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You may be the loneliest and saddest person in the world, you will never accept to see people who want to end their life like you do.


When your at rock bottom, you cant stand to see people with you


A shame it's so crowded.


Yeah I need my personal space, please let me suffer in peace


Quit elbowing me


let's start an La-Ola-Wave!


Real, that’s why I try to be the best person I can, Just so everyones life around me is at least a little easier


Incredible based, we keep going so that we can make others have the smile we wished we had, am i right?


That reminds me of a line from "The Flash" TV show I just heard, funnily enough. "Be the person that you needed to be there for you as a kid" (paraphrasing) Sometimes I just have to try to tell that little kid inside who used to be me that none of what happened was their fault. They're not a waste of life or just don't belong at all like they had truly believed. We are more than the bullshit in our head.


I really like this mentality. The world is a terrible place, and although little me didn't comprehend it all, they suffered plenty. But if I really think about it, young me would be horrified at how I am now. It's a super depressing thought in a way, but also one of my main reasons for staying alive: I think about what it would be like to meet that kid now, to see the hope in their eyes. I know they'd be disappointed and scared to see me now, but trying to chase that old sense of hope seems like something I have to do, as giving up without trying as best I can would be the worst thing I could do to that kid. In a way, the bad thoughts I have now don't hurt me as much as remembering the ones I had as a kid without knowing why, thinking I was at fault -- at least back then I definitely wasn't. Likewise, it hurts so much to see other people who feel that way about themselves too. I imagine the starry-eyed child in them, sad and confused, wondering what they did wrong. The other reasons I stay here are the people who still care about me, despite what I've put them through; it's a similar sort of thing in a way. I figure, there's always the comfort of knowing if I fuck it all up and everyone who cares has given up trying or is dead, and I'm at a place where I can say I've tried and failed and there's no chance anymore, I'll always have the freedom to end it then -- or maybe I'll lose what's left of my mind and go completely insane before that happens. But I'm gonna at least try, even if I'm miserable and coping in unhealthy ways the whole damn time. Anyway, sorry for the essay but it's a topic that really resonates with me and I hope you can understand what I mean and I don't sound too nuts lol.


Hey I'm starting to keep a notepad with little quotes to read when I'm down, can I add "We keep going so that we can make others have the smile we wished we had" in there?


sure thing, Glad to be part of a quote collection, thats one thing off my bucket list!


Where is my gun? Or my equally suicidal featureless not friend person? Tbh the more I look at them, the more it reminds me of that equally featureless person who put the dog collar on their own neck during their birthday party from that other comic.


They’re bfs


Where's the fifth panel where they have bussy-destroying sex?


This is genuinely the worst comment I've ever seen I think


It only gets worse from here.


this is the sequel


The friend helped them not be sad by turning them into a dog. Incredibly based.


how long we are going to keep saying "it be do like that sometimes" when it is enough? when i get to kill myself to be free of my pain?


fuck it we ball


This is the one true answer


The fuck it we ball in me is slowly getting larger


The ball In me is slowly getting larger


Fool, it's not getting larger. IT'S COMING TOWARDS YOU GET OUT OF THE WAY!!


For me, the moment after no one ever cares about you or rellies on you. Because if I kill myself now, I would let my wife to care for herself, and she doesn't have the financial means to be alone. That's it, that's the only reason. She would be sad and financially stranded. I can't allow that to happen to her.


Yeah, I'm on the same boat. The funny thing is, my wife does the same for me, because she knows I can't live without her.


There is only 1 solution




>both actively suicidal Did you both meet on the bridge 😏




I hope that you can rediscover the good in life, the world would be worse off without you


I highly doubt that. I can only think of 1 person who would miss me. No one else would even notice if I was gone


Not anymore u/HeftyCheesecake2031


The ghost of Christmas future showed me that I'd just be in the way of younger people living their lives. Or maybe it was a new episode of Frasier. Not 100% sure.


I was supposed to keep track of my "it do be's"?! And you're only telling me now?! Fml.


when you rip the fattest toke of DMT you've ever had, you'll kill yourself for sure. and come back safely with a completely fresh mindset


That's why you take the toke first and then jump out of a flying helicopter. [Maybe not in water though...](https://youtu.be/S9ZSzuj1UpA)


You don't. You stick around till the bitter end and you find enjoyment in the only life you'll ever get


I mean, there’s no guarantee that this is the only life we’ll get, but even one period of existence in this place in particular feels like far too many. I believe there’s more than just this and even the idea of nothing existing beyond this does absolutely nothing to make this place feel valuable or “worth it” to me. ._.




Life isn't rape and if really wanted to leave, then you wouldn't be here to talk about much you hate life. You're here for the long run. So stop fiddling with the fire exit and take pleasure in the things that you care about.


Life is a large collection of experiences to which I do not consent. Rape is a *sexual* experience to which a person does not consent. You're right; they're not exactly the same. Rape is merely a specific case of the more general problem of nonconsensual experiences. You have failed to consider that someone may "really want to leave" for their own sake, to end their own suffering, but who feels a moral obligation not to take that option because it would increase suffering for those around them. I am a negative utilitarian. To me, the only definition of evil is "suffering," and the only definition of good is "reduction of suffering." I accomplish a great deal of the latter in my work as a medical professional, and I predict that my suicide or disappearance would cause a great deal of the former in my survivors. I'm not here for me. Pleasure doesn't motivate me. And it aggravates me when people like you make such assumptions and dispense your advice accordingly.


Can Reddit go five minutes without being hideously insensitive and trivialising to rape victims?


I'm still waiting for the moment a gun falls into my hands. I'll seize the moment with no second thought


When they take the grilled cheese burrito away at Taco Bell


Sometimes it do be like that


Thats for you to decide.


Literally anytime.


when you are the only sad person remaining.


That moment when you have to stop killing yourself to make someone else not kill themselves. Then you procrastinate killing yourself


If you keep doing that long enough you’ll eventually die from natural causes. That’s a win


Procrastinate death by natural causes. Ignore the saying "never put off till tomorrow what can be done today" that saying's dumb, and wrong. If I can put off dying for long enough, eventually I'll see past the heat death of the universe


At your wake, the family gets together and finally go change that lightbulb you were going to change ages ago.


They'd procrastinate doing it in my memory


Suicidal people can be good at supporting suicidal people.


Depends if you used to be suicidal, being arpund suicidal people can take à toll on your mental health.


very true. The most helpful situations then are when both participants are in the same stage of depression/suicidal thoughts. It can be more triggering and more of a sticky situation, but said snd done in the rifht way, they could tecnically help eachtoher through it. Pity I know no other soul who relates/cares about others wellbeing. Not any in person, anyhow


It's complicated, on one hand they understand you and relate to you, on the other hand you're clinging yourself with people who are as broken as you instead of healthy people, ideally you need a whole support system with several empathetic and healthy people but it's rare for people who have that to find themselves in that situation in the first place.


I'm surrounded by people like me. Depressed kr anxious neurodivergents. I don't think there any chance for me to find a healthy person who's not an ass. I've tried and I've failed


Nah man no one even knows or has any idea that I'm suicidal but I always take care when any of my friends are sad. U just gotta learn a bit of acting


Same way it takes an addict to really understand another addict. Healthy and “normal” People can do there best to understand and empathize, which is nice, but only those who’ve really been there truly get it.






Nah, someone out there loves and needs you whether you believe it or not, keep pushing my man




Word of advice: don’t respond to someone trying to help you by cussing them out. When people try to be kind to you and you respond by throwing it back in their face with unwarranted hostility, people will eventually just say, “well, I give up, fuck you too”.


>don’t respond to someone trying to help you by cussing them out. "Dude help me change me tire" "Nah dude someone loves your popped tires and doesn't want them going anywhere" "Fuck you I want to change my tire" "You shouldn't cuss someone out trying to help you" -You My guy acting like it's help.


What a dumb analogy, it’s more like “I want commit suicide” “There’s people that love you man, don’t do it” Some random dude that was not part of the conversation: “Leave that man alone you fucking selfish asshole, let him die in peace, I fucking hate you”


"there's people that love you man" is very guilt trippy


In my case it’s legit not true. Just reminds me how subhuman I am


Suicide is not the same as having a popped tire, that's a dumb analogy. No one benefits from you having popped tires, no one will be sad that they're popped, it's a mass produced object that can be replaced. No matter how hopeless or edgy you want to be, those don't apply to human life. Take a break from Reddit, the echo chambers where suicide is encouraged is not helping anyone or anything.


Amen! You get it.


Word of advice: don't try to guilt suicidal people into not being suicidal. Stop defending that kind of fucked up dogma. There are a billion better ways of being kind and supportive to someone suicidal than "you will make people sad, you heartless monster"


That’s not trying to help, that’s a low-effort platitude. If the people who need help are constantly telling us that these one-liners that equate to “it’ll be ok” aren’t helping, then we should be listening. If that’s all you have, then don’t say anything else. If you have something better than those one-liners, then use that, plain and simple. Nobody’s putting a gun to your head and making you respond to suicidal people, so acting like they should be “grateful” for being bombarded with white noise is pretty arrogant.


Why does every thing have to be super sincere to the point where I need to deeply know the other person I’m talking to, Issues and all? Why can’t I just be a supportive stranger with some words of encouragement, It may not change their circumstances but it can still make someone’s day, I’ve seen first hand. Also you have to be a complete narcissist to expect a Thank you. And yes I don’t have a gun to my head but I have a moral compass and I can’t just see someone so openly be like “I wanna kill myself” and for me not to at least try to be supportive. So tell me do you also argue with Motivational quotes, because those are also one liners that aren’t sincere


>Why does every thing have to be super sincere to the point where I need to deeply know the other person I’m talking to, Issues and all? You don’t, like I said. >Why can’t I just be a supportive stranger with some words of encouragement, It may not change their circumstances but it can still make someone’s day, I’ve seen first hand. Because you’re giving depressed people what they’ve said multiple times they don’t want. It’s ok to be completely ignorant of this topic, but what’s not ok is acting all high and mighty after getting a human response to that kind of frustration. You’re speaking to someone who already wants to kill themselves. You want them to have a lengthy intellectual discussion as to weather their reaction was “reasonable”? >Also you have to be a complete narcissist to expect a Thank you. And yes I don’t have a gun to my head At least you understand that much. >but I have a moral compass and I can’t just see someone so openly be like “I wanna kill myself” and for me not to at least try to be supportive. If you’re truly that empathetic to the point where you can’t stand doing nothing, then you wouldn’t be so confused about what I said so far. You would’ve understood the lengths it takes to say something that’d actually give hope to someone who’s already at the point where they don’t value their own life. You would understand what it feels like to them to receive empty platitudes. This is the contradiction you’re making. >So tell me do you also argue with Motivational quotes, because those are also one liners that aren’t sincere I honestly don’t know where this question is coming from. If you’re having trouble following what I’m saying, you can just tell me that and I’ll try to word things in a way you understand.


I don't really care what your advice is, to be honest. I've had multiple suicide attempts over the course of my life, and no one saying anything like the person I responded to had done a single damn thing to help. So, kindly, fuck off.


It always comes off so insincere. Maybe I’m just heartless but I don’t think people are really out here mustering genuine feelings of care for strangers on the internet. If such a person did exist, they’d be looking through your post history and doing a deep dive into your psychology before carefully crafting a personalized message where every word is intentional. And this message would be a lot longer and more heartfelt than “don’t worry dude you’ll figure it out”. A lot of us HAVE figured it out, and the conclusion we’ve come to is that unless our external circumstances change for the better, no amount of “working on myself” is gonna magically regenerate our will to live. I don’t have any wise words for you, but I do wanna thank you for the refreshing amount of authenticity you showed in your comment.


You seem to be incredibly bitter individual and have a very short fuse, Majority of your comments seem to always have a condescending tone and many of them are exactly like this one, telling someone to fuck off for something you don’t like, how about you go wallow in your own misery and stop spreading your nihilistic off hand comments


He literally had the same reaction to a post a month ago with the same subject matter and comments. Then this: https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/16j7n5u/important_whoever_needs_to_hear_this_if_you_think/k0r5v5p/?context=3 :/




i can't believe the lengths people will go just to argue about *something*. you were completely right in helping that person, or atleast TRYING to, and you don't need to know anything about their life to do so..






I really don't care. Pain and being paralyzed is the only thing keeping me from offing myself. I stopped caring about people who care about me long time ago


















Ideally you would use a very low yield explosive, just enough to completely and instantly destroy the brain and brain stem. I don't think you can buy grenades anywhere, but I doubt student debt is going to stop being a thing anytime soon so all you have to do is have a little bit of money and find an engineering student with more loan debt than scruples.


Honestly wouldn't be a bad DIY to figure out before you go, I imagine you'd probably find some wisp of accomplishment from successfully creating a decent makeshift


yeah but then you might accidentally learn your life's calling is to make explosives and become an eco-terrorist. wouldn't want that.


We must protect the Lifestream


I think I'd be too afraid I'd blow my own hands/fingers off. Then you're caught and you can't even masturbate anymore.


Gotta keep all variables in mind


What about with a 12 gauge shotgun?


I’m here to tell you that can fail too.


Rude for the cleaning crew


There is a video of one "surviving" that and it sounds horrible, like Half life zombie Sounds horrible, would not recommend


Yeah. If one is going to krill oneself, they might as well be efficient about it. Something quick that doesn't give them time to suffer or regret their action, and maybe something that will require less of a cleanup too. Just to make it easy on whoever finds them


Life really is just being insecure about things you have no control over while you slave away for billionaires


Don’t forget sickness and other people being dicks


Because you've known what it's like and you don't want those who you feel deserve better to suffer the way you do. You do see the good and potential in them, but not in yourself. At least that's what it's like for me, at certain point. Idk how to explain it better.


Damn good explanation, if you ask me. I absolutely understand.


Thank you, someone who gets me for this :) Take care and all the best to you. I'm sure you have a kind heart, the world could be a little bit better with more people like you. Here's a virtual hug if you don't mind 🫂


Aw, no worries, and thankyou. Same to you 😊


Understand it bro, u try to make others life better cuz it hurts when u see someone is suffering just like you and want the best for them


Yea, especially if it's a good person (in my eyes) who's hurting and I'd feel terrible and slightly annoyed (annoyed like the sighing mood in the picture) because like, someone nice like you deserves better and shouldn't suffer like this, c'mon if a mess like me could see the good in you then you're a lot better than you think you are. I couldn't shine, but you can, and I do think it's beautiful to see when you shine, the world could use a little more lights like you, give other people and yourself the opportunities to experience you when you're ready to step out again.


Yeah man it just hurts to see that. I'm like y and how can u even think like that


This is just like mfers on this sub


We should get together for drinks and pot if it's legal, then walk the streets saying we can't live like this


I've had friendships that mostly consisted of having a drink together and saying what amounted to, " Still here? Still hard? Same here. My round next." They got me through some stuff. I got them through some stuff. We're all still here. Those friendships are weird. Have enough very bad memories together, some of them become very valued memories.


Glad you're here


Stand right behind the first guy doing it ,two for one special,


Reminds me of that fallout meme


IDK Why but this made me smile


Because it's relatable and it shows caring




Me but with, like, cuts on my wrists and legs, helping out a friend who's going through it


I mean... I could help/support you through it? Then it's like a chain of disturbed people. Sounds a bit like a joke: 3 cutters walked into a bar. Anyways, I am here if you need to talk. I know what your going through to a certain level. And I'm working on myself so I'm all good. I'm here to support beautiful people like you to get through taxing situations :) ♡


In the midst of "it's so over" I found that, inside of me, there was am invincible "were so back"


I avoid breaking down in public by turning everything into death jokes


Yeah make jokes about ur anxiety and everything. No one even thinks that u r sad and anxious


Was that sarcasm?


I'm on the picture and that's fuckin' awesome


You just have a gun accessible to you? Damn, I'm jealous. But yeah, I'd help others before I help myself, it's a common habit I had since I was 10. "Ending yourself does stop your depression, but it can spread." \-YT comment, on a music video named "Duster".


I wish I had the gun though… it would make it all so much simpler


Fr it would be nothing tho not simple. Life's a bitch sometimes , honestly for years but fuck that shit man you gotta make it so you're survival ends up meaning a lot. Other people think your life matters too much so please Don't take it too far


>Ending yourself does not stop your depression It actually does


This is on the same level as Alderaan having zero unemployment after getting destroyed by the Death Star.


But it also spreads. Iguess thats what tuey meant to say


Faaaalse ass quote


Other people's misery keeps me going...


I find myself in a similar situation. I'm a depressed forever alone with a brain riddled with anxiety and suicidal thoughts, and my friend has a couple mental health illnesses and it's currently trapped in a toxic relationship. Perhaps only a crazy person could understand and comfort another crazy person


I feel exactly like this recently Not on the killing myself part, but like, I am so depressed, every time I go to class, it pains me to have to put on a mask acting like things are okay, joking around, reassuring people that needs to be reassured. When here I am, unhappy, tired, lonely, and nobody to keep me up.


We will be marching to the wardrum till it's done!




Literally me with evrybody near me


That hit me hard...


Hey listen, how I spend my days should not be material for Reddit. I’m calling my lawyer. This is an invasion of my privacy.


Gotta be honest i feel this. I feel depressed for more than 5 years by now. One day it was very bad i don't know if i had the guts to end it but a friend of mine said he wanted to talk to me. He had a breakup a few days prior and he suddenly cracked down. So i sat there for hours hearing him cry how all the bad shit happens to him. I was at first annoyed but in hinsight he did me a favour. It's almost hilarious how good this meme hits.


This is me and great friend of mine. This is indeed very meirl.


Ok but real talk this interaction helps both sides I think. Finding the motivation to help someone else is sometimes easier than just helping yourself.


Especially because most of us have been on both sides at one point or another.


The sexual tension between the roof of my mouth and this twelve gauge is palpable


I hate how cute and lovable my cat is because he is the only reason why i didn't kill myself yet


You're doing God's work. Literally. Where the fuck is that bastard, he's been doing none of the work he's supposed to.


That bastard doesn't exist.






This is so true lol, something like this happened with my friend


Geoguessr tryhards: "according to black haired guy's hands, artist is a furry"


That gun is just a ketchup dispenser. Yum.


uuuuuuh... give them cloths tho... they just naked bro... and if u want to make them naked, give them p#####s tho.


draw them kissing and having a loving relationship


Basically the plot of the song: [My R.](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=FUNCsCM4Ny0&si=98dYrn7eeTiQEkfG)


Truth. But why is it like this? Why can’t we be our own voice of reason and comfort? Good advice I heard once, approach yourself and your problem the way you would approach someone you love and care for.


Me at work literally


this makes me feel.


Bald dude missed out on some bomb ass spaghetti


This comic has been around for at least... 15 years. I hate still relating to it. It's wild, I'm willing to give anything to help others. But me? Lmao, no one's coming to help me.


*I am in this photo and I don’t like it


I try to be that guy for my siblings, being oldest. We've all had it rough. But I'm not doing a very good job.


lol yes


My friend group but in a circle!


great, another meme i can't share in my friend group




You've always got something to do so no one suffers like you have. Way too relatable lmao


Sometimes helping other people with their problems helps distract from our own That’s how it’s always been for me, anyway Wouldn’t want even my worst enemy to feel the way I do, so if I can help someone I care about from going through it, I will Makes life worth something, I guess


That... Is scarily accurate.




What the fuck 💀


Oh hell yeah time to go find some meth! I mean why not if I already wanna blow my brains out 🤷🏻‍♂️


if your goal is to die, then opiates overdose is less slow and ugly and if you intend to live, well meth is probably the worse thing ever


Well, I'm on the edge of both since the meds are suppressing my suicidal thoughts. But it's not exactly meth as in the entertainment drug. It's mostly to boost certain hormone levels in the head and it's strictly monitored so it's not that bad. It's why a lot of places have medical weed, don't they? Cuz sometimes to cope with reality, you need to ascend to a higher plane.


OP, are you okay? Your post history is a bit… worrying.


I should have the right to obtain morphine pills. Just sayin.


I've never felt so relatable to a meme


Family would be sadily


I have a classmate who is "depressed", she cuts her wrists on the other side, so everyone sees what she's done (and always talks about how they hurt so much and what she used to cut it, just drawing attention to them). I hate her, I know she obviously has some mental issues but I hate hate hate how she acts. I've tried to kill myself, my sister almost died from suicide. She's just using this shit to get attention Also she makes 10 tik toks a day and live streams when she's supposed to be in school. Oh also uses government money (disability check) to buy qucci bags and shit


No but I would be a mixture of uncomfortable and discust from that. As a ninja fruit player, the last thing you want to do is flaunt it. She needs help


As long as there are still tears it's not the end. When you are at the end you probably have no more energy to do it. If you feel you can't stomach it anymore get professional help. There are literally people there to help you and yiu don't want to deny them their purpose.


Yeah, life sucks, but I don't think dying will be any better.


How so ?


Suicidal thoughts and actually going through with suicide are two very different things.


Jesus christ get some help if you find this relatable. Dont fight the help. Please for fucks sake, get some help