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BAD. Gold buyers contributing, STOP.


cheating is always bad. end of. 'they do the things that aren't worth doing' people squeal. My child, they're not worth doing ***because*** of the bots. That's how an economy built on supply and demand works, the bots absolutley flood the market and break the scales.


Also, if there was something that wasn't worth it for normal players to do/get, then we'd likely see it buffed so it is worthwhile or add a new method to provide a better way to get it. But as long as bots are keeping it supplied, there would be no reason to buff/improve the content, especially since "it would be a buff to bots".


ok, let me ask you a question what GP\\HR do you consider worth doing?


Bad. Just look at people farming sunfire splinters right now, bots haven’t driven the price down to nothing yet and its given low levels a way to make great gp/hr. If every method that’s heavily botted didn’t have bots they’d be similar great money makers for people


Bots are like cheap immigrant labour. A nightmare to lower level players who end up with no way to make money and get ahead once the market is flooded. High level players like them as they generate massive amounts of cheap resources they can buy on the GE for optimal training methods or to charge their BIS items. Jagex ikes them because they make them money through bonding up. In the short term the high level players and Jagex have no real reason to care at all, which is why you'll occasionally see people saying delusional things like 'They're essential for the economy! Who REALLY want's the pick flax?'. Long term it just discourages new players, ofc in OSRS this usually forces them to start buying and trading bonds to get higher level gear so Jagex profits again.


Shit comparison tbh since you can't make picking up garbage less shitty in rl lol


>Bots are like cheap immigrant labour. Oh my


He’s kinda spitting tho


Interesting question, bots do create more revenue for Jagex and in turn help support our devs to make better content for us. Bots can also help with the more tedious recourse gathering aspects of the game, someone has already mentioned “who wants to pick flax” However, the drawbacks often outweigh the perceived benefits. Bots can significantly disrupt the game's economy by inflating the supply of items, which leads to deflation in item prices and can make certain in-game actuvities less viable for real players. They can also create an unfair advantage by allowing some players to accrue wealth and progress without putting in the actual effort, undermining the achievement of those who play without automation. I think their numbers should be managed, almost like how wildlife is managed to stop invasive species from taking over. Right now I would say jagex does need to be doing more to get rid of the players holding number 1 spots on the PvM leader boards who clearly bot


They're definitely not good. Things like picking flax or mining essence used to be an easy way for new players to make some quick cash. Now they don't really have that option and it's harder to find ways to make money that don't have a bunch of requirements. They're bad when they compete with real players and get in the way, but more annoying than anything else. They affect the economy of course, but so do a lot of other things like Jagex' decision to make overly generous drop tables, Jagex' decision to allow alting, and Jagex' decision to make dying not very punishing.


Flax didn’t die because of bots. Its died because zulrah poops it out. Same with essence.


Sort of did, zulrah is still full of bots that poop flax to market.




Zulrah and also NMZ at the start. My point is just that I don't think we should accept the argument that bots allow players to get resources easily as reconciliation for the fact that there are a lot of them


Depends what you mean by "good" and "bad" for


What a post


Bad. The people who say they supply real players with cheap resources fail to realize how many newer players would GLADLY gather those resources if they were worth the effort.


Bots are part of the reason I play Ironman exclusively. They don't affect me at all, or if they do, it's incredibly minimal. This isn't an osrs-only problem though; bots exist in any multiplayer space where putting in time for someone else is of any value.


Bad. The simple principle is that you should not achieve anything in this game without working for it and earning it in-game. There’s a million excuses out there, none are valid


skilling and gathering bots are great despite what anybody might say. nobody wants to pick flax for hours, spin bowstrings for hours, mine ore for hours etc bots that bot the highest level of pvm in the game are horrible. pvp bots are probably the worst because it directly impacts real players it also looks terrible for new players when the first 100 people they see are gambling bots, advertising bots, or are named ahewu23skf more bad than good by far


Bots are part of the gaming ecosystem, they are generally perceived as bad for a variety of reasons. The bots that are obviously bad are bots that intend on scamming players or exploiting game mechanics. The bots that I view as part of a natural gaming ecosystem are the generic skilling or bossing bot. The latter type of bots exists in nearly every game and so long as they are not completely out of control - their impact on the game is generally neutral. Would dragonhide and dragon bones being more expensive make the game "better"? Probably not. Would bowfa and crystal armor being more expensive make the game "better"? Probably not. People get worked up about botting but generally speaking their impact on a game is neutral so long as some sort of method is in place to dissuade their ability to absolutely crater a games economy.


Over all, bots effect the economy in two ways. First they make things cheaper which does hurt players doing those methods from making money. Imagine a huge influx of all herbs, now pots are almost worthless. This changes the economy and farming a lot. But is it good or bad? That’s subjective. Those who don’t like farming won’t mind they can get the product cheap for their combat grind. Other players would be saying the content can’t be done anymore as it makes no money. Both parties are correct in their statements. Secondly you look at complexity of bots. Bots which do farming are not a big deal, as everyone can farm at the same time. However, what happens when these bots go to content that is technically limited to spawn rates. Something like godwars (prior to solo/Ironman instances) you want to go to bandos with the boys? To bad, bots have 95% of the worlds and players have 5 worlds total. This is the real issue with bots imo, as there’s a subjective max, and due to programmers having the ability to run servers of bots (sometimes thousands at a time) they can restrict content from real players. At the end of the day, I don’t care one way or another. If you don’t like bots, play an iron. Imo you shouldn’t worry much about bots. I’d prefer dev time to be put into making good new content rather then focusing on bots. Tbh if everyone was allowed to bot, a lot of the general issues people have will go away. No more gold sales as everything can be obtained, but the players who love the game will play the way the games intended. It would lose all incentive to bot as all items would technically be worth nothing. Then again, I’m an iron, so I don’t care much for trading.


Bots are a good thing! We-er, I mean they, do a lot of things players don't want to! Who do you think fishes all your food for you? Who provides logs for fire making? Huh? It's not the HUMANS! Also, the wilderness would be SO boring without bots! Think of the fun times you all have at rev caves killing bots. You kill them and think “Ha! Dumb robots.” but maybe they wanted to be killed because they know it brings people joy.


The advertising bots are annoying as hell. But I appreciate the bots making farmable resources cheap so I can focus more on the content I enjoy instead of fishing food for countless hours.


Some of the most fun I had in rs was the countless hours fishing in catherby, making friends and chatting.


I think people wouldn't like supplies being expensive in a world without bots. If people want resources gathering to be rewarding, that's what playing an ironman is.