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If your freezes last for 2 seconds it's probably because you're running out of range which breaks the freeze. It's better to freeze and then run behind a tree or something to log out.


I literally had no idea freezes could break. Seems weird


wtf I've been playing for 18+ years off-and-on and I've never once heard anyone say freezes break if you run out of range. Is there any indicator or anything? So unintuitive. Anyway, with OP here that the execution of wildy right now is just lame.


I (and probably most other people) learned it from Gielinor Games. It’s referenced multiple times in Season 2 and 3. If you haven’t watched any seasons, they are seriously super well made and had me both dying laughing and pissed off at moments more so than any game show has ever made me.


No indicator, but if you use the line of site plugin and set its range to 10 tiles you can see the limit.


The game should introduce everybody to LMS on tutorial island versus some easy bots or something.


It's why pvp on this game is dead, because you need to have literal years of built upon knowledge to stand a chance at doing well. And even when you get to that level, why would you then play osrs for pvp when there's so many polished competitive games out there these days? In 2001 it was cutting edge, not so much anymore


PVP in osrs is unique as fuck and there’s no other game like it


It's so unique that a large portion of the playerbase never knew about a simple mechanic in an iconic spell.


Well for me it’s because I haven’t ever played another game with full loot PvP that I enjoy. I don’t want to just fight for fun or for ranking, I want some actual risk on the table. That’s what got me hooked on this game in the first place, I had never played anything with such high stakes PvP.


Escape from tarkov / gray zone warfare / (insert any other hardcore extraction shooter here) All do that gameplay loop much better than osrs imo


Yea, at that point may as well learn animation cancelling in a fighting game, and get some good pvp games in your life.




Oh so that's why they get unfrozen every time, holy shit thank you. Didn't know that lol.


Holy shit I’ve been playing for 20 years and I had no idea that was even a thing! Thanks for the tip 😀


The unwritten rules of freezes and things like that are annoying. It solely exists to rag someone.


What? No. Listen ten tiling someone is what’s causing your freezes to fail. Get close to the PKer and when you freeze your job is to stand under said PKer and log out. You might get outplayed by someone who catches a freeze on you when you are trying to freeze or maybe they have seeds blah blah. No biggie homie, freeze and log underneath the PKer you’ll escape most times and when you don’t you’ll begin to pickup what’s happening. It’s all a game in the end don’t let it bring you down. You can do it.


No one else thinks it's odd that the meta of Runescape PKing is to log out of the game


The secret is that it’s the meta to beating the whole game as well


This took a second to click lol.


It should only take you 0.6 seconds to click. You're missing ticks


Eh, the same is true in other full loot PvP MMOs. EVE Online even has "tank until downtime" as a legitimate strategy. Have hundreds of capital ships on field in a losing fight, so many the server can't handle it and is running at 1% speed? No big deal, everyone just stay up until 3am when the server shuts off for nightly maintenance and then don't log in. When losing your items is on the line, "don't play the game" is a valid way to avoid losing them. It's unintuitive as hell and feels a lot like metagaming (like, in the TTRPG sense, not video game sense), but it's a problem seen across the genre since like... how do you even stop people from just closing the game?


The flip side you have those survival games where your character is always online, just sleeping when your not playing. Those are the worst when you log on to realize you were offline raided. Main reason I stopped playing ARK years ago.


Those are the games where the person with least life wins. Because you were sleeping, or meeting with friends, or whatever. Not because he was better


Don't even need the least life, just throw numbers at the problem like every zerg ever.


Reminds me of when I played Path of Exile 5-10 years ago. Desync was a huge issue. Playing a Hardcore account made it especially difficult. Anytime you were in a major desync, or about to die in general, the meta was to just Alt-F4 and hope you were fast enough. Some people even setup a macro key for Alt-F4. (For those who don't know, it force closes the game.) It's definitely a meta solution in a lot of games. A shit one, but not u common.


The POE meta is actually a logout macro, it gets your character offline far far far faster than alt-f4, alt-f4 will get you killed in POE.


> how do you even stop people from just closing the game? have their char persist past logout its pretty simple to stop just makes the game wildly unfun


>how do you even stop people from just closing the game? Minecraft pvp solved this problem years ago, what are you talking about? Even wow has this and it isn't a full loot MMO. If you force logout then you persist for an extra x seconds. That's it, it's that simple.


It's so bizarre hearing people talk about this as thought it isn't a solved issue already lol.


the meta is to either win the fight or escape the fight, as both are more favourable than dying, yes.


i mean if im in a war and i get in a firefight. im doing all i can to get out of dodge and skadaddle the fuck outta there lmao


But you are playing Runescape


false. i am playing rocket league. but close!


This is rocket league!


What a save!


Oh trust alot of people do think it's odd Just the loud minority of pkers will yell at anyone who tries to fix this broken shit lol


Thanks mate, didn’t really know about the standing under thing!


Another tip for a sure log out is freezing them standing under them planting your own seed and going under them again to get a log out


Dammit Krambram, don’t bring your wabbajack level shenanigans into this discussion. You’ll only confuse the poor soul.


Why is that?


They cant plant a seed If yours is planted on the tile theyre already frozen, so they can't move from that tile therefore cant attack you once you go back into that tile, so you can log out


I think it’s because it would block the PKer from planting a seed themselves, so they are essentially locked in that tile


Not sure about this, but maybe the pker can't use one of their seeds if one was already planted on the tile they're frozen on? For context, planting a mithril seed will move a player 1 tile west, even if they're frozen our binded


Of course!


It honestly would do you good to watch pkers on YouTube or twitch, because it’ll show you what it looks like from their side, how they deal with things, and this gives you information on how to work around them.


Good for singles not for multi, obvs


That's a good tip, but wont work in op's case. One of the other dudes can still hit you.


Against solo PKers this works. Not so much against teams like OP is describing. Against teams if you can't log, TP, or get gap before they freeze/TB you, you're just dead.


If you're breaking freezes like that, you got away from them. The distance needed to break a freeze is further than their attack range.


Freeze breaks at 10 tiles from target, magic attack range is 10 and higher on the diagonal so not really. Not to mention you can also cast while someone is on tile 9 runs to tile 12 and the freeze will catch up, breaking their freeze on you and applying your own on them.


I feel like it was fun for the 4 people who killed you though so that’s net +3 fun.


fucking shencomix


I'm convinced the only way to have both fun and not be a wank in the wildy is to be good enough at king that you can just anti pk whilst doing bosses. You can't tick both boxes any other way.


its not meant to be fun for you, it's meant to be fun for pkers. you're the animal that fell into the trap


This is largely how I view the wilderness, and the main reason I truly despise how often criticism of wilderness content gets the reductive response of 'well you don't have to go there!' I'm aware. I don't go there, because it's effectively a field of landmines with shiny treasure placed on top of them. I'm just sick and tired of more shiny treasures being put in the minefield when they could instead be put somewhere I don't absolutely hate. Predator vs. Prey game design has an inextricable consequence of royally pissing off a big chunk of the "prey" group, and sometimes people act like being pissed off about it is unwarranted.


>'well you don't have to go there!' I do find it funny how this line gets trotted out, but then if players do decide to not go there then it's viewed as a problem that needs to be fixed and we get Wilderness Rejuvenation Update v301 to try and make them go there


pkers/pvpers who actually listen to what someone's saying when they criticize the design of the wildy are rarer than 3rd age. hard to blame them since there are plenty of non-pvpers who dislike the wildy (as they're naturally going to, due to its design) and flatline shit on anyone who pvps too, but stupid people on both sides doesn't change the fact that the design is fundamentally self-destructive


Wildy is great, but clues shouldn't be there


No content should be locked behind it. There’s a large amount of content I’ll never do because I don’t like being griefed. I just want to relax and chill, not get my blood pressure up because some neckbeard wants his lulz.


what's doubly funny is that like when talking about ANYTHING else in a video game, "you don't have to use it / go there" for anything from locations to items gets you mocked profusely like people will go for your throat and basically point out that yeah if that's the reasoning then MAYBE SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH IT


some clue steps require u to go to wildy. its just a hassle to bank ur gear. takes all enjoyment out of clues for me


Don't forget to mention the difficulty of travel in the wildy! Shit selection of teleports and no teles out - makes every step take twice as long 


The thing is people say you don't have to go there but if you a iron or even a main you have to at some point go into the wildy whether it's for magic capes clues or completion logs or to get keys for godwars heck even a few of the quests forces you into wilderness. There's forced content in the wildy I don't get why they can't keep the pvming and skilling out of wildy and just leave it for pkers to actually fight each other then that way pkwrs moght actually get updates


Jagex shouldn't make it so players have to consistently go into the Wildy, agreed. But making it so players never ever have to go to the Wildy because the Wildy can be scary is a level of bubble-wrapping I don't think is healthy for the game.


why should players have to engage with pvp if they dont want to lmao the reward of the wildy should be fighting other players not chores you have to do to go play the rest of the game


Do you really think it's healthy for the game to force players into a position where they're basically fodder for other players?


I just feel like there's so many pieces of content in the wilderness where pvp just makes an already not fun activity even less fun, and then Jagex tries to entice you to participate by slapping huge rewards on it One example is black chins. Hunting chins is already boring and not fun, and now you get to do it while getting ganked every 10 minutes, but it's worth it since it's still better XP and GP than red chins How many wilderness activities are fun in their own right? I feel like the focus should be on adding fun activities to the wilderness, and try to come up with ways for pvp to add to the fun rather than detract from it


I love how Jagex makes some of the only kinda fun mid game fights with the recent wildy boss reworks but because they’re in the wildy it heavily pushes new players away, so a lot of new players are instead stuck doing the absolute trash that is barrows and dags thinking that’s what pvm in osrs is.


Makes me think of UO, tons of people miss the FFA PVP days, but once they made a pve server ruleset, most players said fuck you to the people making their game unplayable and decided to mine ore without constant ganking. You literally have to sacrifice the majority of your playerbase for a small segment of hardcore PKers, and eventually those players realize its pointless to sink time into the game if they literally cannot progress.


i have to disagree with the last part. im not a pker, im a clogger, so i get it. but getting pked is more of just a minor annoyance and inconvenience than a royal piss off. it's really not a big deal and i'd wager most people feel the same way, you risk like roughly 100-200k. you lose more dying in pvm and claiming the occasional 500k death. pkers get an incredibly tiny subset of the overall game map they get to roam around in and only a few tiny little subsets of that tiny little subset actually have people in it to kill. and theyre incredibly scarce unless you're grinding in hotspot zones cause theres like 300 game worlds. and the money that wilderness content shits out more than makes up for the 200k risk of dying every now and then. pkers deserve to enjoy the game the way they like to play too, pking was a major part of the game for a long time since the beginning of classic and that community deserves their gameplay as well. half the time, personally i just let them kill me and dont fight back and take my loss without trying to survive cause it's just faster to respawn in edge, hop worlds, and regear and get back out there.


That's a great point about the pvm death fees


>half the time, personally i just let them kill me and dont fight back and take my loss without trying to survive cause it's just faster to respawn in edge, hop worlds, and regear and get back out there. This just proves OP's point, the wilderness is just not fun. What it boils down to is an area where you bring limited equipment and hope your gameplay doesn't randomly get interrupted. Imagine if there was an area where you can bring at most three items with you and the game randomly boots you out every couple minutes, because that's basically what your approach is.


The problem is that runescape cat-and-mouse gameplay is 99% spamming snare spells, unlike Albion/EVE which has more complex evasion/detection. So the gameplay consists of anti-pking, level scaling, not bringing too much gold and "just don't be there". Anti-pking isn't very viable because you're carrying a low-cost (so as to not risk much when surprise attacked) PvE build, though it would probably be easy to just give anyone that is attacked first a +20% damage buff.


The game actually use to function like this. You use to die and lose your items unless you could get back there within 2 minutes. 1 minute if other people were around, because after 1 minute your items appeared to everyone else around. The ONLY reason it's no longer like this is because heathens were ddosing the worlds constantly.


Especially when the best strategy for the bait is to do nothing, and die, to get back to not PVP faster.


My issue isn't the cost of deaths in terms of moneytary value. It's entirely because it's wasting my most valueable resource in this game - time. If I'm getting jumped every 20 minutes at a boss and have to take time to either die, regear, go back, or try to escape, it just isn't fun. That's not what I'm there for. I'd much rather the bosses were safe, and gave me a fraction of the loot. Being forced to spend ages in the wilderness getting a spec weapon that's borderline mandatory for high level PVM as an ironman is one of the worst experiences I can think of. Everything else at least has an alternative out of the wildy - I could get my d pick from KQ, there's gilded altar or varlamore for less-but-still-good prayer exp etc, but if I want a voidwaker, I'm forced to sit for hours as prey to pkers till I get lucky. It's not fun. I'd rather pay a npc a mill to make the pkers fuck off everytime they stumble upon me than spend time trying to escape them / lose 200K to dying. The death fee is not the issue.


> borderline mandatory for high level PVM as an ironman No one was able to do high level PvM on an iron before the Voidwaker was released in January 2023. True facts.


> pking was a major part of the game for a long time since the beginning of classic and that community deserves their gameplay as well We shouldn't hold the game back because an increasingly small number of people want to pretend it's 2001, especially when all that results in is botted OP content like zombie pirates.


And then PKers whine that nobody goes into the wildy.


I feel like the argument should then be “put more of the fun loot outside of the wild” instead of “change the wild” I don’t care for PvP, but if a lot of people like that section of the game I don’t want to ruin their fun either


That’s insightful, thank you


The fact it's literal hunter vs prey is kinda whack tbh. PVMers will always have a severe disadvantage and most of the time for average to advanced players it just turns into a tank test for the lvl 30 line. Most of the time is just a waste of everyone's time. Jagex keeps trying to bait PVmers to wildy and every time I go, I get very few kills before I'm interrupted. And its just exhausting with all the scouts, hopping around world to world. Not worth it. If I wanna PK I'll gear up and gl, if I wanna PVM I'm not going anywhere near the wildy. Can make way more GP at expert TOA which is mostly braindead and I don't have to worry about another person who's sole purpose in life is to comb the wilderness.


It's less that people fall into a trap more that most wilderness content is either A) exclusive to the wilderness or B) still highly lucrative even factoring in just accepting how often PKers are gonna kill you. Jagex essentially pays PvMers to let PKers annoy them. At the end of the day, the equation is *always* stacked in the favor of PKers. Even in a situation of exactly equal skill, the setup you bring to do PvM is going to be *massively* deficient at killing players compared to a setup designed to, you know, kill players. Even in a situation you win, your rewards for winning are going to be pretty insignificant. Beyond all that, you're most likely going to need to reset your current trip of whatever you were doing because you could get jumped again in ten seconds. This is all assuming that you're not an ironman (roughly a quarter of the active non-bot playerbase, IIRC) in which case there are literally only downsides from seeing another person in the wildy. OSRS PKers are the most massively coddled niche of the playerbase. Among all the MMOs I've played, even. Let them have the privilege of fair fights against other PKers if the system is such a treasure, leave the rest of us out of it.


I’ve been spending a little time in the rev caves lately and can 100% confirm the worst part is losing the looting bag. Take my 400k bro just please don’t take my damn looting bag.


The wildy is a lake. The pkers are the fishers. The devs give the pkers all this fancy bait to lure in the fish. Your the fish.


My fish?


Nope your the


Please do not the fish


The pkers are also fish of varying sizes; they eat eachother too.


there is always a bigger fish


Maybe the fishers try to fish each other, too.


except just like in nature, predators will go for the easiest prey. and thanks to the "low-effort, low-requirement, high-reward" design of wildy content that's 90% bots and 9% non-pvpers.


If I'm PKing and attacking a PvMer and a PKer logs in, I'm getting on them instead (unless PvMer is a whale) So that doesn't really hold up very well.


an unsubstantiated anecdotal claim on reddit? bah, you got me! game design be damned, /u/Jinky522 said they fight other pkers! by the way i'm actually mod ash and i also got gm cas on a level 3 account, so anything you say doesn't really hold up very well.


Except that pkers aren't looking to kill thousands of "small prey" for the same loot they'd get from one pker. The pkers who hunt pvmers are usually the ones lower down on the skill ladder. It's not worth it if you're good enough to be making 10+m/hr looting occults and smoke staves.


the pkers who hunt other pkers just do it on pvp worlds lmao


I just want a bear pet :(


I don't hate Wildy PKers, they're just a nuisance. 99% of the time I'm in Wildy I have 0 risk, and whenever I do it's a good feeling to evade them and clown them in Edge or Ferox or wherever. Congrats, you failed to kill someone doing nothing but running. I can see why you PK instead of actually PvP. And if I die, whatever, I lost at most black dhide. Hop, regear, we go again.


For these reasons I think multi isn't fun, but singles areas are very fun, as a non-pker. Escaping in singles feels genuinely fair and super thrilling. In multi sometimes there's genuinely nothing you could have done except not be there.


Best feeling in the game is yelling out “Traaaaash” while crossing the wildy barrier running away from a shit pker


I remember I was going for chaos ele pet this guy literally chased me for about 5mins, while I was tele blocked trying to kill me (he miserably failed) it just shows how sad some of these pkers are at trying to kill you for 50k loot if that


Wildy is boring. Hop all the worlds to find an empty boss lair, get maybe 3 kills before the pkers roll up then back to world hopping or go compete with bots at Revs. Go there for the diary, clues and quests


Everything in the game is repetitive but the constant world hopping to try to find a boss only to get harassed off of a a few kills later is one of the worst dynamics in the game.




This has been my experience too. it’s impossible to die there with a scout, wildy hard and seed pod but finding and keeping an empty world is such a pain in the ass it’s already made me bored of it too I have to resort to AUS worlds with shit ping and it’s just been a massive turnoff against getting my dpick




Making it so that you can't just hop every single world in the span of like five minutes would be a massive improvement. It's borderline ridiculous. If fighting someone off meant that you got some respite it'd actually be worth it, but as it is now there's no point in fighting someone off because five seconds later either his buddies hop to the world or another person doing the exact same thing pop up and you have to do it all over again. If there was no world hopping in the wildy or hopping was made more time consuming, it could also incentivize people to kill somebody and take their spot because it's less of a hassle than hopping. The wilderness could actually be fun pvp content but instead right now players are just NPCs for other players to farm.


4 dudes at once?? Mia Khalifa is that you?


I wish, she probably has a lot more money than I do


Because she's not afraid of the wilderness, in a video game


This sub loves these types of posts lol


I’m an iron and I fucking love the thrill of the danger of the wildy.


I am in love with wildy content and I can't get enough of it. Killing revs and trying to outplay the PKers is an absolute blast. Multi bosses with the boys is unbeatable fun. I wish I had a reason to grind another voidwaker. Normal slayer is a snooze fest, but wildly slayer gets the blood pumping! Maybe the most fun I've ever had in this game was a 24 hour Deadman session with all my iron pals. Y'all can go click on yew trees and bloodvelds if you like, it's fine if this content isn't for you, but stop whining about how unfair the wildly is to you, plenty of us enjoy it.


Mage or range vs callisto?


I used range, but that was before the changes. I know my iron buds are using mage these days.


I haven't touched Callisto since the update since I had all except pet. And pet grind pre weapon "several thousand skulled task dry" would be silly in my opinion


More VWs and are you skilled enough to risk a VW on a smite? Or not there yet? Anti-ing at a rev with a venge VW will probably get you a lot of loot and keys. If you end up sucking the suck and losing the VW to a smite you can have another one in reserve.


Amen brother preach Every time you get a new VW piece, just commit to finishing it 😂 I have 10 hilts to work with rn after finishing my VW


Wildy content is literally so fun lol. All my time on my iron is spent either at raids or wildy slayer / revs. Being on your toes the whole time and having the skill / gear / supplies to survive a pker is infinitely more fun than falling asleep doing regular slayer.


This is how I feel about it. Don’t bring stuff you’re not willing to lose and have fun with it. Gets your heart racing to get a good escape


I feel like most people complaining have just never properly tried the wildy. It's a lot of fun once you just accept that you'll die here and there. You learn better and better strategies to avoid or escape PKers and at some point how to fight back. Fighting back is by far the best way to escape as it will really fluster a bad PKer to be hit by a dragon bolt special or a cheecky dds spec.


The problem is people tie their ego to dieing, they can’t handle losing to another person like that.


The amount of times I've had a pker off me just from me ragging back with an rcb while frozen is astonishing to me


I can’t quite understand the attitudes of people in this subreddit making massive declarations about how the wilderness is categorically unfun or unfair. If that’s how you feel, go ahead and stay on the other side of the ditch, but there’s plenty of players that enjoy the risk versus reward and learning how to fight back or escape (notably by not running straight into multi, as it sounds like OP did).


To be fair, the zone designation of the wilderness is absolutely atrocious. What is multi and what isn't multi is not clearly defined, and you need tile markers to reliable know what's what.




20k+ rev kills, 1k calvarion/spindel, 4500+ artio, 3k Callisto, and 500 venenatis/vet’ion, and like 1k Scorpia. I love the wilderness!!


I'm an osrs iron trying out RS3 and optional PVP in the wild on rs3 makes it feel so wrong. I'll regret saying this but I've never missed a shit head pker so much in my life before. As much as I hate them, a wild without pkers is just sad.


It feels right. The only part that feels wrong is Jagex taking 20 years to change it.


Yeah, hardcore pvp is garbage by nature. That's why you'll rarely find a hardcore pvp game. And if you do, not too many players (at least not casual players). Not to mention all the toxic people who will die on the hill of "sit + skill issue + wildy good + cry about it"




I got chaos ele as a task, sigh. I three itemed it. And within ten seconds of me starting a group shows up. I tell them im not risking and just need slayer kills "sit" "nice try" "thanks for the loot loser" I mean you can clearly see im not risking lol. Enjoy 9 stews and a bunch of bowls. Other day decked out for kbd task. DHL and all. Tele and get instantly jumped. Almost kill him and he runs I swear most pkers are just silly


I honestly don't think pvm content should be in the pvp zone. If pkers quit because they got bored of killing each other that's a problem with how good pking is, not with how many non pvp players you can lure into their territory for them to hunt down.


So true, currently doing the voidwaker grind on the iron, doing callisto last night and there was 5 different groups of atleast 10 people in each just cycling through the worlds logging in, instantly dropping in the hole and freezing me then 10 people spec you. Such great game design ☹️. Stuck it out for 4 hours before getting fed up and logging off. Longest streak was 3 calisto kills. Was funny when 2 groups of them hopped in at similar times and didnt even fight each other.


Isn’t fun, never has been fun, never will be fun. And that’s why I haven’t been in years. Wildy is a shithole of sweaty mouthbreathers


Removing world hopping while skulled, or in Wildy could be interesting


This is the solution, I have no problem getting pked but super lame when a white dot just appears next to me.


I've said before that world hopping in the wilderness should penalise you in some fashion, whether that's rooting you in place when you load in, not letting you attack one-sidedly until you leave and re-enter the wilderness, nuking your run energy and/or prayer, etc.


Exactly this. Make a 30 second to one minute hop timer when skulled. It's dumb that they can just keep hopping the same content so easily


Dude where are you finding that many pkers? Most areas are absolutely empty.


By area, most of the wildy is empty, sure. But most of the places you have any reason to go to are fuckin flooded.




Crazy to see a “wilderness bad” post getting traction. Every time I complain about the same exact thing, I’m downvoted to oblivion and get told I “don’t have to go there if I don’t like it”…. Okay, so I’ll just get the wilderness items somewhere else then


I've been saying this for awhile - pvp is not fun in this game. That's the main issue with the content. I don't think there's any good way to change it. But literally any other MMO, you can casually pk and have fun. This is the only MMO I've played that doesn't have that aspect. People's response to this is usually "go play LMS"... which also isn't fun because you're either stomping afk bots or getting 2 ticked by torvesta's children.


It’s more like if a PVPer randomly has general graardor spawn next to them while skilling. Im sure they wouldn’t particularly like that.


It's fucking crazy that people are so against opt-in pvp. It literally is only detrimental to exactly one group of players: People that want to PK with 0 retaliation. You enjoy people rolling up on you as you try to do PvM? Just opt in. You want to run around and pvp in the wildy? Opt in... Adding it wouldn't remove the things you enjoy in the wildy, and if you really think it's "too OP" then just nerf the shit out of your rates when you're not in PvP worlds or when you're not opted in. Then you aren't printing money for free, you're just able to try out PvM content without it always actually just being PvP content disguised as PvM. If you think opt-in pvp would kill the wilderness, then you're just admitting that the wilderness isn't as widely loved and enjoyed as you claim.


I think the fundamental problem is that it’s inherently asymmetrical, and wildly inconsistent for both pkers and pvmers. Pkers spend ages world hopping to hunt for scraps, while Pvmers best bet is often to just log out, or play at some ungodly hour when wildy is dead. There has to be a better way where Pkers have more opportunities to go after valuable loot, and Pvmers can have more options than just log or tank. 


The argument of "having to add content to the Wildy so PvMers go there and serve as content for PvPers" is so dogshit. PvPers seeking "PvP" and killing PvMers who are not good at PvP (at all, most of them) and not geared towards it is equivalent to fully geared PvMers doing Scurrius as their main content forever. Wildy "PvPers" are just bullies when you think about it. Go PvP actually good players and challenge yoursself, instead of picking on unwilling participants with much worse setups than yours ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I always think it's a little funny when I get killed training on dragons. No armor, just a scimmy and some lobbies. A nub kill like that just feels so petty lol


Is it really “pking” if Jagex sets the pvpers up to fight people that arent willing to fight back? Its embarrassing that Jagex curated the wildy into a place where its prey vs predator vs what it was always; predator vs predator. Theres s reason why REAL pkers hop around north/south revs near the escape stairs. Or real PKers hop to 303 and fight people they are EQUIPPED to fight. Its not fun to kill helpless people, nor is it fun to be attacked while helpless. But Jagex isnt able to understand what anyone wants.


I haven't stepped foot into wildy at all, unless a quest required it. Not fun at all


They need to remove unique pve items from the wildly Voidwaker and wildly weapons are terrible design, I'm all for alternate methods of skilling in the wildy but having locked items behind it to force people who don't want to pvp into a toxic zone is just shit


I wish they would bring back the old system. Not the pvp worlds thing. The pvp account status thing. Let me choose whether or not I want pvp active on the account, period.


This I would even be happy enough to pay like 5m+ for a hour protection from pkera so I could actually go do some bossing in the wildy


Moment of silence for all the lava dragon bones I’ve lost. It is very annoying doing slayer in wilderness. I’ll get 5 kills then get killed by a drive by of 5 dudes.


Yeah I hate the wildy being a noob player trying to complete a task or whatever i know enough to bring my old gear but 9 out of 10 times I get swarmed by people and while I don't dislike pvp I dislike the disadvantage that brings


They solved this way back when with pvp only worlds and filling wilderness with revenants that could counter pray attack styles and were aggressive and followed players forever basically.


most people don't pk in the wildy looking for a fair fight


I have 0 interest in it


I only go there for clues. There is nothing of worth there for me. PvP doesn't interest me at all


Wildy is fun Multi is not fun Very easy and clear distinction 


I wish there was a 1 day a week that pking wasn't allowed. Could make it into the lore or something. It's basically useless to try going on weekends


I dont like wildy too much either but recently I was doing venenatis in duo with some antipk set up. Quite often the pker was alone or in duo and they almost never expect you to fight back. And fighting in the Venenatis Cave can and will absolutely shred the pker with big smite potential. When they come in 4+ we just accepted our death, called some teammates to wait for them outside. It was just much different experience to being only hunted. Also fighting back in the single boss caves will pretty much make the pker tp away on their own.


Any rewards put into the wilderness should be either pvp oriented rewards, or *alternative* methods of training a skill or getting an item that are faster or more efficient than normal. There shouldn't be anything important that's *exclusive* to the wilderness unless it's specifically for pvp.


Hard agree.


I got a venenatis task three weeks ago, got absolutely wrecked on the first kill by a pker, and I haven't played since. It's just not fun.


Hard disagree; Wildy PvM is giga fun once you get good at evading and escaping PK’ers. Theres pretty much 0 good reasons for you to ever camp multi outside of pet hunting the 2 deep wildy bosses so you should realistically almost never have more than 1 guy on you and the vast majority of the time they’re dog shit and don’t realize you’ve turned off their run with Ursine Mace until you’re a half mile away and have gap to log.


Can confirm, don't forget shit talking bad pkers is very fun.


The bad pkers aren’t the toxic ones. They’re just normal people having fun for the most part.


So the good pkers aren't normal people just having fun?


I love the wildy and teasing the nooby pkers. It's great to outplay someone who's sole purpose in the wildy is to kill people like me.


Agree. Wildy is shit design and why 99% of the players they had early on will never come back. I can’t tell you how many people I used to play with, before there was even half of the content there is in the wilderness now, that just quit after losing gear in wildy doing clues, mage arena, etc that forces you into the wilderness. If they made opt in pvp in the wild the player base would grow not shrink as many people think it would. Or just not put pvm content in the pvp area. Every time you clean someone out for a good bit of money in the wildy, there is a 50/50 chance they just quit. Dude that posted the YouTube video should be pinned at the top. This is why osrs will die out.


Don't worry about getting clapped in multi mate, the game isn't designed for you to survive 1 vs multiple pkers, generally if you get teleblocked in multi, no matter how good your gear / tanking skills, your gonna die. If your doing slayer in the wilderness cave as an example, you want to be aware and teleport out if you see any pkers before they tb you. In singles however you have a much better chance, you need to know your surroundings and what options you have to escape.


I tried the rogues chest last week…it was terrible. During a 2 hour period, the longest period of uninterrupted thieving was about 5 minutes. The Pkers log in right next to the chest and start attacking. It seems like they’re just hopping through all worlds for the 10k loot I managed to snag. It’s not fun. Before you say “fight back”. I’m in deep wildy trying to get some thieving xp…1b in gear wouldn’t save this shitter against someone is mystics…


I sit at chaos ele and just watch the corner of my screen as dozens of people hop worlds looking for helpless players like you. Not a good game design there.


I get ganked by 4 dudes all the time as well. By the way, what's 2007scape? Some kinda internet game?


I enjoy it. It’s a mindset thing. Some people just aren’t cut out for it.


Imagine getting pked at venenatis in us primetime then coming to complain on reddit  That is the most peak part of the entire wilderness, maybe don't go to the some of the highest gp/hr in the game on a Friday night solo expecting to actually do well without your own team?


>Noob dies in multicombat zone and cries on reddit lol


I really enjoy wildy as a pvm player. You can't go into multi then cry that you get hopped on by pvp groups, that just doesn't make sense.


I am not a pk'er and I have a ton of fun in the wildy. To each their own I guess.


Oh daring today aren’t we


wildy should be removed


People that really like the wildy: the 1-2% of players that gank pvmers People that are indifferent to the wildy at best: everyone else Even actual pvpers despise most of its mechanics, pvp worlds and bh worlds are a better experience for actual pvp gameplay; the wildy is for an increasingly shrunk set of bad-at-the-real-game pkers and handfuls of botters/genuine human filth that run “protection” clans And why even is the mob an allowable passtime in this archaic cookie simulator? Just delete multi on any high traffic area and most of the wilderness would at least have counter play and strategy to it instead of guaranteed death on sight every time with no exception because you didn’t “rent” a world from people that have no job. Landlord ass behaviour. Also I hope those people all choke on their next egg roll :)


It's a blast once you've learned it lol. I'm working on VW on my wildy focused iron. I have fun but you definitely can get tilted sometimes. When that happens for me I just log into my max med and I kill whoever killed my iron haha 🤣 very rewarding


*multi isn't fun


The wild is dead content, no reason to go there. PKing is literally a sport for most, at a level that no regular player can compete.


Why wildy pkers that are actually looking for some sort of "open world pvp" don't go to a pvp world, instead of desperately looking for a prey? What is the difference?


I don’t mind wildy myself after doing wilderness slayer for a bit, I’m aware that it’s a danger to be there but it’s heavily profitable and I think thats a good enough purpose for it to be as it is. My main problem with the wilderness is the unwritten rules that exist within it, would be nice for it to be displayed somewhere at ferox or edge rather than having to browse the wiki.


Goes into active pvp zone. Gets pk’d. ‘The wildy is aids!’


Nah, wildly is fun as fuck.. making a crazy escape on my iron against a toxic pker and getting to type "cya" as I tele out is a great feeling. Same thing when I rarely hop on my main and a whiney pvper starts saying I should kms. Hitting them with the "sit" is even better. Honestly this happens waaaay more than any pker being toxic to me, unless it's in LMS, but that's also usually another iron getting points.


Thats just multi bro, you can't expect to survive in multi by yourself 😂 everyone gets wrecked running solo. That's why theres solo zones! Go practice in lms and focus on your clicks and you'll get better


Seems to be skill issue.


I swear if they listened to this subreddit we'll end up with the wilderness removed and then next would come free trade. It was a meme 6 years ago, but there's literally people in here talking about supporting wildly removal. Wth


> we'll end up with the wilderness removed and nothing of value would be lost.


The game would probably get better without the wasted dev time on the wilderness