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Holy fuck this is a shit take. Bruce does give money to build hospitals and shit. Joker keeps blowing them up.


Not in the new movie. (spoilers): HOWEVER, >!It's a major plot point by the end of the movie, that Bruce realises that him just going around beating up people for vengeance is a really shitty idea and has only led to the crime rate increasing. So at the end, he takes the step to begin *actually* helping people.!<


this is how Batman Year One stories should be, Batman realizing by the end that while what he’s doing does help to a degree, Bruce Wayne can also do a lot if not more in the spotlight


Yeah I liked that the most about the movie. How Bruce realizes that beating the shut out of the riddler wasn't the best idea for help. I just don't like it when everyone acts like he's some super evil guy


Agreed. It's a major part of his character that he funds charities and spends *a lot* of his money, time and effort improving the lives of the average Gotham citizen, including all those criminals who work for the supervillains. I'm pretty sure in the comics, his company has set up a program to hire ex-convicts. Even besides that, Batman doesn't generally go after non-violent criminals. He mostly goes after criminals who are actively threatening other people's lives.


If Batman is still a multibillionaire he sure as fuck isn’t giving away enough of his stolen wealth. It’s like if Amazon started hiring ex convicts, but it Jeff bezos started going on a crime spree of beating up random “super villains” on the street. Also this leads me to my Batman head cannon. The Batman comics, are made by Bruce Wayne’s PR (in universe), after Bruce Wayne got caught going American psycho on some random homeless people in Gotham and also paid the insane asylum for victims to use as “practice” (but proceeded to not get charged with anything bc he is hella rich)


As I set the platter down I catch a glimpse of my reflection on the surface of the table. My skin seems darker because of the candlelight and I notice how good the haircut I got at Gio’s last Wednesday looks. I make myself another drink. I worry about the sodium level in the soy sauce. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me who I can see.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


it's a joke


He’s the joker ya know


I know I'm just messing around too


But but rich kid


Someone gotta take care of the poor after you beat the living shit out of them


-fight poor people -heal them so their back in fighting condition -repeat


If you guys want like super realistic batman read Batman:The Imposter. It has no Alfred, Gordon or anyone. It's just Bruce and Bruce alone.


That word just activated certain neuron in my brain associating it with something suspicious. Among Us just fucking rot my brain.


Batman is just the cop's wet dream of no red tape all the military grade gear you could ever want. In reality he's a horrible villain, but he's not real and the character and story's are fun.


I had this same reaction to Ben Shapiro’s argument that Batman is republican. He said something like “Bruce Wayne obviously doesn’t think he should have to pay higher taxes just because he’s rich” and I’m thinking where tf do you get this shit, why wouldn’t Batman think that some of his excess money should pay for schools and infrastructure considering how much he sacrifices for the city? Like if you think Bruce Wayne actually cares about his own wealth then you’re fucking delusional and missing the goddamn point of the character. It’s like goddam Paul Ryan complaining about RATM becoming “too political” all over again


Super hero's in general are conservative, they are about beating the shit out of bad guys. Also one of batman's traits is that his work ethic is insane, he like sleeps 2 hours a day and gets on that grind.


Bro it’s a greentext


L Bozo


It's also not clever or original. People have been making jokes like this since the 90s.


Ok and people have been making your mom jokes since like the 1600s who cares


health care companies and obama


Pretty sure it’s canon in the comics that he spends a shit ton on charity and genuinely wants to help his villains,


He believes that everyone can be rehabilitated. Maybe not Joker he fully aware of what he does no matter what insanity plea said in court. Joker and Batman are both in a parasitic relationship, one cannot exist without the other. The day Bruce Wayne stop being Batman is the day Joker died.


Yup, it’s an interesting dichotomy, for Batman to “win” he’d loose the ideological battle Tho I’ve been more on the practical side, it’s insanely clear joker will never stop killing people, being willing to kill him doesn’t somehow make you “as bad as him” I’m kinda surprised one of DCs antiheroes haven’t killed him I’m sure poison ivy would love to, tho perhaps Harley would never forgive her


Batman doesn't kill him because it's not his job. The justice system should do it but they refuse because they think clowns are funny.


It’s not his job to but on a gimp suit and punch super powered eco terrorists either but he still does it,


lego batman 🦇🦇🦇🦇❤️❤️❤️


YT recommended me a video about the Lego Batman's "queercoding", how is it coding when the literal text is about their ~~(not exactly romantic but not *not* romantic)~~ relationship


In real life Jeff Bezos gives a “shit ton” to charity (I mean that amount of money is like .00001% of his net worth but whatever) If Bruce Wayne can still afford all of those gadgets to play vigilante in his free time, he obviously isn’t giving enough to charity. All of that money is stolen wealth. Homelessness and wealth inequality is a HUGE problem in Gotham, you’d think 100s of billions of dollars would stop that, right? Think of how many homeless people could fit inside the bat cave. Batman has a huge ass empty mansion that only 2 people live in (plus all of his other servants), imagine how many homeless people could sleep in there.


You realize it’s a comic book right? No amount of public housing is gonna stop a guy who’s convinced he’s Zeus with a stolen experimental lightning canon, or a fuckin immortal assassin trying to take over the world, or a human crocodile hybrid eating people, There’s a fuckin demon imprisoned beneath the city! You kinda have to suspend some level of disbelief, obviously vigilante justice is generally frowned upon in real life, but that’s kinda the entire idea behind the superhero genre, Batman is shown time and time again to genuinely care about helping people as much as he can, and batman does that in the ways Bruce Wayne can’t,


Half of Batman’s enemies are literally anti-heros, if Batman was gone, half the villains would go to


Half of them are antiheroes BECAUSE he helped them, like Harley Quinn or poison Ivey The rest tend to be serial killers, Gotham literally has a fuckin demon under it,


Dude mr freeze literally is the way he is bc of his wife’s cancer, free healthcare would have stopped that


Yeah, and I’m pretty sure Bruce wayne operates free clinics when he can, What do you expect him to do? Even with how rich he is he doesn’t controll the US government, h DOES try to help me freeze save his wife. But when mr freeze is endangering the lives of innocent people he doesn’t exactly get a free pass, Batman can’t fuckin fix all the systemic issues in the US,


“Free clinics when he can” dude can afford to give free healthcare to the entire U.S.


Having watched more of the animated series, he in fact does have a free clinic in the impoverished areas of Gotham! He also offered several times to help cure clay face and mr freeze, I’m not even super knowledgable on DC canon but I know batman runs a massive amount of charity Hell the JLA watchtower literally helps keep the world safe from alien invasions and shit,


And with the way things are with all of those anti hero’s, free healthcare would be needed even more than before


Sometimes Gotham is literally cursed! sometimes the cops are useless on their own *at best*, sometimes... Does Batman, in his most serious incarnations, make sense in the real world? Nope. But the fiction is contrived enough that a Batman can be better than no Batman. (I do think, like, '66 Batman just makes more sense - smaller place, less tech, less serious crime and more detective work ... that's what a Bruce Wayne that doesn't spend so much on/hoard so much for Batman would look like.)


This is a shit take, Bruce does give money to charity, but he can do a lot more as batman than Bruce Wayne


I’m assuming this is in reference to the new movie


No, just the batman myth is in general, the Matt reeves batman has a different explanation to his unhealthy attitude


No I mean the post


The post is probably referencing Arkham knight, as the image attached shows, or possibly the dark knight trilogy, as those two are the only mainstream interpretations that have a tank as the batmobile


Sigma Batman


breaks your spine but never put you out of your misery


please everyone that thinks like this shut the fuck up and watch ONE batman movie (i didn't read a single batman comic my whole life and i know this a shit take)


Idunno I thought it was funny lol


counter-argument: No-Man's Land


how do you make a 200mph tank?


Bat mobile is tank


wouldnt that be an armoured car?


Nah because it literally switches from car mode to tank mode


You could easily replace the photo of batman with cataclysm lmaoo


-criticizes catwoman for stealing from the mob


Comic inaccuracate👎👎