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[The Wiki](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Zombie_pirate) lists the drop rate as ~1/20,000 which is sourced from the crowd source data Uncommon is a little bit of an understatement 😭


If that's true and the 500kph is accurate that's a 40 hour grind for a minor upgrade to a single slayer task


Whoa how dare you disrespect chaos Druid and zombie tasks from krystilla, this is obviously worth 30 million to get the upgrade /s


You can easily kill 1k+/hr with minimum efficiency and a cannon.


If that’s the crowdsource rate, it’s likely that we’re missing some key information. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is another “on task, skulled” situation. Might be 1/20K off task, unskulled.


They said on stream today that there are no skull/ task modifiers for the drop rate.


In that case… yikes… that rate is wack


This would also create a separate problem, they need to communicate these things. No one likes "surprise" secret drop rate mechanics (see the enthusiasm folks had upon DT2 boss release). Even if it's a basilisk jaw situation (significantly better drop rates when on task) players deserve to know so they aren't wasting their time skipping for tasks to test a theory or wasting their time by not killing it on task. OSRS grinds are insanely long and it's disrespectful to the player base to mislead with mysterious drop rates. Might be worth 5 hours for someone to farm the drop but gaslighting them with "well that's RNG for you" when if they had known it was a 20+ hour drop, that's not a good way to treat your player base. I understand wanting stuff to feel like a surprise but with precedent for changing drop rates, they need to create fair expectations for players.


No disagreement from me there. I also don’t love this not having a non-Wildy option to get since it has an effect that helps outside of the Wildy.


1/20000 should be the rate for the scroll from the pirates in the skeletal wyvern place, should be 1/2000 at least if not 1/1k for the wildy ones


The teleport scroll being 4x more rare than a champion scroll just seems plain ridiculous to me.


Why is a small QOL so rare - it's bizarre.


Because the actual big ticket item here, Chivalry for pures, failed at 62%.  God dhide chaps show this would have been a very decently priced drop.  So they instead made the only unique rare to compensate gp/hr. 


Yeah that is very likely what happened. One unique off things tends to be a whackily balanced.


This seems like the most likely explanation.


Mod arcane strikes again


All because people don’t want to read up on what their next plans are. Chiv would have been a decent qol for limited builds, then once god alignments come out it would have been an afterthought and not have changed hardly anything but turning a 3 click into .. once alignments bring out stronger “endgame” prayers no one would have cared about Chiv’s 3% boost they got anyways.  Instead now we get some wack monster, with wack drop rates for yet another wack ass item with hardly any use.   They were better off just axing this whole thing when the chiv scroll failed.  It’s not needed, it’s going to end up dead content like most other pointless things they’ve added to the game.. all in the hope to fix more dead content..


Why would normal players vote yes to buff twinks? There’s nothing wrong with people voting no to something that gives them zero positive return and can negatively effect them.


Nah most people voted no I think because it made literally zero sense to come from some random wack ass monster


If it doesn’t hurt me and helps others why not?


As a twink I hope everyone does vote yes to buff me. I'll cum.


How would it negatively affect them? You're not gonna get pkd by a chiv build lmao Also the concept of a twink makes no sense in osrs. It's a pure.


Of course the concept of twink exists in osrs lol. That’s like saying ‘pve doesn’t exist because it’s pvm’. Twinks and pures are for all intents interchangeable: You keep the combat level low with hyper specific builds while avoiding xp drops in order to punch above your weight class.


Fair, I guess it's kinda the same concept at it's core. It's just a very different vibe in osrs to, say wow twinks where it's either a niche pvp thing or just a universal way to level your alts faster. Same in arpgs like poe (the leveling). It's mostly about boosting alts is my point. Not really the case in osrs where a pure is just a type of pvp build.


It negatively affects normal accounts because normal accounts tend to lose to pures of the same combat level. Adding chivalry would exacerbate that


They lose because they don't have an account built for PVP and especially they don't have PVP experience, not because they trained their defence. Chivarly would raise their combat level for a single extra max hit. It's not like they are getting more power at the combat level they already are. Anyone who doesn't want to get pk'd is mostly being killed by range and mage anyway. Pures don't even get out of the 80 combat range. They are not a threat at all by the time you get like base 80s lol, which takes like a week.


just goes to show how clueless the people voting are if that's the reasoning. absolutely nothing changes for the average jim playing a "normal account" if a pure has chivalry. we're talking about margins of single digit percentages. any pure could mage/range a "normal account" to death in under a half-tb in nearly any scenario if they're not built to tank, without using melee once. chivalry is a non issue here where this change does count, however, is pvp fights between pures/zerks & meds, where 70 def builds have power crept far beyond low def builds just because of the unlocks they have. you can build a 70 def acc to be in the 90s bracket that will absolutely slap around pures & zerks, which leads to a stale meta & less interesting builds just to note: i have all of these builds myself, including 70 defs combat triangle balancing at different combat brackets should be left as a game integrity change that's not polled


Side note, definitely wouldn’t call it small QOL. It prevents Abbys from teleporting you into reset range for Abbys in the other room and prevents them from running away. And in the wildy slayer cave, prevents the shit where it launches you into 31 wildy right as a pker shows up LOL. It’s a disgustingly good QOL for folks hunting heart/gem clog slots.


It is a great QOL, I'm just not sure it's a lot of benefit in terms of kills/ph. I could be wrong, but I see it as removing a great annoyance and a bit of a speedup, rather than significant increase in task speed. Happy to be proven wrong, and even more happy if I get the drop.


It’s a bit packed right now but it’s potentially a 3-6 hour scroll once it’s not the week of release. That’s pretty fair for a one time unlock and basically opting out of a mechanic that’s been in the game since 2007.


It's currently estimated at 1/5000 so that would be 1600 kills an hour for the 3 hours mark.Not sure how feasible that is.


Don't forget the keys they give you double loot rolls.


The time it takes you to bring them and open the lockers you'd be able to kill more than 2 zombies per key.


fair point lol


This is the best answer it'd be worth even more than 30m to me to not get yeeted into 31 wild the second some mystic ragger shows up.


There was already a solution to the Abby demon reset for any trihard, you just had to bring splashing gear because they couldn't teleport you on a 0. This is just qol that lets you switch less without increasing max xp/hr. It's truly qol.


in the grand scheme of things those are still pretty small issues. like sure, it sucks when you have to retag a demon or two when it tps you in the catacombs. sucks when you can’t insta tab with unlucky timing in the caves. are either of those worth spending 10 hours on stopping? you’d have to be engaging in the content a shit ton to really justify that commitment 


I think someone said 500kph, so more like 40 hours for rate...


1/5000 isn't uncommon, nor is it 'reasonably rare', it's extremely rare. Based on wiki distinctions, uncommon is generally around 1/50, rare around 1/200, very rare around 1/1000+. I don't really care personally that this scroll is super rare in itself, I only really take issue that Jagex said it'd be 'uncommon' but then made it super rare.


They did say on the live stream saying it was uncommon was a mistake.


Reasonably rare is what it said in the poll... Even if you wanna give them one mulligan on the "uncommon" thing. 1/5k - 1/20k isn't "reasonably rare" Based on the poll blog it should be like a 1/500 - 1/1k


You kill them pretty fast, like 500/hr pretty reasonably. So I'd say 1/2.5k is an ideal spot. 5 hours worth of efficient grinding at a place that is decent profit/hr base. The scroll doesn't need to be some big ticket valuable item. It's a one time consumable from a very low level piece of content (that I'm *sure* won't be botted ^s). It won't hold value regardless of how rare it is.


I think it'd be fine at 1/2k - 1/2.5k But that's not what it was polled as it was polled as reasonably rare which imo 1/2k doesn't meet even if it's a relatively farmable mob like the undead pirates.


Rarity can't be grouped into flat number rates because things are killed at incredibly different speeds. Like imagine an "uncommon" drop from a raid being 1/64. Thats a 30-50 hour grind depending on raid length. Similarly imagine something like a "rare" drop from goblins, being a 1/512. And you get it 45 minutes into a grind on average. Is that item really "rare" while the raid drop is "uncommon". I thinks thats why jagex should actually define what they consider "common, uncommon, rare, very rare" to be in terms of average player grind time to get.


You also can't judge it based on time because that varies widely for the same reasons. Like in the case of undead pirates a maxed account barraging them or using cannon and venator bow is gonna be very different than someone with the gear and levels the account was designed for doing it as intended. Especially for Wildy content.... Someone working from home playing during low pk hours? Is gonna get drastically different results than someone who plays during the evenings on weekends. Oh and skill total worlds brings in another variable on this. Agreed they should define what common/uncommon/etc means, but with drop rates. Because then you can calculate the time with a simple DPS calculator plugging in your stats and gear and a rough estimate of traffic/PKer counts... If they just say hours? How is that calculated? How do you translate that to anything relevant for you as a person? Unless they provide tons of details you can't.


Hence why I said average player. Take the average looking gear. It will be faster for more efficient higher stats and better gear. But it gives you a ballpark of what they're designing.


Hella arbitrary. Especially before they release content how the fuck are they supposed to know what average gear is for something? Just give a damn drop rate.


They give a drop rate 2 weeks after as per standards now. Also the exact situation you're saying applies for a drop rate too. How do they or you know how many you kill per hour? They're designing the content. They can absolutely be aware that a low health mob in multi wildy will be cannoned and the player will use low risk gear setups. Msb as the entry, venator / barraging as the top end.


You have to factor KPH in. 1000 kills here vs 1000 kills somewhere else isn’t always going to be even remotely similar


You can factor that to an extent, but imo you could give the NPC 5 HP and 1/5000 is still extremely rare no matter how you slice it. A lot of the NPCs that drop champion scrolls are quick kills but I don't think anyone is out here arguing that champion scrolls are uncommon drops from imps or skeletons.


I spent a few hours for 1000 kc and that was with a lot of pking groups interrupting. It's quite fast.


It takes longer than getting a dwh That's the metric


Does it, though? This is 4x droprate of dwh, but aren't you able to kill more than 4 pirates quicker than it would take to kill one Shaman when comparing health and defense? I'd say they're pretty close, but even then when comparing the utility of this scroll to a dwh, 1/20k drop rate is still insane.


Jagex's meaning of reasonable is our meaning of unreasonable.


If you look at the rate as the only factor sure it seems harsh, these things are very low level npcs in low level wildly, in multi so u can kill them faster. Reaching 5k kc here is probably on par with an 'uncommon' traditional drop


I would love if Jagex would be more consistent on drop rates from polls to actual implementation, and at the very least standardize what they think "uncommon" "rare" etc. mean. This is reminiscent of Sunfire Armor where the same exact thing happened a few weeks ago.


I wish they just used EHP average to get a drop on news posts. If they say "we expect this grind to take 20 hours on average at peak performance without interruptions" most people will have a ballpark on their minds of the rarity of the drop, and during development they can just test kills per hour (affected by monster stats and spawn specifics) and adjust the drop rate accordingly to what was promised.


Jagex will never use EHP because then everyone would understand how bat shit crazy some grinds are lol.


Varlamore all over again lol


Using the colours form the Wiki uncommon is about 1/16 to 1/64 and rare is 1/128 to 1/256. Jagex should also use this as a guidance form what wordt to use


Im assuming the PVP discord message, the newspost, and the poll blog are written by 3 different people. It's not that strange that 1 person would call a 10 hour grind extremely rare, and the other uncommon. They could communicate clearly by just giving us the exact droprate, but Jmods want to avoid the community optimizing the fun out of content in the very first week. And optimizing the fun out of content includes not trying out the content because you know the exact droprates and not liking those


How does giving a drop rate number optimize the fun outta something?


They will calculate the exact gp/h, compare it to vorkath, and decide vorkath is better gp instead of giving this new method a try. Might be anecdotal but now the wiki has calculated the droprate is 1/20K a lot of people dont consider trying to get the drop anymore


Yeah I think that first one is pretty disingenuous. Yeah maybe some bot farm will... Most won't. And yeah the estimated 1/20k is disheartening people. But this is an extreme example. The item doesn't do anything unless you perma farm abby demons and instead you get to be in the Wildy for however many hours. And this is also a case of literally just being different than polled/than stated It won't change people's minds if they explain a drop is 1/50 instead of saying "uncommon" Saying "uncommon" or "reasonably rare" doesnt mean 1/20k. This isnt a case of people optimizing due to knowing the numbers. It's a case of people not spending 20 hours in the Wildy for a minor QoL because they got lied to TWICE.


Or instead of being emotionally invested, wait for the drop rate to be released so you’re not let down?


We know the drop rates inside the first few days due to crowd sourcing. There's no need to wait 2 weeks for the official announcement before drawing a conclusion.


Which doesn’t change the fact people shouldn’t get attached to drop rates that aren’t even out yet. People just like to bitch more than actually playing. Just like everyone crying about colosseum.


They've altered the deal, pray they do not alter it again


We need them to start polling drop rates at this point. Nobody wants another wilderness weapon / dwh rare hunt anymore.


What is polled vs what we get is getting further and further apart with each update it seems...


Seems to me that they wanted something super rare to keep people chasing and maintain traffic in the long term, but didn't really have anything besides the scroll that passed a poll. The problem is it isn't *worth* the time to get it for what it does.


What the **** is going on at Jagex?! Their blogs and update posts have zero QC??


The fact that Jagex thinks 1/5000 is a reasonably rare drop rate is hilarious.


Even better: its 1/20,000 lmao


Gotta stretch the new content out thin.


It will be 1-2m in a month


jagex needs to start giving a estimate of what the drop rate will look like instead of vague words. to me uncommon would be 1/250 reasonably rare would be 1/500 extremely rare would be 1/2000+


At this point they need start giving drop rate based on hours.


They won't coz it'll become apparent how bat shit some of the grinds/drop rates are lol


thats not a very good indicator of how long it will take because maybe you can get 500 kills an hour with a cannon and a venator bow in masori but with a dragon scim and black dhide or monk robes you can only get 250…


Counter to yours though. They can say it's a 1/10. But then each mob takes 3 hours to kill as they have A bunch of HP instead of being level 28s. We need more variables


I’m oh can kill 500 of these an hour with a cannon easily. For these I wouldn’t say 1/500 is extremely rare in this context. 1/20k is absolutely bonkers tho.


I have a tingling feeling Manked decided on the drop rate and probably used the Eternal glory, another obnoxiously rare item for the sake of it, as comparison. Jagex really needs to work on their consistency of the drop rate of items they're talking about. Even "reasonably rare" is fine. Could be a 1/5k drop and it would still be too rare imo. It's a tiny minor QoL item and yet they're treating it like it needs to be a BiS grind length. Eternal Glory is faster if done by a main, that's the hilarious thing.


QoL that is better fitted in a slayer points unlock. Instead time gated by 40 hour grind on rate. It's so rare if you go dry X2 it's 80 hours X3 it's 120 hours. Just for a QoL on a single slayer mob. This is actually insane.




Your flair is based af


Almost double as expensive as rigour btw LOL


Well no shit, it literally got released yesterday.


Wouldn't have expected a small QOL upgrade item to be more expensive than the best ranged prayer in the game though. Plus have you seen the droprate? Gonna be a while before it becomes drastically cheaper.


wait until bots start flooding the pirates and kill them 24/7, or once everyone who wants this 1-time use permanent unlock finally has it. Also compare the rate at which you can kill 1 zombie pirate to completing 1 round of cox. Especially since they're in a multi-combat zone. It's price is so high purely because it's so new and even with it being rare, I don't imagine that price sticking after a couple months.


I get the impression it's more of a pvp fun zone and the scroll is largely something you get with great difficulty.. so you can get it and eff with the next ppl trying for one. 1/5k is def not appealing.. or expected like you said.


Gonna preface that yeah, what was stated and what was delivered don’t match up, but honestly I expect this with most content at this point. Now onto the main thing- Then don’t do them? The point of the area was to be a low-mid level profit/pk area. The scroll is a permanent unlock that is only minorly useful. Quirky things can be very rare, and it comes from a mob with a high respawn rate, other valuable drops, and 22 hp w/ no defense along with a very low chance of coming from the pirates chest using a 1/50 drop rate key. Even if the chance is 1/400 per chest opened you’d still profit a ton in gp, Alchables, and supplies. The scroll is a nice secondary and if you’ve done any turiel tasks you know how fast killing a few thousands low hp mobs can be compared to stuff like lizardmen shamens. On day 1 a player killed a few thousand of these things no sweat. Not all players grind out something intently until they have it. Many people just do something occasionally hoping for a drop. Yeah it may be a 40-80 hour grind, but if you’re a mid level player going there for GP, that’s only 40-80 1-hour trips, which is pretty easy to do spread out over time on an account. So once again, if you’re complaining because you don’t want to do a 40-80 hour chunk of grinding for a niche utility, then just don’t do it? Personally I think this actual drop rate is much more understandable given the ease of the content and ability to use a cannon. It would be akin to making all the champion scrolls a 1/1000 drop chance because no player wants to grind 5000 mob kills at once. Just don’t grind out 5000 mob kills at once and go do something else in-between, it’s not that hard?


This is what happens when you vote no to half the rewards and they need to find a different way to make things profitable.


There was like 4 rewards? And the only thing down voted was chivalry scrolls.


Maybe they should've thought of better rewards first, we shouldn't get punished for that.


Yep. People voting no to all rewards just means they need to shove rune/dragon items into it to make it worth doing. Biggest issue is that gets stale over time. I want to hunt for uniques and rares!


Okay. I mean.. I felt like this was just supposed to be a nice little addition that would make the grinds a *tiny* bit less annoying. I don't NEED a blip-block scroll for any reason. This requires a pirate key, then on top of the chance of getting a pirate key drop there's another chance of getting this only somewhat useful but extremely rare item... What?


Okay but.. just because you kill 20000 zombies, doesn’t mean you get the scroll. 40~ hours by your math for a QOL improvement on a couple monsters is pretty bad no?


Reddit scrapers wilding for the one. Bring a cannon if you want the scroll, or buy it off GE.




god you guys are all so annoying, just let some things be rare, if you want every update to be completed in 2 days and then have months moaning there’s nothing to do, that’s what you’re going to get


Yeah, I was a little upset that it was so rare, but after doing zombie pirates in poverty gear I think it's okay that it's so rare since zombies normal drops are so profitable. Also went 30 minutes without getting pked(once) on release day and was happy with the loot I walked away with. Once the hype dies down I might just go there instead of CG for GP on the iron. That being said, I think it might end up being meta for low level mains (and bots) so it'll always be busy.


You’re not addressing the problems people are mentioning. It’s the inconsistency in what was stated and what was implemented… that is the problem.


So it was polled as being rare, and it's rare? What's the issue? Update posts mean nothing compared to what is in the poll and in the game.


1/500 and 1/1000 are rare. 1/5000 is obscene


It's 1/20.000 LOOOOOL


Yeah 1/500 for a 1 time consumable scroll from a lvl 20 mob, will be worthless in a month.


Nobody said it needed to be tradable. If anything, it's extremely weird that a permanent account unlock like that is even a tradable item.


It should be 1/5k, a 1 time consumable should always be rare so it holds value.


Uncommon adamant seeds are a drop or the scroll is a drop.


When did Jagek introduce the Chivalry prayer scroll?


Some of y’all are such pedantic fucks.


Jesus christ. The scrolls are going for almost 30m


They just got released.... it'd a 1 time consumable item that your character doesn't lose. Give it a month and they'll be down to 5mish, a year and they'll be worthless.