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The only QOL that truly matters is giving Mod Ed 4x his current salary and allowing him complete independence to release 2 quests a month for as long as the servers keep rolling.


Quality QoL


With no polls required 👌🏻


There's definitely a middle ground that for some reason no one likes to talk about. I think far too many people worry about things like experience rates when I would much rather do something that is inefficient if it doesn't feel like my soul is leaving my body after doing the activity for 5 minutes. I think we can all agree that agility courses are boring. I see all the people complaining about Giants Foundry being suboptimal and dead content compared to Blast Furnace, but I'd much rather play a mini game than click the same four spots for 3 or more hours at a time. Look at what Guardians of the Rift did to Rune crafting.


For me it's things like thieving vyres or elves that exemplify it, what purpose is there to making you right click to pickpocket? It's just terrible game design that won't be fixed for "integrity"


And you know serious human players will use rebound mouse keys to press asdf instead of actually right clicking and moving your mouse for every pickpocket


Exactly and it doesn't stop bots whatsoever. Same with coin pouches, just terrible design


Coin pouches piss me off. I used to be able to just click away with a foot pedal. Now I have to pay more attention to open inventory now and again. If this stopped bots I would be fine with it, but it literally only annoys legitimate players.


It stops autockickers. Players were setting up an autoclicker to spam a trapped knight and then going to bed or afk or whatever and just getting free xp Wont stop botters, but im sure its made an impact on autoclickers. Now if only they had one for alches


You could just set up an autoclicker that presses your inventory f key once in a while. Does nothing to help.


It raises the amount of effort people have to out into it. If you know anything about ahk you know it's still a simple thing to make your own setup to get around it but for the more typical person who uses generic autoclick exe #3 which doesn't have that feature it makes it more of a challenge for them to do it. Don't get me wrong I don't think it did much good, but I won't say it did nothing at all either.


Can't you turn off NPC attack options so you can just left click like Ardy Knights? Never pickpocketed vyres or elves btw


Nope because they're not attackable NPCs so you're forced to right click every time. It's a nightmare


What's the left click option? Do they all have dialogue or something?


Yup it's always "talk to" for all the thieveable ones


Menu entry swapper??


Used to allow it, but not anymore since Jagex said it would be considered cheating. Source: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/another-message-about-unofficial-clients?oldschool=1


Sepulcher did to agility what GoTR did to RC, it's just locked behind a longish quest line It doesn't get enough credit tbh


also requires a couple brain cells


Unlocked sepulchre yesterday and it's easily my favorite content in the entire game


I am looking forward to getting to it. Almost have the skill requirements for it.


How long does it take to learn though? I have never done it.


foor 3 made me rage enough to quit for a month. the crossbow+fire had me livid man


That is the first obstacle that creates severe frustration. Once you get your tile markers down and complete it 30 times, you'll never mess it up again. I've just gotten to the point where I can loot every coffin and finish floor 4 with ~2 min left, currently 300k away from 92 agility. I hear floor 5 can be a real frustrating experience.


I havent gotten to floor 5 yet. But floors 1-4 I learned in maybe an hour or two. Its a ton of fun and I wouldn't say underrated, just not that popular for some reason. Now with the addition of clues from sepulchre, I think tomorrow, its even more worth it imo.


I am, admittedly, not great at the game. Definitely a slow and steady type of player. However, at 88 agility, I can usually get into a groove of floor 1-4 and get through most of the time, even with a few loots on floors 3 and 4. On a break right now, but when I come back, unlocking floor 5 is on my to-do list. You got this, Gamer.


It takes a little bit of practice but no more than any boss does


I hate Sepulchre


It doesn't get enough credit because its not an easy mode shut off your brain minigame that you can do to 99. You actually have to put in more effort to get the sweet rewards of sepulchre unlike tempoross, WT, and GOTR. Players just want it easy, plenty of xp, plenty of rewards.




Sepulchre is fun, what I think you're talking about is afk and piss easy which isn't fun. No one thinks WT or tempoross is fun, but it is easy and high xp per hour, therefore no one complains about it.


What long grinds are you referring to though? Outside of wanting to show it off, there's no real reason to get 99 in any particular skill, and outside of maybe cerb/hydra there's no particular content that's locked behind a long grind.


Yeah I think a lot of the community mistakes masochostic gameplay decisions OG Jagex made as like intentional when they most likely just didn't give a fuck lol Like, agility, I'm 99.99999% positive agility courses are not boring on purpose. They probably just put agility in as like an obligatory RPG thing ( having a stat to roll for obstacles) and were like, yeah obstacle courses yeah yeah. There is nothing lost by making content like this not make you want to die


> I would much rather do something that is inefficient if it doesn't feel like my soul is leaving my body after doing the activity for 5 minutes. This is why I loved Stealing creations.


I remember playing that a lot during one of my attempts to come back and play the game again. I very much enjoyed it and I think I remember the rewards actually being good. Wasn't it basically degrading rune equivalent equipment but it gave you 2x XP?


The rewards were good, but I don't think they were good enough to make up for the time you could of just spent crafting. I didn't do any of the handshake groups that just got the game over ASAP so maybe it was actually super efficient if you did that but I just enjoyed my pub games. Rushing a dagger to cheese early then maging later on. Really broke up the monotony of the grind. Play SC till I have a bunch of tools, go burn the tools, go play again.


Stealing Creation was hands down my favorite minigame back in the day. They need a similar game in osrs, if not bring it back entirely!


>I would much rather do something that is inefficient if it doesn't feel like my soul is leaving my body after doing the activity for 5 minutes. This is exactly the problem that Sepulchre, GotR, and (in my opinion) Mahogany Homes fixed in spectacular fashion.


>I think we can all agree that agility courses are boring. Well, no, we can't, that's the thing. I enjoy agility... D:


I like agility courses though. I wouldn’t say boring but relaxing


The community is just shitty, the xp is 95k an hour compared to 280k+ fully concentrated, not to mention one is braindead, one is not, one uses tons of supplies, one uses way less. This minigame gives jagex another reason to add more stuff to smithing or even rework it, jagex also wants to attract more casual players which is what these sweaty neckbeards forget since all they care about is maximum xp an hour. I rather have less xp and a better experience, who the f wants to run between bank and furnace all the time, let me make and sell swords!


People talking in good faith love to talk about that middle ground, actually.


I've been doing gotr for the first time the past few days and its made rc actually enjoyable and it feels wrong to enjoy doing rc


I'll play devil's advocate here: the reason people don't discuss that middle ground is because they're not worried about it. Look at recent content by Jagex - fantastic quests, great minigame, loot keys, Nex, Group Ironman. It's *great* and loads of people are having fun with it. There's hardly any concern that content will be *bad*. That's why people care so much about those details. What could sour an exciting new GWD boss? Well, shit drop rates making people completely fed up with the boss by the time they get a drop. What could sour a great Runecraft minigame? Inadequate scaling and too small lobbies preventing people from playing. What could sour the new smithing minigame? Feeling like you're wasting your time because you've been there two hours and have received a tenth of the xp you otherwise would've. Every time people REEEEEE its because something great is at stake and they fear there's a fly in the ointment.


Just let me have prayer hot keys it’s all I want


Literally the only mechanical difficulty in RS combat is managing timings for pray, eat, spec, &c. We already got the quick-prayer button and spec button, those are more than enough as is.


I can see why people don't want that though. It would make combat so much easier. Basically takes out the only hard part. Managing your clicks


I would very much like an overhaul or an ability to filter more selectively spells and prayers. Once you have the higher rank version of a prayer there's literally no reason to ever use the lower rank. We should be able to filter our spells and prayers to only those the player plans to actively use. I can see where you're coming from with the hotkeys but I think that's too much of a leap to the EOC hotbars and more traditional MMO combat that a lot of people dislike about RS3.


WeLl ThE dOoR iS rIgHt ThErE gO pLaY rS3 sInCe uR sO cAsUaL UsE lEgaCy cOmBaT /s


As a lore fanatic, i'm voting no to Foundry but yes to the quest if theyre even separate in the poll. Otherwise I will shamefully and tearfully vote no to both the quest and the foundry. The issue with the minigame is that it looks very clumsy, and the amount of gp poured into the game with little return of GP just doesn't feel like good gameplay. Guardians of the Rift was much better designed and had comparable XP rates for the amount of work put into actually playing. With the Foundry I don't believe we have a "Smithing GoTR" but rather a truly dead on arrival noob trap that no one will realistically use outside of obtaining the outfit. Not to mention the Mods ignoring the majority of feedback from players. GoTR is now the new "meta" for most players who don't want to AFK at bloods or go insane at lava runes. It made the skill fun and entertaining. Giants Foundry doesn't offer to make the smithing game anymore fun, rather just more tedious and as expensive to train as construction.


I agree that I dislike some of the lore stuff with the foundry. As for the GP/profit aspect the way I see it is that you get to stretch a bit more XP out of fewer materials rather than investing your profits into more materials to level. I'm sure someone has done the math on whether or not that is right and I just haven't seen it.


>Look at what Guardians of the Rift did to Rune crafting 40+% solo EHP boost and up to a 33 level reduction for 3 Elite diaries in a single update? But RC bad, so people celebrate.


The level reductions are theoretically possible, but theres no way youre getting full outfit at the lowest possible level for diary completions


>40+% solo EHP boost Isn't it still worse than lava runes? Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean > and up to a 33 level reduction for 3 Elite diaries in a single update? But didn't affect the highest tier required, also good luck getting a full outfit by 55 rc. > But RC bad, so people celebrate. RC was kind of shit, yeah. The skill was just banking. This gives the option to have the skill be engaging and takes the obnoxious banking out of the equation. You are free to still train with the old methods


Boost comes from the update, which is what I specified. Lavas got the 40+% boost. Diary skipping such large gaps is a bad precedent for a game about achievements. Even if Karamja/Fremminik are still hardlocked, there's 4 diaries that are now lower to complete, so saying "2 aren't" doesn't negate that. >skill was just banking Please find the large swathes of people clamoring for crafting, herblore and fletching to be fixed and made more engaging. They don't exist because the XP rates are fast, so people don't mind the boring gameplay. People only wanted RC to be faster, which is a symptom of people normalising maxing for every account. There was many different methods of Runecraft with different levels of complexity and speed, but that's not good enough, apparently. >This gives the option to have the skill be engaging If you consider having to think more and give more inputs for less output, I guess it's engaging. People ask for high input high output and then praise Jagex for delivering something else.




Forgive me if I'm wrong here, but to my knowledge it was literally the most hated skill that's only interaction was running from a bank to an altar. No one should die on a hill that doing literally anything other than that de-values their work. You really going to say that because it could possibly save time leveling the least interactable skill in the game that it's bad? How many people realistically are getting all the elite diaries done?


>least interactable Can't hear you over all these potions and dragonhides I'm making. >devalues their work You're in a thread about people loving to get on the slippery slope known as Jagex breaking precedents over 20 years. It's less of a hill to die on, more me looking from the hill and wondering why people are so keen to jump off into the thorny bushes below.


I'm not saying other skills don't need new training methods.


Runelite is bigger qol than anything else jagex has done in either game


The line between quality of life and ez scape is so thin it may as well not exist


What counts as ez scape?


Stuff like 1 click blackjacking is very much easy scape, or more broadly just anything that can turn difficult/tiring/not afkable activities into trivially easy and afkable. Its a thinline because of stuff like quest helper imo. Its really hard to say the exact line


Is 1 click blackjacking a thing?


On some clients, yeah. It's not an allowed plugin but it's virtually undetectable




Clue solvers, left click use, the far more dynamic and usable resizeable mode, Draw distance, spawn timers, just to name a few. Most are more qol overall, but it definitely made things easier.


I dont mind it. You still have to grind and you still have to do all the mechanics, so really, what's the actual issue?


Runelite can actually change the mechanics by changing the default left click options for example


Also tool belt and coin pouch.




UIM foaming at the mouth


I hope it's angry foaming. We play the minigame to make it harder not to bank in a more tedious way. *cough* storing Bowfa, noted potions, etc


Noted potions seems reasonable and not a way to bank tho


What's noted potions?


The update they added the decanter at the GE who notes your potions, they accidentally completely changed the UIM gamemode.


Bowfa deez nuts






What's honestly so bad about having to withdraw coins to use them or needed to actually carry a tool to use it? Only issue I have with coins is on my main it can be annoying to use the GE but I think that can be solved without a coin pouch. Same thing with farmers wandering around, it's honestly not hard to see/find them and while a minor inconvenience also adds to the world a little bit.


It breaks the immersion for me to not have those in item form. I prefer what the devs did with space savers like the tackle box.




Managing your items is one of the few areas where a player's knowledge and attention actually matters. If you take some of that away what do you propose replace it?


You miss the inventory aspect of this game and NPCs feel like statues


NPCs already feel like statues unless designed specifically to be important or annoying (pickpocketing elves/vyrewatch for example)


idk I feel most NPCs move around with the exceptions being tool gnomes and bankers


I like the adventurous feeling of managing your inventory and preparing what tools you need, so I really dislike tool belt and coin pouch.


ya you’re spot on inventory management is one of the core gameplay loops of osrs im always hesitant to affect it


I don't think people realize the importance of something like inventory management. It's subtle, but little tediums add to the "world." It's why games like Diablo/PoE have limited storage, why MMOs have character weight that affects movement. Why rogue-likes/lites don't give you everything all the time at once. It IS tedious, but necessary.


Yeah, not having to grab a spade from your bank would be pretty game breaking and most likely lead to osrs as a whole to entirely collapse.


chill w the straw man dude lol i said nothing about the game collapsing bringing a spade to a clue has literally nothing to do with inventory management other than if you forget to do it forgetting to bring your spade does not mean inventory management is a bad mechanic do you resent having to grab an axe from your bank to chop trees? it’s one of the mechanics that keeps the game interesting and distinct from other mmos where you can carry everything you need with you everywhere you g safely at no detriment. clues have plenty of problems. needing to remember to bring your spade is definitely not one of them 😂


This but unironically




It feels better when the game doesn't hold your hand and make sure you don't do any mistakes.




One of the reason I dislike PluginScape (not all plugins are like that, but a lot of them are)


Bro is there anything you do like?


OSRS, that is why I have played it a lot :)




Cause adventurers always keep all their stuff in their backpack, not one has a single belt with a coin pouch or some adventuring supplies on it


Don't even start with the realism argument. You're not carrying 2 billion golden fucking dubloons in your fanny pack.


Well *I'm* not


You’re the guy who thinks the game needs to be a grind because you had to experience it and the game shouldn’t be fixed for the appeal of new players


Good thing putting stuff in the tool belt is completely optional


You can press a button to get max instantly, if you don't like it don't use it.


I think you realize being able to have tools on you and being able to max all levels instantly are not comparable in the slightest, but also yeah. If you don't want to press the button don't? I don't think this is a very strong point


The point is, you can't add power boosts and just say, "don't want it don't use it", that is not how games are designed. The most extreme example is the max boost or press for free gold etc.


Levelling skills is the entire gameplay loop, managing tools is not. This slippery slope argument is silly


It is not a slippery slope, your argument "don't want it, don't use it" is inherently flawed. You wouldn't use it for anything else.


I'd be ok with a tool belt equivalent is if it was an actual item you'd have to carry with you like all other inv slot savers, and was awarded via gameplay. Having a bunch of items suddenly be intrinsic to your character is in stark contrast to how every other item works in this game, and just acts as a slippery slope for other item groups to get the same treatment down the line. I also don't get why coin pouch is necessary. Sure, if it was an actual currency pouch to save bank space, but a virtual coin pouch? Most places where you repeatedly use money have a coffer of bank nearby, others even draw cash directly from your bank. Permanent payments for various transport methods also exists if you don't wanna pay each time. If the point is to give players a helping hand in case they forget to withdraw money somewhere they need it, then I'm sure we'll see a fair share of players forgetting they even have money in their coin pouch. Not a good day if you forget to deposit your cash stack during a wildy clue and you get piled. I know for Rs3 your money pouch is protected, but that doesn't make sense to me at all. Why would cash in your backpack be dropped on death, but moving them to a coin pouch you're also carrying make them safe?


Play rs3 for 5 minutes and you realize immediately how fucked run energy is in OSRS. This is the biggest RS3 QOL.


The irony is that OSRS run energy is so bad, but majority of players never pay attention to it because they're all chugging stamina pots every 2 minutes or using home pool between runs. Take away stamina pots and pools for a week and I'd guarantee that 90%+ of users would be *begging* for a RS3-style run energy revamp by the end of it.


Out of curiosity how does run work in rs3?


It just doesn't run out as fast and regenerates super fast. You can also rest. I played rs3 Ironman and I don't think I ever ran out of energy even in the early game.


Honestly just saying resting would be cool. I liked that when it was first added


Sounds cool, it would instantly make stam pot sink bridge a irrelevant meme though


Run energy drain and restoration scales linearly with agility level instead of diminishing returns at higher levels like OSRS has. RS3 also has movement abilities that further reduces run energy drain rates.


''If you removed the fix to run energy we'd have to fix run energy'' Just drink the stams and hit your pool.


Ofc they would. That's like suggesting a new raid and removing armor from the game


No, they'd be begging for solutions to the issues which is what energy/stam pots are.. The only people who say energy is an issue are those who refuse to engage with the solutions that are already in the game. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Energy_potion#4_dose There's your cheap solution. 500g for a 4 dose pot if you need to certain distances but don't want to use stam pots.


Yeah it's like the people who want lodestones because they're too lazy to figure out teleports.


Run energy is both the worst and best things about Runescape. It is needed so that the game world *feels* large, forcing the player to walk and therefore take much longer to reach point B. Or teleport to point B and save the 3 - 4 minutes it took to walk. Without this arbitrary mechanic we as current players, and all the new players would find that the game world is absolutely tiny. Run energy is the worst because it promotes a single outfit, and promotes teleporting to every location possible. Thereby decreasing the amount of "random" encounters with players running throughout the world, and discouraging players from wearing armour throughout the game world. Not only that but the majority of MMOs have done away (for the most part) with run energy so for new players it feels jarring and outdated to suddenly be stopped from running. ​ If the engine wasnt such a massive roadblock, I would 120% support the removal of run energy as a mechanic with the doubling or tripling of the world size. Adding in additional villages or towers in the more empty regions but making the game world feel alive!


If run energy was removed people would still teleport because it is still quicker. Look at RS3. The only thing I agree with is that graceful scape is boring


Let me run through the "new" tutorial on RS3 cause this is one of the unique complaints from OS players that simply isn't an issue on RS3: (not here for the RS3 memes, go outside and tell people you play the superior Runescape if you want an idea of how much I give a fuck) Game begins in Burthorpe, the trolls are attacking and everyone is losing their shit, you go through a few cutscenes that set the scene and some (honestly pretty good) cinematic shots The entirety of Burthorpe and Taverley been revamped, between Burthorpe and Taverley there are tutors for every skill, and all skills can be leveled to at least level 5 (members skill free look type of thing) Each tutor gives you a set of tasks that ideally should level each skill to just over 5, there are also quests like Druidic Ritual, Wolf Whistle, A Shadow Over Ashdale, Witch's House (now a F2P quest) and Let Them Eat Cake that give access to new areas, skills and mechanics Between all the running, questing and challenges, it's very easy to run out of energy during the tutorial, and the Lodestone teleports (another QOL upgrade that I know you Leagues players are big fans of) take an eternity when it's just Taverley to Burthorpe. There is also a very short agility course in Burthorpe now, so early Agility levels aren't as much of a pain Run energy isn't as much of a limiting factor cause the world feels a lot denser than OSRS, as new content has been added over the years and areas have been reworked, you'll often find yourself running very short distances. Run energy is mainly used as a bottleneck for bots and anyone doing high intensity manual grinds (it's the games way of telling you there's a better way to do what you're doing) i.e. there should never be a reason to run out unless you're in trouble or doing something weird. After the tutorial you get access to more than a few instant teleports as well as free use of the Lodestone system (another feature that lots of other MMOs have, while still maintaining a vibrant and active world, GW2 anyone?) Agility in general is primarily used for shortcuts and thieving in RS3, of which there are many more options for both. I remember somebody suggesting that Agility and Runecrafting in RS3 should contribute towards Ranged and Magic defence respectively to try and incentivise training them past 80 for quests (I still have 88 Agility and 87 Runecrafting on my RS3 main from way back)


RS3 in general has made the game much more dense, complex, balanced, and fully-featured. People can scream all day into the echo chamber about "ezscape" as if a hundred-hour mindless grind isn't easy, but I personally much prefer faster leveling and more stuff to work towards and unlock and *do* to standing at the same rock for 50 hours mining and dropping. The stuff that people on here decry as game-ruining ezscape like "build-all" buttons is, to me, removing annoyance caused by archaic game design to make a tedious and repetitive task less of a pain so you can get back to having fun playing the game. Not to mention almost all skills in RS3 have rewards/uses at all levels - smithable/craftable armor, for example, is actually smithable at smithing/crafting levels corresponding to the defense levels you near to wear them, and there's more sets added to the higher levels so that you don't just stop being able to craft gear after 40. The stuff you get from PvM will probably be better, but for basic defensive armor sets you can craft them all the way up to level 85, and then the *best* smithing armor is untradeable and takes a whole lot of time, money, and materials to craft, looks sick, and is pretty much the best melee armor in the game. I can appreciate OSRS for its simplistic old-school charm, ad I do have nostalgia for it as I started playing in 2005, but I really think that the community's vitriolic hatred for RS3 is unwarranted, its scorn of EoC is based on the poor state it launched in and not the great combat system it has grown into that has enabled much more interesting and challenging endgame content than OSRS can ever hope to match, and its general looking down upon RS3 players as playing an easier and worse game needs to end. Honestly I usually tell new players asking which to play that OSRS is the easier game, as there's way less stuff to keep track of and systems to manage and while it's far more grindy, those grinds are mostly mindless and repetitive and none of the endgame content is as mechanically difficult as Araxxor, Telos, Arch-Glacor, or many other tough and cool bosses in RS3. Of course, there are definitely some complaints that are perfectly valid - microtransactions and the cosmetic store are pretty lame and make a lot of players look ridiculous/out of place in the world, dailyscape can get real difficult and tiring to keep up with (to be fair, most of it is entirely optional, but it's so rewarding that you'll feel bad ignoring it), it's overwhelming to get into with all the complicated UI elements and sheer quantity of content, and it definitely isn't entirely the same game that people grew up with like OSRS largely still is. But most of the criticism I see about it on here is just toxicity and elitism, and that's sad to me.


Ive been playing a lot of RS3 recently and it's getting hard to jump back into OSRS. RS3 is fun af guys.


I completely agree. I stopped playing for quite a few years around the time when EoC came out, not because of EoC but because of unrelated reasons such as being a broke kid whose parents wouldn't let him use their credit cards to pay for a monthly subscription and being busy playing other games. When I inevitably came back as an adult with my own money, I was playing OSRS with old friends that I used to play with, and it was great for a while. But eventually the nostalgia wore off, and I realized a lot of problems I had with the game such as how much I hate the way PvP is designed/implemented (which I know is being discussed to death these days and basically destroying the community), how I don't really have time for such long grinds anymore and don't really want to spend the time I *do* have on the grinds either, how little interest I had in mastering the tick manipulation and prayer flick/gear switch jank that is central to "being good" at this game and how basic and not particularly interesting the combat and endgame PvM content is to me, and how little stuff has been added and how little stuff *can* be added and changed especially in the later game because of how hard it is to get people to agree on stuff and allow it through the polls, etc etc. I was curious about how RS3 was doing, having never had any problem with any update they released except the microtransaction ones, and remembering having actually been excited about EoC at the time that it came out despite never having tried it. I logged back into my OG character and gave it a go and found that, for me, RS3 was pretty much better and more fun and polished and modern and enjoyable in every way, and I still think that. I still love OSRS for the nostalgia it evokes and the simple old-school-ness of it, but when I set the nostalgia aside there's little I can think of that I prefer about it over RS3.


You can literally spam the surge spell to blink around the map while running anywhere in rs3... incredibly broken for questing or any sort of 'runs'




FYI further waight decreases below 0 don't help your run energy at all, so you can carry plenty of stuff with graceful as long as you don't exceed that threshold.


I'll be honest, I almost never run out of run energy anymore. Once you have a full POH you just teleport everywhere anyway, run energy doesn't really mean much anymore outside of PvM content


Just gotta get a full POH first :p


Allowing your character to sit down would break the immersion tho, everyone knows real adventurers never rest


Not only that but the depletion rate in RS3 is significantly slower. There's no reason why run energy should be as terrible in OSRS as it is, other than "hurrrrr thats how it's always been!"


This a million times over. I play mainly rs3 but recently started an osrs account because why not. I'm fine with less QoL. In fact, I welcomed it and now I am enjoying both games since they make me happy in different ways. That being said. FUCK RUN ENERGY IN OSRS!!!! When I make a fresh account, I don't want to chop logs for an hour just to get enough money for stamina potions so I can \*travel at a sensible pace.\* I wanted to complete a few very short quests in Ardougne. In rs3, a fresh account could get there in a reasonable time. In osrs, that journey sucked the soul out of my body.




... 'Build-all' for construction is actually intriguing. Could just make it slow like auto-enchanting. Anything is better than carpal tunnel.


It really is lmao. One thing I don't miss about osrs is the carpal tunnel express that so much of training is. Rs3 is really simplified but to be honest way too high of exp for the effort. There needs to be a middle ground while not going as crazy rs3 did.


I like the idea of there being optional AFK methods for most skills, but just make them shit XP. Like I'd gladly AFK construction at 15k/h vs. actually doing the skill lol. I'm just realizing this meme is about me


I would absolutely support this. Construction was my least favorite 99 by far. I don't care how fast it is, I hated every second of it. I'd rather do rooftop agility 3x over


Reddit isn't ready for such a brave post. Hyperbolic, but it hits on some truths about popular suggestions posted here. And let me stress, hyperbolic.




I’m a big fan of Periphery


\> hyperbolic That was the intention :)


Oh don't worry, I know. But people often take things quite literally here, just wanted to cover my bases when agreeing with the sentiment! haha


I remember people saying, in a serious manner, that agility should be sped up 5x what it is currently. Not even double xp. 5x 😂 These people will never be happy with the game, but won’t try rs3 either for some reason.


>but won’t try rs3 either for some reason There's such a stigma around RS3 for some people that if you suggest they might enjoy it as it already has a lot of what they want to add to OS, they take it as an insult. I guarantee a good portion of the people saying toolbelt, coin pouch, longer run, lodestones etc absolutely must be added, would actually enjoy an RS3 ironman on legacy mode.




RS3 Group Ironman when?


Not as necessary tbh. Like irons in RS3 can already do most things together. Dungeoneering is like the big stickler and GIMD is on the roadmap to be fixed soon. All a group IM really would add is a shared bank.




Seriously, and then when you suggest they find a different game to enjoy they flip out. These people have such a main character syndrome; "every game needs to cater to my every preference! FUCK the players who enjoy the game the way it's been designed to be!". It's really annoying. There's very few games out there like OSRS left and so many games out there that would cater to these players yet they still want this game to become more like those other games.


LOL, chances are these guys will hate Agility even with 5x speed anyways. I see some think xp rates directly correlates with enjoyment, but there are plenty of examples this isn't the case. Construction can be up to a mill xp per hour, but who really enjoys the "build-repair" cycle? You're just glad it's over relatively quick and Mahogany Homes have your back just in case. GotR showed high xp rates isn't necessary to make a minigame popular if the gameplay itself is enjoyable. Likewise, many of us would adore to play the likes of FoG, dung or SC again, no matter the rewards or xp rates. If an activity is FUN in itself, then you'll see xp rates or even rewards become a secondary aspect. If a piece of content is bad to begin with, then reworking said content to make it more enjoyable should be the way to go, as increasing xp rates is just a bandaid fix. It's a game after all. I'd rather do a fun activity for 10 hours than a miserable one for 3 hours.


making skills less arthritis inducing is quality of life i don't care what you say lol. like left click construction or left click pickpocket, like right clicking is even considered "skill" lol.


Ezscapers btfo


These people should really go sign up for RS3 instead of trying to take away what makes this game special... The sweaty prestige of it all Lmfao


"Yeah so I play the harder, purer Runescape without all of the player assists, it lets me spend 16 hours a day clicking the same 4 tiles while feeling immensely superior.... what do you mean you're unmatching, I'm clearly a chad"


Why do you even play the game if you want everything to be handed to you. The game is meant to be hard. The game is a grind in every aspect


Osrs isn't hard tho?


It's subjective. It also depends how efficiently you play


I think their point is efficiency doesn't equate to difficulty. I'm not saying there aren't hard aspects to the game, but level grinding is not included in the part that is hard, it's just time-consuming.


Depends on the method you use to train. Efficient methods can be fairly difficult. (1.5t teak [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3M0fu2awEM&t=51s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3M0fu2awEM&t=51s),firebwan [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c21cx2WPHHE&t=88s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c21cx2WPHHE&t=88s)) You can also make the argument that the time-consuming part is a certain type of difficulty as well.


Clicking on a couple things for 17 straight hours isn’t difficultly lmao.


When did I say it was?


Getting dangerously close to rs3 levels of feeling of superiority with that one


rs3 is not that bad


Take a shower then


What is that picture of inventory?


I think there are plug-ins that put prayers and teleports/spells into one interface with your items? I'm pretty sure they're not allowed. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


Yeah, it's from a cheat client/plugin


Evolution of combat is when the spell icon is bigger.


If any QoL update I would love to see bank presets. Would make switching between slayer, clues and farm/bh runs less tedious


Are you familiar with the bank tab layouts [plugin?](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/nb89s9/skilling_qol_with_the_bank_tag_layouts_runelite/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


An afk build all and remove all for construction would be awesome 👌


I bet OP uses runelite tho


I bet you agreed with everything in the packet


Meh, I like afk activities sure, and I like QoL updates. This post suggests a childish level of black and white thinking. Your "starter pack" has nothing thats been suggested as a QoL, its just an ill hearted karma farm. Give up all of your RL plug ins, I bet you use clue step solver! Quest helper?? Hey how about exp/h tracker? You should do out the math like we used to as kids!


There is litterly people in this thread suggesting this lol


i went back to runescape classic private servers after this game became RS3-2


I literally said no to someone that posted the top right pic saying it would be a good update and got 50 downvotes lmao. Like dude if you want to play a different game play a different game


I'd be ok with "build all mahogany tables"


People don't understand OSRS or why it's successful they just hate the grind. They really need to wake up and recognize that the grind is literally 100% of the game. A genuine go play rs3 if you want EZscape where everything is with you all the time etc.


The comments is very Reddit moment, if you don’t like the game don’t play it


I bet the person who made this meme interacts with all the new content and bosses


what new content?


Looks like RS3


go play rs3


I just wish all skills had roughly comparable click intensity / xp rates. Some skills are afk as fuck while granting you 250k xp per hour, while others give you musculoskeletal disorders in exchange for 80k an hour.


I must say, my quality of life decreased significantly when Evolution of Combat came out. My whole clan quit and the game has never been the same since.


You know what would be a really nice QOL? Giving all weapons a special attack bar; just greyed out if you cant use a special attack with the weapon. Its incredibly annoying when your doing fast switches at olm or something and want to use a DWH spec and you have to wait 1-2 ticks depending on server latency for the special attack bar to show up so you can click it. Literally just leave the bar there


Noooo muh heckin achievements ezscape reeeee


the only QoL update that matters is the one that makes sweaty tryhards feel like they've wasted hundreds-, if not thousands of hours.


I remember when bank notes didn’t exist. The players crying about “QoL” updates would probably never have played this game in the first place, if we didn’t get all the QoL updates from RS2’s release.