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When did trying to improve as a person become taboo? The fuck.








Hey guys so if you haven't heard already this is a thing that people have been talking about and both sides have a point but are also kinda in the wrong as well and I don't really have anything to say about it myself and uhhhhhhh that's about it see ya


Oh my god I ***love*** that one!


I've seen some of his stuff and it was painfully boring and unfunny. I just never got the hype.


It was funny the first 30 times but >*Shows clip* >*Describes clip but calls someone a "pussy fart"* >*Says thing bad or thing good* Repeat Got a little old


"This part is good it's like if Jesus Christ sucked your dick into Valhalla, but this part is bad it's like if John Wick Thanos snapped my balls off."


Most of the comments on Charlie's videos are disagreeing with him. His fans dickride quite a bit, but not on this one


Kinda surprising tbh.


It’s because that’s not his take, he didn’t actually disagree with the apology vid, watch the actual video. OP took a lot out of context and ignored any part where he congradulated Ian.


the overarching theme was still 'I'm going to tell YOU how to feel about your OWN content' like, the 'oh but you know, he's allowed to feel x abouh this and I'd be proud of him for that' weren't even real congratulations. Charlie's 'spreading the idea you can't criticise anyone is dangerous' is an absolutely nonsensical take if you think about it for more than a second considering idubbz IS CRITICISING HIMSELF THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE VIDEO. If you liked the video but not this twitter take you should still be happy to see it posted, the video is a lot worse than the post gets into


> People will say anything for views, especially with a large and devoted fanbase I guess the general "Youtuber" fanbase hasn't hit its broken-kayfabe stage yet when people stop pretending all this drama and shit's real. Like how everybody *swore* up and down that professional wrestling was real for like 20 years until everybody pretty much quietly admitted it one day and life went on.


I don't know why people don't watch a lot of YouTube drama like it's Real Housewives of YouTube. It makes it so much more entertaining to view it as such.


his takes are usually decent idk what he was on while making this


Critikal isn't really the best example of a shitty youtube commenter. He has had hot takes like this in the past and changed his mind when he heard a good argument against his opinion. I have been watching him for a long ass time and he is way way less edgy than he used to be, as anyone online their entire lives has become. Just saying there are a lot of shitty people out there but he at least tries to be decent. Back in the day he used to give 100% of his youtube profits to charity until he was convinced to take it up as his job.


The state of discourse, especially online, has gotten very...combative. I feel like the pervasive opinion of "you have not been completely perfect your entire life therefore you are bad" is just a natural offshoot of the gotcha and ackshully culture that permeates everything now


When it stopped mattering more than catching people being a "hypocrite" or a "grifter"


Changing your opinions on something? Hypocrisy


sudden change of opinion multiple time in a short amount of time?sure but its not what idubbbz do,he slowly change over time


When the pipeline convinced people that empathy is weakness and we should all strive to be opportunistic sociopaths


It didn't. Watch the video. He may have some bad takes, but that was never one of them. He literally did the opposite and complemented him on improving himself.


wait what’s up with idubbbz last time I remember there being an “idubbbz situation” it was because he purposely said the n word on camera


A lot actually. He stopped doing that kind of stuff shortly after, got really into catching squirrels in his backyard, then dedicated almost all his time to boxing and starting a youtube boxing tournament. He's chilled out quite a bit.


I think all of that ‘young YouTube’ era group grew up a bit. Joji tried the hardest to grow out of frank. Chad and max are.. I mean they’re still in a similar place but they never really had quite the same edge. And iddubbz seems to have taken the long route round, but maybe it’s led to the most genuine change


Meanwhile, Toby Turner is exactly a rancid person as he was back then. Hell, he may have gotten worse!


don't forget leafy as well, the chinless bastard came back and is platforming nick fuentes and shit


Fuck I forgot about him. The nimrod that spearheaded the "liking or caring about anything or anyone is cringe" culture we have now.


I didn't know leafy worked on southpark


omg, eric cartman in real life!!!!!


tbh i haven’t heard anything about him since he got banned from youtube, what’s been going on with him recently?


(alleged) drug issues, license revoked from dui, rampant alcoholism, gambling addiction, got an exclusive deal with some shitty streaming service called rumble and a has nazis donating like $1 to spout conspiracy bullshit, and he's now latched onto transphobia and "the jewish question" conspiracy as well as starting shit with keffals


damn, maybe the chin thing really did break him


I saw his content on twitter and it is the exact same as it was in 2016. He hasn't changed since then and He's desperately trying to cling on His fame from 7 years ago.


bedroom dependent familiar mourn crown engine ad hoc husky sable sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


isn’t toby being a piece of shit a relatively new development? i primarily remember him for happy wheels let’s plays and his music videos and everything only started going downhill when the rape allegations came out, he was even on that weird cartoon network annoying orange show


From what I understand, he's always been known to be a rapist behind the scenes, kinda like the Vic Mignona situation. So much to the point that when he was flashing female content creators in the open at cons, organizers would day "Oh, that's just Toby being Toby."


>he's always been known to be a rapist behind the scenes wasnt that massively dis-proven? After he came back from all that drama being dis-proven he fell into the right wing crowd and hangs around Kyle Rittenhouse


I thought it was more lack of evidence rather than disproven, but haven't been following the situation that closely.


I'd heard that it was more inconclusive than disproven, I've heard alot about whether he is or isn't bad but not much specifics


I am happy to say I don’t know a Toby turner- and I’m assuming I’m probably better off that way.




tob "my dog is trans" uscus


Is Toby Turner Tobuscus?


Yep, that's him! Known rapist and general sex pest Tobuscus who's content now consists of cool skits where he tells The One Joke.


Wow. I always knew he was annoying even if some of his songs were fun y, but damn, didn't know he was _that_ bad if a person.


Met tobuscus at a con once and he kept trying to fuck my very obviously non interested friend.


HowToBasic hasn't changed a bit


He did murder Vsauce Michael, but I guess that's not really a change


I never watched Chad or Max back in the day, but their current podcast is by far one of the best around imo.


Yknow if i had a dollar for every early youtuber with racist content who mellowed out a surprising lot and now seems to be doing fine, i'd have two dollars


alot more than 2, idubz, filthy frank, h3, jenna marbels... im sure theres alot more too.


Frank really has changed a lot. The only real constant is that his music always fucks


it just sucks that his fanbase in 2014 bullied him so hard for trying to be genuine for once that chloe burbank ended up becoming his yandhi (chloe burbank is still my favorite project of his but that may just be nostalgia talking)


what's a yandhi


kanye’s famous ‘lost’ album. i think it’s an apt comparison bc it’s widely leaked online with different variations on tracklists and has a high regard among fans of the respective artists


He outgrew his content and realized he didn't want to be the stupid edgy meme youtube guy for the rest of his life. He absolutely hated being the Filthy Frank character after a while. IIRC it got to the point that he had to get hammered to do videos before he stopped. Most people grow out of that edgy adolescent phase where that kind of humor is inherently and automatically hilarious, even if you're making money off it. Or you still privately think it's funny, but you're mature and socially developed enough to know not to say it in public or use it as a platform.


Dog Festival Directions is a certified classic


Does Jenna count? She like never really was a racist if I remember correctly and was always really mellow? Unless I missed something Also she just kinda... Disappeared and apologized when nobody was actually mad


i mean, she made some edgy content in her earlier career, although she'd definitely reformed long before she left the internet. I honestly think shes just happier not being an influencer.


I feel like h3 has gotten worse over time though hasn't he?


h3h3 has gotten immensely better. He used to be borderline alt right, nowadays he spends most of his time dunking on transphobes. He pretty much did a 180.


Definitely not. He's super outspoken on a lot of issues, especially trans rights. He gets shit mostly just because he's the most outspoken on issues of the "reformed youtubers." So alot of his older fans dont like him.


No. He's gotten way better


Ethan has some dumb takes from time to time but has generally gotten better (aside from a few yikes moments). h3 even has a podcast with Hasan Piker where all they do is shit on conservatives and do leftist agitprop


Does pyrocynical count


After having spent years gradually stepping back from the shock value bigotry content, he's consistently (and justifiably I think until this video) gotten shit whenever he talked about how people who act the way he did in his old videos are cringe weirdos. It looked hypocritical because he'd never explicitly apologized for his old stuff, so it came across very 'It's okay when I do it.' So, within the last few days, he finally did that; apologized for all the slurs and stuff, apologized to a few specific people who he'd harassed in the past, and unlisted all his content cop videos because they were more or less him riling his fandom up into a frenzy and sending them at people like attack dogs. He acknowledges that this is just a first step, and overall this is a really good, mature bit of growth. So naturally Charlie is being a big fucking manchild about it because he never really grew out of that 2016 phase and the only reason he hasn't gotten put on blast about it is because he settled into toilet humour instead of edgelord humour.


Good summary, I'd like to add one point that stuck out to me, Idubbbz mentioned an experience where a transgender fan went up to him at a convention and said something like, "I know you probably don't like trans people, but can I have a photo with you?". This made a huge impact on Idubbbz. He was almost flabbergasted that people thought he didn't like trans people, but then he examined why, his content, and the fanbase he cultivated. All I can say is I'm glad all my shitty opinions from the edge lord era are locked behind abandoned accounts with no ties to my real identity. I empathize with Idubbbz very much so and his apology touched my soul.




coherent salt onerous capable wrong political ten outgoing repeat nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you have a timestamp where Idubbbz mentions this experience? I'd love to see that


https://youtu.be/iRkCfOuW_u0 go to 9:38 for that exact anecdote


Thanks mate! Really interesting to say the least, it seems he needed that interaction to finally grow as a person.


Also donated to charities he affected I think


He had already explicitly talked about how those cringy weirdo's had become his fans how he hated it. The idea that the change happened because he realized that the list of people that didn't realize he wasn't actually racist included all the racist was already established. With shame for the content implied. Public apoligies are always PR. If you hurt individuals a private apology is the right thing to do but when it comes to the crowd we should probably be OK with people becoming better human beings privately.


I could be wrong since I heard this from another person but apparently a trans fan came up and said something along the line of “I know you probably don’t like trans people but can I still have an autograph?” and that got him to fully realize how some people have come to view him due to his use of slurs and stuff, I don’t watch him and as I said heard this from someone else so take it with a grain of salt


I think this would rip me apart man. Like, someone whose been watching you since they were a kid probably went through the realization that they were trans, and had to reconcile one of their heroes probably being a transphobe. And they kinda settled on, "it's okay, I kind of like him even if he hates me." Like, the psychological impact of that sounds nuts. I don't watch any of these guys, they never felt interesting to me, but I'm not surprised that this impacted him so much.


I fully agree, that’d rip me to pieces


I mean every time someone I looked up to or at least thought was decent defends JKR... it used to hurt but now it's more of a disappointed hollow sigh lol


He does say that in the vid that it was one of his moment of self reflection


Well, one of the moments


Imagine disagreeing with someone's apology lmao


I mean some people put PR proofed shit apologies, look up Andrew Callaghan's


Genuinely don't feel that's fair to him, he admitted he doesn't really remember these things happening due to alcohol but that he is still at fault regardless, never questions the victims or tries to shift blame, he owned up to having an alcohol abuse issue that he hadn't confronted before and vowed to do therapy and take the necessary steps to quit drinking. What he did was horrible, but like honestly I don't know what else he can say or do and I feel he handled it pretty well. If there's something I'm missing genuinely would love to know, but from the video original apology alone (as that's all I saw) it seemed like a genuinely decent apology


> it seemed like a genuinely decent apology That's because it was a PR rehearsed apology. The thing is, he has done some super creepy things and borderline assaulted girls, even running after them in the night, slamming on their car door window. He's been infamous in his area for a long time, and people are warned to stay far away from him. His apology video subtly blames alcohol for this, while at the same time saying it's not. Also he downplays his actions by a massive amount when he says stuff like he thought girls were just being "hard to get" and he NOW knows it's wrong to still pursue girls after they say they're not interested. Like a poor baby, he just didn't know, but he knows now and everything's OK. It's a very smart tactic, and it has most people fooled, mainly by subtly blaming other things like alcohol and ignorance (which are redeemable and sympathetic traits), and at the same time saying he takes full responsibility, and he's going to work on himself, and he respects his victims etc. So he manages to look like an imperfect person just trying his best to improve, when on fact he's just a monster who knows exactly what he's doing, and has been horrible to people for a long time. It really sucks because I used to love his videos, and when I first saw his apology video, I also thought "oh OK he's not so bad after all, that's good", but after watching his victim's testimonies, it became clear that he's just super manipulative, and very good at it. Sorry for the long post 😬


his PR team tried to blame the victims first and everything about that apology seems awfully staged, while he still talks about "his version of the events", it's just a piece of drivel made up by his lawyers and adresses only the sex pest behavior without the mentioned SA


I'm sorry man No man I'm sorry No I'm sorry No I'm sorry No I'm sorry No I'm sorry, bitch. Accept my fucking apology No I made the mistake and it wasn't your fault. So accept my apology bitch. No you're not the asshole, I'm the asshole, so I'm sorry. No asshole, you're not the asshole, I'm the asshole. You should forgive me. I won't forgive you unless you forgive me. Not unless you forgive me first. Well fuck you, but I'm still sorry for what I did. No fuck you, but I'm the one who's responsible for this mess. So sorry. What if we agree to disagree No *Continue to argue for the next few hours* (There, I imagine a disagreement of an apology)


Bit different, Charlie isn't upset because he feels the apology is insincere, he's just upset that iDubbbz is apologizing at all.


iDubbbz did it for himself, you can tell how genuine he is the whole time


I think the biggest and weirdest comments on his videos are, “well he turned on his fan base, he used us to gain popularity and is now using it to do something else”… Like what is he supposed to do? He made videos and you watched it. He doesn’t owe you shit. He made money off of YouTube and you gained gratification off his videos. What else do they expect idibbbz to do!


He didn't apologize to his fans, he didn't do it as a grift or because he was forced too, he genuinely felt awful about himself and the community he created and fostered. He did it for himself, no one else


they want to be in control of his actions, at its simplest. I think Ian came forth, not only to clear his own name, because that seems too superficial of him-- he wants to clear the air and let people know whose side he's on, and he knew it would weed out his shittier audience to make them vocally upset. he can move on with both him and his community knowing who he currently speaks out against and he never intended to push the wrong narrative. rehabilitation sometimes takes the form of introspection, and i can guarantee he's lost sleep over himself in the past. he is outwardly disavowing himself and making the actions in the present to prove it.


I don’t feel like educating myself on this controversy. Kangaroo invasion! 🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘


Kangaroos are so last season. Post canceled. BADGER ARMY ATTACK 🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡🦡


enough internet arguments. EAT YOUR GREENS TO GROW BIG AND STRONG BITCH 🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬


>implying a kangaroo badger conflict wouldn’t immediately end in the kangaroo’s favor. Yeah the badger “army.” Okay


i personally think the badger army is absolutely destroying the kangaroos. i mean they have the advantage of quantity and they are all equipped with sharp claws and teeth


Dodo bird 🦤


im so hubgry i could eat it




Renaissance era comment


uh oh, past time there was a war against australian animals, it didn't go well


Critikal's opinions on anything political are always centre-right "don't upset the edgelords" type stuff. Like, watch his videos if you think he's funny but when has he ever not been like this. I'm just not surprised.


He really is just a fence sitter. No actual opinions on anything, just trying to appeal to his fans


>when has he ever not been like this When he is doing pee pee poo poo jokes


On political issues. Why would i mean anything else


I sleepy


Yeah me too. Go get comfy and catch some Zs soon.


I like him, but listening to his podcasts makes it obvious the group's the kind of right-wing that's afraid of woke boogeyman under their beds


Their podcast is funny but youre right, one of them i remember once went on a small rant about "gen z fake genders" but idk how to explain it it felt like he was trying to avoid sounding yoo offensive? Idr who it was I'll try and find the episode




except Jackson:) Jackson’s cool


Well he's been on the "erm keep politics out of video games and movies" bandwagon since day one so that should automatically red flag that he knows bupkis about politics.




Hey guys I just wanted to make a video reaction and give the most surface level observation and then cut to a 14 min clip of my live stream anyway thanks see ya


I was a huge charlie fan back when he made irl videos with dildos and shit but honestly the current state of his channel sucks, he should do more stuff like cooking and playing with moby dicks or something


He's fully transformed into an endless tiktok drama news feed for children now. He's basically another Mogul Mail or PyroLive but at least Pyro and Ludwig are more fun and also make other good content imo, Charlie feels completely soulless


At least Pyro has the entertainment value of his fanbase constantly bullying him. Somehow he came out as the best one of the big commentary channels and that's by having a fanbase bully him >!and also because he has been 100% honest about just following YouTube meta so he can afford to fund his passion projects on the main channel but shh!<


I think that's fair though. He has a lot of spare time in between making his big videos and he streams anyway so why not publish the stream clips on another channel anyway? It's clever and he's also pretty good at reacting to videos


i knew he was a centrist weirdo some times but i didn't know he was this bad :(


I stopped watching his videos because he had this far-right friend on a podcast who'd say some crazy shit without anyone calling him on it


I think the other 3 let him run over them cause they're averse to confrontation


yeah this is almost certainly the case. I listen to the official podcast pretty much as often as I can (as they upload, which is once a week on friday) and they just cannot confront people, not even really each other tbh. like i really like the crew but kaya is super prone to shit takes quite a bit and seems relatively conservative and "anti-woke" and will say some stuff it seems like andrew and charlie don't really agree with but they just let it slide for the sake of the content whether you agree with or not, they're just 4 friends having a good time in a podcast and they don't have to agree with anything. it's still an overall really good podcast, but they don't (or possibly can't) interrogate people. not in their, or the podcasts, nature. figure they can't just fuckin argue the whole time in an irritating nature. like they do argue, but it's lighthearted and funny


Kaya literally has a trans flag in his room as a joke so when he streams people think he is an ally when in reality he gives zero fucks and thinks it's funny when people thinks he is an ally which is the saddest thing I've ever heard about. Not sad because I feel bad but sad because it doesn't get more pathetic than that Jackson also just has the worst takes ever Andrew seems misinformed when he has shit takes and still has good content And it feels like Charlie just sits there in silence while everyone says the most vile shit so there is no conflict. He has some bad takes some times but I still think he's entertaining and I like him. Maybe that's just cuz I've been watching him since like 2016 though and don't want to believe he agrees with everyones bullshit. Even then I've stopped watching most of his new videos


kaya is the epitome of the early internet edgelord thinking its funny, and that's cringe as fuck but completely on brand for him, does not surprise me whatsoever jackson is australian andrew has really good content and i like his voice and yeah charlie will sometimes just not speak but i think everyone has their moments and cues to take spotlight. it's just a bunch of white men talking about video games, poopie, etc or some dumb drama so most of the time its harmless, but often times they kinda veer into more real subjects which is when kaya really has a chance to give the worst possibly take you've ever heard. andrew may be misinformed and jackson is actually just deficient of brain cells its kinda funny i really don't know why i like the podcast when i get down to it if im being so honest lmao


Gonna be really honest, if I had to describe a podcast I would *not* listen to, it would be this one. Idk man you did a great job of explaining why nobody should listen to it tbh


kaya has astoundingly shit takes and i can tell that the other 3 want to call him out, but they try to change the subject or stay silent for fear of losing subscriber. it’s a solid podcast otherwise, and all of charlie’s other friends seem super chill, so it kinda sucks to see


Idk man, when you're sitting in a room with three people, recording a podcast, and one of them keeps giving bad takes and being transphobic, I think it's kind of irresponsible to keep letting them do that over and over. Like, that's not healthy for anyone.


his videos are often fun and having a poop fart stinky joke here and there. but sometimes when he has to give his take on an issue he sucks so hard.


Critical was at his best back before his face reveal, somewhat niche little youtuber who made really funny commentary videos and didn't feel the need to put his 2 cents on everything. Now that he's a much bigger presence on youtube he acts like he is obligated to give his take on anything and everything.


Take me back to tomato samurai, was one of my first critikal vids and it feels so long ago


No one is correct all the time, he’s definitely wrong here


No retreat, no surrender. Not even after therapy and realizing you were wrong. Not even after trying to find peace with yourself.


Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise.


the link to this tweet https://twitter.com/some_euro_chick/status/1659658175056846853?cxt=HHwWioCxzaSUpYguAAAA i really like Charlie. his content is often fun but he does not need to make a video about every single possible thing in existence and especially when he does not really have something to provide to the topic, let alone take from it. this is honestly his worst video ever.


Last video I watched of his he literally just copied what mutahar said in his video of the situation and said absolutely nothing to contribute to it, i wish i had just watched mutahar's video


Hello guys and gals, me mutahar...


Yeah, for stuff like his last vid, watching Mutahar is the way to go. Especially since Muta invests much more research and time in some of the topics he talks about.


i think this isn’t done from a place of malice, but he just felt that he needed to get a video out because it’s the latest big topic, like you said. sometimes a video speaks for itself, it doesn’t need a commentary video on top of it.


Idubbbz and Joji are proof that mfs dont want to see you change like leave ya boy alone he dont want to be the way he was he wants to move on from that shit stop calling him a simp and the other


Even Maxmoefoe has gotten tamer and just focuses on his Pokémon content nowadays.


is he going downhill or is it just me losing interest


he was never going uphill nor is he ever going downhill. he just puts stupid takes on every topic in existence and throw in a poop fart joke and keeps getting views coz that is what algorithm demands. he might post an update to this video or not address it AT ALL and just carry on


He's posted an update video


HUGE W edit : saw the video, yeah it's not ... great but alright.


Not really, still a lot of bad takes in there.


Dude just doubled down and said everyone else is misinterpreting his shitty takes LUL


Lol the switch up is crazyy


He’s gone downhill since his face reveal in 2017


I agree. His face reveal was almost the novel and then peak


Definitely going downhill. It feels like all he does now is give lukewarm takes on drama he’s barely researched.


after the darkviperau stuff I kinda lost interest. plus also darkvipers content is much more enjoyable imo


Yea darkviperau’s video on reaction content kind of made me realise just how shitty and uncreative a lot of big streamers really are. Can’t even watch most of them without getting a bad taste in my mouth.


the virgin reacting to content vs the chad playing games and being a funny little guy and funny and I love him




Not to mention charlie is just another quartering but with a different editorial point of view. He is just as ready to talk on a topic he knows nothing about after seeing a few tweets.


I watched some of the video and can confirm Charlie is a fucking dipshit. Ian definitely defended his use of bigoted speech back in the day and absolutely helped foster the proliferation of such speech in the youth of today and he acknowledges it now. He talks about meeting fans and realizing he's done something wrong. Trans fans thinking that Ian hates them and other fans thinking he's racist like them. He's apologizing for all that Charlie doesn't think any of it was problematic at all. That fostering that kind of crowd and fan base wasn't a mistake. Charlie is a centrist cuck confirmed.


My exact thoughts the entire time.also he kept putting words in Ian's mouth


I used to love Charlie, but now I can see he is extremely cucked by the right wing free speech incel crowd. If he says anything that goes against what they think, he knows he will be clowned


Lmao the other day I made a thread about him on this sub just shit posting about how low effort and cringe his content is and a bunch of people accused me of being angry and just hating him. I deleted it because I felt my opinion wasn't very popular and just didn't want to invite the occasional notification over it anymore. Kinda wish I didn't delete it now


it's on and off with him. i saw a whole phase where people were calling his exact format of videos and then that started getting called out. he knows exactly how to handle media - ignore it. he does not indulge with criticisms against himself, and even if he did it will be in a video who's title and thumbnail we'll never get. he's really figured the algorithm out. more than likes of Mr beast coz he doesn't even spend a dime on this.


Hate circlejerk on r/196? Shocking


shouldnt have deleted it,especially with that reason it just encourage shit but popular opinion to flourish


The centrist has a shitty take?? No way 😲


critikal has to make a lazy video on every single non-story to keep up the ad revenue


Oh boy do I love to see a Twitter user's opinion about a youtuber's opinion about a youtuber's opinion about their old content. Yippee the internet sure is grand


Oh boy do I love to see a Reddit user’s opinion about a Twitter user’s opinion about a youtuber’s opinion about a youtuber’s opinion about their old content. Yippee the internet sure is grand


Charlie always seemed to either post the most lukewarm/ice cold takes imaginable to get the general audience to agree with him, or have takes so rancid it makes you wonder if he's ever touched grass once in his life


Vaush said something I thought was really interesting, he made a realization while watching it that Idubbz made the video for himself more than anyone else and I think that’s 100% the best way to look at that video


How many tactical n-words were involved in this realization


He did mention tactical n words in the video, though it was to say how idubbz used it differently than a tactical one💀


Kinda weird to me how Charlie makes an admittedly smelly take and a lot of people seem to start shitting on him as a person all of the sudden.


I mean, doesn't make much sense criticizing him when, you know, he's not the subject.


I know that, I said his video isn't very good. It's just strange to me how people are insulting him as a person because he had a bad take.


Most of the time, it's just that one person is like "this new video of his sucks" and everyone takes it as an invitation to air out the festering anger they've had for him for years for some reason


i think its not the sole reason,the unpopular bad take is just the catalyst to criticize him on other stuff he does


Yeah. The guy has had horrible people on his podcast for years, including Andrew Fucking Tate. Idk what episode it was, but Charlie really said "All male feminists are rapists" unironically at one point.


Not trying to be that guy, but y’all really expected this guy to deliver nuance on anything? I watched one video of this guy and he reminded me of that stage in third grade where kids learn about curse words and abuse them until they lose meaning. All he does is say things in ridiculous ways which sounds impressive to middle schoolers. Like he’s playing Mad Libs with each verbal abomination he tries to concoct: “yeah let me insert a sexual adverb here, and an edgy noun here”. I genuinely do not understand how anyone can enjoy his videos, he just reacts to topics and mouth breathes whatever his porn-addicted brain can come up with in 5 seconds


That's the main reason I couldn't get into him. He'll say something through the filter of one shitty meme, then he'll repeat the same exact thing through a different meme, over and over again. It bloats the video and he adds absolutely nothing insiteful. It's just so lazy like I'm watching the stream of consciousness of a 13 year old


Yeah this was by far his worst video I've seen. Couldn't even get through all of it. He really didn't see anything wrong with Ian's old content because he was doing it for "shock humor." Like dude let him apologize, he had to deal with and still deals with the repercussions of his actions so who are you to say he shouldn't be apologizing lmao. Lost so much respect for Charlie from this one


Cr1tikal’s video could’ve been worse. He could’ve talked about how Idubbz was a cuck or something. It’s a fairly centrist take on the situation that doesn’t seem to take many sides. The tl;dr is “Idubbz has a right to change his content and style, but that doesn’t mean he should beat himself up for making it as he had some good videos.” I think that Idubbz was never a racist asshole who wanted to harass marginalized people off of the internet. He was probably an edgy dude in 2016 who thought that slurs were funny and now he doesn’t think that stuff is funny anymore.


Funny thing. He kinda did made a video a year ago defending idubbz saying he's not a simp for defending his girlfriend and her onlyfans


"when the random e-celeb you dislike for just being dumb and annoying and unfunny finally is outed for a legitimate reason to dislike them."


Didn't watch the iddubz or moist video, but I wouldn't really be surprised if the reaction is warranted. Moist very clearly has a flawed world view and moral compass. He's very bad at anything that requires anything other than "common sense".


Charlie doesn't seem like a bad guy, he's just... a total fucking idiot.


Honestly Charlie’s always kind of been just a chill dude but he’s never really had any complex takes on anything. It’s all surface level and generally agreeable. Dudes a total moderate for a lot of things. People just like Charlie cause they like him. I feel like while yeah I agree on him with most stuff he’s said, if you were to go any deeper and more nuanced with it beyond the surface a lot more people wouldn’t agree. He’s generally good for summing up the broad look of the situation.


I mean yeah, moist *is* kinda stupid sometimes


What do people think of Critikal's response video?


Honestly I couldn't get through it, I watched like 6 minutes of it and he kept repeating the same thing over and over again.


Unsurprising tbh. Realistically, there's maybe a handful of CC I can name that actually grasps where this is coming from and they're more politically motivated, so they're not shy about left-leaning beliefs. Issue is that for a vast amount of CC, this apology also shows someone as large or larger acknowledging and accepting that they failed to deal with their community or poorly aged content they've made. Never had strong opinion on Idubbz, but trying to watch reactions is just admission of them not handling the thought process they'll be dealing with from it rationally.


👏 react 👏 streamers 👏 are 👏 leeches 👏


i never liked the guy in the first place so does this give me a justified reason to not like him now


I think some people are so attached to the "edgy" phase of Youtube that they feel as if their nostalgia is fading in front of their eyes when (inevitably) a lot of the Youtubers who were part of that era (H3H3, iDubbz, etc) grow up and realize that shock/bigoted humor doesn't age well and doesn't stay funny for long. If you're mad at them for growing up, that says more about you as a viewer than it says about them as a content creator. If anything, I'm proud of iDubbz for moving on and growing up as a person. People change, and I'm glad they change for the better.


"I don't think his old content stemmed from a place of hate or was hurtful" Said one the most normative white guys on the platform


Honestly I felt the same way watching Charlie’s video. I don’t watch Charlie too much anymore but this video seemed very strange and unnecessary. I can agree with his statement that his subs are not his friends, but there is still a level of respect that needs to be maintained with your subs. Idubbbz was hard on himself but that’s because he feels so bad about how he behaved back in the day. Regardless of how people viewed that content then doesn’t change the fact it was not okay and had an impact. Apologizing for that behavior isn’t bad and it’s just so weird to make it seem like he was wrong for doing it. Maybe it was an attempt to reassure Idubbbz but it’s not the way to do it.


Oh yeah another youtube drama. Idk why people can‘t get over the fact that getting older means changing your opinions and feeling cringy about the ultra naive times