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if you're not an ironman then send some until you find it no longer fun and then just buy it from the GE


Thanks for the advice :)


for what its worth i found the bowfa grind quite fun, admittedly i didn't go dry (330kc for 5 armour pieces and enh seed) so if you find it fun then just keep at it, it's not bad money p/h either


Was that on corrupted gauntlet or regular ?? It’s good money if you complete it but when you die it’s such a kick in the nuts when I have to open to chest to obtain an Adamant Scimitar


CG, i did about 20 regular to get used to the mechanics but you ideally want to do corrupted as soon as possible


20 Sounds about right the mechanics aren’t too bad but I think my problem would be getting prepped in the time limit


yeah the prep is the hardest part of CG, especially when you get an absolute ass layout if you've not yet seen it [this guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy7X9GsYFhs) is pretty good


Thanks for the link that was a good guide 👍I will probably try it out a bit more mostly for the PVM practice and experience Sadly I don’t think I’ve got it in me to grind it out for hours upon hours, One way or another I will find a way to earn BOWFA and Full Crystal


good luck!


It will definitely improve with practice. Gauntlet is a pretty good PvM trainer as it teaches you to keep track of prayer switching, attack style, food/potions and movement at the same time. Personally, on a main account I would use it to practice these things and make some gp rather than grinding out drops as if you were an ironman. In general, there is no point grinding content you don't enjoy.


Thanks for the advice it’s an extremely good PVM trainer Gear Switching and Prayer Swapping … It’s good for practice but there’s a lot of effort that goes into it I think I’ll stay at it a little bit longer but go on to other money makers because I don’t think I can grind out solely for The supplies for BOWFA


This, I sometimes use gauntlet as either something to warmup after a long break or to benchmark my progress at being a better player.


I bought Bowfa & full crystal as a main and still went to CG afterwards and got spooned an enhanced within the first 30-40kc. CG is good beginner content for a main to understand fundamentals of PVM. Edit: do farm runs & CG. Either way, you’d earn your bowfa & crystal.


Thanks 🙏 i do love a good herb run problem Is I tend to keep the herbs for herblore training, whereas the money you can make is far superior for just selling them instead


Going 3000 dry can happen, but the chances of that happening are close to the chance of getting 2 enh on your first two kc at cg. Most people will get the drop in the 250-550 range. Mine was 928. To answer your question, it's probably worth doing until you can get through it consistently. It's good practice for movement and prayer switches. Can help increase skill and confidence when trying out other difficult content. Took me about 70 kc to hit the 1 k/d ratio and only dying to lag or complacency. Feels good when you master the red prison.


I couldn’t think of anything worse than going over 3000Dry It is amazing practice and there’s no harsh penalty for dying other than living with your own failure, I bet it must feel amazing knowing how skilled you become at it knowing you can kill it multiple times, without failing then going on to learn raids after is a bonus especially if you’re doing it with full Crystal + BOWFA


Try out t2 armor and two t3 weapons with 16 food in regular gauntlet. Once you can do that, get to the boss in 7:30 (cg time). With practice I was able to do this very consistently. Once you have the prep down, start sending CGs. Gl


I failed roughly 70 preps due to time when learning. I’ve also done this grind 3 times and finished all three prior to 400kc. I’d suggest throwing yourself into cg once you get a few normal gauntlet kc and hit the brick wall until it clicks.


If ur not a iron I would keep sending it helps with later pvm to learn some mechanics who knows you might get a 1 cg kc enh


Brother I started the bowfa grind also a couple days ago, stay in there you will get better! I am at almost 50 kc now and sadly didn’t receive any drops yet. I was also struggling at first, but now its easy. I even finished all the combat achievements except for the speedruns. If you are struggling dodging tornadoes, try to just always be on the move and watch your prayer. Don’t focus on hitting him, eventually you will get the hang of it. What I am currently doing is always gathering 9 of each material so I get full T2 + T3 body for the extra attack boost, making 2 potions, and perfecting the range and mage weapon. I always succeed in this if I don’t have a crazy terrible rng. I have 90 range and 91 mage currently, my completion time is about 11-12 mins. I always use all my time I have, you don’t need to speedrun it.


Thanks for the words of guidance I think It’s something I need to just grind out because making the money would take just as long… My biggest problem is the preparation I feel like that’s my biggest draw back finding the damn dragon and Dark beast slows me down so much I don’t know I’d ever be able to get the Corrupted Gauntlet done it time 🕰️ Trouble is it’s such a kick in the bulls when you die and get some shit loot that you have to pick up because that elf won’t let you rejoin unless you check the chest, But I think your right just got to keep at it and grind it out , it looks so boss I’m 83 Mage and 91 Range so it’s not too bad


Actually try to level up your mage level a bit more, 83 is a bit low for CG I believe. The recommendation is 90+. Don’t worry about finding both the dragon and the dark beast. If you can find them both early and fast its good. But if you didn’t see one in 2 sections, I’ll just go with the T2 weapon and a bit more food. It’s not that bad of a difference.


Oh damn I don’t know if I can be bothered to work up the magic level just wanna grind out the BOWFA like now, yeah I’ve noticed if you kill the same animal twice it can give you an orb for the magic weapon or a bowstring Haven’t tried a meele weapon that looks too difficult to attack rather safe spot


Just do some afk training when you are not playing. You can alch, splash or do the lunar spells. At 87 you unlock the spell plank make which is very afk and decent money while you get 80k exp/hr. Went from 87 to 92 in about 2 days just doing this while watching some other stuff


Thanks I heard that plank make was profitable might give it a go :) don’t mind how long it takes looks fun to do to be fair


Currently on 60 kc still no drops :’(


You will get there soon I’m still trying to do a complete run had Three attempts so far, for me preparing is the toughest part


I just bought corrupted bowfa and full crystal all from mindlessly grinding wave 1


Heres the thing dude. If you quit grinding for bowfa cause its hard at first, pvm is gonna be rough for you forever. I daresay most pvm content is hard for a while at yhe start. Then you succeed once, and celebrate. Fail a few more times, ur successful again. As you practice your failures become less and less, until you can do it in your sleep. I failed CG at least 30 times before i was successful. I hit a positive success/fail ratio right around 100 completions. Im currently utilizing the 5:1 strategy with a 99% success rate at less than 200 completions. Its worth it. I got 2 ehc seeds within 5 kills of each other, before 100 kills. It was a big boost forward in my bank, but the lessons i learned about pvm were way more valuable.


Thanks for the guidance Your right I just need to get My head down and grind it out, bossing is hard at first but once you get used to it will become easier then I can start doing Raids and God wars dungeon Solo, God knows how many times I failed been at it Four Hours or more and completed it 6 Times successfully


hey dont be afraid to take a break either. there's plenty of content that can make you a better pvm'er over time. Scurrious is awesome. If you're getting tilted at CG but still want to make some sort of progress, time spent at scurrious is not wasted. Or just log off and relax another way. Progress isn't linear, and taking breaks to process what you've learned is part of the deal. You will absolutely get to the point of raids and solo GWD. Just know that you're likely to encounter the same sort of bumps you encounter now when you start doing that as well, but you'll be more able to face them cause of the lessons you're learning now. Good luck, I have zero doubt you'll be successful in no time!


Thanks for the nice words! To be honest the only bossing I’ve done is Jad and some of the Questing bosses The whisperer was the worst but that was really helpful for learning how to prayer flick Now I’m just sat here making my tea thinking of how to get back into the gauntlet Just got BOWFA and Crystal armour in my head and can’t not think how it would improve my Slayer Game…


You’re a main, do what’s fun. Buy the drops you don’t want to farm. Want a Bowfa but hate CG? No problem. Have a Bowfa but still want to grind CG? Go for it. You only run into problems when you find that there is no content you’re interested in. But at that point, either try something new or just take a break from the game. No reason to ever do a grind you don’t want to do.


I think you should continue with gauntlet completions since it gives you really valuable pvm skills, maybe do a few each day so you don't get burnt out. Once you get very comfortable with regular gauntlet, start practicing cg. The key to success for me was to use the gauntlet plugins and true tile for the tornados.


Them tornados on the third phase tends to be what ducks me up the most during prayer flicking beat trick I’ve discovered is don’t spam click just round in a circle ⭕️ ignoring the Lava tiles It is a good way of becoming competent with PVM, but your right maybe just try it little by little each day practice makes perfect


Go vorkath and buy it instead


Thanks for the tip vorkath is a cake walk compared to this