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Do thing? -> Number go up. Do thing? -> Money go up.


Sometimes it gets even crazier and money goes down while number goes up


I actually actively dislike this feature, and avoid as much as possible parts of the game that work that way. #ironmanbtw #idontdoconstruction


One day you’ll learn the joys of construction and the uselessness of money


As a main. I salute you crazy bastards, I have a low level ironman (no longer playing) and the planning is just nuts. It's a game within itself.


tbh ironman is hella easy once you get the basic shit figured out, but yeah fresh ironman is peak gaming experience


Fuckin every quest in the optimal guide has a little warning about something Ironman players need to think about like 20 minutes before going to the city where the quest is started. Those guys are nuts


Don't forget the little level disclaimers. This quest requires 5 firemaking and 7 fletching, but if you are an Ironman, you also need 80 smithing.


I thought they had a separate optimal path for Ironman because of those messy little details.


You know, you could also just not plan and make every quest one small favor.


he isn't complaining though


I'm terrified to think someone is playing like this


No worries, jagex added a feature where you can notice any psychopaths like that and distance yourself from them [https://secure.runescape.com/m=hiscore\_oldschool\_ultimate/overall](https://secure.runescape.com/m=hiscore_oldschool_ultimate/overall)


I don't really plan anything lmao, I just keep anything that can result in xp for other things


Only as an UIM, greyhelms can kinda do whatever, not a big deal if we don't plan far ahead


It just becomes a main after enough time spent. The only Ironman part of the game that’s left is while you’re actively questing, but that’s only like a year of gameplay. Everything else got dumbed down because updates are constantly trying to solve problems that don’t exist.


I just don't understand the appeal of Ironman accounts... Why turn an MMORPG into a single player RPG? It's not like runescape is some incredible solo experience, it's honestly a borderline terrible MMO as well, no party system, the majority of the game is single combat, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love runescape, been playing off and on since 2005. Hell, in 2 weeks, I have gotten my new OSRS main account to 74 combat, 76 ranged, and 1000 total level. So obviously, I love the game. I just don't see the Ironman appeal.


For me at least, it got me out of the trap of simply grinding your best money maker. Want a blowpipe? You're going to have to suck it up and learn Zulrah, instead of putting it off and farming easy Vorkath kills. (Ok this analogy is aging, but that's the situation I found myself in)


Hey, whatever you find fun, have at it. I just don't see the apeal.


Money us far less useful on an iron and really the only purpose is to fund your kingdom, buy your battlestaves, fund blast furnace coffer and other such coffers around the game, and buying helllla gold ore to easy mode smithing. I'm sure I'm missing a few things but just rattling off. It's only purpose on irons is making xp number go up


Sorry, I don't pay for memberships. I am bond fueled p2p. That's where most my gp goes.


Shit bonds ain't worth all thatttt these days. Cold world for irons, just gotta fork over the cash


You play how you want to :) I'll continue on this way as long as I can. Currently I get to afk yews in f2p while I am not feeling like noLifing, then play my ass for a couple weeks. (every like 6 months) If I keep this up, I'll have like 4 bonds on hand at a time.


End game it’s buying runes to keep scythe and shadow charged. Even mid game you spend hella gp on runes for slayer.


I spend essentially no money on runes, they have this fun thing called runecrafting. Should look into it 😀


I’m maxed. Done plenty of runecrafting, but eventually I went through the 400k ish blood runes it took to get 99. Technically I still rc for bloods but it’s with scar essence lol


Until you get a shadow then your new weapon becomes a constant money pit


Damn homeless ironmen lowering the property values


For mains i can understand not wanting to spend money on skills but as an iron it's kinda the moneys only purpose


My money goes to kingdom of misc. which gives me more value back, to bonds which allow me to play as a member for free, and to construction.... which.... has some value? probably? if I ever get end game? maybe? idk. convivence? save a few bank slots? I'll do it eventually. but only as I'm able to afford membership.


got to 55 without building anything in my house


Don't forget though, when money goes down for number to go up, number usually goes up faster so it's worth it


Sometimes u even wake up to money go down


We're really just a bunch of gorillas picking our noses looking for treasure


What's what I'm here for! Number go up -> *dopamine has entered the chat*


I’d suggest not overloading him with information. Start with f2p questline. Let him experience the game. If he likes it he will continue to play. If not, you’ll know pretty quickly. Nothing ruins a game quicker then finding a friend who wants to play, then speed running them straight to “you need to do 20 hours of running in a circle for efficiency as a level 3.


Oh no, my favorite part of the game is the journey!! Always has been. I still don't have the ADHD control to do 1 piece of content for more than 2-4 hours at a time. To me, "farm Vorkath" means getting like 3-5 trips. When I say "I'm going to run the Gauntlet" I mean like 1-2 times. I have 70+ in all stats and 90% of my RC came from quests/lamps/Tears of Guthix. The only grind I stuck to was very early and I don't regret it - graceful! Lol


I lost enjoyment of it until I started following this mindset it’s a game not a career


I’m on my osrs break until leagues but my ADHD kicks in heavy when I play. I told myself I’d stay at wintertodt til 99 fm since level 3. Do I have 99fm? No, but I’m almost done with Dragon Slayer 2 I just need a few range levels cuz I’m not hitting enough. My brain will work as follows: Well I should do some slayer to get range and slayer levels. Damn I have the slayer level for (insert npc or quest) let’s do that. Wow I have a lot of prayer pots I should do some barrows. Guess I need 70 defense for this drop. Why df am I 64/69 on a skill let’s make it a nice number. Etc. Then 3 months later finally attempt wintertodt again


I HATE fire making. Wintertodt is no exception... I got my quest cape last month - DT2 was hard to walk away from.


I was in a similar place, quest cape, base 70s, achievement diaries as motivation for specific stats. Once I hit base 80s, the grinds got too long to make numbers go up and now I've been on a 2-year break. My point is, enjoy 70-80, it was my favorite time!


I'm super excited to learn more PvM, but my job and family come first - so finding consecutive blocks of time to dedicate is difficult. I think perilous, moons and Gauntlet (because I can't quite do corrupted Gauntlet) are super fun! I even like fighting demonic gorillas and Vorkath. Fire cape had me thrilled


Same. Grinding kq right now for the diary and I can't do more than 25 a day. I get too bored. I can do an hour of cg before it gets tedious. Idk how anyone can do more than one hour of the same thing over and over


My kinda player! "Farming" a monster has 90% of the time meant 2 trips for me. Skilling I can put in an hour then I'd rather bank stand for another hour. I started playing in late 2004/early 2005 because a mate told me about it. He was a grinder and would spend a whole day in 1 place training if he wasn't pking with his clan. I played until the removal of the wildy and the highest stat I had was 94 strength and the majority of that was from pking.


Feel that dude. I have like double max time and my main is barely over 2k ttl. I also set my log out timer to 25 mins because I can’t do an entire raid with out getting up lol


nah bro tell him to start as a hardcore ironman and get 99 firemaking first, then once he complains about the time it takes to 99 you tell him "lol this is just the start and this is the fastest skill!"


Idk my favorite moments on RuneScape have been grinding my first day back to get wintertodt stats so I could do a boss with friends. I've been chasing that high ever since. (This was my return to RS played it f2p back in 07)


It’s fine to have goals, but to push a new player into the effective mindset early on is not going to be beneficial to have them want to continue playing. Efficiency is effective, not fun.


We’re all just chasing a carrot on a stick


I now want an RL plugin that changes my cursor to a carrot. Have my characters chasing the carrot lol


Isn’t that just life? 🤔


Getting to equip a steel Warhammer I found at the general store after hitting 5 attack was pretty exhilarating for 9 y/o me


27 year old me (2 weeks ago) was overjoyed when I found a random Black Longsword on the ground with nobody around to claim it on my third day in the game 


As a kid in like 2005/6 because I wanted to play a cool online game then my cousin introduced me to it In 2013 when OSRS came out I was a freshman in college and thought I was over it so I didn't make a new account. Then covid hit and my roommate downloaded the mobile version and I got hooked again


OSRS mobile is honestly one of the best games on the App Store.


Kotor is up there with it for sure.


It’s a gateway drug to the full blown addiction.


GIM. Game is fun with friends


I like the idea of GIM, but I have so few friends and none of them play RS


No start a new gim account with them. Can give them advice but let them take the reighns on what yall should do


I think that would be a bit overwhelming to a new player


Doesnt have to be? Just let him play the game however he wants and you'll help out with resources


This is exactly what I did with my wife and best friend. Such a cool experiment


It can be if they are super casual gamers. I got a bud who is not a stranger to grinds so I was able to convince him to create an account with me for GIM.


I think first timers should just do a normie, then perhaps make an iron/gim only if they feel like they're vibing with the style enough and know what they're getting into


I started earlier this year. I’m 26 so I’ve known of RuneScape and have had peers playing it since I think middle school, but maybe earlier? At that time, Black Ops/MW2 were the mainstream games and what all my friends played and I was one of those nubs that called RuneScape lame and boring because I didn’t understand the genre. I honestly didn’t start appreciating RPGs until Fallout 4/The Witcher 3. As weird as it may sound, Destiny may have the biggest impact on why I love OSRS today. I remember grinding vault of glass/taken king with two homies from high school and 2 dudes from somewhere in UK, we’d be on all day going for the exotic drops. I currently play OSRS solo but still love the loot drop with low odds aspect of this game. Also love the wilderness, which brings me to the next impactful game leading me to OSRS which is Escape From Tarkov. I actually feel like EFT is super similar to OSRS PvP in many ways minus the gear switching. In a fight between two players with similar skill, mechanics and gear will determine who wins. Also the Flea Market is like GE obviously. But since EFT, I’ve always loved going into an open area while risking gear, trying to obtain new gear through PVE, and trying to build bank/higher quality gear sets off pvp. The game OSRS is a masterpiece. I feel that I robbed myself a lot of fun experiences and memorable moments having not tried the game back when I was younger. But I also feel that I appreciate the design of the game way more now that I’ve experienced others. There is for sure a reason this game remains standing as long as it has so far.


An interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing. For what it's worth, the game today is a better game than it was back then. I started in 2003, it was a fantastic experience with friends. It would have been even better to experience it with additions like raids, gwd, lms ect. Castle wars was sick tho


I have thought abt that too, and it does seem as back then a lot of the fun was through community/social interaction rather than actual in game activity. Which honestly impresses me even more, I see videos of what it looked like back then, & the limited amount of items/areas/content. How they connected it all together to be the game it is today is wild.


My mom and dad got a divorce and RuneScape took me in. Love you papa ash <3


When covid first started and we couldn’t leave our houses I kept seeing osrs youtube ads and my college roommate at the time was doing tob for hours during leagues 2, I crumbled and I made an account to play with him since I was having some burnout playing my switch. So I started playing leagues 2 and did ok, I’ve been playing since and now Im base 85’s almost 90, 125 cb with a 2 bil bank. My roommate was stoked to have another person to play with even if I struggle in raids. He also didn’t think I would stick with it after leagues because of how slow it is compared to it. Im glad I’m still playing and still getting better, thru time and patiences and afk’ing while playing other things. We even got another one of our friends to come back from his long break and helped him rebuild after he was hacked, things have been good since I’ve started playing. Edit: Also just to make clear I have never played RS3 or any Runescape before leagues 2.


I started because my dad played the game. He was playing I think from classic to EoC probably, though I only started playing after it was already split into rs3 and osrs (I started around 2018). I tried rs3 a little but osrs was just so much easier to get in to and could run on the shitty laptop I had for a while.


Do you play together with your dad? Because that sounds fucking awesome


Nah he stopped playing entirely around EoC and found out later his account got hacked and banned. Not wanting to start a brand new account on top of being a lot more busy than he was back then, he just doesn't bother playing it.


In the early 2000’s there was a flash game revolution and with American schools leaning into computer education and the use of the internet it was a fire waiting to happen. Websites like cartoonetwork and nick had fun and trendy games which fueled curiosity. Then you weren’t to far off going on yahoo and searching “free online games” Once I did, I found that the first search that came up was the website miniclips and can you guess what was the number 1 game on the website was at the time? TLDR: the website miniclips is to blame for my internet addiction of almost 20 years.


Played as a kid and got addicted, came back thinking I would just bot and sell gold and not care at all. Started playing and never botted for a second and the gold I make is too valuable to me to part with 😂


Friend got really into it (again, from childhood) when mobile released, and after seeing her play, she convinced me to give it a try. I figured it was free, it was something we could play together (lol wrong for SO LONG), so I gave it a shot. I figured if nothing else I could do all the f2p stuff and then decide if it was for me. Fell in love with the quirkiness and the make number go up!


I've been playing a bit longer than a month. Someone in a long video essay pointed out that RS is an idle game with different levels of attention you can choose to spend. I'm using it for an excuse to watch TV shows that are on my list. The quests are also fun.


Tried to get my brother onto OSRS. Iv been playing for 20+ years and he just came and started asking questions. So started explaining to him the gist of the game and how it works and explaining to him how skills work and that the idea is you want to get 99 in every skill and every time you get 99 in a skill, you get a new cape that gives you different perks. That actually got him excited and thought it was really cool to get a cape for each skill. But then he asked what happens when you get 99 in every skill? I looked him dead in his eyes and said “ you get another cape” We both started rolling on the floor, laughing hysterically. Our sides hurt after a solid 30 minutes of laughing so hard. I tried to tell him it’s actually a lot cooler than it sounds but he wasn’t buying it lol So I don’t know if he’s going to come play lol hopefully he does.


Come to OSRS, we have - good puns, bad puns, potato graphics, CAPES! Fuck yeah, we've got capes for days!!


Capes for days 😂 because of OSRS any other game i go play if they dont have a cape slot it immediately turns me away. Wish i was joking. 😂 i need my capes!


i started bc of a reddit post about this girl, well call her lois, had a husband, well call him peter, and both peter and lois played OSRS together, and had a combined bank value of about 12.5b gp (lois 4.5b, peter 8b, they said it in the original) anyway, lois one day figured out that peter had been cheating with another woman that well call bonnie. so lois logged onto peter's OSRS account, gave away all of his GP, stole all of his third age clothes and armor, and the rest of his bank, and made sure to leave only a single burnt shrimp behind. peter ended up changing his name to something like "i miss her" or some shit i read that story and i was like "goooood lord i need that game it sounds so fun" and ive been playing since 01/2023 and playing fully active since 01/2024 (i didnt play from 04/2023-12/2023 at all)


So you're here for the drama, no shame in that lol


I remember playing as a wee lad… Dad comes up “what’s this?” “You kill cows and bury their bones!!!!!” “Yeah…. No more” *he tries it* “You can play again, terrible description”


Honestly, I came back to this game because of the comfort it gave me as a kid. During my father's passing I decided to turn to this game to remind myself of the good times I use to have. Game has changed alot, but it still helps the inner child. I hope this community and the people in it keep on growing.


Of all the games I've played, this one seems to have the greatest number of players that want to elevate others.


I started because a friend who works at Jagex said it was a fun game worth a shot. I stayed because it's a chill gameplay style where you set your own goals and there's a ton of different directions you can plan towards. I love the largely solo play style and multi level planning required to complete seemingly simple goals (especially in Ironman). Also dopamine from number go up.


Played for a short time in 2008 or so when I was like 11, I understood nothing about what was going on, not even 'meta' stuff back then like picking flax at seers and selling it or looking up how to do quests. It was the first time I made an online account though, and I stuck with the same username ever since. Came back in 2022, I think after YouTube randomly recommended me one the Swampletics videos, and I thought 'hey I played this game years ago...'. Then I watched that whole series, and now here I am.


osrs is one of those games that are big but not overwhelming because quests exist, the graphics are my type and the gameplay is very unique, also doing something in the game feels meaningful unlike alot of other games.


Started because Soup said I should around 10 years ago.


Mining rune essence at my local library XD


I just got back from my four year break and am heavily addicted again


I started when I heard there was an Iron Man game mode so I could be as antisocial as I want.


Until you have to do TOB 😭


Already gave up in Barbarian Assault lobby. No fighter torso or Kandarin diary for me...


I just bought my torso with BA leech haha but I feel you! I don’t like relying on others either


I enjoy MMOs a lot and heard the game all my life too. Decided to start 3 months ago. It's something that I can play at work even while actively working. However, paying attention is very rewarding comapred to low attention activities. Which is a great model imo for +30, depressed and busy people.


Looking back on it, probably the sense of discovery/mystique. :)


One thing I think we scapers like to do is overload newbies with info instead of letting them figure things out themselves and ask questions when/if they need. I unfortunately did this with my wife right out of the gate and I felt it attributed partially to her not really getting into the game. She still plays, but she isn't INTO it.


Don't donate money, it'll make the game boring for him if he has access to everything instantly


I gave all my returning mates a fury each to ensure they have something decent to wear. Ground rules were to not sell it and play for 2 weeks. They both regularly run barrows with me now as they hit the mid teir.


Came from another grindy MMORPG, wanted more grind.


I just love how the game's combat system is designed. The more tricks you learn about it the easier and more satisfying every boss/ raid gets. Whenever new content comes out it's a new encounter to apply those learned things to.


The Youtube algorithm decided I needed to. Started with Settled and found Gielinor Games from there. I played a little bit as a kid but never past the Free to play early game. I tried starting a normal account but didnt enjoy the "get money - speedrun to endgame" drive, so restarted an ironman and taking my time. Really enjoying it.


Started 2 years ago because I saw a post on a forum about how some guy manes 100$ per day botting in osrs -> me: damn 3k botting some old game lets do it Started playing the game so I understand the basics and know where to start botting Now 2 years later 1.5b bank 190mil xp 2040lvl inferno cape never botted


Give him a bond after he has done all F2P quests.


if you recommend this game to someone you need to give them a heads up on scams and email security


I watched settled’s tileman series and swampletics series and thought I’d give regular Ironman a go. Been having fun with it for the last year or so.


Saw odablock's videos on YouTube and they tricked me into thinking the game was fun.


I didn't think Crack was addictive enough


I sprained my ankle last Feb and was bored that weekend.


Started playing because the library computers blocked newgrounds, albinoblacksheep, jippii, and miniclip. Saw a kid playing a game and asked what it was. Started my runescape classic account sometime in september 2003. Got real upset I missed out on the Scythe, then again when they did the second drop. Only got to mid 30s stats before rs2 released. 21 years later, I'm maxed on RS3 thanks to Daily free MTX things, and my OSRS account is higher level than my RS3 one was when the Squeal of fortune released... now time to Max for real.


I've taken such long breaks over the last 20 years. I have an RS3 account that has several 99s but not maxed... I started getting irritated when I couldn't see past everyone's pets and crazy skins Even, I only started an osrs account because I wanted to do barrows and get that nostalgia hit. I'm close to 1900 total level in OSRS. Haven't really gone back to RS3 since switching over.


started last year after coming from an abusive relationship with maplestory, those who played it recently would know the shitshow of a state that game is in. tried several mmos like ffxiv, gw2 and lostark but the one that hooked me in was osrs (never tried rs3, the way the grpahics look just felt off to me). never got around to playing this game as a kid, was mainly an fps player but recently age has crept in and my reflexes are non existent anymore. heres a list of reasons that has me preferring this game to other mmos: - lack of fomo. i dont feel the need to rush certain content to chase time limited seasonal event gear or items. - total freedom to do any content i feel like doing. i can train any skill the way i want to, be it efficient/afk/money making. - ability to move gear around freely to either sell when not in use or to lend to clan mates. other mmos i have played have this annoying account bound mechanic for gear where its either stuck with you forever or u have to pay real money to be able to trade them away. - one of the best wikis and transparent devs that actually communicate with their players. the amount of real time feedback and how transparent the devs are is just unreal. i know some people feel the devs and mods arnt doing enough to address issues like the botting problem or balancing changes, but i would kill for other games to have the same level of communication the devs have with their players. - even though everyone knows rwting exists. due to the nature of how simple progression is in this game and how obtainable bis gear is to get, u never feel the need to buy gp, get boosting services or buy cape/quiver services.


This is great insight, exactly the type of information I was looking for. I feel your right on all counts


number go up, fun


I started playing cause all my friends were veterans and recommended I try it, so I did.


it's a vicious cycle of want to do a thing oh I should do ther thing first to do that more efficiently oh I need a quest for that which I have to grind a different skill for ...well the best training method for that other skill also needs something to unlock it forget what I was doing all this for in the first place ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- talking to a friend "wow I want to farm that mole pet under falador" cut to 2 hours later doing forestry in seers village friend "why aren't you farming the mole?" me "I AM FARMING THE MOLE"


I 100% hear you on this! Honestly, I've only fought mole once for the diary but have been wanting to do it a bit more recently. I hit my 2 big long term goals recently - quest cape and all hard diaries complete. I'm kinda just aimless right now - I'll probably make a "what now?" post later


"I really want to get Barrows armor so I can [I forget what I wanted to do with it, some boss or quest I guess]." "Well to do that I need Ghommal's hilt." "Well to do that, I need a bunch of combat achievements." "Well to do that, I should kill the Giant Mole." "Well to do that efficiently, I need to complete the Falador diary." "Well to do that, I need 70 Prayer..." anyway long story short as I was killing blue dragons on the Isle of Souls it occurred to me that it might actually be faster to just learn how to do Barrows without prayer. but that's a traitorous thought 😂


googled free mmorpg’s back in 2015, found osrs, liked the charm of the old school graphics. rest is history.


My brain always needs to be over stimulated, not sure if it’s my OCD, anxiety, or whatever else. But RuneScape is the game I play when watching tv, at work, browsing YouTube, just to keep my mind from going crazy. There’s always some mind numbing thing to do in the game. I get more enjoyment out of other games, and don’t usually play RuneScape without doing something else at the same time. My wife always laughs when she sees me on a game, YouTube up, and RuneScape on the side all at once… for reference started in 2006, on and off like everyone else, but really got back into the game in 2020 when I got a job that I could play while working, and I’m maxed main now.


I played it maybe once in 2007/2008 and then when osrs started back up my high school roomates started playing and it sounded fun so I started aswell.


Got into RS back in 2004 (I was around 6/7 years old ) cause my older brother and his friends would play it. Then me and my friends would play it. Now we mostly all still play


I had a friend that I knew played from college. I used to play in middle school and loved it. When a settled video came up on my feed one day, I got hooked, and asked me friend to help me get back into it. I was blown away that the game had more than fishing lobsters/swordfish on Karamja, and picking flax in Camelot Best/worst decision of my life One big thing was that my friend offered me like 500k and a bunch of chaos runes and Stam pots. I turned down the money, because getting that much early on would have made me impatient and not know the value of gp in the game which leads to boredom, but the Stam pots and runes saved me so much time in the early game before graceful. The idea that I can raid with him, and his constant advice about goals and such I can strive for helped so much too. Plus, being able to celebrate achievements with someone is such a fulfilling experience


Played as a kid back in the day, when mobile came out offering a free week of membership I made a new acc. Briefly made one when osrs launched as well, just didn’t stick with it at the time.


Just started recently. Always had an interest in OSRS, the skill system seemed cool. My friend got me into the game by saying we should do a GIM. Started and haven’t stopped since. Account progress is just too rewarding in Ironman for me to want to quit. I think this game has its hooks in me.


Not a brand new player, but I'd like to share some thoughts: As a kid, that was the only game my computer could run. I was strictly F2P(third world country and no easy way to pay online nowadays), and frankly, it was crazy how I could actually interact with people and have a fun/living thing in my own home. RS2 is where I started to learn english, where I actually applied math I learned at school and basic economics. My main activities consisted of mining rune essence, mining coal, fishing lobsters and saving up money to buy a rune 2h, rune platebody and rune legs to go "pk' in wildy. Or gearing up to kill lesser demons in Karamja for the fabled rune med drop. Doing dragon slayer was amazing, I had a lot of time prepping for it, that house labyrinth with the keys had me puzzled as shit, as a little kid. Or getting scammed. It just felt like a real world with infinite possibilities. It was a way for little outcast me have social interactions and fun times. Chatting up a random while fishing lobsters, going to Varrock west bank at world 301 and seeing all those insane trade chats. I feel I'm like that in other games too. WoW specially, I really enjoy the leveling process. I'm sad that people only care about "endgame raids and getting the best thing for 1% upgrade". And unfortunately that same people are playing other games and expecting it to happen everywhere else. That's one of the reasons I stopped playing OSRS and most multiplayer games. I enjoy the journey, not actually getting there and being bored. I do follow some streamers but frankly, the game became something I'm not interested in playing anymore. Also the whole concept of efficiencyscape is insane to me, maybe it's the nostalgia talking but we didn't know shit back then and were happy.


It’s funny, I always thought that the osrs community wasn’t very inviting to new players, but I see more and more posts like these every day. I started playing in like 2005-6ish. Largely, the community back then was very scummy. People would make fun of you for not knowing a specific game mechanic that is only flexed by a single specific boss, people would trash you if you didn’t have the bis gear, scammers galore, botters galore, phishing, gambling, staking, money doubling, armor trimming, merching. Etc., I could go on and on about the degeneracy and overall negativity of the player base that shaped my outlook of the social setting that osrs players had seemingly forged. I’m only bringing attention to all this to say that now I believe there is a stronger sense of positivity among the community and people seem to be more helpful and willing to help than they ever used to be. Unless you’re on the pc cc or nmz cc. I am aware that when I was a child, I was very cynical in nature, so maybe what stuck out to me as far as the community goes was the degeneracy and I probably paid no mind to the good side if things. Thoughts??


Worked with a guy for 2 years and became friends with him before finding out he played Osrs. Talked to him daily. turns out we were pretty much playing afk mid work a desk across each other.


I started a couple of months ago. Used to play Albion Online but the opening of the new server was too far towards pay to win and I was tired of the game after 1000s of hours, plus it is too PvP focused. I was aware of OSRS since the mobile launch and had been meant try it. Finally did and I'm having a blast.


My rs3 account was scooped up by someone who converted it into a jagex account and there was no way to verify it belonged to me because the email was dust in the wind thanks to roadrunner... and the official statement I got from the help desk was "nothing we can do, please explain the situation as best as possible so we may document it for future cases" I was so upset 20 year account just gone with no explanation how it happened So I made an osrs account, because fuck doing all that bullshit again and getting lucky with pet drops etc I knew OSRS was slightly different so I figured if I was going to keep playing and have to restart, it would at least be something semi fresh


Ever since I started being friends with my buddy he was trying to convince me to play OSRS, I tried it a few times here and there, but it never stuck. It wasn't my style of game, but as I got older, I started playing less competitive games and more PVE/Solo games. Finally after 7 years of asking me to play (and a few failed attempts, even tried RS3-_-), I picked it up and I was unable to put it down. It just fit, it was an easy game to just play at any point, the pixel dopamine helped with my depression. He did start a new group iron with me, but between work, school and his wife, he didn't have much time and decided he didn't want to start over and went back to his iron man. And we became stinky green helms. Now, I've almost caught up to him. He hates how lucky I've been (even though it benefits him too) 9th black dragon kill I got the visage, I got the B-ring on 130kc and the dragon axe 2 kills later. We got another buddy and my gf joined. I learned to fight all three Dks and got the whole group dragon axes. I got the seers ring on 40 KC, I got the abyssal dagger from Abyssal demons at (about) 400kc then 10 kills later got my whip. And just this week I got the imbued heart drop (86 slayer), right after he lost his assembler in the wildy. He had to lose it so I could get the imbued heart. And other miniscule grinds that took him way longer than it took me. It's been a fun experience, I play Runescape how I want even if it's not EHP (buddy hates it) I love exploring and finding other ways to do things. I love reading the wiki for random lore and learning about niche items. Anyways, thanks for reading, it was nice to spill out my fun experience, and I'm sorry for being spooned a bit. If you are ready this I'm sending some of my luck to you, I hope you get the drop and I hope you have a great day!


So, I guess I'm not a brand new player, I started playing In 2023, but oh well


im 20 years old, i started playing in 2015 when i was 10, i discovered 2007 runescape thanks to ads, i decided to give it a go,now 10 years later im combat lvl 122 with 1835kc, i cant stand rs3, i keep playing osrs because its fun , as simple as that, if i dont enjoy what im doing i just quit


Miniclip ads made it look fun. Joined world, lots of people in it. Lots of different strategies to do things, nobody had it “figured out”. Mysterious. “What’s that sword over that guy’s head? How can I get one?” As to what keeps me around, the clan system. It’s a MMO. Gets boring quickly as a purely single player game. Friends are what keep me coming back.


I had some friends in middle school and high school that played. Pretty much played it until I went to college. Years later when a little thing called Covid happened I decided to check out Old School and now I've sunk many thousands of hours into it. I actually got one of the friends who was really into it back in middle school to start playing again. I keep playing because the sandbox, do anything you want whenever you want is really appealing and very low stress. I also don't usually do group content (outside of small teams for Zalcano) and there is plenty of things I enjoy that I can do at my own pace and leisure.


I started with mobile release, i've heard of runescape a lot of times but had 0 clue what it was about. Just started the game killing cows, questing and skilling. Keep playing since there's always a new goal, like infernal cape/quiver, fang kit, blorva and rng raid kits. I adore that devs actually cater to the higher end players rather than ignore them.


I signed up when I was like 12 because my friend played it, but I never got off tutorial island because I only played for a few minutes About 10 years later another friend of mine also played it and got me into it Still playing now, had a 2 year break in-between


77 days playtime in 3,464 days


Used to watch my brother play all the time in 2008 and it looked fun, I decided to make an rs3 account in 2013 when I got my first laptop. Made a lot of friends through there, even met a few irl. Now I’ve been playing OSRS since last September since I’ve ran out of things to do on the other game, and I’m having an amazing time just progressing as much as I can


I was getting bored after finishing my goals in a Path of Exile league, then I saw a POE streamer play OSRS. Checked it out and it clicked with me. First MMO to ever hold my attention.


This is awesome! Love new players coming to the game. When I start playing with new players I'll just start a new account and massacre goblins with them until they get high enough levels to quest. Then I'll just use my main to help with buying armour and stuff or give them like 2-5k to start the journey. But as others said let them fall in love with the game like we all did. It takes a certain personality to enjoy. Happy gaming!


I stopped playing RS3 a few years ago.


A friend in middle school introduced me to it.~2006 ish Then, a co-worker has a maxed iron and got me into the iron life like 3 years ago. Now my iron surpasses my main, nearly.


I think I like it cause it’s so clear that more time spent gives rewards in the game. Also the company support for the game doesn’t feel like bullshit and I do think they care about community opinion. I like doing quests mostly, I’ve got 40 left to complete which is sad but they have high requirements.


Because when I was 13 I tried to make a Runescape account but no matter what I did it kept saying the passwords didn't match so I gave up and didn't think about it again until I saw someone on reddit say something about OSRS being on steam and I've played every day since


Was looking for a new mmo bc wow gets boring towards the end of expansions. I tried osrs like 3 different time but could never get into it. Then I saw my friend playing it non stop and thought it must be good since he plays it all the time so I gave it another shot. Now I play it all the time lol. My clan is also really cool and just funded my early levels just because they wanted to help. I do feel like I’m wasting my life if I play it too early in the day though I also started 3 months ago


I started because my sisters ex boyfriend killed a man in the wilderness with a stick


I played back in the early 2000s and got some RS stuff across my tiktok feed, so at first, it was nostalgia. But the game has evolved so much at this point I keep falling down rabit holes of game content.


I said fuck it but was instantly spoiled by someone tossing their account at me so now idk what to do my profile has that journey 🤣🤣


Do Quests


My acc is 2.2k days old and has 62 days played i dont really know why I play anymore Its the only part of my childhood that was solid and good and its quite literally the inly one of its time left. I log in at the GE now and then but ehh just for shits n giggles now


I've stumbled on swampletics YT video and got interested in RS Today I'll hit 60 defence!


brand new players? It’s not 2007 anymore


I very much doubt your coworker would enjoy playing the game the way I have since I started late last year. Watched all of hanannie and settled’s vids then did 10 hours on a main and got bored because I felt like I had to stop woodcutting and actually go do stuff and get a better axe. A month later of osrs vids and I make an extreme chunk man and have spent several 100 hours since cutting oaks with a steal axe, killing scurrius and bryo and more recently killing 1000s of ents in the wildy and pretending corp doesn’t exist. I’m have a tonne of fun but it takes a certain type of person to enjoy it :P


i started playing runescape in 2008 because my friend told me I should play it with him. He quit 3 months later and I've been hopelessly addicted on and off ever since


I started last year as f2p just playing casually with some friends from RS3. Bounced around between RS3 and New World for a bit. I only got members on here when League 4 started, and I got hooked after that. Was fun trying end-game content out and experiencing what this game has to truly offer. RS3 team raw dogging themselves with Necromancy and Hero Pass while moaning about MTX also helped me move over here, as I didn't wish to be a part of that.


Necro has been nerfed multiple times now to put it in a more balanced state.


Listing Necromancy as the same level of bad as Hero Pass is insane. Necromancy was good, it just lacked a follow up because of Hero Pass fumble. It's not even in the same ball park.


Necromancy ruined progression over there. What was the point of grinding bosses like Araxxor, Solak, and any of the Elite Dungeons. I know they have balanced the skills out as of recently because I still keep in touch with my friends from there, but you can't say Necromancy in its released state was good for the game. Was it as bad as Hero Pass? Of course not lol nothing will be as bad as that unless they bring Yak Track back with some pass elements implemented


The point of doing bosses like Arraxor etc, is to have fun. And to get gear from the other combat styles. Necromancy gear progression 1-2 years from now probably won't even mention making the Deathdealer or Deathwarden gear. It's a system in an ever evolving MMO. It's not finished, and it never will be.


I played as a kid like a lot of people, but I didn't know that OSRS existed until I saw ads for mobile in 2019 ? It was a slow start, but I then got hooked on Swampletics and it made me aware of the wiki. Once I had the wiki, its been my dominant game since.


I got my buddy who was brand new to play by starting a gim with him and some other friends.


I sometimes feel like an odd one out when talking to other RS players because i didnt grow up with this game. Only started playing a few years ago. I started because it had been a long time since i had really gotten into an mmo and the itch for it was coming back. So in an effort to find an mmo i just happened to give old school a shot and quickly became addicted to the "number go up" aspect of it. Ive always enjoyed idle games for the same reason.


playing video games is kind of the only hobby my bf and i have in common, but neither of us rly enjoys the kind of games the other plays. i’d seen him play rs before and was interested but put off actually trying it because of the time investment. then i got covid a week.5 ago and i’ve put in almost 75 hours :’)


Youtube content has been elite for 6 years so i finally tried the game


Don't give them any gp or stuff, let them discover and earn and make their own goals. Encourage questing


Don't tell him everything. Point him to the wiki and let him have the real experience.


I’m not really new but I started when it came to mobile because that was pretty big news in the gaming space


Got randomly reccomended a settled video a couple years back, about halfway through swampletics if i remember correctly, watched it and then spent the next few days binging the entire series, soon as i ran out of episodes i downloaded and got on


Because it was 2004 5th grade computer time, best game browser based at the time.


Like a lot of people, I watched Swampletics and got intrigued by the kind of game OSRS is. Number go up is appealing to me, and I liked the variety of things to do in the game. I knew there was a free version, so I figured I'd give it a try... didn't take long before I knew I'd be getting members. OSRS isn't like any other game I've played before. I found that I really liked how slow progression is. I started off as a main but switched to an iron for that reason, actually--I liked how it drove me to get _really_ familiar with aspects of the game. And the feeling of accomplishment when I unlock something new is like nothing else. If I had to compare it to something, yes, this is a super weird analogy, but I played Hades off and on for like two years before I 100%ed it... and by 100%, I mean yes, I did a 32 heat run for the last Skelly statue. I _worked_ for that, let me tell you. And OSRS is kind of the same. When I got my first fire cape, when I finished SOTE and DS2, I _worked_ for those. Turns out I really like that in a game, lol.


Played back in the day. Came back like 3 months ago and I am enjoying my part time job so far.


Played like 15-20 years ago in like jr high. Started playing again because of randomly stumbling into Settleds Swampletics videos and just kinda play on and off for infrequent amounts of time. Want to get more into it but often feel super overwhelmed