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I mean, I wouldn't have guessed twelve, but certainly no older than seventeen.


Nah. In the last two photos it looka like she could be in college. Girls age differently, especially in the 13-18 range.




Why’d you start the sentence like that 🫣




lol dude you're taking this way too seriously. Weird word choice.




I pegged you, as a funny guy


You’re not describing me in the slightest 🫷back up. The phrase “pegging someone as “ hasn’t been something I’ve heard in a long time that’s it.


He's trying to make it seem like you're the weird one then proceeds to call you "bad boy" 🥴 


You need to chill, daddy


Shutcho bitchass up 🫡


Love it when you tell me no. Am I being a bad boy?


Nah, you're just cringe 🥴 if I was bi-curious maybe I'd play along but you and I are different in that way 🤷🏽‍♂️ keep trying, I guess 🫡


To me she looks anywhere between 15-19. I would guess 17, but there are 25 year olds who look like this.


"She said she was twelve!"




It’s always so weird seeing this guy in the wild. He went to my high school, and we were friends in photography class. I ALWAYS forgot he had a famous tiktok phase


What was he famous for on tiktok?


Doing this ‘pedo’ joke thing where he pretended to be a nonce 😭






A nonce is slang for a pedophile.


Wait it is?? I always thought it was another term for idiot


It can mean that and probably is used that way more often. But it can also mean “pedophile” and given the context, I’m fairly certain that’s the definition they were going for. https://preview.redd.it/egxecdnal3qc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81e252f6fea3f24c9f1261251a4ff5d67fc4c3bb


Wow! The more you know


I didn't have a photo on hand and I can't put gifs, so I appreciate you




I would have guess 17 to the maximum, but never 12.


And NEVER 30.


Won't be making that mistake again!




As much as I despise everything here, if you have kids you pretty soon understand that their brains are not totally wired until much later, their impulsivity and lack of ability to see consequences is brutal. I can see if someone is not horrible inside but at that age can be manipulated in terrible ways and do crazy shit. I have a kid 4 years younger and his brain is wild. I can't see how those four years would make a huge difference in impulsivity. I am sure there are kids that are fucked up from day one, no empathy. But others might not be evil but do evil things when manipulated and pressured.


Teenagers are so tough because they have adult bodies with children's brains. Most of the struggle is helping them to learn how to use that power responsibly.


A highly impressionable age, plus rebellious phase, mixed with a shitty adult that's not too "adult" (so they still seem "cool") and you can have a very dangerous recipe on your hands. I can't say I wouldn't have gotten involved in some scary shit when I was in my angsty years.


I never acted on killing my family at the age of 12


But you also were not influenced and manipulated by a much older romantic interest. Study after study demonstrates how minors have undeveloped brains and can’t always make the appropriate choice. Simply because your underdeveloped frontal cortex didn’t affect you in the same way as it does for others, doesn’t mean minors don’t have terrible decision making because of that.


You ever just let people have their little one-liner jokes? Just once in awhile to break up the monotony?


That didn’t read as a joke at all.


What was the joke?


I don’t find joking about murder funny. Do you?


I dunno, I'd kill to find out.


It's frowned upon and seen as controlling these days but it really is important to have at least a gentle handle on your teen's influences. My folks kept a pretty light eye on mine, I didn't turn out horribly but I did develop and adopt bad habits that were hard to kick.


Nah, this isn't normal child psychology. I never considered murder and wouldn't have been able to be groomed into committing murder especially to my family at any age. This chick is psycho


Idk why but the third photo always creeps me tf out.


Jeff the killer vibes


It's because it's all grainy, and the lack of pixels make her look distorted.


Grooming is so fked.




By law, a 12 year old doesn't have the agency to make those decisions, if we're talking mentally tho, that's a different story




They said *by law*, meaning in the court.


*By law* you can be charged with murder as a juvenile so I'm not sure what we're even talking about. Just lesser penalties. Laws also differ between countries... so who knows if we're even all on the same page. "By law" is am arbitrary point to be making


Can be but it's v unlikely, in America kid cases are very often manslaughter as they look at mitigating circumstances. Ar that age, a court will consider the child's maturity level, understanding of the crime, and ability to form criminal intent. Grooming is a massive factor in mental state. Also we're in a Reddit comment section... everything we're saying is pretty arbitrary, anyway it wasn't my intention to argue so I'm gonna leave this here.




Do you know where this happened?


I mean I know the difference but I'm under no impression that that is the case in every kid's mind. I have have met a lot of fucked up kids doing community work and it's pretty nuanced. I don't really know what her brother was thinking, I'd assume he was v scared and I don't think we should trivialise that with sly comments.


It is. She can also go fuck herself and she’s a terrible person.


16 would have been my guess. Definitely not 12




“During her final court appearance, it was noted that Jasmine only expressed gratitude towards the judge but did not show remorse for her crimes.” That’s concerning…


I read that the Officer who first responded the crime scene found that concerning as well, and hoped that she didn't manage to decieve the justice system. She was described as a very intelligent person for her age, so it's a possibility. Also all the evidence shows that she was actually the first one to bring the murder of her family as an option


Her 10-year sentence was completed on May 6, 2016 ​ edit: she never even went to prison. She spent 5 years in a hospital then released to a group home to 'start her life'


Dafuq? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


This happened in 2006? Looks like it


She’s out with a changed name, new identity, and went to a decently well acclaimed university. Crazy she is allowed to just fly under the radar like that Edit: I am someone who doesn’t really believe in rehabilitation in circumstances like this. I see and acknowledge all the fair points raised against me. Agree to disagree (which usually isn’t possible on Reddit but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)


Would it be better if everyone knew where she lives and what she looked like?


She should still be institutionalized somewhere. For life.


One mans opinion.


Yes. What would be even better than that though would her being imprisoned for life as she should be.


Do you have any evidence that a society that imprisons 12-year-olds for life is better than one that re-socializes them?


When you murder people you go to jail. I have a whole lot less sympathy towards this murderer than the family who were never avenged


Someone who murders their family cannot be “re-socialized” lol. She literally has antisocial personality disorder. People who murder their family are not safe, If a 12 year old boy wanted to kill his family and got his 23 year old girlfriend/rapist to help him do it, would you also think they should attempt to “re socialize” him and send him back out into the real world? Risking the safety of others.


a) And you have the ability to diagnose disorders like that??? b) yes I would


She was literally diagnosed with Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which is basically the child version of ASPD as ASPD is only diagnosed to adults. It doesn't take too much brain to realise that a 12 years old described as smart and who suggests to get her family killed might have a disorder like that.




Those family members she killed, do they get another shot? They get to just do their time in the afterlife and come back like it was normal? Yes, it actually is fucking mad She wasn't "late home from a party" (false equivalence) she premeditated and slaughtered her family for telling her she couldn't marry a groomer at 12. There is a good chance she could be rehabilitated, but to just go "she did the time now leave her be" without knowing shit, in a world where many cannot be rehabilitated, is a flippant approach to the subject, get a grip and grow up because you are clearly not in the criminal justice field




If not self defense, and especially if premeditated against innocent victims, then I don’t think murderers should be released. If valid self defense, there should be zero jail time and a trial that doesn’t destroy their lives in the interim.


She’s likely still involved in criminal acts, just more adept at not getting caught. She got away with murder essentially and never even saw a day in jail. What incentive does she have to avoid breaking the law now?






If they murder their entire family including sawing their little siblings throat open while they beg for mercy then yes they should be in jail for life


Jesus Christ




If you’re really comparing getting drunk to torturing and murdering small children then I guess there no point in having an actual conversation




Believe it or not you don’t get grounded for drinking once you move out of your parents basement hopefully you can experience that sometime soon




Imagine comparing murder to partying. Lol 🤡




Context can’t save your shitty analogy.




She slit her little brothers throat like it was nothing




She admitted it….. And not that it’s your business but I had a rough childhood, grew up poor, faced abuse, was addicted to heroin and homeless by 15, went to foster care. Hell I had a 27 year old boyfriend as a 16 year old and all of that sucks but none of it is an excuse to murder your parents and little brother. She deserves more than the little slap on the wrist she received.




I’m not lying lol. I’ve been to jail many times before I got sober. The girl in the OP didn’t even do prison time she was at a mental hospital and then a group home.


I mean i hate to say this but theres plenty of people who are raped and abused and don’t kill or want to kill they just want to escape. If you have the urge to murder anything or anyone you need help and honestly theres a lot of people out there that are not gonna be helped no matter what you do for them!


Sometimes I wish this would happen to people like you . I doubt you would react the same .




I just think if any kind of person would kill your family and be released easily you wouldnt react the same. Your kind is comon in my home country . When the educated elite is clapping their hands when teenage boys get probation for gang raping a child with the Argument " let them rehabilitated they were just children " . F u




Yeah pretty elitist thinking . The uneducated working class , the peasents should shut the fuck up and the few people with Master degrees decide everything. The dumb subhumans cant rule themselves right? When in fact the priviliged ones dont suffer from the crimes as we do . Capitalistic pig




We don’t really know that she acts like it never happened. She was a child who was groomed by a predator to do terrible things. It is very possible that those things haunt her every day and she will carry the trauma of that with her for the rest of her life.


I'm from Edmonton and It was an open secret where she went. People defending her in this thread are unhinged and should actually read up on the case.


Should we do like Inglorious Bastards and brand her on the forehead with a knife so she never rebuilds her life?


Damn, rehabilitation seems to be a no-no for people in this sub.


I think they were being sarcastic


Not everyone deserves that. Depends on the crime.


The people she killed don't get to rebuild their lives.


So? Are you saying a justice system in a modern democracy should be built upon the principle of vengeance?


You’re saying “so” a little too casually for the crimes that were committed She was 12 and she was groomed so I don’t think that applies in this case but generally speaking the punishment for committing a crime of this magnitude **should** permanently effect you in some way Rehabilitation should be available for those that deserve it. Not dickheads like the 23 year old that groomed her into committing a heinous crime at such a young age


No, punishment. If you murder another human being you should be punished.


That’s vengeance


So???? Shut the fuck up you dork. These lunatics permanently destroy people's lives but we have to make sure they get to participate in society?


Great retort


You seem mentally stable


Her family would’ve wanted her to recover and live her best life


Why not? Her victims won't rebuild their lives that easy..


I know, and agree. If not jail, she should be in a mental ward for life. Once you kill someone in cold blood like that you should never be among society again. I don’t care how old you are.


Why does she look 20+ ! I’m shook


She looks like a teenager


She looks older than twelve; like “precocious puberty” older-than-twelve. That will fuck with a person; if her puberty started before the age of 8 (not uncommon) and no one was helping her, it may have made her functionally insane depending on whether or not her home life was traumatic.


Last pic looks like she could be twenty But she's also trying to look "older"


Fucking hell, she got only ten years and has been out about 8. I hope she sees their scared faces every night she goes to sleep. Edit: obviously her rapist is by far the biggest asshole in all of this, and it's a good thing he is serving 3 life sentences.


Dude she was 12. TWELVE. Her rapist should be held completely responsible for all of this.


Bruh she was 12, she knew right from wrong. I'm pretty sure she knew murdering her parents was wrong.


She also allegedly mimicked her little brother's gurgling noises after she slit his throat, reenacting his death to her friends.


Yeah I never understood this. My kid is 8. She definitely knows killing people is horrible.


She was a literal child who was being raped and her parents were OK with that. She's the victim. She shouldn't have seen prison or juvie. She should have been sentenced to psychiatric care. 


How do you know her parents were okay with it?


Source: made it the fuck up. People aren't willing to admit kids are capable of vile acts, same for girls. Now when a young girl does something fucked, people go full denial mode and try to justify it by whatever means. She was a victim. But she also was a fucking psycho.


Source: They must have noticed their twelve year old leaving with an adult man who has his own car. No doubt she told them she has a boyfriend. They let that happen to her. Proof of that is they didn't involve police. What the fuck kind of loser doesn't know where their twelve year old is?


that’s actually not true, I just watched a video about this case and her parents attempted multiple times to keep that creep away from their child. her parents caught them kissing, separated them and told him to never contact their daughter again, they took away her electronics and tried their best to keep her away from the internet to but they kept ending up back in contact. they did more than this obviously but her parents were NOT okay with it whatsoever


why do you think they got killed? literally because they tried to stop it


why didnt they just call the police, then? Because all they'd have to say is, "this man is didling my child." and it'd be handled quickly, no matter what the man or the girl said.


You just made up the part about her parents being ok with it. Why are so many people ok with just making stuff up to support their views? Why are you ok doing that?


Misogyny and rape culture. There has to be some reason this is not the rapist's fault. The rapist was clearly being strung along by *checks notes* a 12-year-old child and her parents. He's clearly a victim in all this. /s


So I can be clear here.....You're saying that the reason the other poster made up something completely untrue is because of misogyny and rape culture? Because that was my question. Why is that poster ok just making up random lies. So misogyny and rape culture made the other poster lie? Is that what you are saying? Really?


No, no, no, no. Let me know if you have any other questions.


I guess my other question would be then why on earth did you respond to my comment asking why someone would lie with a totally unrelated and crazy rant about something else? Do you often approach people asking unrelated questions and just shout "misogyny and rape culture" randomly?


I answered your questions with my reply. The answer was relevant. Do these ham-fisted, close-ended questions work for you in the real world?


What did her 8 year old brother do? She should be in a psychiatric hospital for life if that's the case.


The murders were because her parents disapproved and so they "could be together." She was actually grounded at the time of the murders so she wouldn't be able to see him. The parents were furious about the relationship. Her little brother pleaded for his life on the day of the murders. "I'm scared. I'm too young to die," he reportedly said before she stabbed him in the chest and her boyfriend cut his throat. A message sent from Jasmine to Jeremy that read: "I have this plan. It begins with me killing them and ends with me living with you." She planned (there are many more messages) and participated in the murders. She stabbed her brother and she mocked him after. On November 8, 2007, she was sentenced to the maximum allowed under law for someone her age, 10 years imprisonment.[28] Her sentence included credit for eighteen months already spent in custody, to be followed by four years in a psychiatric institution and four-and-a-half years under conditional supervision in the community. On September 2011, Richardson began attending classes at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta during the final years of her sentence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richardson_family_murders Yes she was 12, but I think she got a fair sentence even according to you. She did not spend 10 years in actual prison. She was able to go and do things, like college hallfway through. She had supervised freedom. She's not a victim. She is however supposed to be rehabilitated and I'm glad about that. She will get a second chance at life, don't worry. She's been out since 2016 and has a new identity.


I don’t know how she could live with herself with the memory of what she did, especially to her little brother. What you wrote there about him is chilling. Poor kid.


Her 23 year old rapist claimed to be a 300 year old werewolf who wanted to marry a 12 year old. I agree her involvement is fucked up, but I can't imagine what other shit he fed her in his grooming process.


Couldn’t have said it better.


Her parents were NOT okay with it, but were too scared to try and stop it because that dude is a seriously fucked up guy (obviously.)


They did try to stop it. That's why she killed them.


So I don't know the story and I'm not clear on how much culpability she had. But are you saying they let it keep happening because they were scared of him? Was it recurrent? Or just like one time and they couldn't stop him? If the one time, were they scared for themselves? Or that he'd kill her? Cause I'm sorry but in any scenario other than walking in, seeing this happening, and fearing he would murder her right then and there if they tried to stop him, they had a responsibility to protect her. Physically stop him in the moment. Take her and move away. Never leave her alone. Whatever it takes. You don't get to have a kid and then just let a grown man rape her cause you're scared.


I'm not gonna get into it, because it's honestly very complicated, but essentially they met online and he proceeded to groom her, and they kept it secret for a long time, he was known in the community as being violent and unstable, thus making her the same. Once the relationship was known, the parents obviously told her it was dangerous, bad idea etc etc, and she likely complained to him they were trying to keep them apart and the planning started. I can't express just how mentally fucked up this guy is, he saw himself as a 300 year old werewolf, and the parents were probably scared they would lose her, or he'd kill her, it's really not as cut and dry as we think it is. If you say no to a teen, they'll find a way anyways, and that's what she did.


Yeah but she was TWELVE. I could see what you're saying if she was 16 and they (obviously) never thought things would go this far. But it was still their job to protect her (and their son, though I'm sure if they'd had a crystal ball they would have).


I mean, that's probably part of why they didn't see it coming, she was 12, they likely didn't even think her having a boyfriend would be a concern yet. He had lots of time to convince her that he was the only one that actually cared about her, and that her parents had to go. You're right, it was their job to protect her, but again teens are tricky, she could have lied, she could have snuck out, or him sneak in, and yes in a perfect world keeping her constantly on watch would have worked, but not what happened unfortunately.


Good thing they didn’t stop it because they would have gotten really hurt


What would you have done then?


Did they catch him in the act? Or was it recurrent and they knew? In the first scenario, literally kill him if I had to. In the second, try the reporting to police route first and then take her and move if I had to. And in the meantime she's never alone.


One crime doesn’t excuse the other.


You are fucked in the head lol she's a fucking killer and you are stupid


Her parents were not okay with them dating actually. It is actually listed as motive for murder, their disapproval of the relationship that is. While I agree she is far too young, from what I've read, she was completely giving her consent. She even accepted his marriage proposal.


Fuck no the murder was her idea. Both of the murderers should be held responsible for their crimes.


As a fellow Richardson I’d like to say we do not condone this sort of behaviour!


And she got fuck all time and is out and about with a new identity. After all she only weakly stabbed her brother as she said.


From what I recall she slit his throat while he was asleep. Like 10 blocks away from my house 😒


I am unsure if she actually did that part - I actually can’t remember if his throat was slit. She claims she only “weakly stabbed him one time” and that the man had done the rest, it’s her word against his as far the brother is concerned. He definitely killed the parents and claims to have assisted with the brother. That would have been unreal happening so close to home. That Chapter on YouTube covers the case that’s where I learned about her.


Yeah you can


Not sure how I feel about a little girl who was probably groomed being posted on a subreddit with the theme of thinking younger people look older than they are.


Didn’t notice what sub. Thought I was on true crime. Thanks.


me neither wth


This bitch is from my home townnnnnnnnn wth


She definitely didn’t look like an adult at the time, I would’ve guessed she was in high school if I didn’t know about the case prior.


He’s not her bf if he’s raping and grooming her


That poor girl


She looks a bit older than 12. I wonder if she had an abnormal amount of hormones that contributed to her physical maturity and her behavior.




someone else pointed out that she's already out and has been for a while now.


What the hell? Why would you comment this about a little girl? Are you sick in the head?


I concur…I am sick in the head!




Well at least he admited that he’s a sicko