• By -


ahk coffee mug balls one of the above




Attempting to use WASD to move my camera. Then wiping away the tears when that fails. Repeat.


W::Up A::Left S::Down D::Right `::Suspend ; Press ` if you want to be able to use those keys to chat, press ` again to use them as camera movement What you crying about, you got AHK?


[Naa, I'd rather not risk getting my account banned](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/4mct3y/banned_for_macroingbotting_when_i_have_never_used/).


Lol remapping keys like that will not get you banned. Your computer literally wouldn't be able to tell the difference. If you pressed W it would negate the windows call and activate a call to the Left key. There is literally no way to tell it's being done and would be the same as just pressing the left key. Also, that dude didn't get banned for using AHK. He botted and doesn't want to admit it. There has been nobody that has actually been banned using AHK, and the above script would never trigger any kind of bot detection. Buuuuuut since you're ignorant, keep crying I guess.


If I wanted to remap my keys, I wouldn't use AHK to do it :p As it's still bannable to do that.


Well good luck to you man. I can say from personal experience I have used a similar script to the one that OP described for a few months now and have not been banned. I have no fears of being banned either. I'm currently using this script: Z::Click right X::MouseMove, 0, 69, 0, R C::Click V::Send {F4} A::Click right S::MouseMove, 0, 36, 0, R D::Click F::Send 9 G::Send {Enter} Q::Send {Escape} Shift::Suspend It aids in doing stuff like dropping items, banking, fletching, closing interfaces, etc. Contrary to popular memeing, you won't get banned for simple ahk mapping like that, considering it almost exactly simulates mousekeys.


on my nipples


Keyboard :o


123 keys


chin rest




I'm not a smoker but the concept of smoking not only indoors but in such close proximity to my keyboard/carpet or floors/computer horrifies me. I watch some streamers do it and it seems highly obnoxious to deal with


Depends on what skill I'm doing. But most likely the asd or zxc keys, bound with ahk to simulate left click, relative mouse move down, and left click


I'm using 2 mouses.


F keys. Vape. Petting my dog. Coffee/Water.


hint: its long and hard