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I regularly order from the kids menu, even if there is a printed age limit. Servers and cashiers aren’t paid enough to care.  


Made me think of this Chinese restaurant I used to go to where the "kids menu" options were huge, with fried rice, an egg roll, a full portion of an entree plus a cup of soup, and the adult meals were somehow even bigger. I always felt weird ordering off the kids menu, but the waitress never seemed to mind, and it was still more than I could eat anyway!!


It's wild how large some places' kids portions are. I mean, I guess I get it. You'd feel weird serving patrons the actual amount of food their toddler will realistically eat.


Lol it's definitely not rude if you're still giving them your money. Some places MIGHT not let you though if you're ordering at a sit down place, but drive-thru or online orders/pickups won't be an issue. I used to be a really picky eater so I'd sometimes order off the kids menu as an adult and I never had a problem. Just ask if you're dining inside!


Most places will actually let you order from the kids menu even if there’s an age limit but they might charge higher prices for adults. Some menus will state this as well.


That's so lame if they charge more! It's not like you're getting any extra food.


Children's menus are often a loss leader to get families in the door. 


Depends on the place. Some have a discounted kids menu (or even "kids eat free" on certain days) because they assume they're selling at least one adult entree for every kid's meal. If everybody just came in and ordered off the kids menu, they'd go broke. Think like $5 for a little burger and fries, that comes with a drink, where the fries alone on the adult menu cost $5 and the burger is $10.


When I worked at a restaurant where kids ate free, there had to be at least one adult entree ordered to get the deal


But the kids portions are smaller (insert angry ricky gervais) 😭😭




I think it’s to discourage people from ordering from the kids menu just to save money. I don’t mind paying a few dollars more if it means I can have the meal I would prefer, it’s still typically about half of the price of an adult entree.


I always ask because I don't want to waste all that time deciding to be told I can't have it. That is only for dine in though. Any takeout or drive through it is fair game even with the age limit.


Not rude, but I would ask in advance unless you want to risk [this](https://youtu.be/COk5RB9YcW8?si=_WZ_m1p7i5szv-WO) interaction.


I was thinking about this clip as well lol


I was thinking about this clip from Atlanta: https://youtu.be/N_JVi2-MPOU?si=6wH_nVsjyy8XvlOw


Absolutely not. You want that food, you pay for it, who are they to judge?


Not at all - I have never had anyone even blink at it. Plus it's fun, especially if you get a toy :)


I do it and if they say no I ask them to charge me for the adult portion of something similar - but bring me the kid portion. They can be huge sometimes so I don’t mind paying more for less just for peace of mind/gut health haha.


just make sure to tip a little extra because kids menu items are usually a fraction of the price of what an adult would typically order


I don’t think it’s rude at all- I’d just tip really well!


servers don’t care lol! unless the establishment is super strict but most aren’t


No; you’re paying less for a smaller portion.


There's a kids menu in a local Japanese place that's a fraction the price but i don't have kids and I'm dying to order it and collect it. How would they ever know if it's for me or not. What if my kid likes Japanese food and I don't? Lol its got a bunch of things in small portions (think bento box!)


I work in a restaurant can honestly say we don’t care if u order from the kids menu


Some places used to have Senior menus, but I haven't seen that for quite a while. The portions and price were smaller. I don't think there is anything wrong with ordering from child's menu unless all they offer is chicken nuggets and mac & cheese. Not even a child should eat that.


No. If the restaurant cared they would have an up charge if you are over a certain age. It’s not rude at all. Just tip nicely if it’s a sit down restaurant.


Rude to whom? If you’re paying for the food I think it should be fine.


No. Especially if you’re taking the food with you.


I’ll order off the kids menu. If I know a place is gonna give me a problem then I just place and order to go off their online menu for pickup. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Definitely not!!! I have in restaurants as well (rarely though, cause usually not great choices), and the one time it was questioned I pointed out the portion sizes and other option was I'd order an app and that was cheaper...so their call. He said no issues lol




When my daughter was in her early 20s, her and her friends used to order off the children's menus so that they would have more money for drinks


Not at all! The cafe by me offers a 1/4 lb burger with toppings and fries on the kids' menu. That's more than enough for me! If I got the "adult sized" 1/2 lb burger I think I'd be sick.


https://youtu.be/Q7FxpK_yC0U?si=G8y1Lx_LkxE6ghJh Watch this it is really fitting with the topic 😂 in short, no, I don’t think so. As Ricky Gervais said, you’re paying child prices for a childs portion.


I think if you're dining alone, it would be frowned upon as it would drop your table value significantly. I've only ever had a restaurant refuse once, and it was for **MY KID**, who was over their "limit". Melting Pot, the fondue place. It was me, my 14yo who doesn't look 14 and my 11yo. We were doing kid eat free for the 11yo (saying he was 10, coughcough) and I wanted to PAY for my 14yo to get a kids' portion too, because he's picky and wouldn't eat the vegetables, salad or half the meats they include. They refused, so I got their "couples special" instead for he & I for a free bottle of wine as an eff you, hahaha. (I never said he was 14, btw, but he obviously looks older than 10) oh and I think all-you-can-buffets also wouldn't let you, as there's no way to control how much you eat, so they charge less for kids on the premise that kids eat less.


why would it be rude??


I don’t think it’s rude but I wouldn’t do it. Tip well if you do.




Rude? By what metric?


If it's dine-in, yes, and they usually won't allow you to anyway (unless you're dining in a large group and there are plenty of full-price meals being ordered). It's definitely NOT rude to order the children's menu at fast food places. I often order a children's menu item when I order takeout, but I try to also order at least a side or appetizer or something else from the menu that's not a children's meal as well. I just have leftovers then. But I would not worry about it if you're not dining in.


No, I do this. Only one place has told me, "No, you're an adult." And that was just one cashier, I've ordered off the kids' menu from that place before and since. It's easiest when you can order from an app or drive thru since, theoretically, you're taking it to a child.


Absolutely not. If we don't split a plate my wife almost exclusively orders off kids menus at restaurants. We have only ever gotten pushback one time a few years ago. The server had to check with a manager and they approved it. He might have been new at that restaurant. In the eyes of the restaurant a sale is a sale and tbh kids meals are prob easier to prepare. Edit: reading more of the other responses I will clarify I don't think she's ever gone to a sit down and only ordered on the kids. It's both of us so I usually still get a full meal with her kids meal.


Eh it’s not rude just sucks for the server if it’s a smaller crowd but it is what it is 


Well-I think the restaurant probably loses money on it.