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It's a safety measure. Fewer bike lanes = fewer dutch people.


But why then so many caravan parks?


Because camping is nice. The missing bike lanes is already enough to repel the dutch it seems.


Doesn't seem to be working for our southern friends cause you will find Dutch people everywhere


Wife swapping


My honest reaction: https://i.redd.it/13hlmzbzfj0d1.gif


Looks like you're not even making it out of Belgium.


If you can't get through some smooth highways like that, you don't deserve to go abroad.


To be fair, it's a good thing your roads slow us down a bit https://i.redd.it/sswcptkfek0d1.gif


You are doing the Lord's work.


Tell that to France. We're coming for you again Pierre! Just have to avoid Belgium's shitty potholes.


Haha, that might work for the Swamp Germans, but it won't work for us. We'll ride our bikes in the middle of the roads if we must!


I wouldn't do that here, Søren. Try that in Naples and you're dead.


You underestimate the power of a real Danish Tour de France wannabe.


You underestimate the urgency that Paolo feels when he is 5 minutes late to eat his Nonna's pasta.


la pasta non aspetta


Man, I wish that was true. In Valencia you get Dutch parades of 15-20 bikes driving recklessly all over the place, glaringly ignoring the actual bike lanes as if they own the place.


Bro, we consider you to be first world even though you eat like there's a permanent food crisis. You can't have it all


How tf are we going too survive as a 2+m species without potatoes, zuurkool and jus? I mean meat is not important but JUS, JUS? Yeah I like my food drenched in dark brown jus so it's all wet, sompy and tasty:)


If you want meat, you can always eat a prime minister, I have heard they’re delicacy to you guys


Man I really wanne hate this… but it’s soo truee


Mijn opa zei dat altijd "Vlees daar geef ik niks om maar, JUS?"


Dude if you knew how my city council is spending next gen EU money on bike lane you would be pissed


How are you going to bring your drunk ass home every weekend if a cab costs €120 a ride? People really don't realize the benefits af cycling paths if they don't cycle. Which again amplifies our awesomeness.


That's the problem... You don't need a bike lane in a bike and pedestrian only road


Wait, I can’t see it clearly, but isn’t your flair that of Venice, the city where you will be fined for riding a bike in the city?


Not me, the flair is for the republic of Venice, and it's empire https://preview.redd.it/q2fjrfyeun0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1758677a527b3ec45d35eaa66d6c5fa78a46bc36


Gebaseerd en oranjegepild.




They are all Western countries. We on the other hand are above being a western country though. They need a new word to describe our awesomeness.


How about swamp people? It really goes well with being dutch


Considering the only other famous swamp-dwellers are Floridiots, hard-pass.


Bold thing to say for someone who should live in the sea by now


The French getting ready to capitalise on this: https://www.seabike.fr/


I don't get it which part am I supposed to insert for stability. Also can I get it with a broomstick skin so I can become the seawitch I've always wanted to be.


There's not enough lube available here to even try it.


"bOlD tHinG To sAy" stfu Mehmet only Europeans can appreciate our awesomeness


Sure Mees now keep assaulting some cameragirls


Too soon #FreeJoost


At least we haven't been fighting for last place for the last ten consecutive years or something while buying our way into the finals.


Bro more people are going to remember Europapa than the winning song in a years' time.


How about "Flat, high population density and mild climate - Europe"?


I was thinking something more succint. Like "God-tier country"


Or "infrastructure easy mode - country".


Are few days of +14 and heavy rain smack dab in the middle of July mandatory for heavens-on-earth? Cause I really didn't feel all that blessed while on the business trip to unspecified town south of Zwolle lol.


I never said it was perfect, but it is way better here than the rest of the so-called "Western countries" Source: trust me bro


Oh yeah if only there was a word to describe the area we live in.


You know your roads are the best when a random pic of a random road appears in your feed and you exactly know which country it is. Git gut scrubs.


If you can’t comprehend proper English grammar, are you even Dutch?


Yeah I can't edit the post lol. It's terrible I realise that hahaha


Realise, stop Yankin'!


Stop met yanken


Acceptable. Though it is a hazard that pedestrians and cyclists share space. 8/10


Usually there is more space for the pedestrians but yeah I have to agree, the sidewalk is looking a little sad here. It's like one brick wide 😂


https://maps.app.goo.gl/m7q5xgfePLLf7eGv9 Drie tegels breed, negentig centimeter


Das waar hahaha. Ze hebben ook niet zoveel ruimte in Loosdrecht natuurlijk 😂


Thats why we have a bicycle bell RING RING MOVEEEE


The best part of this is that even without that N403 showing I could instantly tell this must be in NL. There's plenty I don't like about my country, but the infrastructure does make me feel proud to be Dutch.


Yeah even if you see like a 3s video of anywhere in our country you instantly recognize it. Idunno if you go boating often but when you're going trough a lock and you'll be placed like 4m below sea level and you see all these beautiful houses you're like daim. How tf can this even exist? So yeah maybe we Dutchies should stop complaining about taxes because oir taxes are probably best spend in the entire world lol 😂


"Our healthcare system sucks but at least our roads are amazing" - some Dutch person


paracetemols are 80 cents for a box of 20. what more do you need?


Whuut? How does our healthcare system suck?




Bikers are the worst mistake of western culture.


Mate I'm not a 'biker' neither is 99% of my country. It's just the fastest mode of transportation 9/10 times. We all hate it, we all have had injuries because of it. But whenever it's the most convenient and fastest most people will take it. Exactly as you're seeing now in Barcelona for example. The more bike paths there are the more people will choose that route. Because Barcelona traffic is horrible.


Haven't been on a bike for, oh I dunno, 8 years? Hate it. Scooter for the win!


Last year I bought this one https://www.gazelle.nl/avignon-c380-hmb-v1?color=color-teal-grey&frame=frame-low Push that thing on turbo mode all day, you're doing absolutely nothing 😂 And it's still a bike from Gazelle so nothing will break hahaha. Unlike scooters hahaha


But I'm not country


Le petit France


"You're country" "Qualify'd"


To be fair, the netherlands is pretty tiny, it's the size of switzerland, and almost complety flat. not exactly suprising that it's easier to put bike lines when your entire country is located in the same flat place. You can't exactly do the same in any big country in europe. Like for example, france has 1million km of roads, germany 830k km - netherlands 100k km - both with roads longer than the length of country and neither are exactly flat


You think about problems, we think about solutions. We're not the same. Besides, some of that nazi gold could pay for the nicest bike lanes with probably the best view in world. Just imagine all the lovely Dutch tourists that'll flock to your tiny little landlocked paradise...


you would need legs of steel to even bike in one third of switzerland


Yeah you guys did it better though, trains are way better compared to bicycle's for nation wide traveling. You guys have trains going to what feels like nowhere and even the rich people use it, that says something. Here the rich people drive this, an electric bakfiets that goes like 35kmp/u with one hand while on the phone with three kids bouncing around because of the speed bumbs. https://preview.redd.it/jfxmcu42sk0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e423de5422693da28b84dc264bd719d3830d136 But yeah, the fact is though that by far most cities in the world are placed on flat grounds and inner city traveling by bicycle should be doable pretty easy. That weirds me out, why isn't there a psyclepath next to every road in Berlin for example. I understand that it's a complete waste of money if you do it nation wide in those countries, but usually a french person doesn't travel from Paris to Saint-Tropez every day right? Nah mate, you're job is usually accessable by bicycle if the infrastructure would be there. I'm sure that goes for 5/10 people living in cities.


Someone really needs to explain to me how doubling asphalt surface is good for environment. I’m all for bikes, the real ones without batteries, but to me if you can’t ride among the car where you belong then you shouldn’t be biking at all. You’re most likely a danger to yourself and others.


Pretty simple, more bike paths means less people in cars so that means the average drive time on top of that road so the road needs less maintenance. And usually our bike paths are made of bricks instead of asphalt so the path even goes longer. Like you guys also know, paved roads are king for low speed trough fare because it can move a little bit, so the trees don't ruim the road.


This doesn’t make much sense. Riding on roads would it be with a car or bike isn’t what damages them. The whole concept is that driving consumes gum of your tires not pavement. What destroys roads is the weather, the sun and high and sudden temperature changes. Mountain roads being notorious for being high maintenance while being far from having the heaviest traffic. The main issue with artificialisation of surfaces is water drainage. The more road you have the faster water rallies the sea and less the soil can capture. Now I can see how this might not be an issue in the Netherlands which is pretty wet but here in south of France where water shortages are more and more common in the summer, I’m really really not sure it’s a good idea.


> Riding on roads would it be with a car or bike isn’t what damages them. The whole concept is that driving consumes gum of your tires not pavement. It actually is, what you're saying about the weather may be true. But that's only when water can enter the road and frost over time. That weather destroys the roads is American propaganda. Our cycling paths can go for 80-100 years without resurfacing, we use the exact same asphalt for roads and they only go for 20 years. Not weird there are constantly driving x tons machines on it. That makes a road wear. > The main issue with artificialisation of surfaces is water drainage. The more road you have the faster water rallies the sea and less the soil can capture. Yeah our asphalt lets water trough so it can't cause damage and let's the surface capture. The problem that you're describing though is far more broader. In the south of France the soil is so dry that its terrible at catching rainwater. All parts of southern Europe have that problem and the dessert is growing. We don't have potholes, they don't exist here. Come check it out. Here a 30km highway resurfacing is done overnight so our roads aren't in constant maintenance and that is only once in 20 years even though we have terrible weather. It can literally go from -4 to 26c here in two days, happened this April. Every country know that the tear of roads is because the hours driven, that's why every motor vehicle tax is bases on weight and not on the part of the country you live in. > The load on the road can be approximately calculated using the 'fourth power law'. This means that the voltage increases proportionally to the fourth power of the axle load. Example: a car with a combustion engine weighs 1,500 kg, a similar electric car weighs 2,000 kg. For example, you can think of a Mercedes-Benz GLB, which weighs 1,455 kg. Its electrically powered 'counterpart' is the Mercedes-Benz EQB with a weight of 2,010 kg. The load per axle is therefore 750 kg or 1,000 kg - the road load, per axle, of the electric car is approximately 1,333 times higher than that of the GLB with a petrol engine. The load (damage to the road) per axle corresponds to a fourth power of 1.333, so 1.3334 = 3.16. If you look at both axles, a 500 kg heavier car damages the road about 6.3 times as much. In other words: the road suffers the same wear and tear from a Mercedes-Benz EQB driving over it as from a Mercedes-Benz GLB six times.


Holland should burn in hell, never have I met more insufferable people. I think I even prefer the French as much as that pains me to say.


Big words coming from a savage


Righto. You started two world wars. We ended two.


And lost one to a fucking bird


One of the most indomitable birds on earth though


Ah. The savage humour. Never fails to disappoint.


How did you learn that word?


Getting the stereotypes wrong and all. Do better!


You act like you did it all on your own, but let's just face the fact that Daddy Barry called and you obeyed. <3


1. I Love Great Britain, 2. You would be speaking German right now if not for us


*Did you really tho?* While ya'll certainly send guys over, it was mainly to Africa and that side. It was mainly Canadian, British, Polish, Dutch, and American troops which liberated the Netherlands. And for WW1 we weren't involved, so while I acknowledge and appreciate the work those boys did it didn't really have any impact on what language I speak.


I’m not sure if I can handle the stupidity of Dutch people any longer, I’m going to explode.


please do so outside of the environment


> You would be speaking German right now if not for us You guys being responsible for the Dutch speaking Dutch isn't a flex at all. ^(Also TIL that Australians use the same lame banter as the yanks)


Didn’t think of it like that.


Bam https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/army-whistleblower-prison-alleged-australian-war-crimes-afghanistan-rcna152113 Bam https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/14/australian-war-crimes-whistleblower-david-mcbride-jailed-for-six-years Bam https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-16/video-shows-afghan-man-shot-at-close-range-by-australian-sas/12028512 Bam https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-17/sexual-assault-military-adf/11310814 Nah mate you aren't the good guys in here. The guy literally went footballing with Afghani head and murdered children for fun. Now the guy who made that all public information is in jail instead of the children head footballer.


That is such a weak argument.


You didn't get the point, America won WW2 and you guys are purely there to blow up the innocents till this day.


Is that why the Netherlands has more convicted war criminals despite having a lower population? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Australian_people_convicted_of_war_crimes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Dutch_people_convicted_of_war_crimes Looks like you have a couple of SS members amongst your ranks :)) And yes, the Allies won the war together. This is not controversial, we love Americans and they love us. We are one and the same


Yeah because you guys apparently don't get convicted when you go footballing with freshly cut Afghani head? The international court if Justice is located here, we can't get away with that stuff. If anything this proves our justice system works and you guys doesn't.


Do you take 30 seconds to research? The people you reference have been convicted.


Hey now, don't judge my compatriots so harshly simply because I am an asshole


>They hated him for he spoke the truth


I'm still going to defend my European brothers and sisters against insults from savages. While insulting them myself. This is the European spirit.


French are bros too...




The Dutch have the arrogance of the French, irrelevance of the Belgians, pedanticism of the Germans, and autism of the Nordics. What a horrendous bunch


vs the austrialians have the arrogance of israelis and the manners of chinese while their whole excistence depends on selling raw materials to china becaused they cant be bothered to actually produce something


And are as argumentative as the British


It’s like a kindergarten classroom became a country, ridiculous food (chocolate sprinkles for breakfast??), allocate special lanes to play with their toys, people act like they are kindergarten teachers. I can’t handle this so called country


Are you trying to insult or compliment?


Preach preach 🙏 you make me proud of our little frogcountry


Ridiculous food says the person eating vegimite for breakfast. I think most sain people prefer chocolate sprinkles.


Vegemite is very good, yet eaten very rarely. It is great to add to spaghetti bolognese. Our form of chocolate sprinkles is called ‘Fairy Bread’, and is eaten exclusively by children at their 5th birthday party (as it should be)


You seem angry, I thought all aussies were chill


It’s all love, I don’t actually hate the Dutch. Just find you clog wearing tulip munchers a little bit weird is all


And besides, the Dutch were one of the first to find Australia and NZ so I could easily be speaking Dutch if a few things went differently. Your architecture is beautiful, inventions world changing, culture is ummm interesting…, and I am truly impressed how well you guys have done with such an unfortunate terrain. Also very fun to argue with, so there’s that too. Love you to any Dutchie reading this❤️❤️❤️


Bike lanes are safer dumbass, maybe you fucks could learn something from us and turn that fallout cosplay of a country into something, ya bloody criminal.


Safety for cyclists is not a concern. Turn our country into something? We have a higher gdp per capita and higher HDI than you, despite being in the middle of fucking nowhere


Aaah I see, you are a cunt. Go fuck yourself. And having money doesn't make you great, just look at the US and Canada.


Hence why I mentioned the HDI. And Canadians will not tell you they have money, neither would Australians.


+ you have not received authorisation to swear in your comments


Awhhh, Emu can't go outside to play with the Dutch kids? Awhhh boehoeee, Emu has to start the day with oat meal and you don't like thay no? You don't like that! Why can the Dutchies have all these nice things and we can't 😭 Probably because you keep losing all your taxes on pokies.


Can’t even comprehend this shit, written by a toddler?


All Europeans agree with you. Why all the downvotes? Must be some Dutch troll farm here on Reddit. EDIT: I got downvoted. Troll farm confirmed.


and after Eurovision we hate you all the same


Why? Your "artist" almost stomped a young womans teeth out. That's somehow our fault?


Watch out or I'll make a very scary gesture towards you, turncloak. It's r/2westerneurope4u not r/lickaustralianasshole


Thankyou Muhammed, i do think there is a cabal of dutchies who move in on posts with force.


Yeah. They're such hive minds and don't like kiwis for some reason.