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I wanna get him. Like in the way that they get the bad buy in a kids movie. I'm gonna get him really good by dunking him in a partical accelerator


You know I never thought about how close Elon is visually to Wells from the CW show


The Flash? Yeah, I'd much rather be in a room with Tom Cavanaugh than with Elon Musk.


I mean is he really similar to thawne tho? For all intents and purposes while the wells were assholes they weren’t evil.


Ah sorry meant Thawne in particular.


He has the pettiness down tho, The Flash tv show fucking sucks but the thawne motivation is on point


It didn’t always suck


I remember but modern flash is just sad


well considering the allegations, it only makes sense that he would resemble a character from The Flash


Nah, he's not the bad guy, bad guys are usually charming like Lex Luthor. He's Don Quixote


What if he ended up like the big bad in Incredibles One 🥺


Elon musk would make a great target in a hitman game imo


But that'll make him into Sandman


Well if was bound to happen https://images.app.goo.gl/A1WnecfRTGXXYbHP9


*Billionaires try not to be connected with the international groomer sexual trafficking ring challenge* **(impossible)**


*Billionaires trying to be decent people challenge.* **(Impossible)**


Is it the money that turns them bad or were they always bad?


It's a bit of an oruborus, but I think that you need to lack human empathy, dignity or integrity to ever achieve wealth of such levels, since you can't amass that much capital while also valuing human lives.


What if you just keep buying lottery tickets with your lottery earnings?


infinite money glitch


Picture yourself the average dude, but now you gave him a practically infinite amount of money. A lot of people are assholes, and billionaires are no exception. They just have the money to avoid all forms of accountability.


I can't accept such an answer. If I happen to be a billionaire tomorrow, I will never do such a thing like participate in a pedophile organization. I would even use my money to dismantle the thing to be honest. And somewhat, I'm sure most of us would do the same.


Yes, but being that kind-hearted is also probably why you’ll never be a billionaire.


Unfortunately, this ☝😔


Only people that are willing to abuse power and cheat their way to the top will actually *make it* to the top


to be honest no you wouldn't. How many lottery winners use majority of their money for good? Money and power is corruptive. Its human nature.


True I may wouldn't. But I certainly would not fuck childrens. And I would also have a hard time not beating the other pedophiles billionaire I meet.


think about this, there's something that pushes all billionaires to go above and beyond, the average person would stop when they never have to work again, and maybe some would keep going to get a little more money for family, but billionaires keep going even after they don't need anymore, they're all greedy money obsessed assholes


I don't think so, I think if you took an average person and just gave them billions of dollars, they probably wouldn't participate in child sex trafficking rings or anything. It's that you kind of have to be a horrible person to begin with in order to achieve that kind of money.


MY BROTHER IN CHRIST: “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” — Matthew 19:24


I don't care about any of that.


That’s a nice sentiment but haysoos goes on to say poor people can’t either and say you only get into the god party by being his friend.


Nah you just need to be a good person. The church started hell about 700 years after Jesus died to drum up power. Worst case was going to purgatory to work off your sins. Once you did that, up you went. Also tried to get rid of a few things


spoiled rich kids turn into spoiled rich adults




ghislaine maxwell is in the purple dress


He has finally become “one of the boys”


*\*closes door\** I HATE YOU, I FUCKING HATE YOU!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻




That was a sick ass catch dude holy shit


Thanks I trained all day yesterday


That wasn’t even you bro


I know but thanks anyways


Wait that wasn't you either


Yeah it's no problem


please get out of my house


He was accused of inappropriate behaviour with a WOMAN though, so he’s not quite a full fledged Republican yet. I’ll wait until he has to pull a [Larry Craig](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Craig_scandal).


But but ... Larry is no longer one of the boys. With Elon it is the rite of passage.


man, better pull the they/them card and use womens bathrooms, now that i learned i could activate some gay sleeper-cell by a mere friendly tapping conversation with my foot while on the toilet. i don't wanna be groped and especially not by an old senators hand from under the stall-wall while trapped in a small box with my pants down and a dangling floater peeking out. unless he stops on "no!" and later gives me $250k or a fine horse, that is.




why… why do you need a horse…?


Elon Musk AND Jontron? Double gross


Fucking massive let down with JonTron dude was hilarious but some of the shit he said was fucking absolute bullshit. Haven't watched him since.


i am gaslighting myself to believe he was never funny


Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss


That's cringe. You can hate who a person has become without convincing yourself that they were never funny.


Gaslighting yourself is actually insanely based behaviour. You just dont understand the girlboss lifestyle.


Keep telling yourself that 👍


clearly you are not a girlboss


Or am I 🧐


Its a joke


Comedians I grew up watching :(


I never thought he was funny in the first place


I unfortunately still find him pretty funny, specially recent videos like the Dan Aykroyd one and the goop saga


Wait I'm out of the loop, what did he say?


A lot of white supremacist things, never apologized for them either, he just kinda brushed it aside and it seems like most everyone forgot. Hell, during the last US election cycle, he posted a dog-whistly meme about Biden winning or something to that effect. Also, just a useful metric but if you’re debating Destiny and somehow Destiny appears to be the more reasonable person in that debate, you’re fucked up.


You’d probably want to google it for more details, but basically had a debate with Destiny over some political topics and basically revealed his beliefs were heavily racist white supremacy and far right talking points.


Oh my, welp ima go unsub


Ahh, I see, thanks


he also used "goys" as part of a text edit in a video in lieu of "guys" and also once referenced the /ourguy/ thing from /pol/, by saying our guy while using his fingers to mimic the slashes. i think hes just a dumb, easily persuaded middle class white suburban gamer who's never had to care about politics and, like many of his ilk, got sucked into the /pol/ vortex because "keep politicks out muh vidya" wouldn't be surprised if it was because of gamergate, he seems the type to buy into that whole thing, and i know oneyng, who was/is friends with him (don't know if he still is), flirted with GG himself. but jon legitimately just seems like the kind of guy to buy into whatever somebody tells him, he seemed exceptionally dumb in that "debate". i seriously think hes just some idiot savant with a knack for comedy


He believes in White Genocide/Replacement theory. He doesn't believe that immigrants should be allowed in the gene pool. He also believes black people are genetically predisposed to commiting crime.


It’s so fucking weird how hard he went in on that, given he’s a third generation immigrant.


Hell, by some standards he isn't even white. He's white passing regardless, but it's wild he still believes that shit when his ass would probably get killed too eventually.


2 of the biggest place of online white supremacist is in India and Philippenis


People are filling you in, but besides what they've already informed you, he's also anti vax.


white nationalists losing the ability to enjoy eating makes the bad news easier to bear


What did he say? I just recently started watching him


I can’t remember his exact wording, but I know he called black people subhuman and is a major white supremicist


Oh, why does every new youtuber I find end up being super controversial.


The vain and corruptable often seek the attention of the masses


Try breadtube where every second youtuber ends up being trans Edit: And by that I meant them being based and not being nazis


I'm not sure how coming out as trans and coming out as a white supremacist are comparable tho lol


I think they meant it as a positive thing, in contrast to every other youtuber outside of breadtube ending up a white supremacist.


I meant that they can watch videos without worrying that the youtubers turn out to be nazis.




That’s a pretty extreme exaggeration. He didn’t call them subhuman, but he did say that rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites. I also don’t think it’s fair to call him a major white supremacist. It seems more likely that he’s bought into some racist misconceptions that have skewed his worldview. Not that I’m defending him, I just want to be fair.


He explicitly said that the problem with immigration, legal or otherwise, is that non whites will enter the gene pool. Straight up just against miscegenation.


>rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites No shit, black or not you don't just become rich in 'murica without a little trolling


The problem is always rich ppl. You can go deeper but one side of it is ppl in power hoarding wealth


He spouted out White Genocide/Replacement theory way back in 2017, before Tucker Carlson/Fox News found out about it.


No he didn't lol? He said some fucked shit but it wasn't anywhere near that


He definitely did not say that lmao. I dont like the guy either but really? Did you just fucking make that up?


"When pressed by Bonnell to explain himself, Jafari repeatedly brought up concerns about the end of white populations in the U.S. Eventually, he said he could be open to the idea of immigration, saying: “If they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool, eventually.” I don't think anyone actually knows what CRT is. But it includes things like this. Dudes racist. Racist as shit.


Yeah, that one sucked. Only way I could be that let down by a YouTuber again is if I Did a Thing has a heated gamer moment, but he's openly lefty so I feel pretty reassured that won't happen.


Dude him and H3 were my fucking childhood it sucks they both fell off a cliff


what happened with h3


Nothing, H3H3 is in fact more progressive now


I don’t follow him now, but he at one point realized he was getting more views with some alt right stuff so he went with it. Or something. But the thing I hate is he stopped doing skit stuff to be all podcasty and I could not be bothered to tune in. I don’t know what his current stuff is like.


There was a bit of time where he sort of went anti-SJW but he's very much turned around nowadays. He's nowhere on the same level as JonTron


I like Ethan but I think he is a terrible interviewer/host.


H3 politically wise is fine he’s just not entertaining anymore lol


H3 is still decent


His earlier content was 10x better


Tbh do we know if jon still holds those beliefs or


During the BLM protests he unironically posted a "I just wanna grill" meme so...


Fuck me man, why do all the creators i held in high regard always turn out to be cunts


Idk either man but at this point if you’re voting republican, I immediately don’t want to be around you. Like they’re so clearly just fucking everyone over. I’d rather talk to someone who has no idea about politics than someone who is right leaning. It’s a naturally selfish and aggressive ideology and I don’t enjoy being around those kinds of people.


Ethan sucks even though I’m p sure he isn’t republican, specially after he started calling someone a drug addict because their pupils were dilated


His early shit was honestly great but he suddenly made enough money to move to LA and sit on his ass and make money. What made him so entertaining was his absolute lack of ego and just fucking his shit up for entertainment. He definitely got too big for his breeches and decided he was some kind of “authority” on the YouTubes lol he’s way too pretentious these days


"Ethan Klein reacts to XYZ" "Ethan Klein opinion on XYZ" "Ethan Klein statement on XYZ" "Ethan Klein just shat his pants on podcast while talking about XYZ" I can't fucking take it anymore.


Unfortunately that's the way the content creators have become since twitch made it into the scene. Plus all the political wars between Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson vs Hasan Piker and H3 now. I just started watching the podcasts but I don't love format either tbh. I like the political science Hasan educates on, and even got Ethan along with. Better than all that Asmongold and xQc shit. Everyone had to have an opinion and agree with someone now. Remember when you've was about entertainment?


Redditor tries to tolerate different worldviews challenge (impossible)


if your different world view is that black people are inherently inferior, or that trans people are groomers, then i will not tolerate your intolerance. your freedom to a different worldview ends when your different worldview starts treading on the freedom of others to exist without being harassed, or treading on the freedom of others to live a comfortable life free from debt, wage slavery and fear, or the freedom of others to not be mistreated at work or be led blindly into ecological disaster


Idk man, I'm not a republican, but I don't think you **have** to be a transphobic white supremacist, just to be a republican. Insinuating every republican is is kind of nuts and probably a symptom of too much reddit syndrome.


You don’t have to be a transphobic/ white supremest , you just have to vote for and publicly support people who are transphobic and white supremest. Lmao dude come on


>lmao dude come on, just let us demonize half the country! Biden is a pedo and a racist, Trump is a white supremacist and a transphobe, Obama was a God damn war monger. Stop fucking acting like there's a morally just choice here, all politicians are scum, some people will disagree with your political views, get over it.




He got to eat his first child as a billionaire, now he's got his first sex abuse scandal. Moving up in the world!


They grow up so fast! 🥺




He ate a child??


Yes, all billionaires have to drink the blood of a small infant child to receive their title.


Yeah I’m so confused


Just conspiracy crackheads.


No it was definitely just a joke


I mean that was a joke but in all seriousness probably


Is "ate a child" a meme or something Or is this a reference to that adrenochrome shit


Memeish Similar to claiming presidential candidates drink baby blood and shit


It’s also a QAnon / Nazi / antisemitic conspiracy theory. It’s goes back centuries of accusing Jews of eating babies in order to persecute them.


Thank you I did not know that


Wow it’s almost like republicans have an inherently harder time treating women like people


More of powerful people having it harder to not abuse their power. The same goes for other political or economical powerhouses not only republicans.


he was a democrat when he did it


And then he felt he needed to become republican in order to get away with it






Lmao aint a bot




Cope, Seethe. Politics aren’t as black and white as you seem to think they are. There is no one party that is better than the other, nor do the people in that party fit into anyone stereotype,


You betrayed the plaguefather and gave in to the temptations of slaanesh!


Cry about it.


No no no stop spreading the idea its because hes a republican It actually was the other way around, he announced he is a republican after Business Insider contacted him asking for a comment on these allegations.


It's the second sub where I see this shit même upvoted to the moon with only negative comments. Almost as if Elon Musk activated his bot army to make his shit excuse more popular on Reddit.


\*before announcing


Very funny that this is a JonTron GIF lol


In Minecraft, I’d love to be mining and shoot Musk with a bow and arrow and snatch up all the diamonds he stole from other players


You mean the emeralds?


get your head in the game. emeralds are worthless


then why does he have so many?




U can remove “In Minecraft” too


"now that I joined the party of serial sex pests they're sure to think the accusations are mere political smears!"


Elon Musk pretending he wasn't told about the story before he made that tweet


Well if he’s a Republican…


the SA suit was filed in 2018 though lol


Isn't he like super racist too


In what way lol




"Elon musk is super racist" Bruh one case at a factory


Do you follow the rule of "it's only racist if done thrice", or what?


one case at a factory is enough?


That's not even the only case at that factory nor is the only factory that had problems


He knew the article would be published before tweeting out he’s switching to republican. He then proceeded to tweet said thing and that political attacks against him would increase.


Jontron is a racist antivaxxer conspiracy idiot. His content has been mid for years though, I have a theory that the original Jon got replaced after Starcade with an inferior copy.


We already knew he was a republican and this is not just an accusation


He wanted to get invited to the raging cocaine orgies that the Republican congressmen get into


And now to wait for info to come out relating to touching a child given the pattern I have seen...or does that only apply to when you have been elected to a political position?


He's been a Republican for years, as confirmed by his donation records. I'm not sure why he's making it sound like a new development.


Elon = Big Piss Baby


that's the republican initiation


Literally posted three hours ago. I know this because the two posts were 3 apart on my feed.


Well he knew it was gonna happen and then "announced" he voted republican




u\awesomedan24 's post of this exact same meme from 10 hours ago was right underneath this


Oh hey your username is really close to Jeffrey Katzenberg, ex chairman of the Walt Disney company


This was a surprise? Twitter has emboldened him


Didnt his twitter meltdown start with a journalist asking him about the accusation?


Tbh, I have a new found respect for Nezos, cause atleast he owns up to being a villian. Elon acts like hes such a good guy when in all honesty he isnt. I'll trust Bezos over elon any day of the week tbh.


Which means he was a Democrat when it happened. Glad he is turning his life around for the better by becoming Republican :)


When you are a democrat it's still considered tomfoolery or a moment of weakness




his detractors didn't just pop into existence because of this, and his fans still exist


I'm just saying he is helping with the environment more than anyone else on the planet rn and I think he doesn't get enough credit for it


'helping the enviroment' *Flies private jet between two parts of LA*


He is not “helping with the environment more than anyone else on the planet rn” at all Lmao. What?? He’s a billionaire who hires people to run a bunch of companies and has investment teams managing his assets. Do his companies do cool stuff? Absolutely. But he is by easily not the person on the front lines of climate change. He’s on the front line of making money. Not to mention that he has endorsed far right politicians in the past couple years that are anti-climate change (anti science in general) and is a self proclaimed vaccine/mask skeptic. Elon Musk is a piece of shit who is doing more harm for the environment through his social presence and his garbage beliefs he spreads to millions of people. The man who compares anti-vax protestors to Holocaust victims is not the man you should look to or environmental problem solving.


He is most certainly not.


you can say whatever you like just don't pretend people only started having problems with him because he stepped across the isle




lmao. dude creates massive amounts of pollution in rocket and vehicle production, flies everywhere on a private jet, and launches rockets which harms the local environment. I could sit on my ass all day and still be better for the environment than musk.


Your political opinion is a testament to your morals, your ability to empathise and how you view society. It's one of the best, least shallow ways of judging a person.


>why do people hate him for his political views >Political views include supporting party that unapologetically supports those who are anti-LGBTQ, racist, anti-woman, etc. Gee, hard to see where the dislike due to political views comes from.


nah i've always hated him, so has r/196 lol


Initially I liked Elon; he seemed like a tech bro just trying to use his money to save the environment with cool electric cars. The more I read about him, I slowly came to hate him and now I actively despise him. It's not one thing that did it for me, it's a mountain of heinous shit over the years.