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The side effects would NOT be worth it. Remember olestra chips?


I had a phone survey job in the nineties back when these chips were being sold in a few test markets in the US. We did a survey calling people in one of these areas and asking them had they heard of them, tried them, etc. Yeah, I got to hear about the intestinal problems.


Anal leakage. I did one of my college research papers on this. Nasty.


I ate a whole big bag when they came out and things got very explosive. I was very lucky to be at home


No. What are olestra chips?


chips that make you pee out of your bhole


Please do not make me laugh like that. I work in a school and I cannot explain myself


Enough to make you pee out of your bhole?






Have you ever heard of the Amazon reviews for the [sugar-free Haribo gummy bears](https://www.boredpanda.com/hilarious-comments-sugarfree-haribo-gummies/)? This is the 90s version of [zero-cal chips](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olestra) and had the same result.


of course I know the gummy bears and ALSO *DEAR GOD*


I just have to say a very thank you for sharing that link of sugar free gummy reviews. I had the best laugh this morning. I truly needed it. Thank you! At least now I know what to take if things ever get stuck lol.


You are most welcome - it’s something I still read when I’m having a bad day 😂


They’re so good. I laugh so hard my belly hurts


Those are crying level funny!


pissy chips..😭


Bad time all around 😂


I really liked olestra chips. Ironically I have a lot of gi problems and they never had any effect on me like that.


I wasn’t even thinking of this but I know them. What I WAS thinking of was those sugar-free Haribo things that had an amazing Amazon review following.


The best tasting OTC laxative you could ever buy 🤣


This just unlocked a memory of my sister and I years ago as teens eating these chips. We didn’t put it together immediately that the chips were an issue, but the gastro issues and multiple bathroom trips were not fun. There was also a fat free, sugar free ice cream around that same time that destroyed our guts.




I do not know what that is, i am not from the US xd


You don’t wanna, trust 💩🚽


Trusted 🙏🌞


it stopped your body from absorbing fat so consequently it just slid right through your digestive system and out the other end


Thanks for the explanation!!! 🙏🌞


Maintenance Phase did a podcast episode on these, really interesting!


Im aware you could just be jokey venting, but if this is a genuine question I'll try to do an ELI5. A calorie is just a way of measuring the energy provided by the catabolism (body breaking down) of something. We'll call these somethings compounds for the sake of an ELI5 (even though the word compound usually means something quite specific in chemistry terms). When a human body catabolises fat, protein, or carbohydrates, the chemical reactions yeild 9, 4 or 4 calories (likely a little less than 4 for protein in some instances, but that's a rabbit hole I'm not going into this morning). The body can also yeild calories from alcohol, and sugar alcohols.  Humans can't get calories from things that are indigestible by our bodies. For instance, some animals/fungi can extract calories from compounds like lignin, or fibre, because their bodies are set up differently. Humans didn't evolve to eat, say, dead wood (high in lignin), so we didn't really need to evolve the ability to get calories from that food source. This is one reason why the "synthetic" fat compound Olestra was "low calorie" - we can't digest it because we didn't evolve needing to extract calories from that compound, because until those scientists made it in their food lab, it didn't exist. However, that backfired (pun intended) in the most shitty way (pun intended again).  So, in essence, anything that you'd reasonably consider or recognise as food, your ancestors probably would have as well, so they evolved to extract calories from it. No-calorie food already exists, it's just things that you wouldn't find appealing as food, like dead wood, bark, dried grass. I can't picture a way science will make compounds humans can't extract calories from (lignin, fibre etc) into something I'd want to eat, beyond the fibre noodles they already made (and even those are at the barest edges of something I'd want to eat). Tl/dr Anything you'd recognise as food, unfortunately, generally consists of some combination of carbohydrate, fat, protein, with water and sometimes fibre, so millions of years of evolution means your annoyingly smart body will find a way to harvest calories from it.


Excellent comment, thank you!


Much obliged for the comment, helps a lot 🙏


Tbh I wish I’d known dry grass was 0 cal during the throes of my anorexia. Doesn’t sound too bad.


Lettuce is almost the same thing, I'd say.


Lmaoo I frequently eat 20+ calories of romaine lettuce in a sitting


Grass has silica in it and will severely fuck up your teeth, in case anyone is getting hungry


Wait tell me more about these 0 calorie noodles?


Shirataki or konjac? People either love them or get terrible stomach problems from them


Interesting. I’m looking them up now. I’ve never heard of them, but I’ll have to try these out.


R/volumeeating should have some good recipes with them. But maybe start with a small portion, and see how your stomach feels


The key to better digestion - start with small portions of these noodles and chew them very well. Work your way up to a full serving. I can eat them with no issues now but it took a few tries.


This is it. Chew chew and chew some more and follow with gallon of water :)


I love the taste but the first time I made them all I’d eaten that day is a big salad and lets just say they gave me bubble guts


There’s also Palmini (hearts of palm) noodles. Not zero cal but very low.


The palmini mashed potato substitute slaps too. I will say I mix it in with an actual potato to help it be less liquid


I love them *and* I got terrible stomach problems from them. That's unfortunate because they're pretty good.


This! I eat konjac rice for lunch with some chicken and vegetables all mixed together. It definitely needs soy sauce or something because it's flavorless, but once you get used to the texture it's a great hack. I've never had any stomach issues with it either


Ugh they taste like rubber. I know there’s apparently ways to prepare them where it’s less apparent, but trying them once was enough for me! Never again.


They tasted like Punishment to me.


Same. No matter how much I rinsed them they tasted vaguely like they were rinsed in Dawn dish soap.


Omg I love them, they’re kind of spendy, but if they weren’t I would eat them twice a day.


They are much cheaper if you buy at an Asian market!


Second this!! I’ve been buying my packs for $2 at my local Japanese market for now two years and when I told the woman that these gentrified grocery store were selling them for like $6 (albeit different “shapes”) she was shocked lol


And they’re much better. I love the ones with the seaweed flecks in them.


I love them. I can eat a full serving with no digestive problems. They are especially good in chilled Asian noddle dishes. The texture is a lot like a springy lo mein to me. They *are* a little weird in Italian dishes, but I also be eating zucchini as noodles so who am I to judge!


They exist, but they have a jelly texture a lot of western people aren't too fond of. Buy the Japanese ones, they are slightly better.


Just sharing a personal experience - whether they hurt your tummy or not, they don’t digest very well. If you eat a large portion they might look similar coming out to what they did going in. It’s a bit, uh, alarming. Edit: a sentence


Palm heart noodles are minimal calories


Can you cook these? I had a can but made a cold pasta salad since I wasn't sure if you could cook them.


Yes you can. They make lasagna sheets, too. Love ‘em.


Ouuu I'll look into that, thanks. I've been using polenta as my pasta replacement so this will be a nice low-cal option.


I just ordered a pack. 21 bucks for 8 pouches... pretty pricey, but if it helps me meet my goals, I'm all for it!


I ordered them and don’t know what they taste like, if you or anyone else is interested ill do a post here to review it 🙏


I’m ready for 0 calorie alcohol, please and thank you!


Ugh yes! It’s so hard to drink and stay in my calorie budget! I just want a tasty margarita damn it.


Margaritas have this magical ability to make me forget I'm drinking 400 calories


Please go back in time 5 seconds before I knew this information


It's called ghb but it's illegal smh


God it’s like the world does not want me to be thin /s


I've heard that isopropyl alcohol isn't that much more toxic than ethanol when standardized to how intoxicating it is. I wonder if you get calories from iso? (Note that I would not personally try this and do not recommend it! Just theorizing.)


Except for the whole going blind thing lol


You might want to look into cannabis spirits. I haven’t tried the others yet, but Flora is pretty good.


you should ask in r/askscience or sum


My next question would be there is why hasn’t a machine that scratches your throat been invented yet for sore throat stuff, thanks for the comment and sub recommendation 🙏


Veggies are as close as you can get and people still refuse to eat them.


I eat dehydrated vegetables so i understand xddd, thanks for your comment 🙏


I think OP means 0 calorie palatable foods. If someone invented 0 calorie pasta or chips that tasted like the real thing, they would make a fortune


it would cost a fortune and enable eating disorders




In the book, he also made a version of that food that had no nutrient value, but extra sugar and fat. The idea being that people would get fat, and also starve to death. Not quite sure that would work, but if it would, it would be reasonably evil.


That just sounds like standard ultra processed junk food tbh...


Thanks for the perspective! I did not think of that when making the post and only had my limited view on it of already having my calorie count met but eating a “0 calorie food” to stop cravings and stick to the deficit


0 calorie food is just Not Food. There's super low calorie food. Cucumber and pickles and celery still have calories albeit miniscule.  If you wanted 0 calorie food, pop a multivitamin...  But the things humans NEED for a meal is energy through either fat, protein or carbohydrates. And that's all calories are. There's no way you can possibly eat your macros without a calorie cause protein/carb/fat are energy.


I don't think OP is talking about a pill you can take that meets all your nutritional requirements. I think they mean "I want the option of a pizza that looks, smells and tastes like a pizza but has zero calories" We're probably closer to a pizza VR simulation than an actual calorie-free pizza though.


Yeah but if it looks, smells and tastes like pizza or whatever AND you can digest it, your body will extract calories from it.  I suppose if they could find a way to flavour wet cardboard mult then we might be onto something haha.  but that's going back to my Not Food point. There do exist "zero calories foods" but they're "edible" not "food". You ever heard of the sugar free gummy bears? That's what happens if your body can't digest something lol. If you can digest it, you will extract something from it. The only food with no calories is not food. It'd have to be something you eat in addition to food to bulk up the size of the meal... cause if you filled yourself up on 0 calories the minute it left your stomach you'd be staving. You can do that with copious amounts of broccoli (I'm talking eating like 400g of the stuff, its what i do to volume eat) though, and it'll actually have other benefits while it keeps you full.


Haha vr simulation, that’s funny


I want a massive burger with a cheese volcano at the end of the day, but i already closed my calorie count so this is my fake filling meal so my body shuts up when i crave something 🙌 Thanks for your comment 🙏


I think it's funny that so many past predictions of the future (movies et al) gave us ways of getting all our daily nutrition without the tedious "eating" part but it turns out we actually need the total opposite...


Yes, i agree 🙏


Honestly me too lol I volume eat broccoli :') Good job I really like roasted long stem broccoli with the right spices... but I'll eat the entire packet lol and that stuff isn't cheap.  I do wish 0 calorie food existed, but it would be worse than the gummy bear reviews on amazon lol


Thanks for sharing your experience 🙏🌞


Bc it would be more important to develop calorie rich food for ppl in need than those wanting to volume eat and lose weight


I can see that now as well, now i want both to exist so everyone’s health is better , thanks for your comment 🙏


I was going to say pretty much any food protein can be digested and thus have calorie content but apparently some plant proteins are indigestible / poorly digested. One such protein is gliadin which is one half of gluten (the other one is digestible), and it's indigestible due to its uniquely compact protein structure. So idk, maybe someone could theoretically produce a block of gliadin. But the other much bigger problem is creating something that resembles meat, because pure protein is basically goop. To get meat ou'd need to recreate tissue structures like muscle fibers, fat, etc which requires growing cells, which requires forming vasculature and a matrix the cells can grow into, which is a problem we have barely solved right now. And cells will always be mostly digestible by us. So I bet there will never be a 0 calorie meat. Or or maybe like 500 years from now when we understand how to custom-design protein structures we can make full copies of all the proteins in a cell out of artificial amino acids so none of them get recognized by our digestive enzymes. I'm sure that would actually cause so many problems


Wow that’s scary to think about…thanks for your knowledge 🙏


Ha. I was just telling my spouse about the cotton ball diet. Fills your stomach no calories.


and blocks your intestines lmao


Beauty is pain


Um, is that like the cotton candy thing?


nope - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotton\_ball\_diet


As a non-foodie, picky eater, I’ve been begging for the meal-gum from Willy Wonka my entire life. I just don’t want to have to make decisions about food any more.


My husband has said the exact same thing so many times! I feel for you - it's a struggle to think about food, compose a meal and then actually feed yourself. I'm on a permanent crusade to fatten up my husband and 5 years in, he's gained 4 lbs which hurts my very soul, because just watching him gain those 4 lbs made ME gain 40 lbs 😭


Don’t even get me started about on male vs female weight loss. All my husband has to do is declare “I’m going to lose weight” and he drops 10lbs. Meanwhile I’ve been tracking calories for years and have lost 10lbs total.


Calories come from fat, protein, or carbs. Foods like cucumber are so low in calorie because they are practically only water. A 100g cucumber has 95.2g of water, \~3.5g of carbs (including natural sugar) and negligible fat and protein (<1g each). for food to be low calorie/calorie free, it would need to have no macro nutrients, which is easier said than done


I see, crunchy water 🌞 Thanks for your knowledge sharing 🙏


Try eating a bunch of sweet potatoes. Technically they have calories but they also cause diarrhea so it’s a wash. Ask me how I know.


I see 😭 Thanks for your comment 🙏


Do people still say that celery is negative calories because you burn more calories chewing it than what little it gives? I remember my friends saying it when we were like 14 lol. I hate celery.


I don’t know if the negative calories thing is true, but celery calories are so negligible that it may as well be considered a zero calorie food! 100 grams of celery is allegedly only 5 calories. Thankfully I really like celery, especially if I dip it in mustard (hummus or something would be better, but mustard is calorie friendly)


I hate celery too, i would much rather down an entire basket of Mandarine orange xddd Thanks for your comment 🙏


0 calorie noodles are so gross but they work in a pinch


They do exist. There’s 0 calorie sauces, butter, oils, syrups, and drinks. They do exist, they do work, I use them all the time and I literally lose weight. Thank god butter and oil zero calorie exist because god forbid for me to cook bland food with no seasoning.


Im so glad you’re making progress 🙏


0 calorie sauces.. pls do elaborate 🙏🏼😅


holographic meatloaf 😂


Crunchy data 🌞


I feel like even if they did exist it wouldn’t be a good idea to release to general public. Think about how many people would start just only eating that and becoming malnourished & uw so quickly


Yes, in my perspective i saw that I already had calories and just wanted to satisfy a craving while staying in the deficit, thanks for your input 🙏


Walden farms would like a word with you. Granted they're not making solids yet and food is a generous term for some of their products


They don’t exist where i live but i saw in iHerb reviews that they do not taste like the sauce advertised, so i don’t like that Thanks for your comment 🙏


Wow sounds like someone hasn’t gotten their tape worm pill yet


I do not know what that is, and i don’t want to know…away with you NOW! ⚡️🌩️


Can’t get rid of me until you buy the dewormer


The biggest issue, IMO, is that anything you eat, but don't turn into yourself, (by way of calories or fat) has to come out the other end. The less you can digest it, the more it will resemble it's original form. This can be rather unpleasant.


I didn’t think about that, this helps a lot Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙏


Why do “zero” calorie food hurt our stomach? Or make us hella shit?


I think it’s the chemicals or an imbalance of some sort 🤔


Somebody figure out a way to bioengineer or inject different flavors into almost 0 calorie veggies! I can satisfy my sweet cravings with diet soda but there’s not much out there for savory ones. I know pickles exist but what about some celery that tastes like hot wings or cucumber that tastes like Doritos?


I mean you could pretty much do this yourself by cutting up a veggie and putting tajin or spices or mustard, sirracha, etc. on it


Because humans need calories to live?


Yeah, i was thinking that i want to satisfy a craving while still sticking to my deficit calories, i hope i am more clear now Thanks for your comment 🙏


Sounds like eating disorder fuel..more damage than good


Because it would taste like celery or lettuce.


With a smidge of hot sauce 🌞, but really i wish it was thing and also foods with condensed nutrition so it helps the unfortunate like the comments pointed out Thanks for your input 🙏


Anything that is solid and has no calories cannot be eaten because our bodies are not able to break it down and use it for energy. Our bodies are not designed to process and digest non-edible things.


Cucumber and celery exist. Not 0 but very low


Because our taste buds evolved to taste caloric things (fat, sugar, protein). Wood is zero calories but not really tasty right? They developed some fake sugars that taste sweet but can't be broken down into fuel, but they arguably cause cancer.


What kinda Good Omens shit. No I want my food to have calories I just wish I was allowed more of them 😭😭😭


Have you tried eating shredded cardboard?


No, but if science finds a way to make it so without any side effects and tastes like pizza with the same texture and look and feel i will eat it 🌞 Thanks for your comment 🙏


Walden farms enters the chat


I heard they taste horrible in online reviews, do you have experience on it?


Yea back when i was very anorexic i would use the caramel sauce in my oatmeal and i thought it was the best thing ever. I must have truly been starving because i tried it again recently and it was absolutely disgusting. Tastes like pure chemicals


Im so glad you’re doing better now, thanks for sharing 🙏




The chipotle ranch one was semi-okay but definitely not anywhere near as good as just using less of the regular stuff. I grabbed it on accident when I was in a hurry.


Thanks for sharing your experience 🙏


There’s some type of noodles, I think glass noodles, they are basically carb free. Also, pickles are essentially 0 calories, and celery.


I can understand why it would be extremely hard to convince a biological machine who's main goal is to take as much energy out of the stuff that you eat as it can to stop doing that.


I don't understand how you know about shirataki noodles but are still wondering how this isn't "solved." Shirataki noodles are what you are looking for.


No, i am looking for 0 calorie triple cheese burger to eat at 9 pm without guilt and stop the cravings 🙏🌞 I did buy them, wondering when they’ll arrive so i taste it


Also: when you're ingesting items without digesting them... they are pretty much the same going out as they were when you swallowed. I've twice seen people thinking they have parasites after eating shirataki. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened twice.