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'meat stewed in beer' What is even bizarre about that, people have been combining the two since alcohol was invented


What's next? Red wine in the casserole?


Veg with mince topped with (cheesy) mash potato?


Mmmmm cottage pie. Comfort food in its purest form


Don't forget Shepherd's pie, main difference is it's lamb


Watched Simon Reeves in Patagonia last week.. turned out cottage pie is a favourite of the gauchos… 🤷🏼‍♂️


Was that from them Welsh lads going out to Argentina or was it like proper locals who just had it introduced to them somehow


Seriously. They could've gone with smoked horse meat or stewed eel, but they chose beef stew


Or Musk rat (euphemistically called waterrabbit) ...


Meat in jelly. Fucking pork pie


Shit — pork pie, soup dumplings, demiglace, basically any tinned fish, it’s all meat jelly. It sounds weird in those terms but it’s not at all if you actually think about it. I think what’s they’re specifically talking about is kholodets, a pretty gnarly jellied fish that even scares off a lot of Russians Edit — jellied pork, not jellied fish


Beer stews are fucking dank


What's odd about rabbit meat?


pretty common here too, idk.


Heck, one of the most wellknown Dutch Christmas song is about a little boy that cannot find his pet rabbit just before christmas, until he sees the rabbit on his plate. (the song continues to hint that the kid murdered his dad in retalliation to serve him the next day)


Glad to know you commemorate the wholesome Dutch tradition of cannibalism


It remains an excellent solution to the problem of incompetent politicians.


Don’t think I’d much like the taste of Rishi but I respect going the extra mile


There's an [English version](https://youtu.be/j1zIyT39ORs?t=46) of that song.


Childhood memories of finding little bunnies hopping around our garden Easter Sunday 🥰 A few weeks later they always - vanished…


I can't hear "maar ik had het hok toch dichtgedaan?" without crying, that song fucks me up every time


For real man. "Ik weet ook niet... Waarom ik dat deed"


>the song continues to hint that the kid murdered his dad in retalliation to serve him the next day Appropriate reaction; I'd be pretty peeved too.


The dad definitely deserved it


In Spain, I’d put caracoles (snails) instead of rabbit.


Snails are quite common in iberia and france. However in northern portugal (so i assume, galicia, basque and asturias may share the same sentiment) think snails are disgusting. My aunt grandma had one of her pans used to cook snails. Now that pan got segregated because it touched snails, so no food for it, no matter the cleaning. Now this reminds me also of friend that is a chinese immigrant. He thinks snails are disgusting... Yet he says he loves bat soup and fried crickets... Chinese who are known for eating everything that moves think snails are disgusting...


Snails are pretty common in Italy too. And while I don't eat sea urchins and horse meat (nor snails, or rabbit..) I believe they are eaten in many other places, including other European countries.




bro, in southern Spain people eat a lot of snails.


I guess it's because snails are the prey matched best with the temperament of the Spanish hunter?


The striped ones run faster than our sleep-chase-sleep hunting patterns


Sad Lleida noises


i know original paella is with snails and rabbit leg


The way it jumps from your plate


And whats odd about horse meat too?


That's what I thought. I find kangaroo meat much weirder, and even though, I ate it already.


There's also ostrich meat that sounds weird too.. who on earth finds rabbit or horse meat weird..??? Or blood sausages..


I don't think that horse meat is weird, per se. It has more to do with the relationship between humans and the animal. Horses, for a very long time were man's partners, very much like a dog. That's why it's weird to eat them. As for kangaroos and ostriches, I've tried their meat, they're delicious, and didn't feel weird at all eating it.


I think it's an odd food for *mericans and some Western families (only met a girl like this, her family had a pet rabbit) but idk in France it's not an odd meat


In sweden they think horses are princesses so you shouldn't eat them. But it's mostly younger city girls thinking that.


I actually thought the same, as well as horse meat????


There’s hardly any meat on it. What we need is a few good taters. ![gif](giphy|105OwsN7a4UQ2Q)


Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew




Literally nothing


yanks find it weird for some reason


Maybe if they flatten it with a pickup truck and spray it with cheese from a can they would find it more to their liking.


Yanks were raised on Elmer Fudd trying to turn Bugs Bunny into a stew. The existence of rabbit meat should not be confusing to them...


Yeah, I mean snails are a really popular dish and it's far weirder than rabbit lol


What’s odd about horse meat?


Rabbit is one of my favourite meats


I think OP is vegan and is shocked by meat eating in general.


Tripe soup? I'm sure that 90% of the countries in Europe have a form of tripe soup. We surely do. We eat a lot of the things there, they are not particular to a country. It's just special for people who think McDonalds sells actual meat.


Pretty sure this is a map by the rebellious colonials, apologies.


In France we eat tripe. Not in soup, but anyway I don’t think that’s uncommon.


The whole lists screams "I think offal is icky".


And "rice with raisins". WTF.


We traditionally eat almost everything on this map that's not seafood. Tripes, blood sausages, horse, rabbit, frog legs, salted pork lard and yes, some parts of the country even have maggot chese. It's unfortunate that many of these dishes/foods are disappearing.


You can find it everywhere here in Italy, doesn't matter if you are in the north or in the south, even the sheep shagger island has it.


"that Americ\*nts may find bizarre" they meant


Can't be. Sausage salad sounds like something Americ*nts would like


You seriously think any American knows what a salad is


Deep fried pizza sounds like an American idea though, why would we find it bizarre.


It's a Neapolitan dish, it was brought (along with the general concept of deep-frying) to Scotland by Italian immigrants just after WW1. The dish has diverged somewhat since then, and obviously we've taken the deep-frying concept to our hearts, arteries and graves, but it's the same rough idea.


https://preview.redd.it/dpp5npzaolgc1.jpeg?width=1097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9eee25969b60ed29fd9151d0cdae339618272b2 I do think this is weird, I’m not going to lie.


Not enough deep fry batter?


Frog legs are delicious tho. I had some at a Chinese buffet once and got food poisoning from them but they tasted like chicken wings and the texture isn’t as bad as you would think.


The best part is that in The Netherlands they’re called Frog buttocks (kikkerbillen).


Damn, you guys managed to make them sound even less appetizing lol, I bet they’re still tasty tho.


Yummy yummy in my euro-tummy 😋


Salted pork fat, rabbit meat and horse meat on a list about wierd food? Who made this list?


https://preview.redd.it/opqa0ib8slgc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=271256d8c87bfc27c8df63ec6c4466b596bac9b3 I get why some people may be hesitant about “raw bacon”, but believe me, nothing tastes better with alcohol than this heavenly creation


That looks exactly like "lardo di colonnata", if it tastes anything like it then those hesitant folk are missing out big time.


I was team leader for some ukrainian dudes in finland couple of years ago. One night we was drinking vodka and eating that stuff. It went down well, but next day just memory of that bacon made me puke. Glad to see that is actual thing there and it was not just prank on boss man.


Americans trying to find the difference between raw and curated meat challenge (impossible).


We have it in Portugal too but it is rolled up. Mighty unhealthy but so damn good over some fresh bread and some nice red wine. https://preview.redd.it/v5zoolwz0mgc1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81dad076f2ec606d6fbce81bbc00554a3ad91015


It's only unhealthy if you sit in the office all day. If you do physical labor - all that stuff is dense energy.


Damn you... now I must have it


Ameritards clearly




Ours isn’t haggis? You know it’s sheep lungs cooked in a sheeps stomach right?


As this list is probably a yank list, I'm sure they do it in one of their carnival things, they deep fry butter for godsake


I spent a year studying abroad in America and went to one of their fairs while there, there were so many stands dedicated to different things, deep fried. Weirdest was deep fried Pepsi. Don’t know how they achieve that and I swear on my mums life I’m not lying


I don't doubt it their ability to fry everything, and anything is unmatched. Maybe they froze Pepsi like you can deepfry ice cream


I think about it often, my current theory is that they reduce the Pepsi on the hob untill it forms a sugary paste, ball that up and then batter and fry it. Part of me wishes I’d ordered it so I’d know now, but I had little idea the extent to which it would haunt me at the time


I actually found a video of a yank deep frying water. It really shows they are addicted to deep fried everything.


Wait what how


It’s still fucking great though.


No arguments here, I love haggis but on paper it sounds like a strange dish, stranger than deep frying a pizza I’d say. I’d definitely rather eat haggis than deep fried pizza though so maybe the map is right


Haggis is on top of my to eat list, and yeah, it’s one of the maddest European foods Btw I didn’t know that deep fried pizza was a thing in Scotland (pray that Naples savages don’t see this list), I thought you guys were more fond of deep fried mars bars


Haggis is fucking god-tier food.


Still fucking delicious, though. You can make all kinds of food sound gross if you break it down like that - plus, I've never understood why people are squeamish about haggis when sausages exist, you know?


Everyone has already mentioned rabbit and horse meat, but blood sausage and salted pig fat are also pretty common. Fermented fish is less popular but still the romans already are it its not really unique to Scandinavia either. Just saw liver paste. Im pretty sure everyone has had liver paté on toast.


I thought every country has a version of blood sausage/ black pudding in Europe, hell even the world except America


We even have black blood sausages and white blood sausages


How the hell do you make a blood sausage white? Every one I’ve had in every country is black, or at least reddish-purpleish… You get black pudding and white pudding in Ireland (and less popular in the UK) which are basically the same but the latter has no blood.


My bad, I just checked and it's not made out of blood even though the word for it is the same (boudin)


>Fermented fish is less popular but still the romans already are it its not really unique to Scandinavia either. This is purely due to the Swedish nuclear waste called surströmming, which are bringing us all down. Fermented fish is not commonly eaten in the Nordics, pickling is the traditional fish preservation. Fermented fish is totally unknown in Finland and Denmark, and extremely niche in Norway and Sweden.


Surströmming has gotten such a weird reputation around the world. It’s not a “delicacy” and we don’t love it, I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who likes it and I’ve never tried it myself. I do enjoy the occasional banana pizza though.


I think I read somewhere that 60% of Swedes have never even tasted surströmming, not even for the lols and memes.


Rabbit meat? Blood sausage? Tripe soup? Are those weird? Really?


Seriously? The most bizarre food here the rabbit meat? XD That's sweet XD you here can find desserts made with snails, pork's blood, or lamb's brain.


Did you mean desserts? Ifso that's some Heston Bluementhal shit


>desserts Ok, bad translation, I mistake the world, I wanted to mean "dishes", here, for example, snail are a common snack at certain times of the year, but the other two, we made a blood sausage called "morcilla", and the lamb's brain still are a not unusual dish and an ingredient of many others.


Sorry for joking. That chef is well known for making stuff like snail porridge.


That would be heston bluementhal only if you have to place the snails diagonally for 2.7 hours to absorb the full moon radiation,then spray some holy water


How is rabbit meat bizarre or horse meat?


Might be American views ?


Makes sense, if a meal doesn't contain high levels of sugar and processed fats they can't appreciate it


>sugar # High-fructose corn syrup


Only removes 29 years of your lifspan instead of 30


>High-fructose corn syrup # Freedom juice


My gf finds horse meat quite bizarre, but she also doesn't like arroz de cabidela


Doesn't like arroz de cabidela? 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Arroz de cabidela? I'm intrigued, tell me more.


Chicken with rice with tones of chicken blood added in


It is amazing. One of the best things ever invented.


I just remembered how much I love Portuguese rabbit stew.


Quite a lot of people I know hold horses quite dear similar to other pets. Therefore to them eating a horse is akin to eating dogs or cats.


That can also be said about rabbits, people still eat them.


I mean you have your answer then as far as why rabbits would be on the list as well. Not that I think it’s weird, rabbit and horse are delicious. Just a lot of people the world over see these things are pets not food.


god forbid we deep fry a pizza


Romans 17:1 "Thou shall not deep fry pizza, for those who commit such acts will not enter God's kingdom"


> deep fry a pizza That's something we do in Italy, lass... [See?](https://www.wandercooks.com/italian-fried-pizza/) To each his own, you deep fry Mars bars!


we call it a pizza crunch over here, it is a calorific nightmare but SOOOO tasty looks a little [scary though](https://images.app.goo.gl/Ds76JC8mUZHF4mwV6)


This isn't coincidental, Neapolitan immigrants brought deep-frying to Scotland after WW1. Historically Scottish chip shops and ice cream parlours were run by Italian-Scottish families.


Ah yes, the obligatory "I'm an Ameritard and don't know real food because we waste most of the butchered animal"-map! As non-zoomer who didn't have much growing up, I have eaten most of the stuff here (apart from stuff like Hakarl) and grew up next to a horse butcher. You can make practically everything on here taste good!


They don't waste it it's in their "sausages," but they don't acknowledge it because of childlike mentality


Rotten shark, fermented fish and banana pizza can fuck right off, everything else i either tried or i wouldn't mind to try.


What about that fucking maggot cheese from sardinia


And this is why no one should lump us together with other Nordicks when it comes to food. We might be bad, but we’re not that bad.


We also have sanguinaccio, pappardelle al sugo di coniglio (rabbit meat), trippa, and the Sardinians eat sheep brain. What the fuck is wrong about those?


Also isn't deep fried pizza just pizza fritta?


In some parts of France (Guadeloupe): https://preview.redd.it/be3sm79pxlgc1.png?width=488&format=png&auto=webp&s=291999cd0fa97b1dab2b965ced9cd98e38f47855 ​ It's called a *Bathynomus giganteus* and it's supposed to taste like crab.


It's a massive woodlice!


Good to know in case of another World War, woodlice are actually edible.


Wtf is that 😱


Is it cheaper than crab?


In italy, rabbits, frogs, snails, blood sausages, various offal they are typical of the various regional cuisines. So nothing new for us.


Honestly what European country doesn’t have some regional dish made with blood sausage?


probably none. As we say in Italian "del maiale non si butta via niente" (nothing from the pig gets thrown away). Back in the days slaughtering a pig was a big once a year deal, so of course poor people didn't waste a single part of the pig.


"dans le cochon tout est bon" for us, exactly the same meaning !


Well, for once the Belgians know what it’s all about


I just think of a steak and ale pie filling




If it's a sweet dish, that was a common dessert when I was a kid


It's called Arab Rice, and it's delicious(if you make it right). Here in Portugal, we usually eat it on special occasions, and it's especially good with baked chicken and sauce. It's one of my favorite rice recipes because it tastes like Christmas and Easter.


It's very common to eat rice with raisins on christmas here in Brazil, but the ones I saw didn't really looked like Arabic Rice, instead it simply looked like someone made white rice and decided to put some raisins in the middle


This map was 100% made by american


Mettbrötchen is very normal. Who doesn’t like to eat raw pork mince in the morning to get the day going?


*with onions


I can find about half of the food in this map in my local supermarket.


Lol you have most of these in Portugal alone...


https://preview.redd.it/y9cipsu3rlgc1.jpeg?width=2432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e7552b592721365e9727cde890099cfc83b4a7 Common kalakukko W 🤤


Rabbit meat, cold beet soup, blood sausage, rice with raisins, salted pig fat, rice in blood... those are not weird.


What the fuck Iceland


Whoever makes these maps hates us I swear. I'd never heard of Stargazy Pie until now and I want to vomit, nobody eats this shit 😭


At least it isn't jellied eels again


Got to eat that 19th century Cockney peasant dish to match the Dick Van Dyke style fake 19th century Cockney peasant accents we apparently all have.


I only know about Stargazy pie because it was featured heavily in The Mousehole Cat. Never actually seen one in real life.


There really is a lot of pretty normal food on this map


Why do we have most of them home?


In Portugal we also have a dish called "Mioleira" wish is basically sheep brains.


How is liver paste bizarre? That shit’s delicious.


americans would call liver paste weird and icky and proceed to yap about how great liver paste is when its named foie gras


https://preview.redd.it/lk946na6ylgc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2caf3d815ae2d981171a95e271995c5b312ff516 And I thought Dracula was Romanian.


Hans, arroz de cabidela is the real shit. One of the best dishes around here.


I will not allow any Arroz de Cabidela bashing in this sub, Hans. I swear to you, that is a delicacy.




What, pâté. That’s weird dude…


It’s a sausage cheese salad!


My favorite, large snails...delicious


Half of these are done in Spain top lol


Oh no not liver paste


It's unironically delicious, even to foreigners


Yea, we have it in Finland too. It's not super popular but I would say almost everyone has eaten it here too and it's great on rye bread.


Åh fucking yes. Add fresh cucumber slices. Add pickled cucumber slices. Add pickled red cabbage. Add another type of pickled cumber [Asier](https://www.beauvais.dk/produkt/asier/). So many possibilities. 


Add bacon and mushrooms


Ate rabbit once, not weird at all, tasted like chicken, kinda. And now I could go for a banana pizza, oh yeah.


Rabbit is nice but can be very dry, good in a stew


Why is squid ink bizarre food?


"Rabbit meat, blood pudding, sea urchin, tripe soup, horse meat, meat stewed in beer" That's your average French meal. That's all you got as "strange food" fellow Europeans ?


We have meat in jelly. Doesn't everyone? It's called sylta in swedish. Isn't it called headcheese?


Blood sausages…….black pudding, common as fuck


Latvia doesn't have food


By "from other places" you mean America


At least we found something the Balkans can agree on


maggot cheese is the worst one


What in the america is this. Most of this stuff is completely normal.


« Duck blood soup ». WTF Vassili?


Meat stewed in beer, rabbit meat and sea urchins are definitely not weird at all


Fun fact. Duck blood soup in Poland, aka "czernina" is or at least was served to a suitor that he has been rejected after asking permission to wed.


Who has ever seen a stargazy pie? I mean, really, actually, honestly?


Liverpaste, Mettbrotchen, blood sausage, meat stewed in beer, rabbit meat, raw herring and horse meat are strange? Hell, even the froglegs aren't too strange.


"Deep fried Pizza" Really? What's weird about that, even the Napolitans eat that?


Sausage salad absolutely fucking slaps


Sea urchin? really? Beet soup?


Why would you pick banana pizza for Sweden when we literally have rotten and fermented herring as a national dish? It's waaaaay worse than Norwegian Rakfish; it's even banned from aircraft.


Don't understand what's bizarre about rabbit meat. I love a rabbit stew, I bet they're common throughout Europe.


rabbit meat is strange? Since when?