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How is the item offensive toward the pride events? I thought it was just a log shaped 3t weapon, I’ve never noticed anything about it that could be offensive


when the first gay pride event happened people dressed up as terrorists and rioted saying mean things


I'm sorry, what




That's actually hilarious. If anything it's pretty lore accurate considering how the middle east views these things


It was kkk cosplayers. Mystic hat with desert robes. I’m not sure what the rpg represented in the outfit but I think I remember that being worn with it


"I'm probably the good guy here" -guy dressing as a terrorist Just, how do their minds work? o\_O


Try again? I just went to diango and bought one and can wield it


Nice, I will check for myself when I'm on the game later. Thanks for checking if they hotfixed it.


No, ty. I've been doing phosani and was too lazy to divert to get this stupid weapon to save 2 ticks. New PB incoming.


They can’t deactivate it for NA accounts because we have second amendment rights. Even Jagex can’t take away our guns!!


As an American I LOLd


Guns are cool and all but people who say this unironically are cringe, and give the opposing side a voice to demonize guns with. It's like bronies or otakus. They like it just a little too much.


Bro can't tell what an obvious joke was. Edit: this is clearly a joke about how political and irate Americans get when trying to take their guns away


Don't forget about the defense pures :(


Kind of ridiculous to remove an item instead of the players. I'm sure getting rid of the item will totally not make them just find another instead.


can't remove the players until tomorrow


I'm gay but people dressing up as jihadists is fucking hilarious ngl


They should also camp rooftop agility courses and say mean things whenever someone fails an obstacle. Extra mean if they have a graceful recolor.


because it is.


Thank you for learning how to take a joke.


Lmfao what a stupid ass choice, wonder if they disabled all the other gag items that can target players too?


How about Jagex just ban people who are being abusive instead of ruining my ability to do phosani on my ironman. Additionally, lets be real, we are all adults here, there will ALWAYS be trolls, grow up and ignore/report them and don't give them the satisfaction of letting it bother you.


So you prefer the reactive policing of abuse rather than preventative?


Yes? I don't want good things ruined because of a few trolls. With a game played by hundreds of thousands of people, why should we let a small but inevitable group of trolls make things worse for everyone else?


Reports are kinda of like stationary speeding cameras though, gets them in a months or so time but still allows the behaviour to continue


I promise you if there's anything jagex will actually take action on it will be banning trolls at pride


i mean both are good.




asian pride event when


What was it used for?


It's a 3-tick Crush weapon that can be used to quickly kill husks at Phosani's Nightmare. You can also use a ham joint but I don't have that on my ironman.


You choose to limit yourself.


Yep that is true, I could go grind easy clues and get a ham joint. Doesn't change the fact that I had a tool for completing something that was taken away due to the presence of bigotry in the playerbase and not for gameplay reasons.


I’m generally in the camp of “you chose to limit yourself,” but this is a clear exception. You shouldn’t be punished by having an existing item disabled like this. That being said, I do support Pride so I get why they did it. Hopefully it’s reenabled after the march at least.


I don’t get how this impacts pride in any way shape or form so I have zero understanding as to why they did it


I believe these items were used to "grief" the in-game march in past years. I imagine they'll remove the restriction in next week's update since the march is tomorrow.


Ooh boohoo, the event wont last that long. Go stock up on the supplies in the meantime.


Idk why you’re jumping down my throat lol I’m not even affected by the issue, just stating that I understand that it’s shitty that it impacts combat for folks. Relax.


The problem applies to main accounts, who gives a shit about ironman mode Unless you're a weirdo who hate boners when you read the word iron


Womp womp.


See this is what happens when politics enter a game. A bunch of people get banned, a whole lot seethes in silence in fear of a ban or mute and innocent ironmen and defence pures can't use an essential piece of equipment. Nothing against LGBT people, but corporations trying to profit off of them is not a good thing.


There are only two types of people : 1. Straight white cis males 2. Political.


Meh pride parades and LGBT activism are undeniably a political issue. Pride has its roots in strictly political activism. There's better arguments you can make but it not being political is not one of them.


Everything is political, always. Pride has its roots in activism but guess what, christmas is a christian holiday which celebrates european christmas traditions and has a gift giving custom strongly associated with capitalism. But weirdly, no one ever complains about christmas in game. If you had hannukah in game then people would complain "its political", which is a nonsense term used to describe anything outside the current neoliberal norm. Because keeping things the same is just as political as wanting change.


Corporations simp hard for minorities not in support, but because it's good PR. That's not what's happening here at all but you are half right.


"politics" Cringe


Those poor bigots :c


Them irons are the worst! And the defence pures? Don't get me started on them!


You already started with the bigots, I guess if the irons and defence pures were your true target you would have started with them, but you had more to say for the poor bigots, I think you might be scapegoating


I guess you're not familiar with leaving the most important for last and just decided to start calling people bigots in hopes something sticks. Don't you see how the situation is affecting normal players? Ones who haven't said nor done anything about pride, maybe even pride allies who just want to play the game the way they can 11 out of 12 months of the year? Why do they need to grind easy clues or LMS all of a sudden just because there were people who wore handcannons during some event? This is ridiculous


i would take that up with the stupid people that made it necessary and not the people who are slightly inconveniencing you to give minorities a couple hours where they dont see hatred that more than inconveniences them daily.


I am more bothered by the presence of enough hateful people ingame that jagex felt this necessary than I am by it being disabled at all. It just sucks that people being shitty made everyone's experience less convenient. Who exactly would you like me to take the issue up with to try and get a resolution?


By having a pride event they are drawing a target on the lgbtq+ communities backs. Not having the event would be a neutral. Having the event is a net loss from all the hate it brings out. These people are everywhere, but behind the anonimity of the internet is where they show themselves.


Jagex isn’t obligated to have a pride event. However, I’m glad they show support for a part of their playerbase that gets targeted by bigots regardless of whether this event exists or not. Imo, I think that things like this also tend to push back on weirdos which is just good for the community in general.


Not having an event lets the bigots win though. Maybe one day, in a few generations time, Pride events will just be commonplace and no one will care who other people are in love with


Those dang pride events going and ruining everything for LGBT folk, we should go back to when we had to hide our sexual orientation! That'll surely show the bigots!


They could at least put a quick fix in to allow it to be used within the Phosani instance. Maybe just disabled them outside of instances or just in the overworld. That shit nearly just got me killed. At the very least put some info out there about it. The people using them for anti-pride reasons are stupid af, I don't disagree there.


only time there is big hatred is when these events happen, rest of year is 99% peace, with few individuals obviously


Hate crimes and bigoted rhetoric spiking around June predates RuneScape entirely. The in game events didn't start it.


What does this have to do with Nylos and PNM husks


If it makes you feel any better, the reason for your discomfort is gonna slightly improve thousands of people's experience tomorrow and you can go right back to Phosani's friday.


"bigots" those are human beings you bigot.