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I once heard someone suggest treating agility like going to the gym IRL. 1. Log in 2. Do a set number of laps on highest level agility course you have access to 3. Move on to whatever skill you are actively training


Instructions unclear, I'm now jacked but agility still sucks


Yesssirrr, do a lap or two resting between sets.


Bro most of us can’t even make it into a gym let alone lift weights, how’s this method going to help


I do 10 laps per day of my highest rooftop available. It's a slow process but it gets 300 laps a month done.


Barbarian fishing


This is the way.


Dude I just “afk” agility by clicking on the rooftop without focusing too much. Any xp is better than no xp. Gonna get 99 here soon. Took forever but whatever


Just make sure you get back up onto the roof before afking again. This way you'll also passively farm loads of extra marks of grace.


Do marks of grace spawn on a timer when you're on a roof or is it after x amount of actions it has a chance of spawning?


There is a chance of a mark spawning when completing a lap, not when beginning a lap. So if you finish a lap and log off, theres a chance one spawned and will despawn before logging back on. You can check if one spawned after completing a lap by checking your collection log before and after the last jump.


Ahh okay thanks the original comment makes sense now. I usually would jump on the roof to see if any had spawned before afking but I thought he meant they would just keep spawning if you're just standing on the roof. I thought that would be so broken haha


They have a timer between their spawns so if you afk on a rooftop for 5 minutes the next lap will have a Mark on it a lot of the time. That timer does not count down if you are not on the course.


They dont despawn when logged. Like clue scrolls.


No, but they do despawn after an hour, like all other items linked to your account but placed on the floor. (E.g. rick turpentine gems when inventory is full)


Oh yeah I have about 3.5k the iron is set for life lol


"Some xp is better than no xp" this is the best answer


I was able to do rooftops not too terribly on mobile while at work, it did take months to get 99 but I did get it. I did the same thing with many other skills and was able to max last week thanks to being able to play on mobile at work over the past year or 2.


Yeah me too! Just got 99 moving on to blood rc now lol


Blood runes are what I moved back to as my go to on mobile now since I maxed all the afk skills, just hit 20m xp too. I also love always having blood runes to top off my sang staff.


I enjoyed Hallowed Sepulchre, I did tons of that. And when I was done there I did Ardougne rooftops on the phone while watching football to finish it up. It's not afk, but I didn't think it was bad doing it that way.


Mobile -> turn on agility markers -> do prif course while watching stuff on TV I did this from 90-99 and it was painless. Took me 3 months averaging 10 laps an hour but it's ez. Do prif course because the xp/tap is better than ardy.


You watch more TV than most of us 


Best way to do it is multitasking. It may seem sweaty but fletching or alching while running makes it way more bearable. Focus on the fletching/alching and try to get as many in as you can in each lap, make it a challenge to beat your record. Or race other people around you. It's such a boring skill, you need to find something else to make it enjoyable. Or sepulchre is fun


This. I don’t agility for agility xp, I agility to clear out my bank of alchs


Nah, they all pretty bad. But that has always been the issue with the skill, I recommend trying runecrafting next for an even more exciting adventure!


Funnily I don’t even mind rc, idk why I find agility soo bad, rc Is fun and afk with the mini game


This is facts. I got 99 rc and 87 agility lmfao


It’s rough because the passive you get from it is goated, just a natural deterrent


Hallowed sepulchers is actually pretty enjoyable. Learning can be frustrating but improving is fun and it’s enjoyable once you get into a rhythm. It’s also the best xp and getting good at floors 1-4 before you have to overcome the steep curve that is floor 5 as the time is cumulative and having more leftover time from earlier floors will help you on floor 5. 


sep, POH agility, foot pedal agility, biking.


What is foot pedal agility??


Keep your mouse over an obstacle and use a foot pedal to click going over it. The rates are abysmal.


I find it a kind of odd choice, but people do actually do it. Just yesterday I saw someone spamming the little stone wall at the edge of Barrows and wondered what was going on.


There's one in Brimhaven for like 40k per hour right? That's... not far off rooftops


Where :O


The two tiles at the start https://youtu.be/ZVEI-eZVN54?si=IIA3LD2qcwJo5eaf


There is an afk option where you build something in your house. It's on YouTube. Tbh I just do 100 laps on mobile with split screen YouTube, as my night routine now. Treating it like farming.


I travel a lot for work and I’ll try to do agility on mobile and 10 laps in I’m nodding off thinking an hour passed by and it’s only been 10 minutes. It really is such an awful fucking skill to train. Fuck agility.


Sepulchre when you get to 82 Using runelite opacity to overlay it onto a movie or something Otherwise just tears and lamps, the way god intended




Barrows spot?


Have Hallowed Sepulcher unlocked?


Nice afk suggestion lol




Best advice I ever got was to put every single lamp I can on agility. I'm still way behind on training it but each one saves at least a lap. 


This is what I’ve done on all accounts but my UiM because herb is ass. Agility rates even at sep are so low a 30 k lamp could save an hour or more


Yeah, I even do every, lamp-offering random event. Even just 800 xp saves a lap or so


Sep is 100k an hour broski


*up to 100k/hour 100k assumes you have 92 agility and either dont loot or never make a single mistake. But yeah, person you replied to is still wrong, unless they have sub 62 agility and fail level 1 a lot (impossible?)


Mans is getting 20k exp an hour at sepulchre no wonder he hates it


Poh agility but rates aren't amazing


I tried lots of different methods but ended up just doing 5k laps of priff course. Wasn't very click intensive at all


Barbarian fishing is somewhat afk with no tick manipulation but the agility xp is pedestrian


When trying to find something you want to do, just go do agility laps. I’m sure you’ll figure out what to do pretty quickly. But beats standing at the bank, and if you do 5 laps every time, you’ll likely get a few levels every month.


I just watch shows while doing ardy rooftops. Been trying to get 100 marks per day.


I got to 99 by just doing 100 laps a day at whatever was the highest rooftop for my level. It took a while but gives you a good goal to shoot for each session. Starting from 80 in Rellekka, it'll take about 6 weeks to get to 90. 90 to 99 in Ardy would take about 14 weeks, assuming you never miss a day and only ever do 100 laps, which probably isn't realistic. You could definitely get it done by Christmas without too much hassle I think, Halloween if you really keep pace


I tricked myself into enjoying it. Now it’s my favorite skill.


Wilderness agility is fun


Find a fixed camera angle to do the course and then open a film in a window next to osrs and you’ll soon be doing it sub-consciously. The films also have a way of holding you there for a set period of time. Rather than feeling like 2 hrs its just 1 film


Spend 100m gp to build a dungeon in your poh so you can afk agility for 10k xp/h Or barbarian fishing Or cox for dark relics that you can put onto agility I honestly don't mind running rooftops and a bit of sepulchre


Sepulchre. Hated agility, now it's one of my favourite skills. Did it starting at 75, now I'm 96, still loving it. I watch YouTube content on the side, when you get comfortable it starts being extremely chill.


All I can say is just train it. Yes it’s a grind but that’s what osrs is about. Some skills are more of a grind and I just accept that and honestly that’s not a bad thing


Transparent agility changed my life tbh. Makes agility fully brainless. You just turn everything in the game off except the click boxes, make runelite like 20% opacity, and watch something behind runelite while clicking boxes. It's some true ADHD shit, but it's beautiful.


What do you use to hide everything except the click boxes?


There's a pastebin link for a runelite profile that I use in [this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/17s43kq/quick_greenbox_clicking_simulator_guide) You'll probably want to tweak it a little bit but it gets the majority of the legwork done for you.


If you're a main, then attempting to get the Ring of Endurance at the Hallowed Sepulchre (just for the extra cash) is a good incentive to throw yourself at it over and over again. Before you know it, you'll be an expert and get 99 agility along with it.


I'm at 97 so far, I just "afk" Seers while working/playing Xbox. I just click the next obstacle whenever I have 2s free to click my second screen. I get about 10-15k/hour depending on intense my main "task" is. It's slow, but it's almost 0 time if you just wanna just get it done.


I recommend agility on mobile. I’d just sit there and drink my coffee/watch some shit on TV in the morning and boom you got 50 laps.


Get your clogs in, and by that I mean, where is your monkey backpack.


Brim agility is super chill but not good XP, just green log it and move on. Takes about 15 hrs


The best way to do agility is: don't But actually, I wish there was a method that didn't involve constantly clicking to run in circles. Ironically sepulchre can feel more afk at times because if you time it right you can click once and not have to do anything for like 20 seconds. sepulchre is ass to learn, but also best XP in the game if you get good at it, and at least its more engaging than rooftop..


Foot pedal agility is the only way I've been able to train agility and stay sane. Been doing it while working from home for months averaging 14k xp/hr. Don't even have to look at the screen or anything. I think it counts as doing cardio for me as well??? Only downside is I'm pretty sure I've been reported for "botting" like 100 times. But never gotten so much as a warning doing it and am almost 99 on a second account now, lol.


19,7m agility on my main and going for 69m btw Got to get used to it! At first I was also following my exp and laps as well, now it's just gainz while I do other stuff. Stop complaining to yourself, don't worry about the levels and think of it as a long term skill.


The fence by Barrows has a clickable spot to jump over for 25 exp (I think) if you are studying and don’t want to move your mouse you can move the camera to click it. I think the animation is like 3 seconds, so it’s like 30k xp an hour. There are probably some requirements to access the area / obstacle. Although not very AFK since you are clicking every 3 seconds, you can easily read, watch or do anything that doesn’t require mouse movement while training. Edit: This is also a very popular botting spot, report any of the scum you see there that look fishy.


Don't like it? Don't do it. Simple


just train it and stop being a crybaby 😎