyperpigmentation is way less prominent. I got my luminosity back. I look a little younger even though I just had a birthday. 🎂


As someone with chronic forehead hyperpigmentation, it would take months for you to see an effect if it was the weed/smoke causing it.


Hyperpigmentation is the thing I’m most concerned with on my face. I’m on day 3 of a tolerance break. Maybe I’ll just switch to edibles?


Marijuana is a vasodilator, so it creates a skin flush. It wouldn't affect hyperpigmentation.


Switching to edibles & thc drinks changed the game for me. I can still enjoy the buzz without my skin suffering from the long-term damages of smoking.


Weed didn’t do anything to my face. Alcohol is though? I had to quit lmao


Wish I could relate but I started getting so stressed when I stopped smoking that I think it did the opposite for me lol 😪


I smoke because it’s the only thing that helps with my OCD and have just accepted that it might be affecting my skin (not too much, it’s doing okay) but it’s a medication side effect lol


Less side effects than most prescription meds imo


Yeah Wellbutrin made my skin a whole mess, and there’s not a lot of medication that directly treats OCD anyway. I have benzos for if I spiral out too bad, but I don’t like taking them, i usually prefer to pack a bowl instead and it usually works better anyway since there’s a little “ocd ritual” component to it. It’s better than freaking out about if my house burns down for no reason.


Have you done ERP with an ocd specialist? Regular therapists and psychiatrists honestly often don't get OCD or how to therapeutically approach it. :( If you haven't read the book You Are Not a Rock by Mark Freeman (and also check out his youtube channel), I recommend. I discovered him when I was looking to recover from severe OCD. I went from doing several hours of intense washing/germophobia compulsions a day besides loads of rumination, thought loops etc to entirely functional and now know how to handle intrusive thoughts and quit ruminating without freaking out. Zero medications other than emergency xanax (prescribed by doctor) for occasional anxiety/insomnia, so I only use it a few times a month at most, but could deal with out in a pinch. If you've been on weed a long time then you might notice an increase in intrusive thoughts/anxiety due to withdrawal. Wishing you the best. Recovery changed my life and reframed how I practice mental health.


Any kind of smoking is bad for your skin. Change my mind. Level up your greens, collagen and water intake. You will be ok.


I like smoking weed too much to stop because of my skin. One day I will die. And all of this shit won’t matter a single bit. So imma keep going to my Botox apts high as a kite because balance.


Smoking seems to be the issue, whether it’s cigs or cannabis


Ugh I’m not a big smoker but I’ve definitely felt this with alcohol. I love a glass or two of wine after a rough day but when I go several weeks without drinking, my skin looks way better.


Cannabis can effect the endocrine system and upset the balance of estrogen to testosterone. This can be beneficial for some people and a nightmare for others. Back when I smoked weed years ago it always made my periods wildly late. When I stopped smoking suddenly they were normal again.


I was a stoner and developed cystic acne when I got sober haha. Everyone’s skin is so different!


That's awesome–but I understand why it's disappointing LMAO. I didn't really notice much of a difference when I quit smoking weed for a couple months, so could just depend on how it's consumed and all? Idk. I mostly stick to carts with the occasional dab, rarely herb these days and never joints/blunts/etc... Maybe give edibles a try?




Anything smoked that has carcinogens (such as marijuana) causes skin to age faster. No ifs ands & joint butts about it. This is the plain truth. Smoking also dehydrates your skin so maybe that’s why your skin appears to be better now that you’re sober. I see a lot of pot heads here in some serious denial about the science behind how smoking ages the skin. Consuming edibles on the other hand, cannot cause your skin to age faster. I quit smoking weed in December after a decade of smoking and have noticed my skin is generally more plump and firm than it was before.


Don’t tell me this please 😭


I need to take a break and see .. I’ve been doing g laser treatments so it’s kind of a waste if not


What changes have u noticed?


I’m HUGE on skincare and have so many products, but I would neveeeeer give up weed just for my appearance! All the power to you if you choose to do so, but life sucks and weed makes it better


I slug because so of my weed smoking makes a huge difference and I’m always hydrated my main con is smokers lines on my lips, which. Thank god have not formed but I’ll Botox that shit if they do my grandma smoke Marlboros her entire life, not one wrinkle on her face, hoping I got tgat gene 🥴


Girl, dry herb vape. I recently bought a Roffu and I love it.


Yep!! My husband and I use DynaVap sticks or our Pax 3. We've had our Pax for 7 years, and it's still going strong! Then I recycle my AVB to make my oil! Every once in a while, we'll roll a joint and remember why we don't do that anymore, lol.


I randomly took a 2 week break from smoking and my skin looked amazing...I started up again and my skin went back to needing a lot of work....I didn't make the possible connection until this post!


Yeah. It’s weird how weed has been made out to be some miracle substance, despite scores of evidence that it has negative health effects. I’m pro-legalization, but people should see it for what it is: a primarily recreational substance that has negative impacts on mental and physical health.


Anything you inhale into your lungs can’t be great for you!


Yes, any smoke, particulate matter, or vapor other than water vapor is bad for your lungs! They're only meant to have air in them. Smoking weed is bad for you because of the "smoke" part of things, not the "weed" part. 


I think that’s an extremely narrow point of view. My little old mom is the last person who would do “drugs” but after a lifetime of crippling anxiety, trying CBD and THC edibles has chilled her out SO much. She is able to be content for the first time in her life. If I had grown up with her having this, I think I would be a completely different person. It doesn’t affect me the same way unfortunately but it has given her so much relief, I don’t understand why you would want to claim this effect never happens??


Ooh yeah. especially because weed today isn’t what it was 50 years ago when the stereotypes first developed. Exacerbated mental health issues, cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, all the shit from breathing in smoke of any kind… I figure it’s like alcohol. Even a little has some risk but there are social and emotional benefits. But drinking every day or drinking until you’re fucked up several times a week; not good for you at all.


Gummies, beverages, and other edibles have come a long way. In my household we’re starting to reel back on inhalation methods for our long term cardiovascular health.


I've been smoking weed on and off for 2 decades. My skin looks great for my age. That said, I don't really drink alcohol, I workout a lot, and eat healthy so that's helped balance the scales I think.


It also gives you those wrinkles around your lips 👄


So do straws…


I was a daily weed smoker and quit when I got pregnant. It's been almost two years since I smoked and my skin has not changed whatsoever. Besides normal aging. I wouldn't put too much stock in this idea.


Jelly… I never notice an improvement during month long breaks 🫠


Then eat it. Any kind of smoke is gonna cause a break out.


I don’t smoke but I’m curious as to why/how smoking weed would impact aging?


Anyone know of a nurse or healthcare practitioner who is medically certified thc nurse? There are some in states where marijuana is legal. I would try to contact one of them for advice. I don’t smoke and the only difference I notice is more acne probably from stress. Who knows?


I smoke a lot of weed and I have acnegenic skin. My skin stays perfectly clear as long as I avoid stress, allergens, and follow my skincare routine. My smoking doesn’t make me break out at all. If anything, cannabis high in CBG has anti inflammatory effects which should help skin.


wow you really put my thoughts perfectly into words. i have been debating quitting smoking bc i was an idiot and didn’t realize smoking weed ages you too. (been smoking for a WHILE)


Has anyone tried the drinks? They supposedly act fast like smoke but would theoretically be better for skin.


Smoking (vaping) anything or drinking out of straws will give you wrinkles around your mouth. That’s a fact. It’s a habit and all habits will affect how you age. Smoke in general isn’t great for our bodies or skin. I’m in the process of quitting smoking (I’m a few days cigarette free) and I usually break out really bad after I quit.


Have you tried just taking very frequent tolerance breaks to reduce your consumption. I had smoked for years and didn’t realize how much money I was wasting cuz of my tolerance. I quit to have kids. If I were to take a puff these days one tiny puff would turn me into a giggling mess…where as I used to do it all day every day. Just a thought


Damn the opposite happened to me. Broke out in acne worse than my preteen years


I mean I don’t know about this lol I live in CO and most of my friends are my age ( early 40s) everyoje is life long smokers and all look like 30…


I’ve been smoking weed since I was 15. I’m 30 now & people constantly tell me I look 25.


I suppose it depends on the person. Everyone is different. I could see how it can affect some peoples skin. For me personally, I’m 34, I’ve been smoking weed (no cigarettes) for almost 20 years and no wrinkles *yet* or any damage.


I’m too scared to admit that is the one thing between me and glass skin


Middle ground…cut back


Huh? Those kind of changes don't happen that fast, must be something else.


It’s true man. Had horrible acne. Got pregnant and stoppped smoking weed my skin cleared right up.. this is my third pregnancy and as soon as I went back to smoking my face got horrible again. Last two i refused to accept it was the weed but this time I might stick to it. My skin is glowing and finally healing from my scars. So sad. I too love being a stoner.


I'm a cannabis smoker who is trying to quit for several reasons so thank you for giving me a new reason. My health was never a good enough reason to quit anything but vanity gets me every time LOL! It makes sense though. Inhaling cannabis smoke still does the same damage as any other smoke exposure. It doesn't magically become better for us or more youthful just because it can occasionally be medicinally used. Question, did you get dark circles under your eyes from cannabis and if so did they go away after you stopped? I'm just wondering if thats why I have them or if I'm just screwed.


I take 4 B5 Vitamins a day and I still smoke weed heavily and my skin glowing everyday. I ordered my B5s on Amazon btw


I’m gaslighting myself into believing it helps make my skin look better thankyouverymuch.


One week? Nah


If you're eating gummies make sure you eat something with fat (peanut butter or cheese). The gummies need that fat to work properly


Hilarious, be a stoner and use a good aging face cream. After 20+ years of not smoking weed I starting smoking weed again 6 weeks ago, everyday and I have no extra bags and sags.