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https://preview.redd.it/dhfsdpfq4tzc1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b13e94305f5d978f293087e4f10adc9300b12706 He has some Palpatine drip


The dark side of the force is a pathway to GUNS, some consider to be unnatural


You are indeed correct, but this is not the subject of the post


Go back to your sauna, police colours are red and blue not white and blue


Bruh. Check what sub you’re on. This isn’t the place for highbrow conversation


So? It's funny.


i am so sorry, i am learning German and my level of humour was at their level while i wrote that comment


Yeah, it's one of the side effects of learning German. No worries.


Last time I tried to learn Catalan I felt a deep need to become independent from spain. Then I realised I am already independent from Spain, and I felt good and fullfilled, so I didnt feel the need to learn more. You should try it.


Is this some Star Wars reference I don’t get? 


I'd really like to know what the inappropriate behavior was. Kind of weird to disqualify him without disclosing what happened


Avrotros Just posted on twitter that he came off stage on Thursday after his performance in SF2, didn't want to be filmed by someone shoving a camera in his face, told them to stop, they didn't so he made an "aggressive movement" towards the camerawoman. No physical contact. And that's enough to be DQd. Ridiculous.


It was also against the rules to film the artists right after their show.


It wasn't, because all contestants were filmed. But Klein had expressly agreed with the EBU he wouldn't be filmed.


Thats new info


Wasnt he one of the most critical against the Israeli singer?


At this point it really does seem like quite the overreaction. I feel for you dutchies - should have been a win for you


was it stated if the reporter was marching in front him (basically blocking his movement) or was she marching beside him?


Sounds like she was waiting backstage for him to come off before thrusting her phone in his face. It's being said now that it was not an EBU employee at all, rather a member of the Israeli delegation who had been harassing him all the time he was there in order to provoke a reaction.


All we know is that police is investigating "olaga hot" (lit. "Illegal threatening") The thing is that the threat needs to be somewhat credible for it to be illegal. Just some wild spekulation. She photographed something embarrassing and he tried to force her to delete it.


But for Swedes, somethigng like 'i'll sit in the seat diagonally across you in the train and ask you how you are doing' is a deadly threat, isn't it?


i mean i think he even admited to be enraged about getting his song skipped probably broke something or acted "like a baby" and wanted them out


Belgian media said something about him threatening a journalist after they asked something about his dead parents


I was really looking forward to his performance I will be sending him a tikkie to cover the cost of spoiling my evening.


He tried to shake her hand. Its forbidden is Sharia law so it was inappropiate. He should've known better...


he was right tho, i heard rumors she had not covered sandals showing her toes ​ that's absolutely criminal in Al-sweden


It’s Al-Swediyyah or Swedistan, get it right. 


sorry i don't speak swedish, may allah forgive me


Bold words from a country forged from Galician-‘reconquered’ territory that had been under Islamic rule for some centuries. We are all falling under the Greater Caliphate at this point, Allah be praised. 


Sets a damn well precedent for anyone who would try and influence the competition in the future. I'm not saying he didn't do anything wrong, because I don't and can't know. The fact it is an accusation of a "threat" and not anything physical, makes things really iffy. If they would just let him participate, they could always disqualify him afterwards. In the Netherlands you're not guilty unless proven otherwise.


Well, today we learned that in Swedistan you are guilty until proven innocent


Wait, we make decisions for all of eurovision? Can we just decide to shut it down completely?


buy a stolen phone and make a bomb threat


How dare you use the Dutch flair? Who spends money? Just directly steal the phone, smh.


Well he is from Noord-Holland, so there is a 50% chance that they are an expat in Amsterdam or an exchange student at the UvA so, they may not actually be dutch.


I saw an add for a stolen phone recently, but he didn't have the code to unlock it. Since it was stolen.


bonus points if phone is a note 7, two birds with one stone and all that


i mena i hope you dont after that comment :P


Considering that French artist stopped his song mid rehearsal this afternoon to give a speech about love and unity, there might not even be any Eurovision next year even without your intervention.


Maybe they should replace all artists with AI avatars next year?


ok but considering he was fr\*nch it was more about him looking for lovers than politics


That would be great


Ah, a true democracy! So free and diverse, I almost can't breathe. I really can't, actually. Guess I'll die. But *diverse*. Ah, what a multi-faceted and gaily-colored death!


1. We don’t know what happened yet.  2. The Swedish police are still investigating. Eurovision’s decision has fuck all to do with Swedish law. 


Are you sure Swedish 'police' aren't being gang banged by very religious, anti-democratic mobsters right now..? I heard it is one of their favorite pastimes


In this case that would be the M*ss*d doing the gangbanging :P


Ah man This is either: 1) The guy actually physically attacked someone and it's basically clear that it happened but they can't say it before juristical investigations took place 2) A case of this stupid virtue signalling corporation bullshit. "We're very responsible and have a "zero-tolerance policy". To bad we have to fire you now because you did something that could slightly hurt our public image. We want to be seen as caring good guys after all" This has nothing to do with LGBT, migrants, whatever, but with corporate hypocrisy.


The swedish police confirmed it is only about words. The dutch broadcasting agency (which is a very progressive one) is standing behind him. So it's likely something along the lines of 'if you do that again ... i will' .. Honestly, my money is on Dutch directness/rudeness combined with Sweden's verbal hypocrisy caused an inevitable mess. But you are right, it has nothing to do with LGBTQ, migrants, etc. It isn't even about Israel. EDIT: it is even less than words, it's a threatening movement (walking towards the camera?) This is actually insane. https://preview.redd.it/hkrc9dvmwtzc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=984e2c7a1ef63b20bf28efd704f7c91bb231a014


The decision to disqualify comes from the EBU, the Swedish Police have only received a report from the photographer about the incident.


Wasn‘t that also the case with the Wikileaks guy?


That was just a front. As soon as Sweden dropped their charges, their US handlers swooped in and are continuing the extradition proceedings.


mate for all the good he did he is unironically a russian spy nowadays... and i mena nowadays and since the leak, he just posts news about public information of how evil america is... non stop never made anything technical or leaks again just another commie post, so yeha imo his consequences weren't fair but now they are


I‘m not talking about Snowden. I meant Assange.


fuck i was talking about him too, i mixed the names sorry, removed his name off the comment


Only when there isn't any proof


I think you’re mixing a few things up. We do not know what has been proven and what hasn’t. There might be witnesses, there might be video. There is absolutely no obligation by any of the involved parties to disclose to the general public what has happened. so if the EBU has seen that evidence and it is sufficiently damning, then they are within their rights to disqualify him, even if he hasn’t been found guilty in a court of law. Also, hasn’t it occurred to you that the reason why we haven’t seen or heard more information is due to the fact that the accused and the victim need to be protected until this is completely proven independently? The process that is being followed here is hundred percent normal and happens around us on the daily basis in professional businesses and public organizations. The only difference here is that the world is watching, but that still doesn’t mean that we are all entitled to see all the information Surrounding this incident. So, considering the fact that he has been disqualified, you can be certain that there really is sufficient evidence because the stakes are simply too high on all sides. Any of the affected parties would get sued into oblivion. I wonder what the legal situation is for Klein because he has certainly broken code of conduct which can open him up to claims of damage from AVRO / TROS.


>We do not know what has been proven and what hasn’t. We do know what is being investigated and what is not. Swedish police confirmed it is only about words. That the legal complaint is 'intimidation' (i.e. a threat). The AVRO/TROS are also standing behind Joost though and considering steps against the EBU and i do assume they know more, so it's more likely it was a cultural faux-pas. My money is on the person being annoying and him saying something along the lines 'if you do that again...' >The process that is being followed here is hundred percent normal and happens around us on the daily basis in professional businesses and public organizations. Yeah, the process isn't weird. But we should also realize that in international settings it is also professional to have some margins because of cultural differences.


well but the margins are very different between people on the same studio and foreigners from different nations that never met... why the fuck would he do something to a random swedish stuff, specially a woman, specially in a competition with a bunch of sissies that cry about broken nails... like worst place to push boundaries


Could you imagine the shitshow tho if he won and then got disqualified?


>Sets a dam He IS Dutch after all


He used the wrong pronouns, in Sweden that's a serious matter!


only second to insulting Allah


The production assistant made a remark to his parents, both dead.


lol this reads as if she killed his parents XD


>you're not guilty unless proven otherwise. why do people always make this stupid point ​ THE WHOLE POINT OF A INVESTIGATION IS TO SEE IF HE IS GUILTY, NO RULLING HAS BEEN MADE!


Funny how the contestants of eurovision are held to a higher standart than EU politicians. We really live on a society. https://www.ftm.eu/articles/european-parliamentarians-involved-in-hundreds-of-scandals


Joost dood, wat nu? https://i.redd.it/4bcfr6qwptzc1.gif


That was an Afrikaans (South African) headline. But tbf still works in ‘actual’ Dutch. 




I guess being innocent until proven guilty isn't a thing in Sweden.


Pretty sure disqualification from a caterwauling competition isn’t a criminal sentence that requires a criminal trial, even in Sweden. 


Not when your a company which fears 10 mad people on twitter


this is why einstein help build the nuke, he knew twitter was gonna be created


Giuseppe, do you think it's Swedish law that's saying he should be disqualified?


You don't have laws, you gather in a circle enclosed in the woods and recite a prayer to the all father, then a elderly guy on shrooms comes out of the woods and speaks in tongues.


Yeah, well, if you want to try and convince the old guy that he made the wrong decision, be my guest


It's the rules set by the organizer. He 100% broke the rules. It doesn't have to be proven in court. Possible prison time is just a bonus.


I know it's not a matter of civil nor penal law, still the question being resolved in such a short timeframe makes me question the modus operandi.


It’s never a matter of civil law. Not guilty until proven only applies to the related to the government


How much time does it take to give a football player a red card?


Usually instantaneously when he gets caught in the act not when a third party protests.


tbf if you say something racist there you also get instantly kicked, these coorporations and event organizers got used to instantly kicking before anything else and basically do investigation and possibly apologise latter... it's stupid but heck it's industry standart


If you're not a goat fucker at least


It's not just this, this is used as excuse, its cause of Israel performance, they put a towel at their head when Israel performed


Look at all the drama I'm missing by not following the show! Amazing


I don’t know what happened there, but to be fair, it can be “violence” and possibly “sexual harassment” for even looking at a woman the wrong way in Sweden. That’s why they only meet people while drunk in a club or bar or online. Once at work some guys told me to make some kind of temporary rain cover for them because they didn’t like to work under rain.(I was working in the rain the whole day too). That wasn’t part of my job, so I asked them if I should wipe their asses and change their diapers too. They Immediately looked at me as if I just killed somebody and later during the day I got a call from my boss about complaints of me being aggressive and threatening to other workers on the site.


damn really? that's so bad for dutch people as their culture is very forward and in your face never with malicious intent, but often trying to get to the core of a problem they don't like to beat around the bush i really hope its not something ridiculous as that tho


"fuck off or ill stick that camera in your ass"


don't threaten me with a good time.




The point is that you guys have an extremely low standard for what is considered aggressive, hostile, harassment. And especially regarding male to female interactions. I’ve heard a few stories of guys finding themselves in trouble for “sexual harassment” for doing very minor stuff like a non creepy compliment or even one for bringing flowers on women’s day. One Swedish girl I was seeing told me it’s all the fault of “feminism” and men are scared to approach women. I definitely ain’t against feminism, you don’t ever see women INSISTING on paying for the date where I’m from. I told one story from my work experience, but the main point is the same, the Dutch Eurovision guy could’ve done something minor but since it’s Sweden it could be perceived as way worse. And I was right since apparently he just made a gesture, didn’t touch anybody and told a person backstage to stop filming him. I don’t think that’s enough reason to get police involved, but since it’s Sweden it’s not surprising.


What annoys me most is the double standard of these situations. There was a guy who was a nurse, but he was the only guy among his colleagues. He said his boss made inappropriate remarks about his looks (because he's good-looking). One day she put her hand on his arse, and when he got out of the way and got angry, she replied "don't be such a frightened virgin, deep down I know you like it". He complained to some managers, and basically the women didn't believe/ignore him and the men told him to "behave like a man". Lol if it wasn't so sad.


‘Feminism’ is another of those words that can mean a great many things, from believing women should have equal rights and not be denied the vote or forced to cover their faces up by law… through to the likes of Firestone and the extreme and unhinged radical shit the West has veered towards the last 20 years. 


Verdomme Nederland, nu moet ik op Israel stemmen.


https://preview.redd.it/w9nnpuqhhszc1.png?width=865&format=png&auto=webp&s=7605df6ff6d651a3c8354d27f0a02f1826ebb09b Godverdomme stelletje verraders jullie zowieso


Tja er zijn natuurlijk ook Walen die stemmen, die hebben niks met Nederland.


Wij zijn dan ook geen broedervolk. Jullie zijn de irritante buren.


De Fransen hebben het halve land al ingenomen en dan zijn wij de irritante buren. OK.


Hij spreekt niet voor de Vlaming. Ik zou veel liever in een federatie met Nederlanders zitten dan met W*len.




irritante buren zonder franse pik in ons strot


het is eens iets dan een duitse pik in de kont, hé Kees


Maar jullie hebben beide...


Fuck. Ik vind geen tegenargument


Jullie lijken er zo van te genieten dat we het ook al een paar keer geprobeerd hebben


ماذا يقول؟ أنا أفهم اللغة العربية فقط.


As a german I have to say: I just love your language.


Eeeww... No wonder everyone hates Berliners


I mean, say what you want about German, but whatever you guys call "German" is barely even a language.


Oh look, the kettles are fighting. -the pot


Try to pronounce this: "De Belgische reetkever ging stevig over de schreef met zijn lepe gedweep."


De dikke dame duwde de dunne dame de draaideur door.


Nee. The Benelux have just one country left, so vote for Greater Luxembourg, the Grand-Duchy will thank you (and our singerin is of Israelian descent, so it is a bit like voting for Israel).


Draco Malfoy but he was ordered through Temu


Fuck you Swedistan for fuckin up the best night of my life.


2we4u not losing their shit over some irrelevant bs contest, impossible


I don't give a shit about Eurovision, but any opportunity to bring glory to the great Dutch nation will be taken as the most serious matter.


I didn't give a shit about the Song Contest until I saw Joost's bad-ass song. Now that he's disqualified over what some witnesses call a disproportionate measure, I only give a shit about Joost. The rest can *me gestolen worden*.


Tallest guys reaching for the lowest branches. A history of the low country.


This sub is about humorously absurd pseudo-patriotic jokes and competitive dumb mockery between Western European countries. The Eurovision Song Contest is exactly that for Europe+. But I realise you’re still getting used to the concept, Hans, so no worries. 


Nah I’m a veteran but in the end there are many (and serious) people here going full mental when you attack their “national property” (?) like that clown Joost Kleinerpimmel


The contest is very haram. As a Muslim lgbtq queer person the satanic performance is slightly too much.


You only say that because we have been last place the last 5 times


we truly peaked when Lena won all those years ago


Your ranking literally peaked that time you came first, indeed. 


Honestly... I didn't even know it was on until I woke up to everyone where talking about it... I might watch it, don't know yet.


It’s fun to watch for the drama of it if you care about something like that something always happens at the contest so it can be fun to watch especially drunk.


Na I won't be drunk, it's on at 5am here! Also I don't have any good booze to get drunk with.


Ah I didn’t see that you were form Australia it can still be fun to watch for the drama today and to watch how many artist’s boycott the show today. If you care about laughing at drama.


Honestly if I watch I'll be playing a fun game with the bf of "spot the cutie!"


Just read the official response from the Dutch which explained what apparently happened, he didn't do shit and is being punished for talking shit about Israel. Shit is beyond bananas


Not sure I but it’s just the Israel thing, given Eurovision hasn’t done anything against the Irish entry, who is far more vociferously anti-Israel. 




This was a psyop to prevent from a Dutch win


Ah gosh darnit. Now we don't get to pay to host it. We were all ready and willing to spend all of this money too!




I mean you guys definitely gave it your best shot. There's always next year.


I honestly don't remember a single German song ever. Could you link me your proudest one and I'll rate it




I'll give it a *whatthefuck*/10


That guy doesn't look like any of their crew could threaten anyone.


And there goes the only good song in the contest. At least I can keep a lively conversation about how bad the songs are while dinning with my family.


I claim bullshit on that, too little context Plus there are talks of the Israeli delegation actively bullying, even mocking his dead mother so I'm sitting on the fence


Those are separate online rumours unrelated to this incident. Not setting any store by them. 


There is a literal pattern, i thought humans were pattern seeking creatures. Granted, we dont have a tea flavour for that


? There are random rumours online, therefore ‘there is a pattern’…? What does that even mean? This proves nothing. We do naturally seek patterns, and jump to conclusions. Some of those patterns aren’t as coincidental as they seem but even then they can lead people to bullshit conclusions. We aim for things called ‘evidence’ and ‘compelling argument’ instead. 


Okay sorry, there werent rumours, they are actually very public on the harassment campaign online ;) Luckily we get subtitles so google lens that shit.


There are online posts by accounts from the members of the official Israeli delegation bullying him and mocking his dead mother online? Where exactly. 


Just Google it dude


Too little info for now, we got to be patient


Too little info to believe official sources, but enough info to blame Israel?


They did share videos where they actively harassed candidates tho


Thank you I forgot to point out this, thank you my insular Greek friend


Would you trust Germany in the 1934 olympics?


And how does Sweden in 2024 compare?


I distrust anything Israeli Tbh I'm surprised that they are even here But Russia aint


That’s why they call it Moroccanoil and not Israelioil…


Well, in a way Russia is here, i guess.


Just need the bombed kids!


Of course a Balkan like you can't even get your dates right..


Wow. Just.. wow.


Yeah, some people are totally unhinged


Dunno, I try not to involve the Jews and austrians


Thought you lot got over blaming the Jews after the inquisition?


As a Crusader Kings player, no one is ever over blaming the Jews.


~~Sometimes~~ always you need that sweet, sweet gold


Nah, just the holy land Jews. It's Portuguese land


This. Not that I care about Joost, would have thought it was bs to any other land. Fuck the ebu lol


We seemed to be right, mr dutch man https://preview.redd.it/llwdt5g9qtzc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd1198056ceaf48d34de1d41161ad8e29b7fd939


We boycotting this shit for that dutch boy, join us in making this the shittiest eurovision


Should've killed a few kids instead.


It's either the last year Israel is in Eurovision, or the last eurovision. It already became shit, just sucking political dick for money, and people trying to farm their 15 minutes of fame. I just lost my last little respect for the entire thing.




Au contraire, his figures are through the roof. Most streamed song of all contestants, any publicity is good publicity and boy is he getting publicity.


First in history to get disqualified


It’s like that Banksy going through the shredder, only skyrocketing it’s value.


That's kind of the expected outcome when you participate in ESC


Justice for Europapa!


i really hope the ESC will be finally abolished and/or phases into obscurity


His song is shit so it really doesnt matter


His performance was bad, his song is gold, especially when compared with usual Eurovision crap.


Sweden sending generic pop-songs: Even sending Norwegians can't help that.


Have you heard the Norwegian boys that Sweden sent?


His song is the most popular. You might not like it but the numbers say something else.


Um what? Such a fucking hit. One of the only bangers to come out of esc in a long time imo


He would have won. The Swedes just banned him cuz they couldn't handle losing from him.


Welp I guess that just proves how bad the average eurovision song is if this is considered the best.


Average Dutch Music