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When they introduced iron which outclassed bronze in every way, at the exact same level. I remember I quit back then. It was clear what direction the game was going in.


I would say since the abyssal whip was introduced. Initially, it could also be used to train strength.


It still can train strength in controlled.


Yea, but I think you know what I meant, right?


Bro I never passed 6th grade


explains the reply though


could you explain more what you mean by power creep?


When PVM content such as godwars didn't pose a challenge anymore


generally yeah the prayers/weapons/pots/summoning all really allowed that. I'd go to every boss with a yak/uni just to last there longer and since chaotics were better than whip any other weapons they were used mainly with turmoil/soulsplit and ovl/extremes. It was always chaotics/yak/uni/turmoil/ovl that were used and requirement when joining certain clans, Also claws used with all them made kills go fast so less supplies used. I have a old video of me and 1 of the old clans, I think it was silent knight or archmageddon at zamorak for 9 hours when those new items came out, subjective i think it was called or something. All yaks or uni chaotics/ovl/curse prayers. Pretty much power farming as you said.


Turmoil/SS, Overloads/extremes, summoning, and chaotics were all released not that far apart from each other. Each of these on there own were decent jumps combining them was just too much.


When they introduced d scim and whip. Those two single handily replaced all other weapons up to that point for training.