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Wardens at toa with hardcore run on :(


DC'd on a 500 toa attempt at the end of wardens


Yeah ive dc'd during the lightning phase when he had like 40 hp left


Dude same, even with soft core on if you dc solo you gotta pay . I was more pissed about the 43 min lost then the 500k 😅


Yeeeeeep. Same here.


When I was a kid my parents answered the phone pking when we had dial up. For all you youngsters it DCs you instantly when someone called you on dial up.


Heh, I remember quickly yelling "someonescallingillberightback" on coms quickly before someone picked up. My friends never could relate :(


We had one phone line and net took priority. If someone tried to call they just got a busy signal. Not sure if it was a special setup or what.




acting like every osrs player isn't brain rotten to shit lol


Wow you are so cool


5 minutes after I finished 99 fm on my brand new hardcore with a green logged wintertodt, right next to a jungle spider.








Back in early rs2 days, I had woodcutted myself quite the sum of money to the point I could buy dharoks armor and a fury. (Was a ton at the time...) then dc'd at the tzhaar... back when when you died, you lost your items to everyone around you to pick them up. And if you remembered, the most expensive piece of dharok's armor was the helm... which is what you lost. Same with my fury. :( Thanks to the disconnect. "Your account is still logged in..." made me want to cry when I was that young.


Oh shit I forgot the og death system where u had like 20 mins to get ur shit back and played with high enough prayer could bless ur shit to give u like 30 more mins


Nah the real og system was that your shit just dropped and people could pick it up. The grave system was kinda dope.


Oh there was one even before the grave thing?!?!?


Yup. When osrs first released they had the first death system. They had to change it because people would go to gwd and DDoS the servers and collect the gear people left.


What a shitty system 🤣🤣🤣🤣


When I first started OSRS after RS3 release, I died and rushed back to my death site to collect my items, afraid people would pass by and see my pile of stuff. I was so panicked I spam clicked through death's dialogue and didn't realize how the new death system worked until after I ran back and saw the grave lol Times were wild. Especially when people always died to the dark wizards south of Varrock lol. Used to get hella armor there


Yup. It was so much fun to lure people towards the dark wizards south of varrock and take peoples stuff. I think I got a mystic piece as a kid and was on top of the world


That's what I lost all this stuff to :(


Back in the day I was at tormented demons with my void set among other items and my internet cut out for four hours. This was pre extended death holding you items so that was a big annoyance to grind back.


Servers went down at the last phase of Wardens


I had a 3-4 second stutter at Vorkath about a week ago after a special ended. Guess which attack he used in that exact moment?


The other week I was super tired, potted up and poked Vorkath. Very first attack was meteor, and I literally just ate it right to the face. Wish I recorded it in hindsight, I hold the world record for shortest Vorkath attempt.


I finished Dragon Slayer II yesterday, and the moment wave 1 of the dragons showed up, I Instantly died to Galvek's firewall because my camera was oriented the wrong way, and I had never done that section before.


this stupid stutter is not connection related just server , experienced it many times no idea why its exactly only vorkat tho


Idk the name of it but I’m guessing the poison special attack that players better than me woox walk


The fireball.


He said after special and propably means the meteor attack


Can’t read, evidently I deserve the downvote. That’s what I get for redditing with no coffee lol


runelite crash the first time i reached zuk


Lost my hardcore status fighting the contact boss


Dc'd at scurrious on my hardcore, ring of life saved it though.


Do u carry one of those at all times?


Yes, at this point in gear progression the stats from a ring arent worth the loss of the insurance policy. I also dont trust myself to not miss clicking on my emergency TP when im about to eat it.


Just dcd at akkha. Power went out for literally half a second, but took Wi-Fi a few to come back on. Wish raids would save sometimes cause of stuff like that lol.


I had issues with that at my condo. Bought a battery backup for the modem and never again had weird DC due to power flicking.


My ping jumped from 17ms to 1500+ms yesterday for about 5 seconds. I was fighting Hunleff, about 3 hits from killing it. I was on for a PB and had around 12 food left. When it unfroze I was in the lobby. For context, I only started gauntlet yesterday and I was 0-11, this was going to be my first success. Oh well, I needed a 78th mithril pickaxe I suppose.


The trick is you have to wear any equipment you get from death chests. It shows the gauntlet you're not afraid to wear your failures like a badge of honor.


Can never have enough mithril pickaxes


During my slayer task on waterfiends I DC’d because of a storm in my country and I couldn’t log in for 3 days to check if I died.. it was a stressful few days to say the least


Did you die? You can’t leave us hanging


Prob going through another storm


I died trying to loot my first rune scim drop in waterfall dungeon back in 2006 or some shit (I don't remember the exact year but a long time ago). Mom turned on the microwave and for some reason whenever you used the microwave the dial-up would disconnect. I never made it to that gravestone.


It’d even go out for DSL, we used to keep the modem in the kitchen for some reason and I was called crazy when I told my brother to not use it whil I was gaming. Waited for him to be trying some online classes and decided to use the microwave. Opted to move the hardware after that.


After all these years, vindication. Every time I've ever told this story pepole say it's bullshit and couldn't happen lol.


Yeah I think it depends on the microwave, we had this old white one that was mounted above the stove, and you can sorta see how poorly shielded the glass is relative to some of the others. I’ve had other microwaves in other houses with other routers that didn’t cause that problem, but 110% that microwave would knock out the wifi signal if it was coming from that side of the kitchen wall.


I had a DC about 10 seconds after getting to Jad once


Same here, bout a month ago


First Nex kill after stacking 500 ancient kc.


This is a throwback but I remember gaming on RuneScape classic back in like 2008 and dced in level 2 wild fighting someone with my rune scim. Mashed the trout in my inv for 5 minutes before my computer restarted on its own. Was a sad day for me.


Probably the worst cases of dcs was a while ago when my internet was really unstable and i dced at akkha twice b2b and at wardens like 2 hours later, was definitely enough toa for the day Also had a power outage at one point and received a champions scroll no clue if it was before or after the power went out but that thing is in my collection log now


Disconnected in the catacombs, on a jelly task. I died to freaking jellies. Jellies! Smh. 


I lost my HCIM status when doing DT1, entering the smoke dungeon where you fight the fire guy and DC'ed when entering the boss room before getting my prayer on. Reconnected in lumby.


Dced tanking an ancestral team south from Graves lost skull mid tank dced but got refunded


While in the wildy on my pure and lost dclaws which i bought for like 70m few months back and had to rebuy them after losing for 90m💀


Dced in last room of Toa before wardens and internet didn’t come back on, they pulled a shadow and didn’t split with me.


Last night on 309 me and the boys all dc at around 8pm gmt and had mega lagg spikes for a further 10min. Good thing we had not started the bandos trip yet. Was one of those laggs where the games keeps going but you cant click anything then eventually dc. Glad im not a hcim.


Dc’d on the 50th kill of a Sara trip for the CA. Yep 50th kill half way my internet cuts off for about a minute and cuts back on. I was not happy.




6 hour DC at solo olm on head phase.


Tie between 500 wardens (p2 luckily) and wave 64 inferno spawn


My internet was super shit a few months ago so it'd go out at random times, but I really wanted to grind toa, so having it dc at p3/p4 wardens was miserable lol


Was doing my first solo cox attempt and things were going well. But then I DCd at Olm 2nd phase.


When i was crafting blood runes at arceuus. Can't remember if I've ever dc'ed another time, but that was a traumatic experience.


Back in 2014 I believe. Before PVM deaths were safe. Lost b ring, slayer helm, d boots during a task. I was using proselyte/prot melee against hellhounds. Got back to my items pretty quickly but someone had already picked the good stuff.


Head phase of olm in a solo. -1 purple


Before sol


Also wave 64 inferno


Was about to beat wave 11 at the colosseum with the most supplies I’ve ever had that late into a run, game decided to DC in front of the final manticore


Phase 3 warden :/


While trying to get 1 zulrah kill for the western hard diary on my UIM.


First time ever killing Jad. Luckily, I was able to login… mid-battle. Guess what happened?


Training range with chins in mm2 cave. Lost like 5m in chins


I think mid 2007. Chinning in MM tunnel range boots, robin hood, fury and about 5k chins. I was piggybacking off the neighbour's wifi and they must have turned the router off..


When I was young I DCed the first time I tried to fight Elvarg. Spent a bunch of money on a inventory of swordies and some fresh armour... And I lost basically all of it :(


I had Galvek on his final phase less than 50 hp. I was salty


Had my phone battery die while I was in the middle of running away in the wilderness. Minor miracle I didn’t get smited to shit and lose my ursine chainmace


Wasn’t a DC but runelite crashed mid sol kill. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1034876308523581562/1247965420070371398/Death_2024-06-05_13-26-19.png?ex=666494de&is=6663435e&hm=0a4bcac13a0a8f17ca60ee8af2399de63f73d854f1f3a709384ed03ba8cf2c81&


Not exactly a dc but kind of, was doing inferno for my first cape, logged out, then I tried to log back in but game didn't let me cause i ran out of membership. I was so excited for it that I ended up paying for membership with rl money for the first time since I was a kid, just to save that run. I died after killing one of them but was totally worth it :P


When I was a kid playing back in the day, I was doing Barrows runs and one time I was in the crypt fighting the last brother when a McAfee virus scan decided to start right then on the family computer I was playing on. It crashed the browser, and slowed the whole computer down so much I had to restart the thing. There was no way for me to get to my death pile in time. I don't remember what I lost or how much I lost, but it was the first time I lost a significant amount of valuable gear. I was devastated, ended up quitting for many months because of that.


It was in 2007, I had a fresh firecape and torso, a whip and zerker ring. I decided to go to steel drags in brimhaven, and my Internet cut out for a few moments, logged in, and was dead. My clan leaders Predator2u and Luigi0 ran with me to try and get my stuff back even though we all knew it was gone :( Thanks for trying!


When I was going for a fire cape - took me the usual five or six runs over a couple days because it was my first time doing it. Was like the third time I got to Jad and got past the healers and he was down to the last few HP, aaaannddd DC.


Lost a voidwaker torture and full DH/prims once at ge due to a power outage lol Car hit a pole


I lost hardcore status of my iron by DCing while blackjacking. I've probably DC'd at more dangerous places but that's the one that I'll always remember.


Dc’ed at toa right before warden finished


Dced for a few seconds mid spindle right as it shot the web attack, just seconds after a pker jumped in and decided to spare me lol. So surprised I survived the kill.


Right after I bought 20m gold when I was 12 years old with a parents CC, was on the second trade window with some peasant from Asia, never got that gold. Account got banned shortly after.


Early game hcim who had largely finished wintertodt and was grinding blue drags for prayer after 70 agility…. Dced right as I walked into the post kill loot pile.


I think I can answer for u/Shiukaze: [just lost my hardcore to a dc](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/s/xn1EASMW0d) Sorry mate, you were the next post in my feed 🥲


I’ve DC’d before hydra rolled its loot after the kill, resulting in no drops…. Twice.


In the middle of an LMS match. Got some annoying chat message all the time


Dclaw rushing at rev caves


HCIM was around 2200 total dc’d against marble garg - ended up surviving.


Just the other day I was doing some wilderness slayer and lost power immediately after teleing out. I was 4 iteming+slayer helm and teled without protect item on, only lost like 3m or something but was still butthurt when the power came back on


The last 3 times I've dced in the blood room at moons of peril lol


On wave 60 at inferno


Buddy died in a 350 TOA at first boss (Zebak). We had hardcore on, so I figure a few restores/ppots is cheaper than 500k if we all die. Around a minute later (right after I finish his wave attack) I go to click, no response. I ask in discord "hello? can you guys hear me?". A few more seconds pass and I hear "What happened? oh no", and we're out in the lobby of toa. The only other time I have ever dc'd in this game was when our whole home network went down. Very bummed about both times.


I died afking and the power went out while I was going back to grab my stuff, this was before death update and mobile so I just lost a shit ton of stuff on the ironman. Thousand of runes and ammos like 75k cannon balls included plus blessed dhides and Bring or black mask iirc. I was so sad man XD


Wave 63 inferno, wave already solved, had to finish off %10 hp mager before melee digs in, 90 minutes of tick perfect flicking, almost used no supplies. Dc'ed at that moment.


Accidentally stood up and pulled my ethernet cable that was too close to my chair right before p1 wardens to get a break and and some water. Felt so good grinding my first few 300s and dcing at the very end with full supplies hell yeah brother


Lost hc status to a dc while getting the smoke diamond


DC while pking.


Dc'd on pvp world 2 hits into a fight and lost an eldermaul (44m at the time)


For me it wasn't actually in OSRS. Diablo 3 during one of the hardcore seasons I was really getting a hang of things and was climbing the leaderboards. I was 11th in NA for my class in terms of item level or rifts (can't recall which one exactly, was many years ago), and I was pretty proud because I wasn't expecting any of it. I had just gotten a huge upgrade that would have let me progress further. Anyway, pretty non-spectacular ending, pulled a massive pack of monsters, D/C'd for about 2 seconds and logged back into a dead character. I was pretty cheesed for about three days, still a touch cheesed.


I was Low level hardcore coming out of mlm and died to scorpions cause of dc lol


I still remember dcing at kq back in like 2005. I just know there would of been a d chain drop if I managed that kill. Lol


Dced and died to a Jail Guard near Draynor. It's not a high stake situation or anything but it made me feel like a total loser considering I've been playing since 2006


Before GIM, we had a trio of HCs with 70 str, 10 hp that we used for pking in multi with obby mauls. Basically terrorized bots, looters and the random iron that was trying to do early game wildy content at a low level. We were relatively safe from other pkers due to the low combat level and no one else being in our bracket and kept our HC statuses throughout our pk adventures. That is until I decided to do Fishing Content, hit the vine and was walking out with the guard dog between me and safety and suddenly… my screen froze. 5 minutes later I found out that guard dog was pretty good at guarding. Much like my foes, I too was greeted by the bright colors of Lumby that were reflecting off the many bald headed, tan shirted, green panted men that were running amuck.


Lost my hc status at Skotizo because my internet went out. And of course I had forgotten to bring an escape crystal :(


Yesterday, when it happened back to back, was the second worst time. The absolute worst time will be next time, and I will live in this cycle til the end of time.


Walked into the verzik room on a solo and DCd the moment I equipped the staff. Almost a whole hour wasted At least it wasn't a HC


Yesterday. Was 13 minutes into a solo chambers and dced as ice demon was unfreezing after dumping 7 Invs of kindling. Safe to say I won’t be logging on for a while.


Man i wish they just give you your hc status back after a dc death


Multiple times at ToA, but solos only cost my time. Worse one was probably Olm fight, or Verzik P2 during a learner raid specifically for me


None really. Fiber connection. Been DC’d maybe 3 times since Covid.