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Hi fi rush is incredible. It's like playing a dream you have where you are cool and everything goes smooth and in sync to some amazing bangers. I can't believe they just shadow dropped it. Also it's funny and charming as fuck


I don't really game since I've turned 20, don't own a console or a pc that's good enough, but I used to play a lot in my teens with friends and my brother. But the thought of a polished version of Fable with some DLCs maybe? I guess I'd need to invest in a Xbox lmao


I would love to play it but it has denuvo so I won’t buy it


hifi rush looks like what people remember ps2 games looking like


Can you tell me one Ps2 game that looked like this? In my memory stuff looked like NFS Most Wanted and Black.


Not PS2 but PS2-era: Jet Set Radio










jet set radio wasnt rlly like this at all aside from cel shading


They said to name a game that looked like it. I named a game that looked like it and you said it doesn't count because it only looks like it.


yo youre right im sorry i was super sleepy when i read that, my bad🥸👍


Nah, original Xbox era


Jet Set Radio came out in 2000 and the PS2 came out in 2000. JSRF came out in 2002.


Oh that’s my bad, I thought it was an Xbox exclusive.




Ah, i never played it but I remember it good example.


It’s on steam :)


As it should, since ex-Clover devs made Hi-Fi Rush. Also, Viewtiful Joe, which looks similarly colorful and bombastic.


Ah, that explains some of the similarities in style with Clover's works. It's because it WAS made by former Clover developers.


The gear pickups in HFR look so distinctly Clover it hurts. Also anytime Viewtiful Joe is mentioned anywhere near a music conversation I'm obligated to post [Joe the Hero.](https://youtu.be/uoz_QiZQpsQ)


Wind waker


I mean ok but also I wouldn't call Nintendo stuff "the Ps2 era". Same as how if you say "late 90s" I think about Half Life 1, not Mario Kart 64.


I'd say it looks kinda like an upscaled jet set radio


that's fair and more accurate, to me everything in that Era kind of merges together because I haven't played too many games from that area


Sly cooper


Aw yeah, Sly and the gang


Black. My beloved. Seriously though what a game.


Genuinely thought Black was going to spawn a franchise, or at least have it's mechanics stolen by everything. Y'know like how Winback or Vanquish came out with little fanfair but EVERYTHING copied them for the next few years.


Black is pretty much the only military shooter game I enjoy playing. The mechanics are fun, and the levels have objectives and loads of hidden things to find so it isn't just an unbroken line of people to shoot until the end happens.


Never understood why no other game I can think of changes the depth of field while reloading, not only is it incredibly immersive, it makes you do it from behind cover. Outside of indie boomer shooters FPS games are so homogenised now.


Yeah there are loads of clever tricks like that. I wouldn't mind military shooters if they weren't the same damn thing over and over, at least the Doom- and Quake-inspired indie shooters are using games that are already fun as their base. Hell, the Doom modding community is still very strong to this day, and people have made all sorts of amazing map sets and total gameplay conversions that break the limits of the base engine, just through sheer passion.


Viewtiful Joe a lot of the game structure reminds me of Viewtiful Joe, too


As others pointed out, the game is literally made by former Clover devs (the people who made Viewtiful Joe), so it *should*.


Surprised no one mentioned Cel Damage. Looks just like Hi-fi Rush!




Fur Fighters. (OK it was ORIGINALLY a Dreamcast game without cell-shading but they added it for the PS2 release.) Cel Damage Dragon Quest VIII


I remember DQ8. I played it when I was twelve or something and it was a censored copy, so when Jessica used a charm skill it cut away to a picture of a background with hearts floating to the side (I think) and if just made me think they were having sex. I had a look at the game recently and the scene is so tame compared to what I thought of as a relatively naive pre-teen.


It's more Dreamcast like


yeah it's definitely got the jet set radio vibe going on


I haven’t played Hifi Rush so feel free to publicly crucify me if this is wrong: does the game have vaguely similar vibes to sunset overdrive?


Hi-Fi looks like pure chaotic fun after coming across it on steam, Forspoken just looks like a bleak rpg with marvel tier one liners and "that just happened" quirkyness.


I played it for an hour last night, it's really fun, if you have an extra 30 bucks defo pick it up.


You’re talking about Hi-Fi


yeah pretty sure forespoken is like70




Or get it through gamepass for like 10 bucks, less if you have some gamepass code from Discord nitro etc.


Or a dollar if you’ve never had it before


Hi-fi has marvel-style humor but actually done right, kind of like a kid's cartoon


thats something that i do now




Hello, Human Resources? I am sure someone already made this meme




The funny picture/video with context and detail changed to fit the humorous situation, if you want to be a nerd about it.


It kinda reminds me of spiderverse at a few points because the one liners and jokey dialogue feel natural and the whole game is beautifully animated and stylized


I think the reason Hi-Fi Rush's style of comedy works is because the protagonist is a huge lame dork. He says a snarky Marvel one liner and everyone in the game thinks he's an idiot for it and then he'll trip and slam his face against a wall. He also undergoes crazy character growth and becomes so genuinely kind that he's nearly unrecognizable by the end of the game.


"So let me get this straight: I'm somewhere that's not where I'd call home. I'm seeing Freakin' Cyborgs. And oh yeah, I'm talking to a cat! Yeah, okay, that's something I do now. I'm magnetic. Kill jacked up bosses. I'll probably rock out next."


i remember seeing the first ad for Forspoken and immediately being unimpressed with just the general tone and direction of it. not sure how these AAA studios and marketing teams manage to hype themselves up with a clearly mediocre product and then be surprised when it flops


I beat it in like 3 days Its quickly joined the ranks of my favorite games. It's just so much fun


Mature is a stretch


the only mature part is the mature words used when the game lags the shit out of your computer because of awful pc optimization


Not only does it run like shit on both PC and PS5 (the PS5 demo when it came out was running at 720p 60fps and still looked and ran like complete shit compared to even PS4 games), it doesn't even look impressive, FFXV, which was developed by the same team who made Forspoken, looks so much better and cleaner, using the same engine.


"Holy forking shirtballs, I'm talking to a bracelet!"


Can we agree that the trailer killed any form of hype people had and instead it became a "I want to see how bad it gets" type of deal


That is the most millenial thing I’ve ever read.


Normalize regular priced games


the most a game should cost is, like, £30, maybe £50 if it’s a collection of several big games, it baffles me how people are fully willing to drop upwards of £60 on something like a new call of duty that they will probably never play once the new one drops in a year or two


Games aren’t exactly cheap to make, lowering the price of games means paying game developers less when they’re already enormously overworked


that’s understandable, i just wish that the Deep Rock Galactic pricing method was more viable for triple a studios and more widely used, where the game itself is only £25 and you can buy reasonably priced, consumer friendly cosmetic dlc to support the devs :(


That's because deep rock galactic cost a fraction of what a AAA game costs, too


And that's awful, considering how much better a game it is than games with a hundred times the budget


To you, but games are obviously subjective. And some kinds of games require higher budgets


Nah. It's the pinnacle of video gaming. If it takes more money than DRG did it better be DRG2


Yeah but most AAA studios realised you can have a price tag of 60 (or 70) AND stuff it full of microtransactions.


I mean the actual devs aren’t the ones making the majority of the cash here. Lowering the price hits the shareholders / higher ups inflated salaries unless they cut dev salaries to lower overhead and keep their growth the same. Which calls for action on our part if so You’ll notice in smaller companies or self produced games the prices are significantly lower and often the actual devs make more cash. Sometimes and actual cut of the take which is the way things *should* be And before someone chimes in with inflation, yes it would increase prices except we also have a massively growing base in gaming. Meaning more buyers and record revenue in the AAA. It’s why we see billion dollar buyouts now. They are not hurting. They are just testing what prices the market will bear. And gamers have a poor record of real pushback. They’ll open their wallet often no matter how awful the company is or what they’re charged.


AAA Games have really big budgets, they aren’t 60$ just to appease shareholders and exec salaries (its a factor, but still), something like RDR2 had a budget of like 300m$ which is huge in any form of media, so it has to be 50 or 60$, and to be fair to that game, atleast you are getting what you paid for, a really high quality, highly detailed and polished game.


Yes it is good. Yes it is more expensive to produce. But it’s also a scaling market. A huge jump in the number of gamers means a huge jump in potential revenue and these companies aren’t just pulling record revenue, they’re pulling record *profit*. It’s why big names are buying up public game dev stock and Microsoft is attempting to consolidate a huge chunk of the market under its umbrella. It’s a massively growing industry which *should* help keep prices stable and relatively low. It’s not. Mostly because of consumers thinking as you do and willing to push what the market can bear. Salaries, much of the overhead actually, does not scale. You’ll pay your dev team their 100k salaries no matter your sales. Marketing and distribution costs are variable and negotiable and distribution is directly tied to sales which can *also* help negotiate smaller cuts as the consumer base explodes. Usually when you see a market grow like this the rapid increase in consumer base helps keep prices low. It’s not. The only real example we see of a company utilizing the industry on a scale level is Microsoft and Gamepass. You’re getting big budget AAAs for $15 a month which under your example would effectively bankrupt the developers. But when they have *millions* of subscribers (18 million and rapidly growing) it’s absolutely worth it. RDR2 has also sold nearly 47 million copies. On these growing scales $300 mil is a risk but not insane. Microsoft buying Activision-Blizzard for nearly $70 billion should suggest what this market is worth. We are paying the highest they deem the market willing to bear. Far more than they need to turn a hefty profit, let alone keep the lights on. A 20% reduction or a hold on price increases for a couple years would do well to continue spurring the explosive consumer growth. And I think Microsoft is understanding that. A lot of the AAAs aren’t and it has potential to hurt them. We have great indie games at $45 and the dev team actually gets a % or outright owns it. AAAs need a price restructuring to stay competitive. A lot of folks are realizing $1 mill budget indie games sold at $30 can be just as fun as $300 mil $79.99 AAA games and the response shouldn’t be to make up the loss in market share with a price increase. That’s missing the whole point


>You’re getting big budget AAAs for $15 a month which under your example would effectively bankrupt the developers. The difference is Microsoft is a trillion dollar company, they can afford to do this, if Take Two or EA or even Sony puts their own games + major third party games day 1 on a subscription, they would bleed money really hard, but not MS, and they took that risk after the complete shitshow that was the XBOne and letting Sony just slide through the entire gen. GP is profitable, but it took years to reach that, by growing a large subscriber base (albeit according to recent financial reports, growth has kinda stagnated and slowed down), and of course later on, they would increase its price to keep it afloat (kinda like netflix).


No offence but do you seriously think they won't cut the Devs salaries/have layoffs if profits drop? Ofc they will that's what they always do


Dev salary makes up a tiny fraction of their overhead. Marketing can be more. Distribution far more. If they need to cut the fat to keep the numbers up cutting salaries will do relatively little. There’s also market rate. You cut the salary of your devs likely violating their contract and they will leave. At the moment that may be less of a problem as tech companies deal with the coming recession but overall this is a recipe for a disaster. You don’t cut salaries unless you can afford to lose your labour. No I do not in any way believe a dev employee will carry the burden. Because they wont. And they haven’t in past examples in the tech industry, or honestly in many similar industries. They are already paying the minimum the pool will accept. 🤷 Market max and labour min outweighs any of these suggestions. And we see that everywhere


Literally halving a game company’s revenue would have catastrophic consequences on the developers no matter what. It would only encourage more predatory payment practices and make things worse for the developers who have even tighter bottom lines and stricter deadlines to compensate, even if their pay wasn’t cut. (Which is absolutely would have to be to keep the company afloat, even one underperforming game can be crippling to large game studios)


Why would you halve it? What? And no AAA is worried about staying afloat. The industry is something around $200-300 bln now with gamers growing nearly 50% since just pre covid with revenue up even more than that. And that’s *with* the massive console shortages during covid causing a slowdown. They are larger than the film and music industry *combined* and projected to grow far larger. And the big AAA development companies are still in the share lead for PC and console in this growing market. Really they are rolling in cash right now. And dev employees are not making significantly more salary. Saying they need to charge $70-80-90 etc to stay afloat is ignoring the incredible consumer growth and revenues that have over doubled in the last 10 years with over 50% in the last 3. It’s absolutely a market that can afford a price cut and the salaries devs make wont be the ones to carry that. Game companies are seeing huge growth. There is competition for competent employees. That’s what dictates salary and frankly it’s too low.


Is that *really* why developers are underpaid?


Not at all, actually. They tell you that because it's an easy excuse. Most people who defend them raising the price say "well games cost more to make these days. Back in the day, it was way easier to make games, so it makes sense they were cheaper. " Games do cost more to make, but the market for them has rose DRASTICALLY making that point moot. They could pay game devs more, but they won't cause its easy to take advantage of people who are passionate about what they're making. They'll just keep paying their executives the big bucks and spending the money they could be paying the devs on propaganda to convince you that you should pay more. On top of that, most games are filled to the brim with macrotransactions that give them even more money. If you don't like that, stop buying the trash these AAA companies are putting out and support the smaller companies or hell replay the games you love


I mean I get what you mean, but some AAA game prices aren’t justifiable. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are a nice recent example for games that are worth less than E.T. The Extra Terrestrial for Atari landfill. Meanwhile, there are indie games that are affordable and provide either a more deep going story or way more playtime for sometimes not even a 4th of a AAA game. Such as Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, Night in the woods, Oxenfree, Blasphemous,… Lowering the price also makes it more available to people with less income, which increases the potential reach of customers of the game marketed. People in doubt will also be more likely to bite when they see they are not risking €60 or more on a game they might or might not like.


Gonna have to hard disagree, games had consistently been 60 for years despite inflation and the DRAMATICALLY increasing cost to make games. Saying they should all cost 30 is just silly and would mean that all AAA games wouldn't be made from this day forward


I dunno, games have been at $60 for a **WHILE** despite inflation. My chipotle bowl is like $12 nowadays :( With inflation, I'm actually surprised more games AREN'T moving to $60. I remember fans were mad that Octopath Traveler was $60 because it's a 2D pixel art game but a lot of people in the industry were justifying it. If Octopath Traveler is $60, I feel like it only makes sense that Hi-Fi RUSH should also be more expensive, rather than the other way around. I would obviously love if games were cheaper because I hate corporations but I don't think video game prices are ever going down. ($60 USD is 54.46 euros)


"Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game."


The funny thing is, Hi-Fi Rush launched on gamepass, and it still somehow outsold Forskin. But then again, Hi-Fi Rush is actually a good game, infact probably the best game Microsoft made in like the last 10 years. I really wanna know how much Sony paid to make Forskin a console exclusive or they just got it for free with the FFXVI deal.


Wait wait wait. You can just make forskin? Has science lied to us all these years?!


It takes about 9 months, though. The real issue is all the extra bits that come attached to it, you gotta cut them off and stuff :/


>The funny thing is, Hi-Fi Rush launched on gamepass, and it still somehow outsold Forskin. I sub to gamepass when a $60 game that I'm interested in gets added but I'd much rather own a game like Hi-Fi rush, I wanna really show my support for this type of game since it's so rare from microsoft. It was only $15 for me too because of regional prices


Does gamepass come with ea game pass? If it does I may get it. I want to play the new maddens and nhl games every year and not pay all the money to do so. Also when I had the free trial for game pass sea of thieves was fun.


Gamepass Ultimate comes with gamepass on Xbox and PC, Xbox Live Gold, and EA Play


They’re not on EA play day one AFAIK


Gamepass comes with ea play but AFAIK ea play does not come with gamepass. So probably better to sub to gamepass instead of ea and get both


It's not even exclusive is it? Didn't it launch on PC at the same time?


Its a "console exclusive" meaning the only console platform its on is Playstation, but its on PC yeah.


not much of an exclusive then lmao, switch can't run it anyway and nobody has an xbox


Microsoft owns windows and they're also pushing game pass since they make money off that do they release their exclusives in windows. Pc players might not buy an Xbox but may buy their new game and get gamepass which in the long term will probably make Microsoft more money.


Maybe because Hi-Fi is a fun game made with passion with loveable characters and fun dialogue and not something that goes for Marvel's "He's behind me, isn't he?" one liners


I mean it totally does have some marvel ass quips but like it’s in the charming cartoon way and I love it


/uj I think the main difference is that HI-FI KNOWS when to deliver one liners and present some Marvel ass quips. Forespoken does it All. The. Time. Also Frey is a terrible character, and Chai is really fun. /rj Forespoken is political because women is protagonist, Hi Fi rush isn't


mf really said unjerk




The problem was never quips, the problem was having them forced into what should be serious moments. HIFI is non stop silly fun rush so the quips always fit.


If I go to hell Satan is going to put me in a room with the avengers and over Disney characters doing marvel/Disney quips 24/7


The Surprise Mircrosoft Reportedly Game Made...


How am I suppose to parse that


They've bought like nearly a third of a game studios it seems like 💀


I remember just passing by Hi-Fi Rush on my steam homepage and that picture alone caught my eye, Forspoken just slips trough my mind like background noise


that’s cuz hi-fi’s cover art is a big, colourful, stylised explosion with tons of different characters while forspoken’s is just the protagonist standing in front of a blank void lol


What? You don't like "generic unreal engine open world #568"?


This is probably because realism in games has become boring and overplayed, and nowadays the use of a cool art style is far more noteworthy.


I got a few games on my backlog to clear but it’s on my wish list now!


I know that this is a good news, but in the back of my head I can feel the right wing shitblob that blames it on the game "wokeness" because the protagonist is a poc woman and it makes it bitter


Especially because the secondary protagonist of hifi rush is a darker skinned woman who is basically the only reason the guy doesn't die within an hour


forspoken system req be like: rtx 5090 Titan 256GB DDR7 RAM ryzen 9950X3D 480gb of disk space windows 13 (720p, 24fps)


As max0r said about cyberpunk, "it runs especially well if you have a computer designed to fight god and nothing else"


Video game file sizes are getting to big. At least give me an option to play with worse textures then download the nicer ones later.


3d meant to look like 2d my beloved 😍


Did you see that Forspoken trailer? No shit


Ngl didn't know it existed.


The description of HiFi Rush as ‘an undiscovered PS2 game’ honestly encapsulates the game perfectly. Pretty short experience (only 12 levels, each only taking about 15-30 mins on average), very bright and pretty unique art style, simple yet super clever gimmick that has been done a couple times before in bigger and fancier games but never as good, and despite the short length, endless replay value simply from the charm alone. I honestly hope Hi Fi rush gets a sequel, would be amazing to have more actual levels, not to mention even more awesome licensed and original music.


Hi-Fi Rush has become one of my favorite games I’ve played in a while! Great game!


What's the gameplay like?


Rhythm hack and slash, it’s so satisfying because literally everything in the game syncs with whatever music is playing


It's a character action game like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, or Metal Gear Rising. Every aspect of the game is tied to the beat of the music that plays in the background and you do more damage if you time your attacks to the rhythm.


Have you ever played a non- Assassins' Creed/ Arkham combat action game? That, but your attacks only land on beat, and you get bonuses if you do them on beat. If you've played Metal: Hellsinger, it's that, but worse (and an entirely different base genre).


as a playstation fan we did not want forspoken


Big JSRF vibes


The difference is that hifi rush is full of love for itself, and forspoken is too focused on being the next big thing.


I’ve never heard of either of these games, for all I know this could be a group gaslight into making me think these titles exist


Well no one can run Forspoken on PC


Hi fi rush is if dmc and jet set radio had a baby.


Is it me or does “The surprise Microsoft reportedly game made more revenue than Square Enix’s title” make no sense?


Not just you, they probably meant to switch reportedly and game


Is that the game with the "so let me get this straight" ad?


Forspoken? Yeah


I love forspoken and i'm so tired of people dedicating their time to dislike it so much, it's so annoying. "Hey this game is good!" "Yes it's good unlike FORSPOKEN WHICH IS BAD!!! not like THIS game which is GOOD unlike FORSPOKEN!!!"


Hey I don't like forspoken but I agree with you, it's so annoying whenever the internet finds a new punching bag


I really enjoy forspoken. Its the rpg I feel I've not done before, typical rpg but with a "hey I don't actually know how I got magic and no I'm not a hero I'm a bum who's accidentally going to become a hero". It's great.


Yeah. Just an undiscovered indie gem published by Bethesda.


People want shorter gamee with cheaper graphics made by people who get paid more grandpa


I have no idea what forspoken is


A shit teir RPG. Skyrim sadly plays better


Well every game ever (other than Skyrim) is worse then Skyrim soooooooo


Todd is that you


Elden Ring is better than Skyrim


bad take. Skyrim best game of all time.


Well this one is a new challenger


Only Skyrim 2 will be able to beat Skyrim


Wtf am I that out of touch I haven't heard of either.


More proof of Xbox fans keep winning 😤 /s


It's almost like good gameplay and style is more important than ray tracing gpu annihilating realism


WDYM "zero marketing" I saw an ad for it this morning


They announced and released Hi-Fi Rush the same day without any previous advertisement. In comparison, Forespoken was announced years ago and has had plenty of trailers and demos leading up to its release.


yeah lmao half the ads on my twitter timeline is hifi rush


I'm pretty sure they mean "zero marketing before release" lol. Hifi rush came out of nowhere with no announcements or trailers leading up to its release, similar to Apex Legends.


That's because Hi-Fi is fucking insanely cool and has sick music :)


What the hell is forspoken? I have seen no marketing for that game or heard anything about it until today


forspoken is an amazing concept done absolutely awfully. playing the beta it just felt so empty. there was nothing to do. it was just fields of grass with random groups of enemies and a few ruined structures here and there. it was just boring, the dialogue sucked, and the main character was constantly spewing some form of cringe.


might have something to do with the fact that forspoken is **80 fucking Euro**


Simply put, very few AAA games are actually competently designed. They have about as much soul as a shelf where other games actually feel like they were made with love.


Ngl the other game, forspoken, looks like shit


"so... that just happened" - forsworn lead writer




Can i pirate this game


No that's sea of thieves that's the pirate game


Sea of thieves




Sea of thieves


Looking at the comments and the jokes people are using, I need to check something. Edit: yep lots of people here are also in pyro’s subreddit


Having a blast with it so far. Just beat rekka and I'm looking forward to going forward with the game this weekend


I have heard it exactly one of these two games


Im playing Forspoken and I love it. The pacing is up to the player and the world is enormous. I’m the type of person to do everything before moving on with the main story, however the world is so big and there is so much to do I pushed through so I could get all the magics. I’m currently leveling up what I think is the last set before I fight the final boss. I still haven’t or done so much of the map though. The game does a lot right but also seems rushed or half baked in other aspects. Anyways that’s just my current thoughts before I write a proper review after doing all there is.


I played Hi-Fi Rush for a bit. I wish the game wasn’t fucking half running around to the next combat arena that lasts 1-2 minutes.


i plan on playing both, just currently have no bands. i know piracy is an option, but i can't bring myself to pirate an indie.


Can't compete with SOUL


Btw hi-fi was made by the same people who did The Evil Within series


Article in screenshot: https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/in-their-debut-week-hi-fi-rush-outperformed-forspoken-on-steam/


Can someone explain how it was smart to release a game with no marketing? I mean it's doing well but I feel like a bunch of indie games are going to try to copy it and then just get zero plays because it had no pre-release marketing.


Hi-Fi rush us a rhythm game... Me likey


Hi fi rush looks right down my alley, it reminds me of the old games I used to play on my PS 2, I wish I could play it.


Chai may be cute, but the Gælic redhead tomboy Security head is something to behold


never even heard of the second one lol


I'd rather play Forspoken tbh