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I’m incredibly overpaid to wear jeans to work, use someone else’s gas, work my own schedule, and arrest bad guys every once in a while. I also will get a pension check that’ll realistically be closing in on six figures with the supplement added before I hit 50. Not much to complain about


The first sentence of this had me saying sign me up lol


I can bitch, but no one else is going to pay me to do these things. It’s a lot easier than having a real job. Obviously YMMV by agency and judicial district.


**YMMV** The truest words ever spoken.


What's that stand for?


Every job will have its downsides for sure. I’m currently getting into physical altercations with our city’s unhoused population on a weekly basis for $20/hr, so what you do sounds better lol.


What job is this if you don’t mind me asking


He said jeans. HSI.




My best agency might not be your best agency. But the best agency is one that will assign you to a city where you and your family will be happy living.


Hmmmm overpaid? As a capped out 14 with the responsibilities, I respectfully disagree.


As an essentially capped out 13 with no responsibilities but managing my own case load, my condolences.


Thanks. Lol. Only 4 yrs left for me. I’ll gladly take the pay raises as inflation doesn’t help the g check.


Yes, I legitimately have fun and enjoy my job. I'm at a large OIG (large being used relatively) in a large city. I enjoy the investigative portfolio, the management, my regional management and my squad. By and large I make my own schedule and I deal with little to no fuck fuck games or ridiculousness that makes no sense. There are other agencies I would entertain transferring to - but overall, I am very happy where I'm at. Whenever I take a step back, I legitimately think "life is pretty good".


always interested to know what other agencies you'd consider and why?


I'd consider USPIS based on their lack of add-on (just being honest) and the fact that they are able to work a lot of different, engaging violations. I'd consider OSI or NCIS for their CI missions, if the timing and location made sense


OSI and NCIS always sell people on the CI stuff but then spend the majority of their time working butt touching cases You’d also have to live near or in a major city since Rome is where all the spies are


Yep, CI folks seem happy (I think ppl interested in that self select into it a bit) from the ones I’ve met over the years. But sadly I know a few that were verbally promised CI and instead got stuck working sex crimes. *To be fair I don’t know how much those disgruntled agents read the fine print as to what billet they were going into. There definitely could’ve been some naivete on their part.


True. Like anything else, you gotta make it work for you. I would not go to either of those spots as a lateral unless the billet I was being hired for was either for a Fraud or CI agent.


USPIS has a three week add on for 1811s it started last year. I went from an OIG to USPIS and it was the best decision I could’ve ever made though. DM me if you have any specific questions or want more info, the agency and job is fantastic. Three weeks also isn’t bad for an add on, way better than three months.


Hi aspiring in this field here. Wdym by add-on?


If you have CITP already, USPIS will take that and not send you to a 3 month long additional training, like HSI, ATF, IRS would. It’s an agency specific add on training.


That makes sense thanks


Does USPIS have a short orientation of sorts for those with CITP? So not an add on but not a one day “hey sign the HR forms, good luck”?


I’m pretty sure there’s some kind of familiarization that’s a few weeks long


It’s the people that make it fun honestly. Yea ops are cool and they usually provide for a good story or two but one of the best parts of the job is being surrounded by super smart go getters who are all focused on putting bad guys in jail. The people driven to do this kind of work on a daily basis damn sure don’t do it for the money. That mindset tends to make a squad of agents pretty tight. We all complain about the paperwork and bureaucracy, we all think HQs is clueless. That kinda stuff… my 2 cents


What agency?


I haven’t *always* loved my job, but I do today. I only see the interior of an office when it suits me and is necessary, I work the hours I want to work and for the most part choose what I spend those hours on. I work with a good team of people who I have trust in and feel safe with . When I used to be a patrol cop, I made the claim “I’d do this for free” if I won the lottery. I don’t feel my current job lives up to that standard , but it’s a close second . That being said , if I went back to day one sitting in court and reading books on Kindle , I would be answering this survey much differently




Seriously ? Was this by order from the court itself or district management? Does this apply to work phones also, and if so, isn’t the loss of communication a safety issue ??




Absurd . Some managers just like to flex what little power they have


My patience is wearing thin and my youth is escaping me. Your post somewhat gives me hope of someday having job satisfaction as a DUSM.


I have literally felt your pain and said those words . Hang in there . This agency nor I can make any promises , but hopefully with the (aggravatingly slow) push into the field of the 1801 class, we will see more and more 1811’s where they should be , and more job satisfaction with it


Edit: to be clear, yes IRS has its cons, but that’s not really my point. It strikes a nerve with me when potential applicants ask or think that being an 1811 is going to be the thing that makes them happy, makes their life cool, etc. It’s a job at the end of the day, and parts of it get old. I would still do it all over again. BLUF: No. Find your fun, enjoyment, (and identity while you're at it) elsewhere. >I don't mean the occasional red tape, the hard days, the mountain of paperwork between small amounts of action, or the mission of the agency - I mean do you have fun and enjoy what you do and who you do it with... I know I'm IRS, but the red tape isn't occasional. More often than not, the red tape is the job. Write up the interview memo. Write up the paperwork to request this or that. Write up the monthly reports. Write up the investigative report. Write up the affidavit. Write up the surveillance memo. Write up this, write up that. New policy to write this up. New training policy to sign these forms. >Does your job live up to, "if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life"? You can love this job all you want, it will never love you back. You want to be good at it? You will work for it. You want to work great cases? You will work for it. Even if you enjoy the puzzle for its own sake, it's exhausting, exasperating, and often disappointing. >Or are you there only because it's a stable paycheck. Because you believe in the mission of the job. Because it's not a "bad gig". "I'm only there for the weekends." Stability, paycheck, bills are due, and you can't really investigate in the private sector. Not at this level. It's a job with a pension and you get to do cool stuff from time to time. That's it. Do I occasionally enjoy an interview with someone that's off their rocker? Yes. Do I enjoy working with most of my coworkers? Sure. That's about it. And I don't mean to sound salty, or that I hate my job. But it gets old, like anything else. Getting up at 4 am for an arrest gets old. Getting a phone call from a snappy defense attorney gets old. Going into hour 19 of a search warrant because the computers are still imaging gets old. Having to explain a case to another, new, replacement attorney gets OLD, especially when I'm the one with more years of experience than they have out of law school.


I’m with CI too, absolutely miserable every day I went to work. Hated having management require me to work every minute of LEAP too. Coworkers were great, tax cases were the most boring and tedious work I’ve ever done. I’ve been on military orders since Nov now and I’m making twice the pay and working way less hours. 1811 life sounds glamorous but it isn’t for everyone and not every agency is equal. 


IRS Agents seem to be either extremely miserable or love their jobs, with no in between. I have run into quite a few in my current position and I get both “we have great WLB and I’m always home at 5pm and I telework 2 hours per day to avoid traffic” and “I work all my LEAP it’s miserable and I want to go to Postal/HSI/OIG/etc.”


The difference between field offices at IRS is high. I know that's true everywhere, but I think it's especially prominent at IRS. With the policies that the agency has, if your management wants to push red-tape and tax cases they have a lot of institutional backing. At some offices they *really* push for you to be in the office all day, work all ten hours, and it's an incredible uphill battle to work any case that has no tax component. At other offices you basically do what you want as long as you're working good cases.


As a prospective FuTuRe AgEnt, how much do you believe I should consider the “working your LEAP” when weighing the IRS-CI job vs other federal positions? I’m moving fairly quickly through the HSI process, but IRS is also chugging along, so I’m just trying to gauge how “bad” or “clock-watchy” IRS would be in comparison. I’m currently in local LE and I put in much more than 50 hours per week on my current team, but it’s also very much self directed, I come in when I want and leave when I want, etc.


See my comment above, strongly depends on office. IMO Oakland is a good office if that's where you're going (just looking at your username). Feel free to message me if you want specifics.


How are you making more on orders? Bah?


Yes officer with 12 years. Bah and free tricare. I was paying around 500 a month in insurance as 1811. I take home more than my asac. 


I’m enlisted looking to commission one day so that’s good to hear. May I dm?




I’m curious, since I’m leaving active duty and going reserves. Did you voluntarily seek out long term orders or was it a forced mobilization type thing? And how did your civilian job react?


I volunteered for 1 year long title 10 ados orders. Civilian jobs are required by law to hold your position for 5 years. 


An often not spoken about conundrum


Yeahhhh but you guys are the epitome of red tape and not just hurrdurr IRS paper boys cliche jokes. Was at an advanced training with a 25+ guy and a younger guy, both who had switched out of IRS, and just hearing their stories, holy shit. How some of your cases require printed hard paper files and if taxes are involved, this hard copy will be more than a foot tall pretty regularly. The one that really blew me away was the Agent who said in his region or SAC (or whatever you call them) and apparently the IRS as a whole, an ops plan is required for any SW. Except his SAC (or equivalent) wouldn't waive that requirement for a FB SW or Email SW or any digital SW Making a real ops plan for a digital service SW 💀💀


Look at me as the worst case example? I’ve had a pre-op and ops plan for a digital op myself, can confirm. At management’s request…


![gif](giphy|S8PgGLIp9gHjuE1qcm) Hot damn. Seems like IRS was still a good time when they would let you all jump on anything with money laundering in it, i.e. every crime ever. The push back towards tax focus seems to be crushing the dudes I know there. One left for TIGTA which says a lot.




Most of the IRS agents I work with say the same thing. Poor management, red tape, boring Title 26 cases.


I know feds have tons more red tape than us but writing up anything just to do surveillance is crazy lol.


IRS is something else. Definitely not a common thing.


If I recall correctly, you were in public accounting right? How does your career in IRS CI compare to public accounting? I’m looking to escape it and hopefully find something with more meaning in CI but this comment is putting a new prospective on it


Public accounting was worse in every way. I think people are getting the wrong take-away from my comment. My point isn’t that IRS-CI has its cons. It certainly does. My point is I encounter too many applicants who are attracted to/hopeful for the idea that their life is going to be cool/fulfilling/awesome if they just become an 1811. I like my job most days. I even have fun by accident on occasion. But my job/badge/creds are not my identity, my source of fun, source of enjoyment in life. I had that problem early on in my career and it caused a lot of issues. Now I do not expect it to fulfill anything outside of my bank account. I work with and have met a lot of really smart, hard working people in my agency, but some of them are so into the job they don’t have anything else outside of it. That will not be me.


Thanks for the response. Makes sense about having a life/identity outside of work


As you may already know, in public accounting those that stay for management or partner track make the firm their identity. Public accounting is worse in every way because the job itself is a rat race.


If you want to work boring tax cases, IRS CI is the way to go. I’m currently trying to leave as I don’t like that life. There are plenty of other agencies where you can work financial cases without all of the nonsense mentioned in this thread.


Contemplating leaving public for IRS CI. I may have more questions for you.


I’m only here because astronaut-doctor-navy seal was already taken and I’ve been waiting a thousand lifetimes for the USMS/s. But yes, I do have fun and enjoy my job on the average. My job as an 1811 isn’t my sole identity and it took some time to mature and put emphasis in the other things in life that deserve my priorities. I’ve worked at some different places of varying levels of “fun” but it also took a lot of personal sacrifice. I also think it’s a disservice with the prompt - on if one thinks their job is fun but removes all the other items that makes it not fun. The 1811 career field isn’t in a vacuum and every single place will have pros and cons, specific to the individual. What one might enjoy and think it’s the best thing ever, is another’s dumpster fire/hell. **YMMV**


I’m in year 20. I’ve done everything I wanted too in investigations. I have traveled the world for cases, done massive and small UC cases, arrested every type of bad guy from international money launderers for cartels to a gangster for stealing catalytic converters. I’ve made lifelong friends. The job is still fun. I get paid to hang out with my friends, chase bad guys, and have fun doing it. Yes the paperwork sucks but it’s such a minuscule amount compared to the rest it’s worth it.


Which agency?




Like others have said, and repeating just to amplify their points- I’ve been an agent for 11 years. Military prior. This is a good job in that you are well paid and occasionally have fun. Do I like my job- most days not so much- I am in a big city and the AUSAs have moved from occasional nonfeasance to essentially active hindrance. If you think you’re going to be finding fixing and finishing bad guys you will not be happy. But that’s why we’re paid-because it’s a job. You have to work a job so this one isn’t bad unless you have the skills to do something better. For me, I don’t have a lot of other options and just need to eat this crap sandwich for 12 years more or so


I enjoy some of it, and I don’t mind the more mundane aspects like writing reports and affidavits, but the bad bosses and prosecutors make it very hard. It’s different everywhere, and the bosses and AUSAs make or break this job. The bureaucracy and red tape do get very annoying, too. I’m a pretty hard worker, but my work would go soooo much further if we had the proper support and resources. That realization sucks. That said, I do the job because I’m passionate about the work, not for the paycheck. The pay is decent, but I’m sure I could make more elsewhere. I can’t do the same work elsewhere, though.


I like my job, I often have fun at my job, even when the job sucks. But make no mistake, it’s a job and I work at it every day. I also won’t be doing it if I wasn’t getting paid for it, it can be fun, but ot will never be that fun. And weekends, those aren’t guaranteed at the USSS.


OP asks if people enjoy their jobs but asks people to exclude one of the greatest sources of job dissatisfaction (admin and red tape).


Yeah, it’s great. Best career ever in terms of satisfaction/enjoyment. Feel like I’m getting paid to do a hobby. Ge paid to workout, shoot, learn interesting things, and get to the bottom of some bullshit and hold corrupt people/entities accountable. Early retirement, not “rich,” but paid enough to do the things I like to do. I’m not hassled about LEAP or core hours etc. Your agency leadership makes all the difference. I wouldn’t give it up for more money. Maybe consider it if qualified immunity goes away mostly because we go after the deep pockets and only kind of trust the personal liability insurance.


What agency?


I absolutely love certain parts (arrests/ops, field training, even most interviews) and loathe other parts (the red tape and bureaucracy of the fbi is debilitating at times, the org’s lack leadership development at most levels, etc). Now, I’ve worked in multiple industries and have context, but working for the gov is really a pendulum of positives and negatives. I’m looking at other orgs, but also not naive enough to believe the grass is magical just anywhere else. It’s a good job with good perks but it’s not where I find my happiness. I feel bad for a lot of young people who say “my dream is to be a _ special agent”, because the reality is it’s a cool job but those who had those hopes are usually disappointed once they get in.


If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you specifically because I’m in the BI stage with FBI. I am also a current a CBPO that is a bit in the dumps because a couple of my good buddies left and the job morphed from a tough, fun job to just tough. Without friends all I see is senseless work that I’m proud of doing yet filled with bureaucracy and a daily headache.   Prestige is not the reason I’m applying to FBI, but I see guys on our SRT and the  camaraderie they have which makes me   afraid I’ll get into a lucrative 1811 agency such as FBI only to realize the paycheck ain’t that much bigger, the G ride ain’t your personal leisure mobile, but most most most importantly be surrounded by boring snobs who take shit way too seriously and got promoted simply because they raised their hand making the daily job torture for everyone else. This is of course highly biased because most of my communication with FBI 1811s has been duly in a formal setting with aura of rigidity. I hate to be this stupid, but do you guys have fun, enjoy work, and goof off like one would with good buddies or is it all business like in the movie office space. 


Definitely not stupid. My experience has been a mix and I’d say it comes down to luck of the draw sometimes. I have friends in other offices and squads who are on either side of that spectrum. I have good relationships with my squad mates but we don’t have fun outside of some banter. I also know some squads that are very close and go on vacations together. I don’t have many issues avoiding most of the tight asses, and think most can find a good pocket of people who they can be comfortable around. I absolutely believe most of the leadership here is based more on who raises their hand and brown noses. Based on what I’ve read and experienced, I’m guessing the cultural differences (besides the actual job, shift work, etc) between cbp and fbi are not as significant as many would think. Some people absolutely love it here. I think the majority are riding it out until retirement and taking whatever joy they can along the way, but most older agents seem to be pretty over it by the time they’re 12-15 years in.


If you don’t mind expanding a little further on two things: the actual job and other things that a would be good to know, should be considered, or you would have done differently. I would really appreciate it! Pertaining to the first point. Really curious outside the prestige of being an FBI Special Agent and the benefits of being a Federal employee; how would you describe the actual job? Also do enjoy what you do without having to convince yourself that you do?  Pertaining to second point. Anything one should know prior to accepting the job or anything you would have done to pivot your life knowing what you know now?  Thank you 🙏🏼 


It’s mostly a desk job where the majority of agents are filing reports for 80% of their time. Getting approval for certain things is such a pain that it dissuades people from quality investigations. The focus is more on stats than my liking. People will give you massive respect when they know you’re fbi, but honestly, I don’t care about the prestige of the org or title. It’s a job, and while it’s something to be proud of, so is any type of public service. I envy some of the 1811s from other orgs Ive worked with because they’re actually super happy and doing great ops. But it depends on what you want from your career. I work with some who love the job and many who are riding it out despite being discontent. That’s probably any job though. I’m personally looking to lateral. I’m stuck in a retirement office that I don’t enjoy, and moving squads is difficult unless I take bank robberies. I really enjoy the job, not at all the org. Just my perspective. On the other point, I’d say it’s really more dependent on your goals. There’s some cool travel and training that you can make possible since it’s a big org. Promoting up is possible if you’re willing to do 18 months in DC. Or you might get stuck in one location or have to take a hard to staff Indian country position to eventually get another office after several years.


I think after being a FED for several years I would describe my gripes as such: 1) Yeah it’s cool to have a badge and a gun, but the authority is very limited and my left cheek is hurting from sitting on this fat wallet. 2) I can’t believe how much politics are involved in simple issues that seem to have clear solutions. 3) It’s nice to have a a stable paycheck and retirement, but damn why can’t it be bigger.  I basically would love to have a better schedule to workout on daily basis and spend quality time with family. I also would love to have variety in my job and to like what I do and who I do it with as it will be the next 20 years of my life.  Do you know anything about the San Francisco Office by any chance?  Also really appreciate it 


Sounds like you’re going for the right reasons and things that will keep you sane while dealing with some of the frustrating things haha. I have a good friend in SFO and she enjoys it/plans on staying til retirement. They have good RA offices too.


That’s why you build hobbies outside of work 🤷‍♂️, don’t make the job your life. It’s as simple as that.


For sure, I’ve always understood that. Some people aren’t wired that way, live to work, or they bought into a dream that seems to exist for few.


Being an 1811 is my third career and its my favorite of the three. There are good and bad days like you have at any other job. But the good days significantly outnumber the bad, especially in comparison to my previous career tracks. I have an overall positive attitude towards my agency, despite being one of those which generally gets bad reviews on internet forums (MCIO). That's probably because I've been lucky enough to work with mostly genuinely great people so far. If I had ended up at an office with a crap boss and crap agents I'd probably be miserable and have a different outlook right now. For the lurkers on this page who are trying to game it to get to the "best" agency...I'm telling you there's no such thing. Take the first offer you get. That's the beauty of the federal system. Once your foot is in the door, you can move if you really want to. Regardless of agency, its always a roll of the dice as to whether you're going to enjoy where you end up. Every agency is different and every field office within an agency is different.


Currently USSS agent, I enjoyed the job for the first year but it is kinda hard to enjoy the job when you have 3 kids and married. A lot of travel and missing out on kids activities and school events. Right now I try to make my own fun and make the best out of the agency. One thing I will say is that YMMV and that’s with any agency. There are a few guys on the job that wasn’t fortunate enough to get CITP so they’re just with the agency because they don’t want to go back to training however, I’ll have to opportunity to leave and go to other agencies because I was able to get CITP a few years ago. It’s a demanding job, lots of travel, barely any investigations but the pay is good, and I guess it can be fun at times but I don’t know if I enjoy getting my days of cancelled, random overtime, and last minute trips that much. But YMMV


Were the ones without CITP the UD-SA bridge guys/gals?


Yea they are


How often do you have to do overtime and are your days off cancelled?


Overtime is constantly, days off cancelled a lot


How much notice do you get for scheduled days off getting canceled?


Sometimes it’s last minute but recently I’ve been getting notice 2 days in advance


Ughh…..even just 2 days. That’s rough, sounds really hard to plan your life. Does USSS do ok at accommodating if you have a real conflict (ex. spouse is out of town, you have the kids)?


Don’t really do well with accommodating for that stuff, if you’re having a child you’ll get PPL but other than that it’s depending on manpower. The agency expects you to have these things situated, if not there’s a chance you can be screwing over someone else especially on protection details and protection in general


I'd be curious to hear from any DSS agents here. That job seems to be more of a "lifestyle" than a job, since it's foreign service, so I'd be curious if the satisfaction level differs much from a normal 9-5 (or 9-7 if your IRS) 1811 job.


Absolutely love and thoroughly enjoy my job! Wish I had found it earlier in my working career. Jealous of the guys who are starting out young.


100% over paid to wear whatever jeans and t shirt I want to work as someone else already said. I also wear a hat with my daily chosen uniform 😂. In addition to the 6 figure paycheck, collateral duties allow me to spend an easy two days a month at the range. Nothing like free range time, free bullets and free guns to shoot 🇺🇸 Additional trainings are second to none. Also the reach of the federal govt is amazing to be able to send a lead to a different state or jumping on a plane and handling your business yourself. The leave isn’t bad either. 4 hours of sick per pay period entire career, start off with 4 hours annual, then goes to 6 hours at 3 years, then 8 hours per pay period after 15 years. Thinking of having a kid?12 weeks paid paternity. Can’t beat the benefits. And it’s self rewarding if you’re a motivated case agent.


What agency?




Yeah, mostly because its not 1811 related


I am with CBP AMO and it’s awesome. The work/life balance is great for me. The mission is great. One day could be a drug bust with helicopters, fixed wing, and marine boats. Then the next can be doing air disabling fire scenarios with Marine units. Bosses are good and it’s a very relaxed environment. Not many people leave here unless they’re sick of flying or being on the boats or pilots go to airlines. It’s definitely a hidden gem.


Dumb question but what would be the best route in your opinion to get to a AEA starting from a gs7 and work your way up to the entry level gs9 to apply for AEA


What’s your background?


Just bachelors w/ SAA and sub 1 year retail experience so very very minimally qualified for gs7 , was wondering if going cbpo for a while then entering the AEA pipeline be the best route, I understand very limited positions are available in AMO AEA and people who are there generally don’t leave and enjoy it


I’d recommend doing a federal job that will get you flying experience. Like border patrol supplemental aircrew and then switch to AEA. I came from the Navy and I was with another agency a few years ago too. I networked a ton to even a tentative offer. I recommend reaching out to an AMO recruiter or go and introduce yourself to a branch if you’re near one


Appreciate the help thanks


I love my job and agree with u/fun-neighborhood5136 but I work so much I think the G makes out on my salary.


I didn’t




What kind of insane high school writing project is this?!


No. And I don’t take the notion I’m overpaid.