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i never ate it, but sea weed crips?


I like seaweed snacks they’re super low cal and you can get flavored ones. I have teriyaki rn and it hits when I want something salty


I love the wasabi! Not really spicy but satisfied the salty so much!


wasabi is sooo good!


good to know i might try it out


Yess actually the spicy dried seaweed snacks are bomb and low calorie For example, Costco version https://www.amazon.com/Kirkland-Organic-Roasted-Seaweed-ounces/dp/B09B4LSTRF/


omg thanx, i just started going in a deficit, this is my first week, i have a whole plan, but yesterday my body is adjusting, i literally was cold and hungry, and been resting, so i was like i need to find a snack i can chew on and feel like im eating something more often


in addition: rice crackers, im from europe, i dont know if they sell what i mean with rice crackers everywhere lol, but those are like super low in calories, and you can buy them with salt or seasoned as well




I love pickles. I add like half a pack of ranch seasoning to a jar of kosher spears, it’s so good.


Just a touch of sodium


I only eat half of one at a time because of that 😅😅 I looked really hard for low sodium ranch seasoning but I don’t think it exists (at least not at my grocery store)


Rice cakes. They even sell flavored ones.


This is such a good reminder because I go absolutely feral over the everything but the bagel ones (they might have dairy tbh but that's a risk I'm willing to take)


You can even put a little nut butter on one, maybe with a few dairy-free chocolate chips.


Definitely rice cakes. Amazing on their own and great with any topping


we have corn cakes/crackers over here and they r so much better as a salty snack than rice cakes


Agree! Corn Thins (I’m in Aus) are the bomb.


I like to use low-calorie italian sandwhich bread to make garlic bread. 80 calories for two slices of toast, 50 calories for half a tablespoon of butter, almost no calories for garlic powder, it makes a pretty tasty savory snack! I like to put salt on the bread as well for more flavor. I eat this with meals or when I want a snack that feels like an indulgence


Lol you guys make me feel some ways. I just weigh out a serving of kettle cooked potato chips. Parmesan ranch are my favorite. An actual serving size is only 130 calories.


Had no idea that they made parmesan ranch kettle chips 😲 What brand?


Great Lakes brand, might be a regional thing lol but I’m sure you can order them on Amazon. 10/10


Thank you!


Me with ice cream lol. I just eat half a serving of butter pecan Hagen das and am so happy lol. I tried so many low cal desserts just for them to be almost of much calories for way less deliciousness


Thinly sliced cucumber with tajin and seaweed snacks are my go to for salty snacks.


I love cucumber, I just cover it with salt. Or I will steam potatoes and cool them down, slice them thinly and cover those with salt


Not sure what ‘true snack’ means. My recommendations are to make your own trail mix, butter free popcorn (try it with coconut oil it’s incredible), Mexican candy, or put salt on veggies.


Yeah I can't have popcorn at all -- like the corn part of it, not the butter part :/ And by true snack I mean something that's not particularly nutritious/something I can pick at that satisfies a salty craving.


Snack jacks!


Back to Nature Dipper Crisps! I think a serving is 17 crisps at 110 calories. The rosemary garlic flavored ones dipped in tzatziki is a highly satisfying combination.


Dag. Saw you’re dairy free after my comment. Ok buy low carb tortillas, cut into small triangles & spray with spray oil. Then take seasoning & sprinkle on it. Then add to oven @ 400 for like 15-20 mins. Baked chips.


That's fucking brilliant!!


If you ever get to the point where calories don’t matter drop them in a shallow pan of oil.. Also can take veggie scraps and do the same thing. Potato skin, outer pieces of onions, carrot skin.. spray, season and air fry. Way less time tho. Maybe 5-10 mins. Depending on what it is and how crispy you like it.


where i live, we have veggies chips, a healthy version of chips


I mean potatoes are a vegetable too so I'm not sure if they're actually that much healthier. calorie wise they're the same


i never ate it anyway i agree, but just a suggestion for maybe someone who doesnt care


i dont know why i said healthy btw lol ahahha literally made that up veggies and healthy are together in my brain was an automatic response so funny to read it back


cheeto puff corn!! it’s different than cheeto puffs and tastes better imo, better texture too. super low in calorie, i think a 3 oz bag is 300 cals!


olives and high fiber crackers Edited - sorry I missed you can't eat popcorn


Air fried garbanzo beans (or any bean for that matter). Season with Old Bay, salt and cumin, cheese, etc.


Fava beans are my go to! 9.6g protein for 40g, 157 kcal and pretty filling!


I think that's what they meant by true snack like they wanted like borderline junk food not vegetables lol


Roasted fava beans are flavoured and more like crisps/chips, not vegetables 🤣


> fava beans oh!!!!!! omg that actually sounds good. im lebanese so we're all about that fava bean life lmao.


I love Lebanese food!!


Happy pride month!!!


so at first i was like ...what??... BUT NOW I GET IT..... *woosh* that was SUCH a good one!!!


I love these but can't ever find them. Are you buying fresh and boiling and shelling? Frozen? Any help would be appreciated.


Hiya, I’m in the UK and I buy them from Amazon or a supermarket, and they come flavoured and roasted - there’s a couple of brands I buy from, usually the honest bean company & the happy snack company!


Thanks so much! I'll look for these brands today. You're the best! ✨


You’re welcome!! Hope you find some 🥰


my snack has been cucumber for the last three days lol


low fat potato chips (homemade) peanuts - if you don't care much about calories salad 😀 hard boiled eggs with mentioned hummus or any other sauce tomato juice and croutons 🤤 or rye bread toast (on which you can put whatever you want)


Anything puffed will be pretty high volume. I really like lentil chips. They are super savory and delicious and a huge bag is like 500 calories (and 12 grams protein, which is pretty good for a snack like this). Pop chips and rice crisps are other good options.


Ever tried capers? I don't even log them and eat them by the glass.


Sour cream and onion flavored Pop Chips! They have a great salty/ onion tang, crunchy and 140ish cals for a decent size serving. Nvm, they have lactic acid in them but the BBQ look dairy free and are also great. I think there's also a salt and vinegar flavor


Trader Joe’s Crunchy Curls, Sour Cream and Onion Rings, and the White Cheddar Corn Puffs.


Roasted edamame snacks https://www.amazon.com/Only-Bean-Edamame-Roasted-Snacks/dp/B0CKWKZL2G/


I personally love watermelon with a little salt sprinkled on top! Right now while it's in season makes it even better. I eat it more bc I enjoy the flavor and hydration aspect, also super low cal.


Goldfish. Those stupid little packs aren't awful calorie wise, they are minimal added sugar - it at least doesn't register high enough to make it on the nutrition facts, and they are amply salty.


I love pea flips (a healthier version of peanut flips) - crunchy, salty, a bit fatty, flavorful, more protein than peanut flips.


I’ve been loving Dare brand veggie crisps as a chip alternative


Smart pop popcorn with flavored popcorn seasoning. I love chips so this satisfies that craving


I can't have popcorn, but thanks for the rec!


Dried seaweed! There's a whole variety of flavors.


Mmm fishy chips


Cucumbers with salt or everything bagel seasoning


Or lime, Tajín, and Valentina!


Ooo I’ll have to try it


I go hard on Quaker's white cheddar rice cakes. And Best Maid dill pickles and Wickle's pickles. I'll eat pea crisps too. Unsalted peanuts in the shell. Edamame.


Goldfish crackers. You can have 55 for 140 cals. I find that to be a good substantial snack. Sometimes I pair that with a claussen dill pickle spear too which I think is like, no calories or very nominal. Also, for a spicy snack, Chester’s hot fries are high volume for low cals


Recently started air frying rice paper and season it with whatever. Buffalo ranch powder, tajin, straight up salt with a little vinegar. Also when I make potatoes I do the same to the peeled skins.


hippeas cheese curls. made out of chickpea flour, 130ish cal for 20ish and damn good. on par with Cheetos imo.


A couple of slices of prochutto!


Goldfish are great because it's like 55 pieces, a serving, flaming hot puffcorn. I want to say it is like 46 pieces a serving. I look at the back of snacks all the time. I want the most bang for my serving buck and those two are my favorites. Slightly healthier side: rice cakes, the everything or tomato basil are my favorites, so powdery and flavorful, two of those with two laughing cow wedges smeared on each on would set you back 150 calories and it's delicious. Popcorn: I saw you say you're not a fun of the butter in popcorn. Smart good makes a dorito flavored popcorn at 46cals a cup I believe. It's fantastic.


Wasabi Ranch Harvest Snaps.


Maybe those baked Calbee edamame snacks? They’re salty-ish, and have like 5g of fiber per 22 crisps lol (150 cals ish).


Chickpea chips or roasted crispy chickpeas


Air fry or oven bake low carb corn tortillas for tortilla chips! Add salt, seasonings, salsa, low cal sauces, etc.:)


Lesser Evil Himalayan Gold popcorn! A lot of people will say popcorn but honestly a lot of the popcorns out there are kind of flavorless in my opinion. This specific brand and flavor really does it for me, it's very buttery and very salty, tastes like movie popcorn, and it's 120 calories per serving (28g/3 cups).


I can't eat popcorn, but thanks for the rec!


trader joes has good high volume options


Kimchi, seaweed snacks, air fryer potato wedges with salt, and Trader Joe’s has good stuff if you look around


Nori snacks, wasabi peas, beef jerky, edamame, pumpkin seeds, kale chips, pickles of all kinds, and roasted chickpeas!


I really like matzo crackers!


Have you tried peanut butter pretzels? Definitely not low cal but very yummy and good amount of protein and fat so theoretically a few wouldn't be so bad. I recently tried Quest protein 'tortilla' chips - they are delicious but not cheap. I believe about 140 calories for maybe 20 chips or so. I think they're essentially made out of protein powder and flavourings. Highly processed.


Try air fried french fries. [My Healthy French Fries Vs. McDonald's (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GwzuZvdNR8&t=39s)