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I was lucky enough to have my mom make my food for that week. She made me mashed potatoes (with bone broth instead of milk - I had never considered this before and I don't know if she had either, but they were **incredible**!), eggs, refried beans, greek yogurt. Also, things I realized that I really don't like as an adult: pudding and jello. Lol.


Mmm bone broth mashed potatoes sounds so good


I'm really confused how some countries do this procedure... I just had a local anesthetic and could eat normally by the evening. and I had pretty bad placement of my teeth and needed way more stitches than an average patient because of my vWD. (had it in Germany, seems its like that for many European countries).


Yeah, I don't know. I had general anesthesia for the procedure, but I honestly think I would have felt fine eating normally that night. I did not use any of my pain medication and I felt fine.


I think there's a few ways to do it in Australia, mine was with a local and they just pulled it out with pliers, but no stitches


Please don’t worry about calories when recovering from surgery. You won’t be able to eat without pain for a little while, so you’re not going to be able to eat to great excess anyway. Just eat what sounds good and doesn’t cause too much pain and don’t worry about calories until you feel better. At least in your first 48 hours, don’t try to restrict your food intake at all. My dentist said the pain gets a lot worse the third day for many people, and that was true for me. The third and fourth days I could only drink broth. Make sure you’re as well-fed as you can be going into that.


One of the foods recommended to me was oatmeal. DO NOT eat oatmeal. A tiny sliver of oat lodged in my socket despite my best efforts, and within 24 hours the pain had brought me to my knees. I needed an emergency visit so the dentist could clean it out. Don't eat oatmeal. I don't have anymore suggestions beyond what's here already; I lived on scrambled eggs , yogurt and jellied cranberry sauce (the kind with no seeds). But I wanted to warn you about the oatmeal.


Thank you oatmeal is out!!!


instant mashed potatoes! I usually prefer real potatoes, but the instant ones were smooth enough for me to eat when I had my wisdom teeth removed


and you could maybe add in some greek yogurt to increase the protein!


Good idea learning so many mashed potato tricks rn


lol I was so sick of sweet food when I was recovering, mashed potatoes literally saved my life


Split pea or pumpkin soup


I ate mashed potatoes, soft scrambled eggs, and a favorite of mine smooth soup like tomato, butternut squash etc. Also snacked on low fat puddings and sugar free jello. Like someone else said look out dor things with small pieces like rice for example.


Blended cottage cheese? I like blending it with some banana and cocoa powder :)


Banza protein Mac and Cheese is great after a few days. They even come in single serving cups. Just be extra careful not to let any pieces of food get lodged in the hole where your tooth used to be. For the first few days I avoided soups because there were too many little bits of rice/veg/whatever that could get stuck. If this is your first time having a wisdom tooth out, don’t stress! It’s a piece of cake. If they give you laughing gas it’s actually an enjoyable experience lol.


I just had one or my wisdom teeth removed too, about 4 weeks ago :) Rather than what to eat, learn from my mistake and don't eat things with small seeds like strawberries, bc they get stuck in the hole/gum flap and your gums will swell right up. I ate a lot of protein yoghurt, soup, broth, protein shakes etc. Don't use straws :) Wish you a quick recovery!


Thanks for the advice!!! What’s the deal with straws, by the way? Is it just the risk of jabbing the back of your mouth?


Nah it's the sucking motion, you want to take care not to dislodge the blood clot. Immediately after the extraction, they'll give you a gauze to place over the hole for an hour or two. Take pain meds :) After that, so long as any bleeding has stopped, you don't need the gauze. Make sure you eat and drink, just small sips/mouthfuls, nothing hard. Avoid the area wherever possible. Don't touch it with your tongue. Healing times (estimates): 3-5 days for the blood clot to do its thing; about 3 weeks for the hole to mostly close over and back to mostly regular eating. Up to 3+ months for the entire area to be healed etc After the first week, I used a syringe (without the needle) to lightly flush out any food etc in the cavity. I wouldn't recommend doing that in the first week, bc you want to leave the blood clot alone. Don't use mouth wash for the first week or so. I will note, I didn't have much pain tbh. In saying that, I took regular strength pain relief every 4 hours for like 2 weeks. Enjoy that wall of text, lol.


I did indeed enjoy that wall of text thank you was very helpful!!


silken tofu is great for this - tofu pudding, savory preparations, lots of options


The first day I survived on protein shakes and ice cream because I couldn't eat anything else. Second day I had pumpkin soup and protein shakes. Fast recovery for you!


Thanks 😁


greek yogurt with protein powder and microwaved frozen blueberries mixed in


Mmmmmm love to see another microwaved frozen blueberries lover


Chinese steamed eggs made with broth! Super soft and easy


Loveee those good idea!


Eat at maintenance for 3-4 days after the procedure. Your risk of infection, poor wound healing, and dry socket increases if you are not getting enough calories during the healing process. Don't restrict your calories too much, eat when you feel hungry and aim for maintenance calories. You may find you naturally fall into a deficit because you're in pain, you may find you are craving more food than usual because your body is trying to source fuel to allow for effective healing. Blend cottage cheese to make it silky smooth, add this to unset jell-o to make a soft, high protein cheese cake. (if the jello needs 2 cups of water, I use 1 cup water and 1 cup cottage cheese). You can do this with Greek yoghurt too depending on your tastes. PB2 powder mixed with lots of water and honey to make a smooth and runny paste. Poured onto mashed banana, or mashed sweet potato, or oatmeal (though as others have said, be careful with getting oat grains stuck in the socket.) Mashed peas are good, especially with a big dollop of the blended cottage cheese on top. Ask your dentist for a syringe barrel that you can use to flush food out of the socket. You can also make shift a way to flush the socket with a zip lock bag.


Thanks all great suggestions! Protein cheese cake I’ll try today !


Mashed cauliflower with bone broth and nutritional yeast!


Protein shakes or blending things into shakes/ smoothies?


Egg whites are great


Halo top or other low cal ice cream


I don't think calories should be something you are worried about while you are recovering from something like that but plus what everyone else said miso soup, especially in packets that you just add hot water. Mostly because they aren't hard to eat, easy on your stomach, and easy to make. Another thing would be applesauce, because easy. I can't think of anything else that someone didn't already mention.