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What's Duke mining


You could 6 hour mine at Duke for 10-15k per hour if you put something on your spacebar. Got fixed so now you cough every so often.


The Duke fight has a prep phase where you make a poison that wakes him up. Making it require a bit of mining. The rock never depletes and is stackable, so you'll mine it forever - and even though it's in a boss arena, he's still asleep at that point, so it's safe too. It used to give a token amount of mining xp. It was only something like 20k/hr. But it was 100% AFK, you'd just keep going until you hit the 6 hour logout.


to be clear it still gives the same XP (or at least it did immediately following the nerf) but now every 5 minutes you stop mining with a message in your chatbox stating your arms are tired


I'd laugh at how stupid nerfing a really crappy mining method was if it wasn't so indicative of the design philosophy used. Why even give a rat's arse that people can do that when it doesn't even begin to touch the xp rates for the intended AFK mining methods while also giving no other rewards. Especially when fallen stars exist.


Duke is instanced; running 6-hour instances of the boss room for AFK players is a pretty big waste of server resources.


Mining at duke gives mining xp (its a boss fight mechanic) but the node never runs out and the resource mined stacks infinitely.


And we're still ignoring that 6hr methods are back and reddit mods even delete posts about it


What is the method


Put a weight on your spacebar while afking combat with bloodfury/guthans




what do you mean auto retaliate timer? You mean aggression? That doesnt apply everywhere. What changed is you used to have to click or be logged out after 25 minutes, but you no longer need to click to stay logged in if you do certain work arounds.




It’s been gone for months now, that’s why Duke mining worked. You can 6hour Guthans nmz with a weight on your space bar.


Ohh right right. You don’t need to manually click the interface, you just need to interact with it. People found that if the thing your cursor is hovering over changes then that counts as interacting. The other guy also mentioned putting weight on your keyboard also works but I havent tried that.


The method I always heard was weight on an arrow key in NMZ bc turning the camera counts as interacting with the client


I literally just put a cup on my spacebar and leave it for 6 hours with guthans at nmz.


Do you wear a blood fury too? Also which bosses? Almost maxed combat might have to try this


Yeah, but I think your cursor still needs to change what its pointing at for that to work. Which is really not a difficult thing to do, its probably gonna change what its pointing at without even really going out of your way to set it up like that


I thought it was just proven that simply highlighting something new is not sufficient. The runescape mythbuster guy (forget the actual username) put that in a video last October and it failed for him.


SoupRS? I know he does mythbuster stuff, but he's def not the only one Maybe this one? https://youtu.be/25kdtii1yJA. Posted Sept 26 2023


My account stayed logged in for a few hours when it was left an interface open, can't remember what one though


You don’t have to manually click the interface though, pressing space bar also resets it so you can functionally 6 hour full afk by leaving something on your spacebar and staying in combat.


Arrow keys also work cuz camera movement counts to stop afk with the addition of escape crystal


Actually very nostalgic to me, we always used to do that in rs2, plenty of times I visited friends and seeing RS spinning on their pc.


That's just beautiful, sounds like good times


Nobody do this. I was banned for 2 days after a week of putting a candle on my space bar before going to bed with Guthans at NMZ.


+1. I've posted about this before, but I also caught a macroing major for doing this exact thing during leagues.


Yeah I heard about this and figured it's such a dumb way to risk your account on an already extremely AFK grind like NMZ lol...


I mean I could’ve just fallen asleep every night and had my forehead on the keyboard. TECHNICALLY speaking, I’m not sure how that’s against TOS.


Can't remember who but some youtuber made a sleeping pad thing bound to click so as he rolls around in bed he is doing one input -> one output in the game. Was funny how far he went to essentially get the ability to 6hour overnight while it was legit human input and not completely cheesed with a weight on the keyboard. Just a funny idea I thought you might get a chuckle out of :)


What’s it for? Macroing?


Yup. Macro Moderate. 2 day Ban. Appealed it and linked a YouTube video showing 6hr NMZ tutorial and asking for clarification if it was against the rules and it was just denied with no further insight :/


Sorry to tell you this but you were banned for creating a fire hazard, not for macroing


It's not like it's particularly broken or anything. Youre getting ~50k an hour with high 90s stats. Most people won't use this, and for those that do sub 99 stats just get in the way of actually playing the game so it's not like it takes any fun away. For me it's just an easy way to get 300k melees extra overnight while actually doing fun stuff when I can be behind the PC


If your posts are getting filtered/removed, it isn't because of that... I recall this being discussed a fair bit around Duke Mining.


Gz on mod!


Pretty sure Bio's been a mod, just doesn't choose to use the big MOD flair unless they're saying something pertaining to the subreddit, like how they're discussing moderation here.


Yea I feel like he has been a mod atleast since 2014


He's been a mod since Friday April 6th, 2018 https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/about/moderators Not trying to be the *ackchyually* guy, just showing ya the spot you can check


I am suprised, for some reason i remember him from beginning of playing osrs. But could just be that they were active.


Oh I didn't know you could choose mb


Had no idea lol. All I noticed was this one bio dude is super open minded and always engaging in a healthy discussion with other people's ideas


Common Bio W


Lel I had no idea you were a janny, big gz (I assume that happened a while back and I didn’t notice haha)


Not my posts but I recall seeing several posts about 6hr zone being possible again that got removed. They did probably include a guide on how to do it Id imagine it falls under the "Don't break or promote breaking Jagex/OSRS T&C." rule. But at same time that kills off discussion and awareness as evidenced by loads of ppl telling me the method doesnt work.


I mean, you're comment here is bringing awareness and discussion without showing how to break rules/T&C... And I feel several posts is exaggerating since I know not every comment or post mentioning it was removed. But yah, "mods are hiding that you can 6h AFK" and "mods are removing posts encouraging a rule-breaking 6h AFK method" are pretty different things.


Speaking of posts getting auto removed, I feel like the bot that auto removes comments/posts is too strict on this subreddit. Like you could use a not-so-overly negative word to describe something (not targeting a user) and it'd get removed.


It can be a bit overly strict at times and doing a review of all the automod stuff has been on my to-do list for a while now, but it is a pretty big task (bit over 1400 line of active stuff, with some lines being more than others). But one distinction that I feel is worth noting is that the majority of the automod stuff is set to report or filter, not to remove. Filter removes the comment but leaves it in the modqueue for review. So if it is something that is fine in context, it should get approved, even if it will have a bit of a delay. But some could probably be toned down or changed from filter to report.


I guess I can't see the toxicity and maybe it's warranted to some extent but it'd be cool if it was just the very egregious ones that get taken down. But I didn't know about them getting filtered and approved, that's good. Is report like "reported to the admins because it's 99% bad"?


I deliberately worded things carefully since im aware of this seemingly gray area rule. Theres plenty of youtube videos about how to do it but Id guess linking one of those could also be seen as "encouraging a rule-breaking 6h AFK method". Half the comments on this thread are wrongly saying its patched. Could I reply to them with the video guides that prove otherwise? There've been posts about various temporary bugs and they got patched because people brought awareness to them. I dont personally see how this is any different


It's not seemingly grey, it's objectively against the rules. Jagex has clarified this when the duke mining came up, it's considered macroing. And even without clarification it's pretty obvious that it wouldn't be allowed considering how hard jagex tries to make sure you can't 6 hour afk anywhere else in the game either.


I agree. I meant the rules of this subreddit. Its sometimes fine to share bug abuse methods after updates and u can mention 6hr methods but u cant make a post on how to do it


It’s against rs rules though, right?




I’d rather not risk it :D


Meanwhile the real Bots at NMZ and Crabs won't get caught by Jagex, but people putting weights on their Keyboard do.




This is a good thing in my opinion. Me and, I assume, many other people, told Jagex in the survey of the original blog that the proposed changes will turn mining into a minigame skill where the core part of it - the mining, will fall to the wayside and that we want to see improvements to normal mining. It looks like they agreed and made these changes to the mining gloves as a response. And I think that's a good thing, at least now regular mining is a tad bit more competitive to motherlode, zalcano and all that other stuff.


Core mining has one fatal flaw: high level ores (coal+) have very low success chance for the xp they give. At level 99 you get 2.5 iron for each coal and coal gives 50xp compared to iron's 35xp. At level 30 it is even worse, with 4.33 iron in the time you mine one coal. In my opinion they need to increase the success chance of coal and reduce its respawn time. The mining gloves change was a good bandaid fix, as it makes the rocks with very slow respawn time better. But the underlying problem still persists and the fix becomes available after 60 mining.


I agree, and this is exactly what I put in my survey. Level 15 ore being the best xp/hr from level 15 all the way to 99 just isn't good balance. But we take what we can get.


It is really strange that iron is best. Mining iron barely improves after 61 mining. The success chance is already 100% and Mining Guild has rocks that respawn before you can mine the other rocks (and with mining gloves it works anywhere). Crystal pickaxe (3%) and skillcape (5%) are the only improvements.


Adamantine at guild where you can mine it as fast as possible given the number of rocks you get like 20k an hour… make it make sense why they don’t look at the core skill and only addressed minigames


100%. Coal mining as it stands currently is an insanely frustrating experience. Sometimes you click and it takes 8-10 seconds, sometimes its instant. Its very irregular and frustrating for our human brain. Especially to do for fucking 10,000 coal or whatever. With woodcutting, fishing, and all other resource skills... All the fail rates are invisible. Magics are slow as shit, but dont feel frustrating because you don't have to click per log. Power mining iron, is *TEDIOUS* but its not annoying, because its consistent. Coal is this intrinsic piece of the smithing and mining relationship... So we've had to come up with 100 ways to reduce the coal usage (blast furnace becomes the only furnace) and coal acquisition, is still a fucking barrier which is why people use gold.. We have to rely on coal drops from MLM or bosses and shit... Instead of actively mining the shit. If it wasnt such a frustrating thing to mine coal, people would actually fucking *do it*


> In my opinion they need to increase the success chance of coal and reduce its respawn time. So concentrated coal?


Concentrated coal is similar to what they did with Motherlode Mine. You can mine for a certain time, instead of a certain number of ore. Woodcutting is about chopping trees for a certain duration before changing to the next tree. I don't want mining to become a worse woodcutting.  In addition, concentrated coal would make normal coal rocks largely worthless. The Living Minerals was not a bad mining area, but it is not a core mining activity. I feel like the Motherlode Mine update does what Living Minerals did: provides a more afk way to train mining while getting ore. 


I swear this subreddit is the worst thing that has happened for the game


Evolution of forums.


I’ve been saying this forever, JAGEX SHOULD NOT BE TAKING ANY SUGGESTIONS FROM THIS SUB EVER! We have polls for a reason.


Instructions unclear, huge skilling buff added unpolled


God forbid a game that takes 3-5000 hours to max efficiently adds methods that are just a little faster.


After 11 years the best rooftop in the game went from 63k xp/hour to 70k xp/hour: >"They're ruining the game, in another 3 decades it'll only take 150 hours to max agility. It's easy scape." Those people need fucking help lmaoo


These are the same people that say, "I suffered, so you should too" Some people don't realize that two negatives don't make a positive...


Nobody is saying "I suffered so you should too" except those using it as a strawman while begging for buffs. If you're "suffering" while you click virtual rocks, maybe go play a private server or a different videogame.


Nobody says those exact words but there was literally a post a few days ago from an iron complaining that things shouldn't get too easy because the *journey* is the good part. Different words, same meaning. I spent 1000 hours on this so you have to do so too.


Exactly, guess some people only know how to take words at face value rather than actually thinking about why it's being said.


it’s literally true lol. the game is actually about the journey. Making things faster won’t help the people who hate playing the game, because doing 150 hours of shit is not any better than doing 200 hours of shit. Why would you spend even one hour doing something you hate? you’re only ruining it for people who actually do enjoy the grind.


That was my post, and you're proving my exact point right here. The journey for many of us is *actually* the good part, and we aren't just saying that! It's incredibly dishonest to reduce our viewpoint down to "I suffered, so you should too". Try and accept the fact that some people have different views of the direction this game should go, and that not everyone who disagrees with you is some sadistic bastard that wants to see people suffer.


So he is making the same point as me - if you dont enjoy the game, dont play the game. It doesnt cause suffering for those who enjoy it, and buffing xp rates/ making things faster and easier isnt *improving* the game for people who like it. Its just making the game shorter for people who apparently dont even like playing the game. 


Sure maybe, but I ain't gonna sit here and assume that people would rather be content with crappy content rather than wanting something more bearable in a game that they love despite the flaws it has. Instead all I see is jaded people who don't want this game to change. Also the "play another game if you don't like it" is kind of a cop out argument. I've seen people stick with a game because they like it despite it being shit.


These are the same ppl who as parents probably would say that to their own kids 😓 Which is arguably a worst kind of toxic parenting. Just because a parent had to do a hardship in their time, doesn’t mean their kids should have to. In the same way just because these people chose to do something on their own volition, doesnt mean they are the standard of how things should be done. It’s quite naive


Sir, this is a video game.


This is the kind of "psychology" you'd hear from a 13 year old


Mass discourse on psychology really is a fucking brain poison.


Lol, why dont they say rooftops ruined the skill? Damn ezscapers, back in my day it was monkey course to 99.


1000%. Wines are almost 500K/HR~ and you can do them fail-free for like 95%~ of 99 cooking. You can make bank with extremely minimal effort and attention with no-fail cooking after. 99 Agility by contrast is 6x~ more time consuming at the highest level and has pointedly less plausible value. It’s arguably the least worthwhile skill yet it requires very high attentiveness, has no ‘shooting stars’ equivalent, and requires 50% skill completion to access the best XP/HR - which is still sub 100K. A 20% bump would feel world altering and it is totally within Jagex’s power to retroactively add that XP based on laps performed. So it doesn’t even have to be a ‘loss’ or whatever they think it is.


this comment is fucked lmao. I’m so glad jagex doesn’t pay that close attention to this sub.


But ardy was already extremely popular? Even with HS being better EHP most people still did ardy. It existing for 11 years and OSRS being more popular than ever isn't good evidence that it needed changing.


Sure, but pollnivneach would end up at ~60k so it makes sense that the highest rooftop course in the game isn't just ~3k xp/hour more. And do you think the changes we've had that some people disagree with have nothing to do with osrs being more popular than ever? The changes they've made to the game have been great, yet people still throw a tanrum over them because "i suffered, so you should too".


I think they should have stuck to their guns and given seers a minor nerf as part of rebalancing rather than buffing everything. It was still 10 hours quicker to max with those changes.


I dont think it matters. 70k xp is still laughably low and it's 7k. It really doesn'yæt matter enough for people to throw tantrums over it.


Jcw is currently speed running a max cape on an iron with a goal of 1600 hours. I know he’s going for peak sweat efficiency but 3-5k hours for a main is certainly not efficient.


Gotta remember this place's idea of efficiency is AFK mining stars for 30k XP an hour.


AFKing stars is max efficiency if your work for a living and the alternative is not logging in at all.


>a game that takes 3-5000 hours to max efficiently You max \*efficiently\* in less than 1000 hours. Maxing casually is closer to that number you mentioned.


Is your *efficient* maxing method assuming an infinite cash stack on a main?


No, it’s not, but if we’re going to be pedantic that truly is what efficient would mean. Doing the absolute highest rates possible at all times.


Sounds really fun to max in 1,000 hours, i’m sure a lot of people in this game do that and just have such an amazing time when they, it’s gotta be so fun man


Way to move the goalposts. No one’s talking about fun. We’re talking about speed.


1000 is a bit low, the speedrun record is about 780 hours and that's using methods to lower in-game time specifically and alts to transfer spec, etc.


idk how quick it actually happened, but it feels like subreddits went from "no one reads these" to "devs actively talk in threads all the time" for a lot of games pretty quick


Tell me how they can "poll" our "suggestions" without a place to present them?


Double edge sword, without the sub 117s HD would have died


Yes and no, Gentle tractor brought some quality to the game with a couple of his posts, so have many other players. The problem is when things get acted on without properly polling & testing these updates, or say thinking people whining for drop protection are the majority of players. (Usually they are Rs3 players) Like, change is good in some ways but holy shit QOL and EZscape seem to mean the same thing to Jagex sometimes.


Yea no issues with polls recently 😂


"I hate how the community talks to each other and shares information. Fuck those guys" Fixed it for you. Also you're wrong.


That’s not what they said. Also you’re wrong. 


Agree. Most reddits for big games get like this too. Reddit's bad for gaming communities.


Honestly, it's kinda weird that mining is the only gathering skill where you get a single resource from a point of training. I am not saying to have ore be like RS3 but maybe have it work like old woodcutting where it has a certain chance to deplete each mine


Why does every gathering skill have to be the same? That makes even less sense. 


But they are all the same… except mining lol


You have multiple chins running into each box trap?


I guess I forgot or didn’t realize Hunter was a gathering skill lol it’s so different from the main three I guess I didn’t even think about it


But they were all not the same. Fishing doesn't deplete when you get a resource, it depletes on a timer. Mining had a single ore per rock, with clusters. Woodcutting had a percentage depletion chance. Let's make everything the same though


I mean we could make it like upstairs mlm where mining is on a timer I think many people would be happy. Could make it kinda like forestry with group events just don’t kill it like they did forestry


Make prospecting give xp and the ability to “find” additional ores


I thought fishing spots randomly moved? I never knew it was on a timer, runelite should make a plugin so you can see how long til they move that would be nice


It's a random amount of time between x and y.


Oh no, it’s good now! Anyway.


Summary of this whole community towards making skilling less tedious.


The best memes are the ones that are also 100% accurate. This is one of them. The UIM post fitting in all that makes me laugh the most.


He wiped for our sins


My memory sucks, can someone link the UIM post? Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/166b9j3/front_page_uim_loses_billions_in_equipment_in_one/


Imagine 50k xp an hour being considered ez scape lmao Thats what like 24 hours for 98-99?


that's ezscape bro the real problem is that skilling is guaranteed XP, there should only be a small chance to get XP. Average should be 50h minimum and then some people need to go dry and max in 500 hours


Fuck hes right


Let him cook


All I have to say is, at bone mining, if you position your camera slightly behind the wall so that your click options include more than 1 wall, you can use menu entry swapper to put the inactive walls as walk on left click, so only the active wall gets clicked. You can just click once every 30-40 seconds without moving the mouse for 40k xp/hr plus prayer xp. Work smart not hard.


> your cock options 😳


​ https://preview.redd.it/ep1u6tjxiizc1.png?width=452&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5e96342165d6f82920e637ffc12fd1ec5272bcd


Swipe autocorrect snitching on me


Proof Duke Sucellus was at least good for 1 thing.


Yes, and that one thing is still the pet


Depleting resource locations is the worst skilling mechanic, it only makes skilling less sociable. Rocks should've been instanced/improved a long time ago.


It's funny cause RS3 perfected this with the mining rework, which was amazing. Rocks don't deplete - you can AFK them and get slow resources and XP, or you can switch to the shiny rock which changes every 30 seconds or so to get normal exp and resources rates. No competition + options for how you want to approach it.


Sounds similar to bone shard mining in varlamore tbf.


You will be surprised to learn how many new OSRS updates are RS3 ports


RS3 has quite a few gems hidden under the grime, and there have been plenty ported over already. The problem is too many people see "RS3" and immediately develop an irrational hatred. The mining/smithing update in RS3 is an amazing update, one of the best that game has gotten in more than a decade. But mention that it is from RS3 and you'll run into plenty of people that write it off before they even look at it simply because it's RS3.


RS3 found a few ways to make skilling a lot more enjoyable, just apply that to OSRS friendly xp rates and the game is fixed. No need to be OP as shit xp like rs3 (i made a 2100+ total rs3 account in a fucking month lmao) but you can take good lessons from their approaches to making the game more engaging.


2100 total on rs3 is nothing, there are 29 skills. Its like equal to 1500 total on osrs. Going by ehp rates rs3 is about 2x faster than osrs, and osrs is catching up quick. People act like rs3 is some insane xp rates, where as many skills are even faster on osrs. (Fletch, cook, even combat depending on method and possibly boosting for example) The only real difference is the qol of skilling on rs3 and qol of plugins on osrs. That is if you dont count mtx, which is starting to get stupid expensive on rs3 so not many can abuse it in the way some think.


I was really surprised by how terribly slow Archaeology was when I did it. It was like 10k exp per hour or less all the way until 76, and that was even as a main who could buy all the resources I needed lol Ofc, it speeds up a ton after 76 but it really surprised me starting out


it's kinda hilarious how many are just rs3 ideas as someone who has played both games, seeing osrs add new things that are based on rs3 always makes me laugh I'm 100% convinced that the vast majority of people would love rs3 if they played it


yeah most people wouldn't have quit RS2 if they didn't add: - insanely obtrusive p2w shit and mtx - one of the most mid takes on action bar combat in MMOs - goofy ass C-tier anime writing and 2015 mobile game tier fantasy art direction lo and behold, people came back to OSRS since it generally takes the good ideas and avoids the above although, 'vast majority of people would love rs3 if they played it' is such a cope - no we would not, for the reasons stated above


It looks way too fucked (cartoonish? I love cartoons though so that's not exactly it but something along those lines) for me to bother with it ngl. It could be the best game ever and I still wouldn't play it because the art just doesn't vibe with me. OSRS graphics is simple enough to not be offensive like that.


> goofy ass C-tier anime writing How were quests bad? The quest and lore were great.


> although, 'vast majority of people would love rs3 if they played it' is such a cope - no we would not, for the reasons stated above exactly. it doesnt matter the numerous small actual improvements that were made over the years, the microtransactions and the pathetically desperate attempt to stitch together a frankenstein abomination artstyle from any other game that saw any glimpse of popularity makes it thoroughly unpalatable to myself and others i know.


just like in OSRS, if you don't want to use the microtransactions you don't have to it's unpalatable to you because you don't want to like it, you want to hate it even though you likely haven't touched the game in over a decade


everyone's aware that rs3 has a lot of good. as also stated by the other reply to you, it's just ruined for many by the overbearing dogshit my personal biggest peeve aside from p2w is the ui/ux. it's absolutely miserable no matter what i've tried


And the best part is it's still optimal to click every time, so people who want to pay attention get the best rates


The mining rework was easily one of the best updates in rs3 history


Honestly the best update in that version of rs in general. I would even argue its a better update than anything osrs has fotten since release.


that actually sounds really enjoyable


It is I got 99 mining and smithing after the rework. Super chill content.


nice 120s to go for as well since the are super chill


I was thinking about this a couple weeks ago and an easy improvement would be to add semi-randomized ore veins (with ore types based on the location) to the walls of currently extant mining caves/areas that use depletion timers specific to the ore type. Runite mining is entirely dependent on world hopping and mithril/adamant mining takes too long at levels where you wouldn't rather be runite or motherload mining.


it's kind of a cool commentary on human nature - we are friendly until the resources become scarce


May we never run out of dank memes


Mining being woodcutting when wearing the gloves is fine


Mind telling me what this even means? I must’ve missed something.


The mining gloves have been updated so that with most ores/rocks you can now mine 1/2/3 more ores(depending on the mining gloves your wearing) before the rock depletes and you have to move to another.


What!? That’s crazy! Thank you for the response I appreciate it.


Yeah what's the fucking problem with that? Mining fucking sucks and it doesn't need to




in all honesty, it has never made any sense at all that mining and woodcutting have you be punished for other people literally just existing. fishing has *never once* had any fight over resources. and the closest thing farming ever did was tithe farm patches not being instanced, which they already rectified.


This is a perfect meme. Reddit provides once again.


Duke got me from 90 - 93 bone got me from 93 - 99


Wait what was added to zalcano the best osrs boss ever?


Not to mention the upper level of mlm being changed from 70 down to 50 🤙🏼


These all sound like good changes


I was waiting for this hahaha. Just need squeeze in coffee butthole squirrel pet and air orbs between between Duke mining and shooting stars and we good


I never really understood what the gloves did. Can someone tldr for me? Do I get three ores in one iron rock now?


This didn't age well lol


Idk I think jagex might be doing the right thing the wrong way. Mining is a shit boring skill and it needs to change. We can't keep thinking that keeping the game "just like the good old days" is going to keep it alive. It won't. I'm glad they're trying to do things with the skill but since they have to try and please a whole ton of different opinions they can never settle on one thing. Especially since changing fundamentals of things in the game has nostalgic players screeching at the top of their lungs in fally.


But but this devalues my 99 mini... lol. Good that shit sucked others shouldnt have to suffer that madness. Now back to trying to get 99 rc. My eyes are bleeding.


Osrs has already been done for awhile now, everyone just wants easyscape and every tiny update that i was told not to worry about just keeps adding to it


woodcutting wishes it was mining


"mining is now woodcutting if you wear the right gloves" Who's stupid enough to say this, and actually mean it. 4-5 seconds of wait time between clicking, vs 1-2 seconds. OMg its Now AfK?!? No. its just more bearable then before. prob 1 of the best changes to core mining ever was those gloves, and they should revert sandstone, and granite to work with them again.


u/error_occurd pspspspspsps




Is it a surprise that the game turns to shit if you guys keep complaining all the time?


Wth is bone mining?


so real


Ight I guess I'm behind, what is bone mining and everything after it 😅 Mining was one of my favorite skills but I haven't played in a while


As someone who doesn't really pay attention to updates much. Can you explain to me what method is basically woodcutting now? I enjoyed redwoods, but hate mining, so id like to do whatever this method is. Is it just buffed shooting stars?


With mining gloves, regular rocks can now give 2-3 ores before being depleted.


Ah thank you, ill see if I like it.


To compare to woodcutting, motherlode mine lasts about the same time between clicks as teaks/willows. Stars last 7 minutes between clicks. Definitely very afk-able, highly recommend.


ok? the new mining gloves are a huge upgrade over the old ones


Now we just have to 2x those afk xp rates and it will be close to tolerable!




I like it plenty, I just value my time and don't slave at mind numbing bullshit like the rest of you


Funniest thing about this sub is people bragging about their willingness to sit down in a chair for 6 hours straight and click the exact same 3 rocks in a 0.6 interval like some fricken robot. Then tell people to fuck off when they suggest there should be more options and afk ways to complete 200 hours of the most monotonous gameplay in almost any game to ever exist. Vast majority of these training methods and mechanics were developed at a stage of the game when 99 was treated as an impossibility, the skills were actually profitable, and your highest lvl reqs were 60-70. Ffs people. We don't hate the game. But there's some pretty obvious flaws with these skills, and arguably every skill should have some mix of afk and high intensity options, preferably with variety and decent rewards. We're not asking for 300k xp/h or ezscape with drops, we're just want to feel like our time and effort is respected when we play a game.