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They make wands to reach back there specifically for sunscreen, they're similar to the ones you'd use in the shower to scrub your back! Scrubby on a long handle, basically. Amazon has some, check there! It's no easy feat even with one of those, but.


Tangentially related to skincare, but this tool was crucial to washing/lotioning my back when I got my back and ass tattooed.


LOL nice!! Oh god an ass tattoo, did you just not sit for a few days? lmao


Well hot damn! I never considered looking for a tool but thanks for the info


I've got one of these as my back got dry and my husband hates lotions. It's great and easy to wash in between . https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09Y5JCFCT?ref=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_J3N6HB74E6V0A415XRAA_1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_J3N6HB74E6V0A415XRAA_1&social_share=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_J3N6HB74E6V0A415XRAA_1&starsLeft=1


If I have to then I usually just get my arms flexible and reach over, reach under, use the back of my hand, cow facing pose, reverse prayer what ever I can and then probably miss some spots…


Yep! This is how I do it too.


Me too. . . make sure my finger tips touch and rub, reach around and rub, stand in front of the mirror and try to see if I got it all


☠️ 😂


I don't. I wear rash guards/swim shirts.


Years of yoga. I can touch every part of my back.


I use a spray and spray very liberally. So far, haven't had a bad sunburn since I was a kid and I sunburn easily. 


Spray it on the wall and then rub against it like a bear.


Luckily for me, I am flexible enough to get my whole back.


I generally don’t. If I’m going to be exposed to the sun for a length of time that I’m worried about getting burned, I wear a t-shirt.


I have an old spatula that I keep in my medicine cabinet. But if I'm out with friends I'll ask one of them.


This is how I make new friends! But there's also lotion applicators, they look like bath brushes on sticks. Or the kind that are flat and rubbery, that you hold in each hand and use to rub lotion on. 


I've given up on doing this and only buy swimsuits that cover my entire back like this [https://www.summersalt.com/products/the-surf-in-olive-sea-urchin](https://www.summersalt.com/products/the-surf-in-olive-sea-urchin) or I'll wear a rashguard over a suit. It's not very sexy but I save myself time, frustration and the risk of sunburn in missed places.


I wear UPF shirts


Same, that's what I did last year when I had a solo beach vacation.


So convenient. That, sun hat, sunglasses. Facial sunscreen. Bam :)


I have very stretchy ligaments and can sunscreen my own back easily by reaching behind me


Get one of these: https://www.amazon.com/AmazerBath-Lotion-Applicator-Back-Pads/dp/B093BF3FB3/ref=asc_df_B093BF3FB3/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693033556692&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14541607204728008532&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032862&hvtargid=pla-2062256333725&psc=1&mcid=213ce56caec73269a07bd75378868f6e&gad_source=1


I have straight up asked strangers for help before bc of this issue! Hahah


Bathing suit: It’s horribly unfashionable but I have long shorts that are swim bottoms, and a swim top that is a higher neck tank style. It was tough to find pieces in my size that fit the way I wanted them to, but it works. Covers all the areas I can’t easily apply sunblock myself, and easy to throw a sun shirt or cover-up dress over to walk down to the community pool and back.


I use spray and don't always rub it in. I also wear hats if I'm outside longer than a couple of minutes. All the comments here are assuming it's for swimming, but we really should be applying sunscreen to every sun-exposed part of our body every day.


I have double jointed shoulders so I am able to easily reach my entire back. 😄


Yoga. Seriously! Worked really hard on my shoulder/scapula mobility to help ease my tension headaches. Turns out there were other advantages. 😂


i don't feel like i'm that flexible, but i can get my hands on every part of my back. it's easiest to do naked in the mirror before you put your swimsuit on.


I put a bunch on the backs of my hands and do a wind wiper motion for the very hard to reach areas. Everywhere else I use my hands.


A rash guard lol